The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

Rune of Sundering
Rune of sundering

Break the works of the enemy thirty times over the rune with a hammer while reciting the grudges of the hold.

Destroy a finely cut ruby for each grudge incurred upon the dawi imbue the dust into the rune with three drops of a runesmiths blood.

Invoke the name of those who would wield the work of the runesmith melt the copper tablet Oath written in the invokeds blood pour into the rune with seven strikes the rune ignites
Turn 19 Results
The King's Matters
The expedition to the Old Forest was fraught with magic. Imladris set a hum in the bones of the Dawi, the Bruinen whistled with the power of Lord Elrond as it wardened his realm and having passed Bree and descended from the highway the stench of the Uzkular grew ever stronger.

Here there were barrows, they seemed perhaps a few hundred years old but the presence of the Uzkular had taken them. So distinct a presence meant a powerful necromancer indeed had wrought their grip over these barrows and the Elder and his expedition were not going to be capable of ridding them in any short measure.

And beyond the barrows, which had been bypassed with a circular path, was a forest. It bore ranks of Pine stalwart and watchful and treading past the treeline was to enter into Athel Loren. Elder Grazur had never actually been to that most haunted of woods, but there were places in the Gloom Woods nearer Karaz-A-Karak that bore that same overwhelming sense of magic. His spine tingled uncomfortably, and he did not need to be a Rhunrikki to smell that something powerful was close at hand. And this was its Realm.

The Elder and his handful of Longbeards delved deeper into the Old Forest. The Pines soon gave way to Oak and Ash and the canopy grew thicker and the wood grew older and darker. There was a gloom to the Old Forest and yet the power within grew into something more familiar. The uncomfortable tingle of magic turned instead to the steady and comforting thrum of a Rune of Power, of a Rhunrikki in his full panoply stood over an Anvil of Doom as the full might of Thungni focused and dispersed and focused with the rhythmic beating of the hammer.

And then the trees moved. A gnarled Ash twisted in the west and thundered closer. Loren! And the Longbeards slung their Az into hand and braced for battle. The Loren gripped them with roots, battered them with branches and crashed through the party. And the Az parted bough from trunk, cut loose Longbeards tangled in the Loren's grip and Elder Grazur brought down a hammer hard into the trunk of the creature.

It backed away and fled, but there was a general rustling in the distance. More Loren were coming. So, the party went deeper into the Old Forest to seek the home of Iarwain Ben-adar and the sanctuary it might present amongst so many Loren. They stumbled across long forgotten paths that vanished amongst the roots of stirring trees and leapt over streams that went south and west. And they burst through the treeline into a sunlight glade rimmed with beautiful trees all bright with colour that sang with the wind.

And there was an Umgi woman sat in a chair outside the modest wooden house. She was singing and her voice was beautiful, a balm to the soul. It could thunder like the torrent of Zhufbar and could caress like a mountain top spring. She sang an ethereal and piercing tongue none of the party had heard before but as they came closer her voice twisted and Khazalid came loose from her voice.

It was a song of the place where the river meets sea and of three fish who argued as to which was the better. A deeper voice is singing the complementing part from within the house, though it has not changed from the ethereal tongue of before.

"Tom dear, we have visitors!" And the woman smiled brilliantly and stood from her chair. Tom came out from his home and he was ancient. If his beard was not looped through his belt it would have run along the ground, between his feet and out behind him. Though he wore nothing bearing runes, the thrumming only intensified as he came closer.

"Visitors have come to Tom! And not by the normal way, over the Hedge or on the path." And this Ancestor to Ancestors leant down to look closer at Grazur. "Tom should make them tea." He led the party inside where he began to brew them all a hot drink. His wife, who introduced herself as Goldberry, made a veritable feast and laid it all out in the same time. The thrum of his power almost overwhelmed the slight twinge that struck Grazur's spine when she came too close. She was no Kvinn, and as the feast progressed it seemed that Tom was no Rhunrikki.

When Grazur mentions it, the pair shrug. "Tom is Master of this Forest. From River to Hill to Hedge to Road. All that is within it, Tom is Master." His explanation does not go very far. But Goldberry goes on to explain the tale of their marriage, when she was young she had tried to sing him into her command, but he had sung her river into his. And all the beasts of the forest had then attended their wedding.

The Longbeards have begun to tug at beards in confusion and look at one another. This is the Eldest according to beings as old as tens of millennia, older than they by counts immeasurable. And their own bodies and noses were clear that he and his wife were powerful, but there seemed to be a touch of madness to them both. Magic was wont to do such things.

So Grazur decided to turn the conversation to the Loren in the Old Forest instead. "They have lost their shepherds. Tom was most upset when they went away. Tom song them lullabies, but they listen to dark winds and wake from nightmares." Tom shook his head sadly. "And with no shepherds the Trees are in terrible tempers when they wake. But Tom will sing them back to sleep!" He went out from the house, the door bursting open.

Goldberry laughs a twinkling laugh that sounds like a stream running over shallows. "Tom forgets to count the trees sometimes. It will take a long time to sing to all of them. But they will not hurt you if you go through them now. Tom has commanded it of the whole forest."

The party decides to take the opportunity. Tom, the master of the Old Forest, was an interesting fellow. But Elder Grazur thinks he's much happier to be beyond the boundary of this realm, the thrum of Power vanishes in the moment of a single footstep.

Lady Celebrian, the Princelings and Princess, and two score Noldor riders came to the Door. There Daungrumm and a dozen Longplaits joined the party and set out across the High Pass. They went down in the east to the Near Vale before turning south along the west bank of the Anduin and following the great river.

They came upon villages of Hobbits who plied the waters of the Anduin where it met the Ninglor and gained the use of a ferry to travel across the Ninglor and into the South Vale of the Anduin. Now they made rapid progress over open grassland towards the towering forest on the far horizon. Here there was a taste of power in the air and as they tried to cross into the woods Daungrumm found her tongue burning and the other Longplaits grumbled of the taste of rusted iron in their mouths. So, Lady Celebrian and hers went on ahead while the Longplaits camped just outside of Laurelindorenan.

The next morning Lady Celebrian and her mother, Lady Galadriel, came to the edge of the forest. And the Lady was alive with power in a way that Lord Elrond had never chosen to exhibit. "The King is dead; The Gold Wood has been cautious of visitors since." She looks upon the Longplaits, hair as snow flowing over shoulders and through belts while her own was some strange twisting beauty of gold and silver. It seemed to almost shine as if it were woven stardust rather than real hair.

The Lady Galadriel sits about the fire of the camp with her daughter to one side and Daungrumm to the other and the group discusses just why Daungrumm should be allowed entry into a place that only Quendi could set foot. Daungrumm hasn't explained what it was that gained her entrance to Laurelindorenan, but she tells that the forest was much less gripping in its power thereafter and when the moon hung over the city of Caras Galadhon the taste in her mouth vanished entirely.

The Lady was a gracious host, if prone to melancholy, and her husband Lord Celeborn was regularly absent. Laurelindorenan was close to Hadhodrond and the presence of ancient darkness in those halls had struck fear into the Galadhrim of the forest. It was that fear that had eventually slain their last King when he had gone to follow his lover who had fled it. The King and his would have been queen were stolen by the sea now, and in their place the Lady and the Lord ruled the forest.

The children of Lady Celebrian went with friends that they knew in the realm to explore the woods and enjoy their visit, having paid their grandmother the respect of staying with her for a week, and Daungrumm and Lady Galadriel walked through the boughs of Caras Galadhon speaking on matters many and varied. Despite her power, and the ability to bar the borders from most evils, the Golden Wood was encroached upon in every direction.

Shadows reached across the Anduin from Dol Guldur and down the rivers came whispers of dark things in the Ered Hithui and the Quendi of the forest were oft diminished by the stress upon their realm. She was glad that the reclamation of the High Pass had bought her easier access to her daughter and grandchildren and pleased as well that it had brought the host of Glorfindel. For the Servants of the One had been stirred of late. Arnor was fallen, Hadhodrond was fallen, Minas Ithil was fallen, the King was dead and Dol Guldur cast ever longer shadows over Laurelindorenan.

Three of the Nine had come upon the edge of the forest and Glorfindel had joined with the Galadhrim to turn them back and defend the far bank. They had gone again to Mordor, crossing the Anduin and the Brown Lands to rally their strength beneath the high walls of that realm.

And Lady Galadriel had a gift for the Queen when the party departed north again. She had taken from her fountain water that was most holy to the Quendi and kept it in a phial. The Light of Earendil, the most beloved of all stars, could drive back any darkness. Much as the hope given to the Galadhrim had driven back long shadows.

Build a Barrow
(1 Beardling Die)
72+2 = 74
Beyond East Pass, past the end of the carven road that leads through the Pass and over the ridge, can be found a long earthen mound into which has been set a stone disk. The archway over the stone disk is carefully engraved with twisting vines and there is a complex locking system holding the disk in place. An inscription in the door declares that this is the Barrow of the Royal Huskarls of King Gisilhari, all those who enter should know this for the resting place of Umgi of mighty spirit.

Behind it lies a narrow and dark tunnel that splits at seemingly random several times to go deeper into the Barrow and up and down through varies levels of the mound. The tunnels come out to chambers where stone shelves hold the embalmed armoured bodies of the Huskarls who have died in service to King Gisilhari.

