The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

A Matter of Disappearing Beardlings
A Matter of Disappearing Beardlings

Elder Matron Gorgissa and her Matrons welcome you into the Healers Hall and together you walk the darkened hallways by lantern light. You have, perhaps terribly wisely, elected to don your arms and armour for this expedition and you note that the Matrons bear the panoply of the Valkrior. It is rare that the Cult of Valaya should make for war, but when a Karak has been breached the Cult of Hearth and Home are most zealous warriors.

The group passes the empty rooms that rest on solid ground and delve further into the North Peak towards the chasm that still scars it from the Time of Woes. Many a Karak suffered in those days when it was revealed to the Dawi that the Surface was not the only danger. Underways swarmed with Urki and Grobi and Thaggoraki and even mighty Karaks were torn open by the shuddering of the world.

Perhaps you should have been more cautious then about the wound in your Karak, perhaps it should have been investigated more thoroughly than simply sealing it where it was found. You cannot help but grunt as the group arrives at the chasm where building work has all stopped. There are rough edges, cranes hang over the darkness and half-built rooms. A few narrow and rather untrustworthy bridges span the gap, and you take a lantern out partway across one of the bridges to peer down into the darkness…

And you spot a pathway, a narrow ledge that winds and twists and descends into the depths. Somewhere below you is the Bronzeplaits Clan Residences, but each Level of the Karak is of considerable size and any number of things could be using that pathway. The Matrons shift stone and twist cranes to allow an easy route down to the ledge and then in the lantern light the group descends into the chasm.

Lord Gartrim: 50
Elder Matron Gorgissa: 80
The Matrons: 2
???: 19

A Matron stumbles over something in the darkness dropping her lantern as it clatters onto the pathway and the flames tumble out. Tumble out and ripple upwards as a creature once inky black in the gloom starts to scream as it burns. It flails backwards and howls loudly in pain before the Elder Matron offers a soft push and the group watches it accelerate towards the Bronzeplaits Clan Residences far below.

Elder Matron Gorgissa grunts the word Troll and wipes her hand on her armour before swinging a lantern to illuminate the wall of the chasm nearby. There's noise up ahead and a dark shape in the wall that seems to be the entrance to a cave.

Lord Gartrim: 2
Elder Matron Gorgissa: 100
The Matrons: 65
Trolls: 9

You enter the cave to see some Trolls singing loudly, completely drowning out any sound the Troll outside might have made, and the missing Beardlings are tied up at the back of the cave. All but one that is, for there's one Beardling who appears to be teaching the Trolls how to brew Ale? Foolish youngster, even if Trolls were inclined to anything as civilised as Ale they aren't clever enough to learn or honourable enough to let you go in exchange for a good recipe.

But the Elder Matron puts a hand out to stop you. The Beardling is very clearly not looking at the party and as you listen it becomes increasingly clear that they should never, never, be entrusted with brewing in the future. That recipe sounds very much poisonous.

And despite their complete inability to comprehend basic instructions, the Trolls are brewing the poison. And then they're drinking the poison! The Trolls start to foam at the mouth and spin around dizzily screaming for water. Matron Gorgissa calls out that there's water at the bottom of the chasm and the Matrons grab you and pull you up against the wall of the cave.

The Trolls thunder out and leap from the ledge. You count the seconds before thuds sound out from below and are surprised when the Beardling pops up at your elbow to tell you that those were the last of the Trolls.
Turn 7
You have 6 Beardling dice which can be used on any task in the hold. You have 2 Warsmith, Brewer, Farmer, Miner and Stonemason Dice. The Warrior Clan dice are inside of the Throng Duties options.

Multiples of the same task can be undertaken at once if you want to split work between multiple clan housing, or multiple types of storehouse etc.

You have 4 unused Excavation Dice from last turn.

New options have been highlighted in yellow to make them easier to see.

The Surface Hold
A valley in the dip between four mountain peaks with a pass out on each of the four cardinal directions is the current home of your host. The valley is filled with wagons of supplies and tents for the Dawi to sleep in. While most of your hold will one day be below ground, there will always be a need for some presence on the surface.

[] Establish Farms 0/100
(Farmers, Brewers and Miners can work on this task, costs 10 Crop per dice.)
Designate part of the valley for farms and set to work turning mountain soil into a source of food for the hold.

[] Gather a Goat Herd 0/150
-[] +Fortified, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
(Farmers can work this task. 5 Wood per Die. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
Send some Ironploughs down into the woods to the west to wrangle some Goats and bring them up to form a herd on a plateau further along the range. The herd will not be within the Surface Hold itself, but only the hardiest of Farmers become Herders.

[] Build a Storehouse 0/50
-[] +Huge, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target, +3 Wood per dice
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target, +1 Wood per dice
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task. Costs 5 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
A storehouse is needed to store more resources for the hold and to protect resources from the elements.

[] Build Housing 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target, +3 Wood per dice
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target, +1 Wood per dice
(Specify a Group of the Hold to assign the housing to. All Clans can work on this task. Costs 10 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
The Clans are living in tents and though a Dawi can sleep just about anywhere, they'd much rather be sleeping in beds. Build somewhere for a Clan to stay.

