The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

I didn't realise that the Shrine Hall wasn't completed. What happened was I rolled it all out and added it up and then added farmer/brewer/miner debuffs after but forgot to check if it was still completed. Since I've already given it to you I won't take it away.

Prospectors auto-prospect. Forgot to roll it for this turn. They found 1 Major Coal vein.

[x] Plan: Coal! Glorious Coal!
-[x] Under-Storehall. 0/100. - Crops - 1 Farmer 1 Beardling Dice
-[x] Forge Hall. 0/110 - 1 Warsmith 1 Beardling Dice
--[x] +Huge, +50 to target
--[x] +Fortified, +30 to target
--[x] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[x] Hall of Remembrance. 0/110 - 2 Stonemason 2 Beardling Dice
--[x] +Huge, +50 to target
--[x] +Fortified, +30 to target
--[x] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[x] Lower Level Hallway. 0/25 - To The Valley -1 Farmer 1 Beardling Dice
--[x] +Huge, +50 to target
--[x] +Fortified, +30 to target
--[x] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[x] Add Clan Tomb to Leadbeard Clan Residences. 54/70 - 1 Warsmith Die
-[x] Establish a Mine. 0/50- 2 Miner Die
-[x] Under-Storehall. 0/100. - Iron ore - 2 Brewer 1 Beardling Dice
-[x] Heal the Wounded - Gartrimm & Daungrumm
-[x] Guard one of the Passes - North East, South Throngs to guard the hold, Rangers to harass the grobi.
-[x] Range Out From the Valley - West throng rangers to investigate the broken black castle

Ok Plan notes: I'm adding lots of storage right now. I want to have our Ale and Crops inside the hold so we can start on hold defenses. I've put in an iron underhold store to keep the miners happy (they want an underhold store) and save the iron we found without having anything too valuable stored outside the hold. Hall of rememberance is a must IMO as we need artillery to go with our defences otherwise we will lose more dawi to uncontested enemy artillery. I've also added a hallway to expand our hold as we are now starting to run lower on hall space.. I've got Gartrimm & Daungrumm helping heal as it plays to Gartrimm's strength and we do want everyone back up on their feet.

The thing I'm least sure about is the Kull, I'm not sure if it would be better to wait a turn for more to be healed or if we should put three throngs on it? What do people think?

Though Gromil/Mithril, Gold, and Silver can wait unless we strike it big next turn.
The Vault apparently holds Gromril, Gold and Silver all in one.
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Once we get Grudge Throwers, we can have them man the walls and be much safer from the fricken Grobi, even better if we make better versions of Bolt Throwers for anti-Beastie work.

Add in the eventual death traps that dwarves can get up too, i do truly look forward to making our little fortress utter hell to take. especially if we can make banners for fucking up our enemies as we charge the Grobi clans. Add in hunting the damn trolls that will be hell to do so.

The Dragon is obviously last and possibly hardest to do so without good rune work and such.
The thing I'm least sure about is the Kull, I'm not sure if it would be better to wait a turn for more to be healed or if we should put three throngs on it? What do people think?

I can go either way, tbh.

We can do another harassing ranger action, I think. Get everyone healed. And then big 3 Throng Throng+The King march on Goblin Town with Volunteers on guard duty. That would be my call.

[x]Coal! Glorious Coal!
-[x] Storehall. 0/110 - Crops - 1 Farmer Beardling Dice
--[x] +Huge, +50 to target
-[x] Storehall. 0/110 - Ale - 1 Farmer Beardling Dice
--[x] +Huge, +50 to target
-[x] Hall of Remembrance. 0/110 - 2 Stonemason 2 Beardling Dice
--[x] +Huge, +50 to target
--[x] +Fortified, +30 to target
--[x] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[x] Lower Level Hallway. 0/25 - To The Valley - 1 Warsmith 1 Beardling Dice
--[x] +Huge, +50 to target
--[x] +Fortified, +30 to target
--[x] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[x] Add Clan Tomb to Leadbeard Clan Residences. 54/70 - 1 Warsmith Die
-[x] Establish a Mine. 0/50- 2 Miner Die
-[x] Under-Storehall. 0/100. - Iron ore - 2 Brewer 1 Beardling Dice
-[x] Heal the Wounded - Gartrimm & Daungrumm
-[x] Guard one of the Passes - East and West throngs to guard the hold
-[x] A Kull is Called - North and south Throng to kull the grobi to the south.

Ok Plan notes: I'm adding lots of storage right now. I want to have our Ale and Crops inside the hold so we can start on hold defenses. I've put in an iron underhold store to keep the miners happy (they want an underhold store) and save the iron we found without having anything too valuable stored outside the hold. Hall of rememberance is a must IMO as we need artillery to go with our defences otherwise we will lose more dawi to uncontested enemy artillery. I've also added a hallway to expand our hold as we are now starting to run lower on hall space.. I've got Gartrimm & Daungrumm helping heal as it plays to Gartrimm's strength and we do want everyone back up on their feet.

The thing I'm least sure about is the Kull, I'm not sure if it would be better to wait a turn for more to be healed or if we should put three throngs on it? What do people think?

