True enough, yet gunpowder in a world with no gunpowder is not king, but emperor of the battlefield. It's Cortez and the Aztecs all over again. Fire a salvo and watch them tremble in fear and run away. Shock and awe. Quick victories, minimal losses, swift campaigns. Grudge Thrower is just a more fancy name for a catapult and it won't make the enemy pause. A few cannons and regiments of Thunderers however can crush whole armies in a matter of minutes. I'm not negating the prowess of traditional Dawi artillery, but more modern solutions give us an irreplaceable advantage and we should get them as quickly as possible.
The grudge thrower is more then just a fancy name for a catapult, it's a dawi catapult, with generations of dawi of improving on it's design up to the end times. It's much better then it's historical counterparts, or umgi work. Or atleast that's my understanding.
If we were playing Karl Franz, I would say skip the Trebuches and Catapults, and balista nonsense, and let's get us some bronze cannons and handgunner regiments trained up. But we are playing Dawi, a Dawi crossbow is not ineffective against armour, it's just Thunderers are far better for armour penetration. You cannot shoot through your allys to hit the enemy behind them unless your insane, but quarrellers and rangers can shoot over thunderer regiments with their crossbows.
It's still a better crossbow then human make. And whilst Steelbows exist in Middle Earth, the quality of dawi weapons and armour are still quite extraordinary. I am not saying, let's not make cannons and guns, I am just saying it should not be the priority.
The priority should be making the Dawi artillery we have the resources to make and maintain, that is incredibly effective, and will increase the amount of enemy's the hold can defend against by two the three times per pass, just by having four of the Grudge Throwers stationed on each pass. They completely destroy massed formations of troops, and armour means nothing to them unless it's on a dragon. Moreover, when we get cannons, we can put them on the walls, and move the Grudge Throwers behind the walls, insuring even as the foe scale our walls, stones still fire down on them, so that even when they have taken the walls, stone's still rain down on them, and even when it's raining horrendously, stones still fall on them.
Gunpowder is great, but it's not that great. It does a better job of multiple tactically important and necessary force-projection, but it can wait, and even when we get to using Cannons and guns, Dawi Crossbows and Grudge-throwers will still retain their use and necessity.
My argument is not that gunpowder is not important, it's that it should not be the priority.
The hold will end up needing Grudge Throwers for it's Throng's and defences, even after we have cannons.
Why are we then not building them now? Gunpowder in middle earth is very shiny and cool.
But so is everything a Dawi Engineer can do. What they can do with wood and stone is overshadowed by Steam and Powder, but these tools and weapons of war are still a very much needed component of a Proper Dawi Hold.
I would just like to remind the thread, the military today still uses Mortars, when we have stealth bombers.
Don't look down on thousands of years of improvement and refinement of these traditional Dawi weapons.