The boy King goes down to the Barrow more than a dozen times, all but three of them he goes alone with Hagrim for the Huskarls had no family at the Karak. You are not privy to the rites of the Eotheod, but Gisilhari tells you that there is little need to fear that the Huskarls will raise from the dead.

Beyond the Valley
Fortified Charcoal Pits 94/100
(1 Engineer Die + 1 Eotheod Die.)
66+39-15+4 = 94
The Engineers have gone down into the West and directed some of the Eotheod in digging out pits for the creation of Charcoal. Shallow round holes under earthen cones, here Wood will be baked into Charcoal. Alas the Eotheod are not well used to creating Charcoal and several of the pits collapse on themselves or worse, are inefficient. While the Eotheod are making the pits, the Glintgears have been raising a ring wall and digging a shallow trench around the whole area. Thick stone blocks have been embedded into the ground just beyond West Pass to keep out most thieves.

Fortified and Decorated Barracks 127/160
(1 Miner Die + 2 Beardling Dice.)
43+50+28+6 = 127
The Stonebeards have gone across to Kazad Urbaz to provide South Throng with a hall in which to store their belongings and sleep. Fair work is done to carve out the Hall across the way from the Guest Residences. Here the gates are a sturdier thing for those without need not have means of controlling those within. There is a Guardhall then to watch the tunnel behind the Door. But it will take some more time to finish carving out the space and marking out suitable decorations to soothe the South Throng.

Surface Hold
Extensive North Pass Fortification, 187/240.
(2 Farmer Dice.)
28+58-5-5-5-5+4 = 70
The Ironploughs have gone again into the North Pass. They have raised the towers of the flanks of the Pass, squat and round they look down upon the entirety of the road and from them the Dawi can turn the North Pass into a terrible killing field. None are beyond reach who dare to enter the North Pass.

Eotheod Apprenticeship with the Shatterspears, Failed
Challenge Level: 40
(2 Eotheod Dice.)
37-15+13-15+4 = 24
Over the course of the year the Shatterspears have gathered promising Eotheod to them for apprenticeship in the working of stone. But the Eotheod have struggled to take to their studies. The Shatterspears have been exacting masters and more of the Eotheod choose to surrender their apprenticeships than continue to the year's end. It is no matter, the Shatterspears spend thirty long years as Beardlings gaining apprenticeships and honing their Clan trade, even Umgi might not be expected to gain an Umgak mastery of stonework within but a year.

West Peak
Huge, Fortified and Decorated Powder Storehall, 148/190..
(2 Brewer Dice.)
64+90-5-5+4 = 148
A Storehall carved out from the Lower Level of West Peak must be carefully designed. Here the rooms are small with the Hall as much walls as open space, though the rooms are of great number indeed. The walls and the layout of the Hall has been shaped so that a detonation in any one room should be directed away from all other rooms. Ceilings must be reinforced, but pillars might be taken out by an errant explosion and then ceilings would come down. And so, an intricate design of interweaving stonework has been built across the upper reaches of the Storehall.

All that is left is to fortify the way in, provide suitable homages, and actually get some Powder to fill the Storehall with.

Huge, Fortified and Decorated Powder Hall, 141/190.
(1 Stonemason Die + 1 Beardling Die)
88-5+54+4 = 141
The Shatterspears have gone across into West Peak and carved out a huge space for the creation of Powder. The majority of the Hall has been designated for traditional Gunpowder making, there are the great stone vats set into the smaller halls that make up the greater space while the main hallway runs back through the Hall to where Drakepowder might be made if there are trained Dawi to make it. There's a solid barrier in the main hallway to keep the more secretive recipe hidden from any wandering guests. But work will still need to be done to fortify the front section and mark out the proper decorations.

Fortify Greatmantle Clan Residences 48/60
(1 Warsmith Die)
46+2 = 48
Greatmantle Clan Tombs 54/60
(1 Warsmith Die)
67-5-5-5+2 = 54
The Greatmantles have gone into North peak and set to work improving their Clan Residences. The difficulty involved in amending an existing structure has seen the work crews making slow progress. They have divided into two groups; one is working to separate the Residences from the Entrance Hall by narrowing the entryway and building up a Guardhall to oversee the gates. The other group has set to work on Clan Tombs, so far they've carved out that space but still need to lay into place the caskets.

Expand Leadbeard Clan Residences 26/60
(1 Stonemason Die)
14+10+2 = 26
The Shatterspears have set to work on expanding the Leadbeard Clan Residence. The Leadbeard Beardlings will soon finish their apprenticeships with their elders and come into their own as warriors of the Throng. Ahead of the coming evaluation of the growing population of the Hold, the Residences will need more space. Alas the Stonemasons have struggled to expand closed Hallways out into the area around the existing Residences and there are some concerns that making more space might mean smaller suites.

The Underhold
Send out Sniffers, Success
Challenge Level: 40
(1 Miner Die)
96-5-5-5-5+2 = 78
The Stonebeards have gone down through the Tunnels and set noses to walls. Some of the Beardlings were muttering about a familiar scent from their childhoods in Karaz-A-Karak, like baking bread or freshly hewn stone… And then an Elder listening to their conversation steps in and suggests the scent of gemstones.

A cave with walls of granite has been cracked open. A mess of stalagmites and stalactites criss-cross the cave, sometimes even forming weak pillars. But scattered amongst them are geodes containing glittering and clear gems. Diamonds.

+7 Diamonds

The Prospectors
Surface Scent
The Master Prospectors have gone down into the Depths. There they have worked to expand the network of prospective tunnels so that their noses can better assess the wealth of the mountains. But they have breached some other tunnel. It is roughly hewn, and it carries its own wind. The Surface Scent is strong, the Depths are breached and there is no telling what things may be in these tunnels. The Ironbeards are notified of the breach and adjust their patrols to match.

Runelord Challenge
A Shield, 1/2 Turns Completed.
Challenge Level: 30
55+10 = 65
The Runecrafting Hall remains sealed this year, the Rhunrikki has gone in with his Gromril and set to work on a broad and round shield such as could turn aside incoming fire from a whole Throng. The Dawi on duty in the outer Guardhall have reported little in the way of grumbling or nightmares so you can only assume steady progress has been made.

Personal Challenge
King Gisilhari (Delegation), Success.
Challenge Level: 20.
(King Gartrim)
98+5 = 103
Gisilhari has begun to delegate and trust in his Huskarls to lead sections of his Throng. A Thane cannot command every Warrior in his Throng and he has learnt his lesson. When now you take him out to the Training Yard to train in command, he is more willing to allow Hagrim freedom to wield his company as he sees best and is choosing more reliable simpler plans. You've years on him enough not to need fear defeat, but the Garazi comes closer than he perhaps ought. The Blood of the King can bear out in exceptionality amongst Dawi, you suppose it makes sense that in Umgi it will stir at a younger age.

The pair of you have also taken to the habit of playing Alvatafl together. When he isn't in lessons with Hagrim on matters of Eotheod custom and history and internal politics, he's with you sat behind the board. You take the opportunity to impart many wisdoms on the Garazi and he seems to be seeing you as something closer to Honoured Uncle than merely the relationship between Apprentice and Master. He has been observing your own strategy of rule, assigning duties to the Clans for the year and allowing them to work with their Elders to carry out those duties rather than stepping in regularly to direct the work yourself.

Assuage Clan Ironplough, Failed.
Challenge Level: 40.
(Queen Daungrumm)
11+5 = 16
Daungrumm has returned from Laurelindorenan wearing the Light of Earendil about her neck on a chain. She gathers the Ironploughs and speaks with the Elders amongst them to decipher just why their Clan is ill at ease. There's the shame of course, they felt that they came the worse off in matters of the Reckoning between themselves and the Stonebeards, and there was the matter of the Noldor Farmers as well.

The Farmer Clan believes that their efforts have long gone unnoticed and unrespected. Suggestions on rectifying matters are few enough and the meeting seems to have made little progress towards assuaging their concerns.

Trade Agreement with Mithlond
Challenge Level: Interlude
You have journeyed into the west along the Great East Road. A small cohort of Longbeards have come with you as you depart the Door and go down the road past Imladris. Over the Bruinen, and the Last Bridge and past the once-fortress of Amon Sul. Here you come across your first quarrel. The Dunedain Rangers have stopped you on the road and demanded your purpose and destination. Dwarves have come wandering up through the Gap and into Eriador from the East. And they have stirred trouble of late.

But the Dawi of Karak Drekfut are known enough to the Dunedain, and your name provides you access further west. But your resemblance to these wandering Eastern Dwarves remains. You have travelled to Bree and been stoppered at the gates. The Gateman of Bree will permit no Dwarves entry to the town, and your party must go around and through the Barrow Downs.

Three times do the Uzkular stir from the Barrows and assault your party. Three times do the Longbeards form tight ranks and cut through the Uzkular and the flat of your Az shatters the bones so that they may not be raised again before you return to the road.

The Halflings of the Shire are no less restless than the Umgi of Arnor. Wielding bows and short swords the warriors amongst them stop you on the road. You and they both lack a common tongue and the discussion of why Dwarves have come into the Shire is short and you must turn back and away from the road once more.

You ford the Baranduin further north and work around the northern borders of the Shire of the Halflings. You reach the Lhun away from the roads and follow the south bank to Mithlond. You are in a poor mood and the watchers of the gates of Mithlond draw bows as your group approaches. Word of those Eastern Dwarves must have reached the Gray Haven.