[] Add to the Fortifications 0/0
-[] +A Second Wall, +50 to target
-[] ++A Third Wall, +50 to target
-[] +Towers Set Above into the Peaks, +40 to target
-[] +Extra Tall, +20 to target per Wall
-[] +Extra Thick, +20 to target per Wall
-[] +A Carven Path, +20 to target
(Specify which of the Passes to fortify. All Clans can work on this task. Dice can only be assigned equal to the total of this turn and last turn's Excavation Dice.)
Fortify the entrance into the valley from one of the Passes.

[] Amend an existing, completed structure. 0/60
-[] +Expansion
-[] +Fortification
-[] +Decoration
(Any Clan can take this task. Costs 5 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice. Specify which structure and 1 amendment to be made to it.)

The Hold
The Hold is the main part of a Dawi settlement. Here is where the bulk of the Karak can be found and where most Dawi will spend the majority of their time. It will need to be carved from the mountains over time, but all that stone can be put to other uses. Eventually the Hold will claim all four peaks (north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west) and the joining ground under the valley before steadily expanding downwards.

[] Excavate an Entrance Hall into one of the Peaks. 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
(Specify which Peak to carve an Entrance Hall into. Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

There are three Peaks left in the Valley. Eventually Karak Drekfut will consume all of them and they will be connected through the ground under the Valley floor but for now an Entrance Hall into each one could be made to allow access into those Peaks.

[] Excavate an Entrance Hall under the centre of the valley. 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)
Eventually Karak Drekfut will make use of all of the ground under the Valley, but rather than accessing it through one of the Peaks you could excavate an Entrance Hall under the centre of the Valley.

North Peak
An Entrance Hall has been excavated from North Peak and the Karak can now form around it. Routes up into the Peak and down under the Valley will allow for significant expansion and there is currently space for an additional 8 Halls to be carved from North Peak.

[] Armoury 0/60
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as an Armoury. Most members of the Throng will keep their arms and armour with them in Clan Residences but if the Hold is ever assaulted ordinary Clandawi will need somewhere to equip themselves.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Barracks. 0/130
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Barracks. Much of the Reclamation Throng did not come from one of the Clans sent to settle Karag Langkhirn and will not be able to claim a Clan Residence but the Barracks will satisfy them all.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Brewer Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
The mountain is a big place and given time you might decide you need more than one Brewer Hall.
(Miner, Stonemason and Brewer Clans can take this Task.)

[] Clan Residences. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[] +Clan Tomb, +30 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as Clan Residences. The Clans have been living in tents on the surface, no true Dawi can sleep easy above ground. Except of course some of the older Rangers, there's a madness amongst that folk.
(Any Clan can take this Task. Choose a Clan to assign the Residences to.)

[] Forge Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Forge Hall. Your own Clan Greatmantle is made of skilled smiths, and they will need a Forge Hall to ply their trade. Here Ingots can be turned into equipment and damaged equipment can be repaired.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Hall of Remembrance. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Hall of Remembrance. Here the Clan Lorekeepers from across the Hold can gather to keep records of the actions of the Hold and carefully guard the secrets of the Dawi. For all tasks that cannot be fulfilled by a present Clan, the Lorekeepers are your best chance of teaching Beardlings to take on those duties.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Decorated Healing Hall. 108/120

-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Healing Hall. Here the Matrons and trained Healers can attend to the sick and injured. Thankfully there have not yet been any major incidents but the Elder Matrons are quite clear that the surface is no place to treat a patient.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Hold Fortifications. 0/150
-[] +Extensive Battlements, +20 to target
-[] ++Artillery Emplacements, +10 to target
-[] +Towers Built into North Peak's Height, +40 to target
-[] +A Second Gatehouse, +30 to target
-[] ++A Third Gatehouse, +30 to target
-[] ++Collapsible Chambers, +10 to target per additional Gatehouse
A Karak is one of the best defended places in all the world. Your Karak is protected by a Surface Hold of tents and wagons and a set of fortifications built out from your Entrance Hall. Perhaps significant effort should be made to establish a purpose built fortification at the entrance to the Karak.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Milling Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Milling Hall. This will allow for Crop to be stretched much further with the Dawi eating bread rather than just raw grain. Clan Ironplough will certainly appreciate somewhere to work in the shade of the mountain.
(Miner, Stonemason, Brewer and Farmer Clans can take this Task.)

[] Decorated Runecrafting Hall with Second Guardhall. 98/130
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Runecrafting Hall. A large workshop built to withstand all the troubles that can occur when a Rhunrikki is at work. This protects the rest of the Karak from the runecrafting and protects the secrets of the runes from prying eyes.
(Stonemason Clans can take this Task.)