The Vault apparently holds Gromril, Gold and Silver all in one.
I do not advocate a Kull. Especially not when Gatrim isn't going and even more so with only half our forces against a hard target like Goblin Town.

I would really prefer we go quite a while before we attack them head on. We need a forge to make new weapons, further enhance our hold so it's defensable while we're gone, and also allow them to beat themselves bloody against our defenses some more to whittle them down.
I hope our Runelord lives for a long time and finds some apprentices. @Warkeymon Is he the only one who can work with runes in the Karak? Do we have beardlings with potential? We really need to preserve the Runelords knowledge, he is the only one in Arda! If we lose him all our runic knowledge is probably gone!
[x] Plan: Coal! Glorious Coal!
I hope our Runelord lives for a long time and finds some apprentices. @Warkeymon Is he the only one who can work with runes in the Karak? Do we have beardlings with potential?
Runelords tend to live longer because the sense of purpose that stops Elders dying of old age is stronger when the whole hold relies on you very specifically.
He is the only one who knows any Runelore, if something happens then not even the Lorekeepers can teach new runesmiths.
Now that there's a Runecrafting Hall he can start looking for potential apprentices once the current project finishes.
[x]Coal! Glorious Coal!

Well, I like to play conservatively. I'm not prone to aggressive actions.

Ranger harassment and 'aggressive' scouting, with an eye for underground attacks back at the Hold as we hem them in and build our defenses. Tactically/Strategically, let them have some success in fleeing southwards.

We have to wait ~11 turns for our next pop dump right? Each turn is 1 year? (Which I'm hoping to turn into the foundations of a carpenter clan, an engineer clan, and a ranger clan(If that's a thing). Another Warrior Clan might be a good idea if only for the raw boost to throng numbers)

If we can keep a Kull to a solid engagement, with an objective of greatly thinning numbers on turn 10-11 and not the full cleansing of Goblin Town, and grind the gobbos down with a few Kulls, I think -that- would be best. It'd also let us build more training halls and have really well trained Warriors for the probably horrific fighting that's going to happen in the final grudge settling.

It'd also let us have the chance of siege engines and things like Iron Drakes and satchel charges. Want to talk about 'fuck your everything, I really hate you' tactics that you can use in tunnel fighting? Grenades and flamethrowers.

If we continue to build fortifications, and have good scouting everytime they try to come and fuck with our shit so we don't get caught off guard, we might not even need a Kull, they'll break themselves.
Runelords tend to live longer because the sense of purpose that stops Elders dying of old age is stronger when the whole hold relies on you very specifically.
Huh, can he become a living Ancestor with his current sense of purpose? Especially if it comes out that they are in another world and he realises he is the Last Runelord.
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Would you be willing to flex some workers towards a Smelting Hall or Forge hall?
Since we don't have threats on the horizon we could slow roll some of the food storage to finish the final links in being able to make/repair equipment.
@Warkeymon, can the Ale Storehall and Storehall the Ironploughs and Bronzeplaits want be Underhold Storehalls?

We're kinda running out of space in the peak and there are some halls I feel need to be in it. Throne Hall, Forge Hall, Smelting Hall, Vaults, Remberance Hall, and Armory. That's six and we only have six places left in the peak.
Huh, can he become a living Ancestor with his current sense of purpose? Especially if it comes out that they are in another world and he realises he is the Last Runelord.
It's hard to gauge an Elder's sense of purpose until its already waning. Currently he is going strong, but you've no way of knowing if he will consider his work done as soon as he trains an acceptable apprentice, or as soon as the Hold is set up as he would want, or if he will just continue on for even longer than you will.

@Warkeymon, can the Ale Storehall and Storehall the Ironploughs and Bronzeplaits want be Underhold Storehalls?
Any resource can be stored in either Storehouses, Storehalls or Under-Storehalls. The location is mostly to effect security.
Under-Storehalls count as Storehalls for Clan purposes because they're within the Karak proper. Storehalls don't count as Under-Storehalls for Clan purposes because they're simply too close to the surface for their liking.
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Would you be willing to flex some workers towards a Smelting Hall or Forge hall?
Since we don't have threats on the horizon we could slow roll some of the food storage to finish the final links in being able to make/repair equipment.
When I started my plan we hadn't gotten the Coal vein, so yes I'll do the forge hall first I think as we have plenty of steel to last a while.
I'm not opposed to it but is there anything you are hoping to find? We haven't had many hints that there is any realy activity happening out there.
more me wanting to find out more about our land we in as so far north dragon so nope. east bear people. south things that will not exist soon and leaves west atm to find what ever bad or good can come from it
more me wanting to find out more about our land we in as so far north dragon so nope. east bear people. south things that will not exist soon and leaves west atm to find what ever bad or good can come from it
Ok, I'll put them on investigating the black castle they spotted last time they scouted in that direction.
Also take note that the Under Storehalls are fine for Crops and Ale, so they don't need to take up one of the Peaks hall slots.
My plan is also putting out a hallway to the center of of the valley which will give more hall space. I don't see why we'd put our food outside the safety of the underhold defenses, that just puts us at risk of losing it if anything attacks us through the underhold.
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