Lord Cirdan comes to the gates and attests to the distinction between the Dawi of Karak Drekfut and the Dwarves who have troubled the peoples of Eriador. He hosts you in the House of Cirdan and you settle in to discuss the matter of trade between Mithlond and the Drekfut Ankor.

The Lorekeepers
Carpenters, 5/5 turns completed.
The Carpenters have presented their masterworks to the Lorekeepers and have been declared adequate for the founding of a new Clan. They have come up from the Halls of Remembrance and will need to gain the accommodations and other trappings of a Clan.

The Throng
Guard Kazad Urbaz
The South Throng mans the Door and assigns some of its number to the North Tunnel as well to bar the way to Karak Drekfut. No further than Kazad Urbaz may any go unauthorised. But that does not mean the Dawi are unfriendly, some of the Eotheod have been brought into Kazad Urbaz to aid with translation and have bought a handful of stall licences amongst them as well.

Word comes in from the wider world of some migration of Dwarves out of the far east coming together in small groups. They have been raiding smaller settlements across Rhovanion and steadily moving south and west. Durin's Folk have driven their kin from their territories in the north and the Avari of the Woodland Realm have turned them away from the Eryn Galen. These bands of Dwarves have made the crossing of the Anduin near the recent battle between Mordor and Laurelindorenan and gone west through the Gap as the year has progressed.

By the end of the year, you're receiving word from Arnorian traders of Dwarves stirring up trouble in Eriador. Though the Dunedain do not choose to make market in Kazad Urbaz, their once subjects amongst the Men of Arnor are interesting themselves in the purchase of Dawi arms. Indeed there comes one day when the Thane of the Shire arrives and spends much wealth from amongst the Halflings on Dawi crafted armour for his Sheriffs.

Spy on the Trolls
Elder Urtain has lead the Rangers of West Throng along the slopes of the Ered Hithui and northwards towards the tunnels that he had tracked the Trolls into. They go in through these wounds in the mountains and find themselves shortly in heights above a Hall swarming with Urki and the Trolls are amongst them. Great Wolves are kennelled in one corner of the space and there is no natural light in the room. Only the flickering of flames in stolen braziers.

While they watch, a horn sounds in the near distance and the gates are thrown open. The host leaves, the Rangers follow. Out into the passes of the high mountains, they travel eastwards and a somewhere into the north with the lands of the Eotheod arrayed beneath them. They work along eastern slopes and past the valley where Scatha was slain by Fram. More Urki hosts meet them as they come down from the mountains into a great gap between the Ereds Hithui and Mithrin.

A single great army now travels along the northern edge of Eotheod and there are horns in amongst the Mithrin playing out in rhythms. The Rangers must travel along circuitous routes to avoid detection by the Urki and their allies that pour in to join the host, but they manage to keep pace enough to be there when the siege lines are set before the gates of Udrabax.

Spy on the Urki beyond North and East Pass
The Greatbeard has taken his Throng out of North Pass and into the high mountains. There they have steadily made way to the slopes over Framsburg to look down on the broken castle. The Urki continue to dwell amidst the ruins and there is smoke steadily rising from hundreds of fires as they make camp in old Eotheod longhouses.

North throng watches from the safety of the peaks as the Urki move through the lands of the Eotheod on patrols, moving supplies between the captured fortified towns and as a swell of the Urki tide presses north through the land. Turned back by the Noldor and the Dawi in the Near Vale they have clearly chosen to return into north rather than risk further defeat in the south.

Nirvid has taken the East Throng across the Anduin and up the eastern bank. Travelling on little tread paths up the river and beside the Eryn Galen they move with some speed to the docks of the Eotheod. They are burnt and blackened and much of the jetties have given way into the Anduin entirely. There is some movement on the far bank and so the East Throng settles into camps to watch the river and the Urki.

They seem to be little interested in crossing the Anduin although the East Throng stoppers some raids into the Eryn Galen for timber, and instead seem to be settling into the lands on the west bank. Of more interest is that of all the realms of the Quendi, the Eryn Galen seems to be the least actively magical. There's been no sensation of the presence of that wrongness while camping at the edge of that forest. Perhaps this is why the Noldor and Sindar consider the Avari to be the least of their people, their magic has been left to wither and wane.

Captain Hagrim has taken the Royal Huskarls into the Near Vale and used the secret paths through the eastern slopes and hidden fords of the streams that feed the Anduin to reach their homeland. They ride through the plains of their lands and spy on the Urki, occasionally moving to raid supply lines and cut down the Warg Riders who carry messages between towns.

But movements in the grasslands begin to swell in size and a host works its way from town to town gathering strength. The Huskarls track it north until it meets a great army and goes away into the Ered Mithrin.
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The Shipwright of Mithlond
The Shipwright of Mithlond
The House of Cirdan is wrought from polished stone, there are children about it playing and laughing and over the roof flies a field of deepest sea blue upon which flies a white ship under a star that shines in a hundred colours. It reaches out on pillars into the Gulf and there are jetties on that side which go out from it. This waterward side of the House is forbidden to the children and contains the great workshop where the Shipwright plies his art.

For now, Lord Cirdan has heard no tell that he should prepare for guests intending to make the Crossing. And so, his attention is set to you alone. Mithlond is the mightiest of the three Havens of Lindon and from it Lord Cirdan can exert some level of control on all of the Sindar who dwell here on the western shore. The harbours see ships come in from the haven at Umbar, from Gondor's ports on the Anduin and from southern ports of Eriador. The wealth of Mithlond has only grown over time and many of those who make the Crossing leave some part of their material wealth at the House of Cirdan.

But Lord Cirdan has been making active use of that wealth. Patrols out of Mithlond have been asserting strength over the near country and ensuring that those who still live in Lindon are safe from the banditry of wandering Dwarves. The Watch of Mithlond found themselves engaged in battle at the White Towers and Lord Elrond has been persuading the Quendi of the Havens to look eastwards again. The connection of the High Pass allows all Quendi realms some form of access to one another.

So, you sit to your meeting with Lord Cirdan in odd times. On one hand, Mithlond is wealthy and on the other it is spending that wealth in aid of its kin. The terms Lord Elrond set are quite similar to those that Lord Cirdan sets down. Merchants of Mithlond may act without Lord Cirdan's knowledge or permission and without affecting any formal pact between Mithlond and Drekfut Ankor. An agreement that cannot be continued should be made clear to the other party before it is stopped and may be continued unchanged for the remainder of its term once the chain of supply has been reforged. And only such goods and services as are vouched for by the Lord or King may be made a part of this agreement.

And word flows freely between Imladris and Mithlond. None of the Sindar shall be making the journey to Karak Drekfut to offer their skills and services. Except Lord Cirdan who has suggested that you may wish to use the Anduin which is almost a sea in itself for transportation and control of travel, he has offered to teach some old Riverine Ship Designs of his to your Carpenter Clan.
Goat Meat 1=1SC
Ankor Grain 1=3SC
Noldor Grain 1=2SC
Noldor Fruit 1=2SC
Noldor Vegetables 1=2SC
Noldor Wine 1=5SC
Dawi Ale 1=20SC
Gold 1=500SC
Silver 1=200SC
Gromril 1=5000SC
Diamonds 1=300SC
Steel Ingots 1=50SC
Coal 1=1SC
Sulphur 50=1SC
Wood 1=5SC
Rhunrikki Die 1=3000SC
Stonemason Die 1=300SC
Carpenter Die 1=100SC
Engineer Die 1=200SC
Warsmith Die 1=500SC
Minor Throng 1=500SC
Lindon Fish 1=5SC
Lindon Grain 1=10SC
Lindon Fruit 1=10SC
Lindon Vegetables 1=10SC
Sindar Wine 1=40SC
Noldor Grain 1=20SC
Noldor Fruit 1=10SC
Noldor Vegetables 1=10SC
Noldor Wine 1=5SC
Gold Ingots 1=500SC
Silver Ingots 1=200SC
Iron Ore 1=10SC
Steel Ingots 1=50SC
Sindar Jewellery 1=700SC
Coal 1=1SC
Sulphur 50=1SC
Charcoal 1=5SC
Wood 1=5SC
Riverine Barge Designs 1=2000SC
Riverine Warship Designs 1=5000SC
Dice are per year but may only be included in multi-year plans. You may only start immediate bargains and 5 year testing agreements with Mithlond. Write-In which Minor Throng if you sell the service of a Minor Throng.

[] [Immediate Bargain] Write-In

[] [5 Year Agreement] Write-In
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Other Peoples of Middle Earth
Other Peoples of Middle Earth

NamePeople GroupsLanguagesKnown Locations of Note

ImladrisNoldor, Sindar, Dunedain.Sindar, Quenya, WestronImladris
The DunedainDunedain, Men of ArnorWestron, SindarFornost, Annuminas, Bree, Amon Sul
The ShireHobbitsWestronMichel Delving, Hobbiton, Bree
Remnants of ArnorMen of ArnorWestronBree
LindonSindar, Noldor, AvariSindar, Quenya, WestronMithlond, Forlond, Harlond
DunlandDunlendingsMiddle Mannish, Westron, RohirricTharbad, Isengard

EotheodEotheodRohirric, KhazalidFramsburg
BeorningsBeorningsRohirricThe Carrack
WoodsmenWoodsmenRohirric, SindarEryn Galen
BoatmenBoatmenRohirric, DwarvishThe Long Lake
Durin's FolkDurin's Folk, Uri's Folk, Balin's FolkDwarvishUdrabax, Silverplunge, Celegost, Thundercleft, Erebor
The Woodland RealmSindar, AvariSindar, QuenyaHall of Thranduil
LaurelindorenanNoldor, AvariSindar, QuenyaCaras Galadhon
The Gladden FieldsHobbitsRohirricThe Gladden Fields

The South​
GondorDunedain, Men of GondorWestron, RohirricOsgiliath, Minas Tirith, Pelargir, Dol Amroth
HaradHaradrimHaradrim, Black TongueHarad
UmbarBlack Numenoreans, HaradrimNumenorean, Black Tongue, HaradrimUmbar

The East​
MordorOrcs, EasterlingsBlack TongueBarad-Dur, Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur
Thulin's FolkThulin's FolkDwarvishBuzan
Bavor's FolkBavor's FolkDwarvishGabilzahar

The IstariIstariQuenya, Sindar, Westron, Rohirric, Dwarvish, Black Tongue, Middle Mannish, Haradrim, Easterling, NumenoreanRhosgobel
The Great EaglesGreat EagleQuenyaThe Eyrie
Master TomTom, Goldberry and all that dwells in the Old ForestQuenya, Sindar, Westron, Rohirric, Dwarvish, Black Tongue, Middle Mannish, Haradrim, Easterling, Numenorean, KhazalidTom's House
FangornThe EntsEntish, Quenya Fangorn Forest
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Potential Future crossover thingie titled 'DRENG' owing to a lotr chat for the Rings of Power trailer debut. Probably missed a few generations but Dawi lifespans are what they are:

The warriors of Minas Tirith rained arrows down upon the Orcs of Mordor ramming their gate. Yet the foul servants of Sauron didn't flinch from what was their duty, more than that, it was their purpose from the days when Melkor Himself walked the World.

To see the works of the 'Good' brought to utter ruin.

Yet the Men of Gondor were long descended from the Tall Men of the West and would not go easily.

And so the frustration mounted in Gothmog. He was so close.

"What are you doing, you useless scum," he hurled at his lessers.

One of his more useful subordinates came up to him.

"The door won't give. It's too strong."

Yes, thank you for the obvious, Gothmog thought viciously.

"Get back there and smash it down!"

"But nothing can breach it!" the lesser one countered.

Oh, yes, something could.

A whisper of a name, reverent, in his mind. What passed for a smile came across his face.

"Grond will breach it."

Gothmog turned back to another subordinate.

"Bring up the Wolf's Head."


"Great engines crawled across the field; and in the midst was a huge ram, great as a forest-tree a hundred feet in length, swinging on mighty chains. Long had it been forging in the dark smithies of Mordor, and its hideous head, founded of black steel, was shaped in the likeness of a ravening wolf; on it spells of ruin lay. Grond they named it, in memory of the Hammer of the Underworld of old. Great beasts drew it, orcs surrounded it, and behind walked mountain-trolls to wield it."

"Grond!" the orcs howled.

"Grond!" the trolls bellowed.

"GROND!" the army roared.


Gothmog's elation, the warm zeal in his chest blossomed. The Hammer of their Black God brought to the world once again, carved in the likeness of His Wolf.



And yet.

Something was wrong.


His army was full of cruel and stupid simpletons, but even they could carry a beat. A large portion somewhere was chanting on the off beat.

It was near maddening.


That was when Gothmog heard the horrid horns and knew what was being chanted.


The not dwarves. The so-called Dawi whose crafts came closest to the Master's.



Gothmog began screaming orders. Where had his scouts been that he was blindsided by the Dawi Throng? Slain by their rangers, no doubt, while his scouts were too assured of their victory today.


If Grond could just strike the gate, the day would belong to the Lidless Eye! Blast the Dawi for pushing into their lines, driving to the gate! They would interrupt the ramming!

"Grond!" *Boom*

Orange crested mad-dawi burst into the lines in an almost haphazard way, but Gothmog could see Warg tactics. Black smoke erupted from cannons and thundersticks, cutting deep into orc ranks. Mithril and Stone-metal clad Dawi crushed their way to the Wolf's Head with mighty swings of their hammers.

"Grond!" *Boom*

Then the foul magic-not-magic of the Dawi lashed out, and it was all Gothmog could do to not scream at the blasphemy as the holy magics of destruction were leeched out of the mighty ram.

Grond was no more.


And a mighty swing of an axe later, neither was Gothmog.


Queen Snerra, Daughter of Gotrik, Son of Snorri, Son of Karstah, Daughter of Gatrim of Clan Greatmantle sneered at the particularly ugly Urk head that rolled at her feet.

Did the Dumi try to make things that ugly or was it just happenstance?
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The Turning of an Age
The Turning of an Age

Some Watchers of Mithlond march with you for some distance, with riders having gone on ahead into the Shire and Arnor. Lord Cirdan has delayed your departure by a week and three days after receiving a dream in which he is commanded to prepare a new fleet for the Crossing. Three white ships are laid to water, his guests remain for a night, and the next day Lord Cirdan goes east.

Together you pass through Eriador and the peoples between Mithlond and the Door make no attempt to bar your way. The Dwarves who have stirred them so keep away from the road as the Watchers march along it and as you approach Bree the riders who went ahead meet up with your party.

The host moves out along the Great East Road therefrom surrounding wagons laden in Lindon goods. No bandits or raiders test the group before they cross the Bruinen and enter into the protection of Imladris where even the largest eastern Dwarven bands have not dared to tread. At the city, the party stops again. Lord Cirdan greets Lord Elrond as an old friend, the House of Elrond open to you both as guests for a time.

Here Mithrandir has returned from some of his wanderings. He tells tales of his time wandering through the south into Gondor to speak with Kings and Princes. The wars with Mordor and Angmar have stirred trouble in the heart of the Prince and Mithrandir has come back to Imladris to speak with Glorfindel who knew the Prince on campaign in Angmar. But Glorfindel is still beyond the Ered Hithui with his Companions.

In a short time, with wagons of Dawi goods come down from the mountains to be held in Imladris for the return journey and Lord Cirdan's affection for the people of Imladris warmly received, the group ascends to the Door. The Watchers and Riders of Mithlond take the Dawi goods back to their city, but Lord Cirdan does not seem troubled to be alone in a foreign place. The shadows of the mountains do not diminish him and the tunnels and halls of the Kazad and Karak do not shrink him.

When he steps into the Valley he stretches a little where he stands and seems perhaps a hair taller than he was. 'Shall we gather then your wrights? I cannot know how long I have before there will be guests again at my House.'

You nod, and the Carpenters are called to meet you in the largest workshop of the Workshop Hall. There are three weeks in which the Hall is sealed and neither Dawi nor Cirdan departs at all from that place, but at the start of the fourth the doors swing open, and the Carpenters are muttering to one another about the making of ships. None of the Dawi of Barak Varr are to hand, and so Sea Madness has never touched the Dawi of your Hold, but there seems to be some significant appreciation of the skill of Lord Cirdan.

The Lorekeepers have sent up from the Hall of Remembrance a new Clan of Carpenters. There are matters of import to decide before the Clan is truly founded, however. Firstly, they shall need a Clan Name and Heraldry. Secondly that Clan will need its own Residences to grow into and fill. Fortunately, there is such a Hall in the North Peak. Thirdly, and of great import is just who shall serve as the Clan Ancestor to inspire those who will yet come into that Clan. This will be a terrible weight, and yet by the gift of the Ancestors it is often a weight that the chosen will grow to bear mightily.

One Carpenter hailed from Clan Leadbeard. They were of a mind that the workings of their Clan would be of greater aid on the field of battle. With the Engineers under Nendumir more focused on guns, the Carpenters could work the more traditional crossbows and artillery such as can be wrought with their own skills. Vesgid was a Greyplait of an aggressive nature.

From your Clan came a Carpenter with an eye towards the use of wood in construction. It was weaker than and perhaps would not last as long as stone, but it was much easier to take wood far from the Hold than it was to move stone and such structures could be raised more quickly. Besides some of the folk of this land seemed more at home under wooden roofs. Hagfi was a Greyplait with an eye towards selling the skills of the Clan to those less inclined to weigh stone against wood.

From the Ironploughs came a Carpenter who thought the Sun Madness of their home Clan wasn't enough and that Sea Madness should be tacked upon it. They've taken to Lord Cirdan's lessons like a Dawi to the Mountain and there's already some innovation on the ship designs coming spilling forth from their minds. Gregdun is a Greybeard who might have one day found themselves working in Barak Varr.

[] Write-In a Clan Name.

Give them the Residences
[] [Residences]Yes
[] [Residences] No

Clan Ancestor
[] [Ancestor] Vesgid
[] [Ancestor] Hagfi
[] [Ancestor] Gregdun

The Clans

The first Garazi born in Karak Drekfut to become a Beardling has just been sent down into the Mines for their traditional two years' service. Its time to gather the Elders and perform a great census of the Dawi. Some four hundred Beardlings have grown into Greybeards and some seven hundred Garazi into Beardlings in recent years. Some Beardlings have gone on to join the new Engineer and Carpenter Clans, but the others will go on to join their original Clans.

[] Choose Four Clans to gain 1 new Dice
-[] Greatmantle
-[] Bronzeplaits
-[] Ironplough
-[] Shatterspear
-[] Stonebeard
-[] Leadbeard (Becomes 100 Leadbeard Clan Warriors and needs assigning to a Minor Throng)

4 Beardling Dice become Clan Dice.
+7 Beardling Dice

Elder Garin

He hasn't chosen to reveal what spurred this, but Elder Garin has come to you and informed you that he shall not see more than the next few months. Already he feels his strength beginning to fade and his Waning Days will soon be upon him. The Clan Elder of the Ironploughs has been diligent in serving the Ankor, even if he seems to fade into the background sometimes. It isn't long before you're visiting him under the care of the Matrons.

There are others who may take on the mantle of Clan Elder. There's Elder Drindut, a Master Farmer who has taken on a habit of singing to her crops. Or Elder Dirdin, a Master Herder who spends much of his time out on the northern plateau reminding the Goatherds that even if the Great Eagles did not steal any Goats yesterday, they may still do so today. Or Elder Muthom, a Master Hunter who has heard rumours from some Rangers of great shaggy beasts in the distant mountains that could be worth bringing down and bringing back.

[] [Elder] Drindut
[] [Elder] Dirdin
[] [Elder] Muthom

The Blood of Gazul
You've been keeping an eye on some of the Beardlings of the Hold that have managed to earn a name for themselves even in their youth. One of the Beardlings who has recently become a Greybeard is a Dawi of the Blood of Gazul who has been serving as the Hold's only Priest of Gazul and performs Last Rites for those who have died.

They have come before you, now an adult as much as any Greybeard can claim to be an adult and requested to turn aside their Clan and found the Cult of Gazul within the Hold. The Cult has three purposes, each one serving an aspect of Gazul. There is Gazul the Lord of the Underearth, Gazul the Wanderer and Gazul the Guardian. Each one of these he might focus the Cult towards.

[] [Gazul] Write-In a name for the Head Priest of Gazul
-[] The Lord
-[] The Wanderer
-[] The Guardian

Troll Poisoner
It was an early day in the history of Karak Drekfut, but you've watched this Beardling become a Bronzeplaits Greybeard with some part of your attention. When they and half a dozen Beardlings had been abducted by Trolls and were set to be eaten, this Beardling had tricked the Trolls into brewing a poisoned ale. Driven mad by the burning in their mouths and throats they had cast themselves to their deaths. Ingenuity and quick thinking are valuable traits.

You've been considering calling this Greybeard before you to appoint to a position more suited to their skills than brewing. And perhaps to keep any poisons away from the Brewer's Hall as well. They might be assigned to the Rangers, and other new Greybeards will likely follow them to the Rangers.

[] [Ranger] Yes – Assign to a Minor Throng
[] [Ranger] No

Eagle Whisperer
A Stonebeard who was sentenced to a labour under the Ironploughs as part of a Reckoning came back from a long and cold night in the Eyrie of the Eagles with new friends and a strong wanderlust. Every few days they come up from the Mines and go sit with a Goat and an Eagle on the wall around the northern plateau.

And now they've come to you and requested a chance to go on a Great Wandering. They swear most solemn and grave vows to prove an ambassador of the Dawi beyond any reproach. It comes to mind that you've just come across another wanderer who is vouched for amongst locals that you respect the opinions of, and you may request that the Grey Pilgrim attach a Wanderer to their travels. Or you might let the Stonebeard, and his two companions, find their own way.

[] [Great Wandering] Yes
-[] The Grey Pilgrim
-[] The Three Wanderers
[] [Great Wandering] No

Blood of Thungni
An Apprentice Runesmith should start as a Beardling. Though the Rhunrikki inspected all the Beardlings available at the time, there have since been Garazi who have come of age. One of whom is a Plaitling by the name of Linn who hails from your own Clan. She caught the attention of the Rhunrikki a short time ago, although for her age was left to the Healers to teach.

You thought that was the end of things, at least until the Rhunrikki next went out looking for an Apprentice. But apparently rumours spread amongst the Matrons and young Linn heard tell that the Rhunrikki had been asking after her. Now the Rhunrikki has a face of thunder as he stands behind the Plaitling. Arrayed to one side are some Leadbeards who were supposed to be guarding the gate into the Runecrafting Hall, though they claim she never got past them it seems that Linn has managed to find her way into a workshop of the Runecrafting Hall.

Therein she managed to light a Rune of Light with a hammer and the surge of Runic Power had reverberated through the Runecrafting Hall and gained the attention of the Rhunrikki. Both the Leadbeards and the Plaitling will need suffer Reckoning for this matter. Gutfroy has been clear that breaching the secrecy of Runelore cannot be taken lightly in the least, but the Rhunrikki has heavily implied that the Plaitling shall need the use of her hands after any such Reckoning.

[] [Linn Greatmantle] Write-In a Reckoning
[] [Leadbeard Guards] Write-In a Reckoning
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Many Futures Theory: The Founding of Rohan
Many Futures Theory: The Founding of Rohan

The Eorlingas descended out of the lands held by the Eotheod, not in anger, or grief, or fear. But rather with love for the many, many, many kinsmen they left behind and a desire to fight the Enemy.

Gondor had been struggling with Easterlings out of Rhun, and desperately needed help. So desperately that they dispatched messengers to the Eotheod.

Eorl the Young came with a full Eored, some seven thousand riders and a few hundred mounted archers. Behind them came wives, children, and families.

These riders rode forth with many gifts from ancestors and the stalwart Dawi, for the Drekfut Ankor and the Eotheod had long been friends. Fine Dawi mail, and sturdy weapons to split the foemen in twain. Scattered amongst them were a few trinkets that bore the magical runes of the Dawi. Eorl, himself, brought runed items of power numbering three, to mark him as kingsson.

A saddle known as the Gift of the Lord of Horses, bearing Runes of Warding, Fortitude, and the Master Rune of Passage. Granting the typically much loved horse that bore it protection, endless stamina, and the ability to not be barred by any terrain.

His half-plate suit of armor was the Friendship of the Dawi. It bore what the Dawi considered to be simple Runes of Stone, Iron, and finally Fortitude. It granted Eorl the strength of the mountain, and it's enduring nature. Allowing him to fight far longer than he had any right to.

Of the major items he bore the last was the most significant. A gift of an Oath upheld. A true gift, from King to King. From Honored Uncle to Favoured Nephew. A tradition kept within the royal line weaving out and back. A priceless weapon with few if any peers. The Son of Fram Dragonslayer, Gisilhári Dawongr was gifted the precious Gromril spear Fram's Resolve. The hide and bone of the dragon Scatha that had been recovered in the retaking of Framsburg had gone into it's construction. When it struck, it billowed fire, and all allies who looked at the story upon it's banner shared in the conviction of the Son of Frumgar who hunted a dragon for two years and then slew it by himself.

Eorl looked forward to gifting it to his brother-son, who would be king after Eorl's brother. The kings of the Eotheod who bore it were the greatest.

Finally, a trinket that he had personally earned. A spyglass marked with the single Rune of Farseeing. A turn of his spyglass to activate it and Eorl could increase the magnification of his device seven-fold. A mighty thing to have in war, yet one he desired that he may peer from Vale to Mountain and back, receiving childish messages from his friends upon the slope.

When the Eored came upon the Field of Celebrant, the forces of Gondor were struggling against two foes. Stopping only long enough to take a proper war formation, the Eorlingas drove into the Easterlings and Urki assailing the Men of the White Tree.

The foe was crushed underhoof and routed, slain and cut down as they tried to flee.

The leadership of Gondor asked Eorl for the Eored to protect the area for three months, whence the men of Gondor would return. Eorl agreed.

Three turns of the moon later, upon the hidden Tomb of Elendil, Eorl was fully granted wide lands to be king over, thus was sworn the Oath of Eorl in turn. The Kingdom of Gondor and the new Kingdom of Rohan would forever be friends and allies, so long as the line of Eorl persisted.

With great enthusiasm, Rohan was truly founded. Atop many hills, Dawi contractors built a series of sturdy forts in the style of the Eotheod, including golden Edoras in the time just after Eorl.

And to those Clans that aided his new kingdom, Breggo, son of Eorl, granted them lands in his mountains judged far above the cost of the work. Those Dawi are the Clans of the Kazid Ungor Bryn, greater friends than even Gondor, for it was there they found a wonder in the stone, and declared a Debt.

This was the story told to Theodred, Eomer, and Eowyn about the start of the Founding of Rohan. (And why calling the Dawi 'little people' was disrespectful, even if they were forgiven for being gazari)

This was the story told by Eowyn to the dwarf Gimli Gloinsson as to why there were so many Dawi in these lands on the way to the fortress Town of the Glittering Caves, who were more than willing to protect the people of Rohan against the forces of Isengard.

(Later Gimli would be one of the few non-dawi to live full time in the Glittering Caves proper, for he truly appreciated their beauty to the approving sniffs of the Longbeards. Even going so far as to drag his companion and friend (the elf) Legolas to look upon the beauty under the earth.)

A/N: Barely any Dawi, but iunno, it caught me.

Really just to show how close the Eotheod are to the Dawi in the future, because of Gatrim and co. It goes back and forth constantly. The Dawi are awesome to the Eotheod, so the Eotheod are awesome to the Dawi in this cycle of debts.
The Blood Awakens
The Blood Awakens

It had not come to him because of the honored dead.

It was an easy mistake to make. For in the wake of the first great loss of life in this, unbeknownst to them at the time, strange new world, why else would the blood of Gazul awaken, stirred into action at those seeking entrance to the Underearth?

Ever since their arrival he had been uneasy, uncomfortable. The stones and air and earth smelled off, the tools they made from lumber harvested rested uneasily on his palms. The taste of the water in the back of his throat had him twitching. Only after the fourth time he'd vomited out the stonebread supplementing their early meals was he not required to partake, and while none wished ill of him, there was an undercurrent of resentment among his peers of age that they suffered through the rations while his lack of proper Dawi endurance and stubbornness was tolerated.

He should have sought the wisdom of his elders, but he was always prone more to self-reflection, and after the healers of the Cult of Valaya declared there was nothing wrong with his body and his mind seemed sound, he could only assume it was something they would have no experience with.

A part of him would regret that bit of youthful brashness, but he was given to being by himself already and the reasoning that his oddities would only discomfort the others gave a moral imperative to his increasing isolation. Besides, there were surely more important things in a newly founded Karak than one beardling's discomfort.

Though there was one avenue of exploration outside of his own knowledge. Lorekeeper Sedlim had often indulged his bouts of knowledge seeking absent companionship, and as he grew into a beardling and his education as a productive member of Ankor society intensified, so too did his fascination of the records of lore and past as a pastime fit for lone activities.

A quiet request for materials relating to an environment inducing uncomfortable sensations into a Dawi was met with a raised eyebrow and quick direction after several moments contemplation. As he left, the elder laid a hand on his shoulder for a brief moment, and in that time he felt reassurance. The moment passed and he continued on aware that his unstated plight was not unheard, nor was his means of dealing with it to be disrupted. It spoke much of the trust he had in the beardling's judgement. Buoyed by the weight of newfound moral responsibility he perused the knowledge collected and found ample evidence relating to the polar hells and unusually strong or concentrated magical phenomena; the tales from Karak Hirn and that terribly unnatural forest occupied him for many an hour.

But lone individuals among many bearing such symptoms and issues were rare, or swept into disturbing accounts of targeted malignant sorcery. It had taken him hours to work up the courage to approach Lord Gutfroy about the matter. The keen eyes of his elder had seen his hesitance to take this matter up with others, and after much sniffing and poking and prodding and fiddling with tools and runed objects the purpose of which he could only guess at, he stated with certainty there was no such foulness upon his being. The indignant grunt and glare he received at asking for surety wrought much color to his cheeks and forced his head low in shame.

He left the Rhunrikki with a promise that he would either seek proper care and wisdom for this situation soon if he could not resolve it.

So he suffered in silence, deep contemplations of his condition spiraling into out of control forays of depression. Only in the deepest and darkest pits of the mountains that were nominally secure (and some a bit less so) and oddly enough up among the peaks when the moon glowed or the sun shone did he feel something akin to ease of mind.

Long were the hours spent puzzling over what was wrong with the world or him. And as hints increasingly appeared telling a tale of oddities and strangeness inherent in the land, his mind was further convinced of the land being the cause of his disturbance, even as his heart stubbornly persisted in worry of the sanctity of his soul.

Then came the battle, as the Hargrobi assaulted their defenses in their thousands. He had volunteered, serving as part of the reserve and assisting in the movement of ammunition, wounded, and dead.

It was the smell that got him. The smell of the goblinoids dead, their tainted blood. The hundreds, thousands of assaulted his senses even as their twisted caricatures of features burned themselves into his mind. The world became hazy, his thoughts overwhelmed by visions of darkness, death, twisted mutilation, mountains rising and shadows falling over the world, essence mangled and wrought unspeakable change upon.

A song all-encompassing tinged with discord, a land tainted, a world rendered impure.

He didn't know when it ended, stumbling about from duty to duty, torn between madness and stoic duty. He could remember little detail save a certainty that these grobi were wrong, and that somehow their miserable existences were tied with what had made him so discomforted all these years. All he could do was stumble forward, and let himself fall into darkness.

One step then another, hurried, without pause. All he could do was run forward, uncaring that he could not see though he could perceive the murky tendrils piercing the darkness, stretching and twisting and making a mockery of blackness about him.

He was going downwards, hurtling forward at times falling off his feet and rolling always before he picked himself up off the stone floor and carried on.

Then came a knock of recrimination, hurling him off his feet once more: his face stung with shame why shame? He could see? No, rather the darkness molded itself into rock of night's darkest pitch and there was a beard, a stout form bestowed with smoky facial hair. He could not make out a face but the weight of paternal disapproval was palpable.

A gloved palm was on his cheek, the pain faded and his gaze was gently moved to the side, and there lay a pool of water that reflected the blackness off itself and thereby was sighted.

The hand upon his face was gone, he looked forward again and the darkness was but darkness, yet in it there was peace.

Drawn by the curious sight, nay the only sight, he moved to peer into its depths. Mesmerizing in its absolute defiance of the ebony surroundings, so intent and wandering was his gaze he perceived the slightest fluctuation. Old scripts and records came to mind mixed with lessons passed to all children of the Ankor, and he stepped forward, palms outstretched for the stony wall he somehow knew was there. And he laid hands upon it, then eat, and listened and felt. Back and forth between guiding water and echoing stone he went, the song of moving earth and shifting stone heard and respected since before the Ancestors themselves calling him on.

At last he found where the points aligned and took a deep, fortifying breath, the hint of familiarly unfamiliar air sparking a fire in his veins.

Up was risen a pick the origin of he knew not, and he began to chip and cut away. No miner by trade; the art of delving earth and stone was in the blood of every Dawi.

Time escaped him as he hacked away. The rhythmic motion becoming everything. Miners' songs of old rang in his ears, and perhaps uttered aloud with his scant used voice.

He only knew he had broken through when his pick swung forward once more and was stopped not by cracked rock but an unyielding grip upon the haft.

It was not his grip.

"Careful now beardling. Haste has a place in all things but it needs be tempered by discipline."

The voice was smoky, signs of lack of use that should have been awkward somehow instead reassuring and even endearing. The low, hemming grumble left him feeling as though he stood on sturdy carved marble lined with gromril, his back straightening unconsciously.

But he couldn't see.

Did he speak aloud? He didn't think so. And yet, from the pitch-black comes a response.

"You will get used to it. Dawi are masters of the mountain, be it it's heart, peak, or bowels. Remember that. For now though, I'll make it easy for you."

Fire blossomed.

He had seen and envisioned weapons wreathed in fire. The flames ghosting off the edge, casting flickering shadows, the heat a constant warning of the danger it represented, mixing obscuration with illumination of the blade from which the bound inferno emanated.

This was not one of those.

Rather than a wispy blaze fluttering about a sharp edge of steep, it was as if fire had been wrangled into immobility and wrapped about a sword until it was as solid as fiery diamonds, the flat shimmer so enmeshed with the blade's shape he could not tell where the weapon ended and the flame began.

No. That was a lie. Rather than a flickering fire it was a flickering blade of pure ebony, a metal spine in a blazing body that only showed itself when you stared deeply. He couldn't conceive of what it was made of, but something deep in him said it was in no way inferior to the Gromril making up the armaments of the greatest and eldest of his hold. And upon it, burning a white that shone through the inferno about it, were runes of primordial provenance that breathed with power.

The air did not heat up around it, rather, it grew colder, and no shadows were cast. Instead the room tunnel was brought into being, as if a faint shine emanated from the surroundings themselves rather than a singular glow in response to, while around the blade itself the darkness grew, light drawn in and devoured.

It was an impossibly eerie spectacle that lent a sense of otherworldliness to the cave.

The bearer of the sword was cloaked, only faint of glimpses of dark armor visible. His beard was black as soot with streaks of grey, like the burnt remain of the finest Wutroth tended to from birth to life and ended in a fire tended to eternally and shaped into fine facial hair.

And he was not alone. Dawi in their owns and twos strode about at the edges of his vision, garbed in the finest accoutrements with neatly trimmed beards, and then they were blooded, weary and wounded, and then they were something in-between, a passing illusion spawned by torchlight.

"Quite the drawpoint you youngsters have stumbled upon." the dark figure spoke again, leaning to the side. The darkness flooded in where he once was until it seemed as if he had moved out of a painting.

"Purest Gromril on one end," he tapped a stony wall and the sweetest, most well-conducted chorus rang out, filling his mind with joy and hope and wonder, "and the basest foulness on the other." He tapped the other wall and had it always been so close or merely been there only when he tapped it?

Again music rang out, but such a term is insulting to the discordant, raucous mess that elicited fear and anger and the most terrible sorrow and discomfort.

"And it might well be that grouting would do more harm than good for once." Undertones of more than one meaning lay heavy in that statement.

"Haven't felt like this since my earlier days, when I first went awandering and found all sorts of new odds and ends. A walk can do you good, if you keep your feet firmly planted." And if his tone was wistful, the beardling dared not guess at why.

"There always needs to be someone looking within instead of without. You've gone in one direction, now wander the other. If you should wish to take unto yourself greater responsibilities, you will find me again."

He turned, and as his sword was obscured by his body the strange lightness vanished, the deepest darkness there as if it had never left, his eyes adjusting 'ere the light had never been.

Other Dawi stepped forward, their shadowed forms a bit clearer, more defined. He was led up and out until there darkness was not so absolute and the lights situated at exact measurements guided him further.

Up and up he went until he was outside, and there was a path up the peak that had not been there before. He strode forward with increasing surety, the words spoken earlier echoing in his mind, his very being: Dawi are masters of the mountain, be it it's heart, peak, or bowels.

The climb became ever more strenuous, but his will became firmer with each step. And when he stood at the summit and looked out, a blazing figure caught his eye, branded into the clouds, like the barest indications of a portal down under in rigidly defined lines and angles.

At last, the world was not so unpleasant, but it could be made better.
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The Turning of an Age - Results
Clan Swiftcarver of Karak Drekfut is your new Carpenter Clan. At a time when many Beardlings are growing into their adulthood, they have formed a new Clan Amongst them you have chosen Vesgid to be their Clan Ancestor and she has risen to the challenge with great haste. The other Carpenters listen to Vesgid carefully and have knitted together into a tightly bound group as befits a Clan despite not sharing one another's blood.

In North Peak the old Shatterspear Residences have been given over to the Swiftcarvers while the Shatterspears move into the new Residences in West Peak. These Residences are simple in design and sit on the First Level of North Peak. The general mood of the Carpenters is tuned towards anticipation and Vesgid intends to bring the Carpenters up alongside the other native Clan of Karak Drekfut. There's already some rivalry between the Engineers and the Carpenters for the Swiftcarvers have claimed the working of crossbows and artillery pieces to bolster the Throng in battle.

The Clans
The Census has come back, and you've found that it is the clans of the Royal Family that have most moved towards founding new Clans. With the Beardlings amongst Clans Greatmantle and Bronzeplaits joining the new Glintgears and Swiftcarvers there are fewer new Warsmiths and Brewers in the new generation.

Instead, the census is reporting that work in the farms is being spread amongst more Farmers with the Ironploughs looking towards expanding into other valleys of the Ered Hithui. Beardlings traditionally spend two years in the Mines, but the Depths are growing fuller and the Stonebeards are reporting busier Mines. With the boost to adult population their Elders have considered perhaps working towards striking out the Grudge of the Thing in the Depths.

The Shatterspears too are considering the new growth as their own ranks have swollen. The Karak has plenty of space to expand into and there's a lot of space within it already as well. The population growth has done rather little to bring the Karak towards crowded, twice as many Dawi could walk these Halls with fair space and so the Stonemasons are wondering if construction work is set to slow.

Meanwhile the Throng has enjoyed its swelling ranks as the Leadbeards have taken up arms and joined the ranks of the Minor Throngs. Thane Nirvid is still hard at work on her pet project of a Guard of Hammerers and has little personal time to spare for developing her Clan's newest Greybeards.

Elder Drindut
The Ironploughs have entombed Elder Garin, and the new Clan Elder is some twenty seven decades old. Elder Drindut has taken on the position of leading the Farmer Clan, the Ironploughs have been a source of some trouble in recent years, and they tend to be the grumbliest of the Clans. Fortunately, Elder Drindut seems to have a reasonable head on her shoulders despite choosing to lean towards adopting techniques from other peoples. It makes some sense you suppose, after all the Farmers don't have an Ancestor God's example and traditions to follow.

The Blood of Gazul
A Greybeard by the name of Gazric has gathered together a small number of fellows who have come of age at roughly the same time. They have cast aside their Clans to found a new branch of the Order of the Guardians. Operating out of the Shrine of the Guardian at the Peak of North Peak, leaving the Shrine of the Lord within the Tomb Hall for a future more stationary Cult, this band of witch hunters have armed and armoured themselves with commissions from Clan Greatmantle. Two-handed greatswords and black robes marked with flames go about the Karak as Gazric prepares to bring the full force of Gazul's Fire upon the necromancers of this world.

He has considered the incoming reports of Uzkular and selected a few options for places where he and his Guardians might venture to tear down the works of necromancers and return the Uzkular to the true death.

+5 Guardians

New Rangers
A group of some fifteen Bronzeplaits have moved across to Kazad Urbaz to take up the Crossbow and train in creative use of it. They have thick cloaks for lying out in the elements for days on end and they've rallied around the Troll Poisoner for a leader. The Deadeye has taken on the group for intensive training and though they might lack some of the line battle training of Quarrellers they make up for it with a capacity for thriving in greatly outnumbered and disadvantaged situations.

+15 Rangers

Eagle Whisperer
It is fortunate for your Stonebeard that the Grey Pilgrim has chosen to stop in Kazad Urbaz on his way through the High Pass else you might have missed him altogether. The Deadeye has sent word to you that the Istari is perusing the market and when you arrive he is in conversation with the Warsmith currently attending to the Grand Stall. Mithrandir stands aside whenever a customer approaches and doesn't appear to be terribly interested in actually making any purchases, so you step in to discuss your intentions for the Stonebeard.

He has gained a Wanderlust; it has been known to happen amongst Dawi sometimes. Especially when the Blood of Gazul is burning and can sometimes result in boons for the Dawi as a whole. The founding of new holds, the making of new friends and the striking of great oaths have come about from Wanderers. In this case you think the second is most likely. But a young Greybeard out in the world alone would be endangered, even with his intended travelling partners.

And so, you've a suggestion that Mithrandir take on the Stonebeard as some sort of Apprentice. Lord Elrond describes Mithrandir's great duty as weaving together the forces of good so that they might better repel the darkness, such a journey should satisfy the Wanderlust and allow for the Stonebeard to impress the good nature of the Dawi on the peoples who deserve to be impressed in this land.

The Istari doesn't seem overjoyed at the idea, but he shows no sign of displeasure either and agrees to take the group on as companions on the road and ensure no trouble befalls them that they don't soon get back out from. The next day a group of four very different individuals go out from the Door and head east through High Pass. Mithrandir is searching for the Host of Glorfindel who rumours claim have passed into the Eryn Galen.

Blood of Thungni
The Plaiting has breached the secrecy of the Runes. As she has stepped into the Bryn Ankor unguided, unprepared and without just right, so has she stepped out from the Drekfut Ankor. All that is mundane has passed now from her sight. She has been blindfolded and placed into the attention of the only other soul in the Bryn Ankor.

Gutfroy alone may guide her back to the place where Rhunki and Rhunrikki straddle the two worlds and he alone may remove her blindfold. Set for her is the task of laying out, carved into stone so that there might be no misunderstanding or forgetting, why the art of Thungni must be kept secret. And of course, if she is to be a Rhunki and perhaps even Rhunrikki in the future then she will need to possess perfection in the cutting of Runes.

So, she should start with the mundane runes of Khazalid. Should her writ be anything less than perfection, then it shall be broken into gravel, and she shall start entirely again.

An arduous Reckoning of which Gutfroy seems to approve, but not quite so heavy as those the Leadbeards have been given. Four Clan Warriors entrusted with tending the outer guardhall of the Runecrafting Hall have demonstrated an inability to bar the way from a Plaitling. The prevailing understanding is that they misunderstood the full weight of their duties.

And Gutfroy has carved four great Grudge Stones. Let them know that their duties should be a burden unto them greater than these stones for they may not pass any moment of day or night without the touch of their Grudge Stone. The group move about various duties in the Hold, sometimes they are serving on the Walls and sometimes they must make the eight mile journey to Kazad Urbaz with the stones on their backs.

After two cycles of the moon the Leadbeards lay at last their stones to rest and retake their place wardening the Runecrafting Hall. From which Linn Greatmantle has not departed since she was blindfolded.
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Turn 20
You have 7 Beardling dice which can be used on any task in the hold. You have 2 Warsmith and Brewer Dice; 3 Farmer, Miner and Stonemason Dice and 1 Engineer and Carpenter Dice. The Warrior Clan dice are inside of the Throng Duties options.

The Eotheod who have come to Karak Drekfut are willing to work in any way while in the sanctuary of the Hold. The Eotheod are Umgi, and worse yet they are the scattered and diminished remnants of their people. They suffer a -15 to all Eotheod Dice.
The Eotheod supply 3 Eotheod Dice.

Multiples of the same task can be undertaken at once if you want to split work between multiple clan housing, or multiple types of storehouse etc.

You have 7 unused Excavation Dice from last turn.

New options have been highlighted in yellow to make them easier to see.

The King's Matters
Elder Grazur has returned from the old Forest with a tale of a being that seemed to unknowingly take on the form of a Living Ancestor, who was married to a powerful sorceress and who had absolute mastery over the land in which he lived. And it was a tale of far too much magic for the Elder's liking. He has gone back into the Map Room and looked for something to balance out matters.

The Quendi Realms are overseen by powerful mages, the Dwarvish Kingdom is besieged in the north and the Kingdoms of Umgi are mostly scattered and even amongst them there seems to be the presence of magic in some manner. But not all the Dwarves are behind the gates of Udrabax, the ways of the Ered Mithrin are high in those mountains and barred from you by Urki but they have colonies in the east. Erebor the Lonely Mountain, or perhaps the Iron Hills. Or even further east to the lands from which the Eastern Dwarves have been coming with their raiding bands. Though such a journey would take considerable time.
[] Erebor the Lonely Mountain
[] The Iron Hills
[] Buzan of Thulin's Line
[] Gabilzahar of Bavor's Line
[] No
[] Write-In

The Order of the Guardians have been drilling at arms with the heavy and razor-sharp greatswords of their Order. Under the stern watch of their Head Priest, they have come a long way both in combat and in matters of the Cult. Their noses are honed to detect the presence of Uzkular with pinpoint precision and each of them has a firm grounding the Last Rites and other such rituals to abate Necromancy.

And now Gazric has decided it is time for the Order of the Guardians to strike out against the enemies of Gazul. Uzkular or Dawi Zharr, though the latter are more than unlikely to be found. You find before you six Dawi clad in black with greatswords strapped over their backs and the fires of Gazul worked into their armour and the robes that are worn over them.

[] Rhudaur
Beyond West Pass lies a broken black castle where the Uzkular were first come upon. The whole land is blanketed in the presence of the Uzkular but there are traps laid in the ruins of the once-kingdom that can draw in that presence and stir the dead to act as ambushers. The Order of the Guardians should trigger and annihilate those traps.

[] Angmar
The Witch King of Angmar was a powerful Necromancer and many of the foul workings of the near world were his make. Lesser Necromancers studied under him and the tribes of Umgi and Urki who dwell there may be harbouring Necromancers still. The Order of the Guardians should hunt upon the Plateau of Angmar for the Necromancers who survived the fall of that kingdom.

[] Cardolan
South of Bree are the Barrow Downs. It has proven troublesome land to travel through and you aren't pleased that when the gates of Bree are closed you are left with little choice but make way through it. Here the presence of the Uzkular is overwhelming and many of the dead regularly waken to battle travellers in that area. The Order of the Guardians should tear down the workings there.

[] The Depths
The Thing in the Depths has not re-emerged since it was first discovered. The Ironbeards haven't engaged it in battle and the Rangers haven't determined where the breaches in the Depths open out into the surface. Whether the Thing in the Depths really fits the duties of the Guardians is perhaps questionable, but the Order is willing to set out on a hunt all the same.

Elder Drindut of Clan Ironplough has overseen the entombing of her predecessor, Elder Garin, and has moved quickly as the new Clan Elder to bring her Clan firmly into hand. There's been trouble between Ironploughs and other Clans and between the Ironploughs and other peoples that has caused trouble for the Dawi as a whole. When she was nominated for Clan Elder it was for her skill as a Farmer and for her willingness to adapt to the techniques of other peoples.

She has come before you to request that she and some trusted Ironploughs set out for Imladris and request a Noldor teacher teach them to sing to plants. It makes some sense, the Dawi are no stranger to the use of song in carrying out duties. There's working songs for Forge and Mine, there's marching songs for the Throng and there's Dooming Songs for dark days and insurmountable odds. Why should farming be any different?
[] Yes
[] No

Elder Korin presides over your Queen's Clan. He has an interest in arranging a trading expedition, the Hold is bountiful in Ale and spreading it around a little might be worthwhile. Besides, Elder Korin has a few youngsters who could do with stretching their legs. He wants to load up some wagons with 50 Ale and set out to the markets of the world and trade it away for fair prices with ordinary folk.
[] Yes
[] No

The Rune of Fate
Just as you're falling to sleep there's a soft silver glow and you know to anticipate a waking dream. You find yourself stood upon the highest level of Udrabax. Three Levels above the besieging Urki host on the road to the south affords you a good vantage point to watch as the siege moves through several days. You note the sun and moon circling overhead as day and night take their turn in joining you watching over Udrabax.

You think you've been stood there a year or more when a horn sounds to the north and there is the grinding of stone as a great gate shifts. The siege camps quickly grow more active and stout ranks form up around Udrabax at a distance that the defenders aren't even trying to fire across. Thain son of Nain comes out onto the open ground beside you, escorted by a hundred Dwarves clad in thick silver armour.

The Urki host stretches on for miles, it twists around the edges of the nearest mountains and the cold stony plain before Udrabax is black with their camp. The Eryn Galen seems so very far away on the southern horizon.

"Udrabax is too far west." Lord Neath son of Drith looks across as his king speaks. "Durin's Folk dwell upon the walls of the Heath, weeks it takes to march the long grey road to Udrabax from Silverplunge. Your position is untenable in the long run. Should I surrender the lives of Durin's Folk for an untenable position?" Thain shakes his head. "Seal your gates, gather your people and make for Thundercleft. There still dwells Uri's Line, your kin will attend to you."

"Because my King will not?" Neath son of Drith has the face of a storm. "Udrabax is as untenable as you choose to make it my King. But it is the gateway to the hall of your Father. Those are Gundabad Urki before my gates. Has Durin's Line lost all hope for Durin's First Hall? Hew the damned creatures!"

"You have had your King's command." Thain son of Nain turns away, anger in his shoulder and his step.

"Take with you my people then, those who will go. I am the Lord of Udrabax, I will hold these gates for a hundred years. Alone if I must." And the King turned around in a fury.

"I will accept none of the folk of Udrabax through the gates of Silverplunge if you deny me here. I am your King!" He stepped closer. "Shall I go forth from this place and order the way sealed behind me? The road from Udrabax to Silverplunge threatens Durin's Folk. I should have your doors pulled down so that the enemy cannot reach my road. Stay then. You will not be able to change your mind."

And the dream broke about you.

Beyond the Passes
The immediate area is secure enough that endeavours that need more space than can be provided within the protection of the Surface Hold and cannot be performed within the Karak may be undertaken beyond the Passes.

[] Fortified Charcoal Pits. 94/100
(Engineer and Carpenter Clans can take this task.)

[] Fortified and Decorated Barracks. 127/160
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
(Miner, Stonemason, Carpenter, Artisan and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Anduin Jetties. 0/150
You have Lord Cirdan's riverine designs, but nowhere to actually build and keep ships. To the west the nearest river is the Bruinen, but the Ford makes it troublesome to move ships along it. So instead, you might lay jetties out into the Anduin. Send some Dawi out into the Near Vale to build up jetties into the Anduin.
(Engineer and Carpenter Clans can take this task. Costs 15 Wood per Die. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)

The Surface Hold
A valley in the dip between four mountain peaks with a pass out on each of the four cardinal directions is the current home of your host. The valley is filled with wagons of supplies and tents for the Dawi to sleep in. While most of your hold will one day be below ground, there will always be a need for some presence on the surface. The Valley has space for 3 more structures.

[] Extensive North Pass Fortification, 187/240.
(All Clans can work on this task. Dice can only be assigned equal to the total of this turn and last turn's Excavation Dice.)

The Hold
An Entrance Hall has been excavated from North Peak and the Karak can now form around it. Routes up into the Peak and down under the Valley will allow for significant expansion and there is currently space for an additional 0 Halls to be carved from North Peak, 7 Halls under the Valley and 17 Halls in West Peak. Specify which Hold Area to build new Halls in.

[] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Upper Stairs, 104/140.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Powder Storehall. 148/190
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task. Artisan Noldor can take this task.)

[] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Powder Hall. 141/190.
(Stonemason, Miner and Engineer Clans can take this Task.)

[] Amend Greatmantle Clan Residences (Fortification) 48/60
(Any Clan can take this task provided it was originally able to work on the structure.)

[] Amend Greatmantle Clan Residences (Tombs) 54/60
(Any Clan can take this task provided it was originally able to work on the structure.)

[] Amend Leadbeard Clan Residences (Expansion) 26/60
(Any Clan can take this task provided it was originally able to work on the structure.)

The Under Hold
The Under Hold is the deepest parts of the Karak. Here are the mines that venture far below the rest of the Hold and here are the places where the Holds of the Karaz Ankor are joined together by the Underways. 2 Minor Coal and 1 Minor Silver Vein have been identified. Behind the Underhold Fortifications lies only a limited space. There is room for 0 more Halls within that protection.

[] Establish a Minor Coal Mine, 45/50.
A Vein has been found to establish a long-term mine around.
(Only Miner Dice can be assigned to this Task. This excludes Beardlings.)

Runelord Challenges
Rhunrikki Gutfroy has the time to start a new challenge this year. An Item Rune will complete this turn. A Constructed Rune will complete in 2 turns. A Hold Rune will complete in 4 turns.

[X] Constructed Rune: A Shield. 1/2 Turns Completed.
Challenge Level: 30

Personal Challenges
Both yourself and Lady Daungrumm are capable of taking on Challenges as the ruling couple of the Karak. Mostly affairs of the Clans and the family but sometimes you will be moved to greater action than settling disputes.

[] King Gisilhari
-[] Write-In a subject an Apprentice King must learn. (E.g. Combat at Arms, Commanding a Throng, Healer's Work, Managing a Workforce, Diplomacy with neighbouring Kings, Wooing a Woman, Smithing, Dawi History)
Challenge Level: 10
Gisilhari is now your apprentice. You should decide what part of Kingship he should learn next. It will be an ongoing thing through the year but you'll have time to attend to ordinary duties as well.
(King Gisilhari is your Apprentice King. He imposes a -5 on your dice until he is an adult and you may still do one other task while teaching him. Each year you may write in a subject that he should be taught that year or select a suggested option.)

The Lorekeepers
The Clan Lorekeepers have prepared a place for Beardlings to be properly trained into the many trades of the Karaz Ankor. It will take some five years for a Clan's Beardlings to be trained in a new trade, but only three for trade from an existing Clan.

[] Train the Beardlings, 0 Turns completed.
(Choose 1 Trade for a Beardling Die to be trained in. Lose use of that Die.)

Throng Duties
Remember to assign all of your Minor Throngs to duties. Additional notes on specific purposes or tasks can be written in as you want.
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