[] Shrine Hall. 0/130
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Shrine Hall. Towering Statues of the Ancestor Gods shall be carved from the walls and their alcoves shall describe the greatest deeds of their truly great lives. Smaller shrines at the far end of the Shrine Hall will allow Clans to pay heed to their own Clan Ancestors.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Smelting Hall. 0/130
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Smelting Hall. Ore drawn up from the mines is not immediately useful, in most circumstances, and must first go through the lengthy and very hot process of smelting. A dedicated hall to handle the immense heat will be needed.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Storehall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Storehall. A dry, secure place to store the Hold's resources is almost always best placed within the sanctuary of the Karak itself.
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Tavern. 0/60
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Tavern. Here the Dawi of the Hold can gather to drink Ale and feast. Taverns are the site of great festivity and sombre commiserations.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Throne Hall. 0/90
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Throne Hall. Here the Lord of the Hold will sit in judgement over criminals, hear audiences from his subjects and receive delegations from afar.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can work on this task.)

[] Training Hall. 0/60
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Training Hall. In truth this will be a network of small halls and a maze of tunnels. The Training Hall is a place for the Throng to train in fighting in both the terrain of a Karak and of an Underhold.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Workshop Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Workshop Hall. Many Clans without dedicated halls will use Workshop Halls spread throughout the Karak to train Beardlings and to work on their craft.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Vaults. 0/160
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Second Guardroom, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Vault. Here the Hold will store precious metals (Gold, Silver, Gromril); items of great value and runic power, and the Hold Book of Grudges.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can work on this task.)

[] Lower Level Hallway. 0/25
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavated a Hallway from North Peak into one of the other sections of the Karak.
(Select one of The Valley, West Peak or East Peak. Any Clan can take this task.)

[] Tomb Hall. 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall for the dead to lie in with the honour they deserve. While Clan Tombs might be attached to Clan Residences, those who are not of one of the major Clan will need a general place to rest in death.
(Any Clan can take this task.)

[] Amend an existing, completed structure. 0/70
-[] +Expansion
-[] +Fortification
-[] +Decoration
(Any Clan can take this task. Specify which structure and 1 amendment to be made to it.)

[] Refurnish a Hall. 0/50.
(Any Clan can take this task. Specify which structure and what it should be replaced with. Costs 20 Wood and 10 Steel Ingot.)

The Under Hold
The Under Hold is the deepest parts of the Karak. Here are the mines that venture far below the rest of the Hold and here are the places where the Holds of the Karaz Ankor are joined together by the Underways.

[] Underhold Fortifications. 0/100.
-[] +Second Guardhall, +50 to target
-[] +Third Guardhall, +50 to target
-[] +Collapsible Ceilings, +20 to target per Guardhall
As you have seen recently proven, the darkness below is home to any manner of enemy. Construct a mighty Guardhall through which all tunnels must pass before they may enter the Underhall.
(Any Clan can take this task. Will become a more arduous task the more tunnels are made before work starts.)

[] Prospectors Underhall. 0/50.
Dig out an Underhall for the Prospectors to make use of. From here they can spend all their time in the darkness below and continuously seek out veins to mine.
(Miner Clans can take this task.)

[] Ironbeards Station. 0/50.

There has been a long and horrible war in the deep darkness below. The greatest warriors of the tunnels are the Ironbeards who can stand alone in the tight quarters for some say literal years against a veritable tide. Excavate an Ironbeards Station where the Elder Miners who have earnt the title will sleep, eat and live awaiting the call to arms.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

[] Training Underhall. 0/80.

A maze of tight tunnels that have never seen light, not even when they were carved from the Underhold, and are rougher ground than the rockiest hills and steepest slopes. The Throng may need to learn to fight in the nightmare that is the Underhold, or in the similarly hellish environment of enemy territory.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

[] Under-Storehall. 0/100.

Somewhere within the mess of tunnels that weave through the Underhold an Under-Storehall should be carved out. Useful for storing ore before it shipped to the smelters or for storing coal for those few Underhalls that are afforded the luxury of good lighting.
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Under-Armoury. 0/50.

A store of weapons and armour for ordinary Dawi to use should the Underhold be attacked should be kept safe and secure somewhere near to the Lower Stairs.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Quarry. 0/50.
Designate some part of the Underhold to a Quarry. From here stone will be drawn to be used in essentially everything. A Quarry could supply the Hold with a nigh infinite source of stone.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Send out Sniffers.
Challenge Level: 40
There isn't time to settle in Prospectors. If the Miners can smell something worth mining they should mine it now. Set the Miners to sniffing and digging.
(Only Miner Dice can be assigned to this Task. This excludes Beardlings.)

Runelord Challenges
Rhunrikki Gutfroy has the time to start a new challenge this year. An Item Rune will complete this turn. A Constructed Rune will complete in 2 turns. A Hold Rune will complete in 4 turns.

[] Item Rune: A Lordly Commission
Challenge Level: 60
(Select a Rune and a part of your Regalia.)
A Lord's Regalia are a long list of items. A full set of Armour, Az and Shield, Tapestry Cloak, Crown and Banner. You have a Cloak more than worthy of a Lord, woven by the Goddess Valaya herself but the rest is mundane equipment no matter how high quality. You could commission a rune to be inscribed upon one of your regalia.

[] Item Rune: A Guardian's Commission
Challenge Level: 80
Guardian of the Gate Nirvid Leadbeard has requested that a rune be cut into her hammer. She has never had any runic equipment before and is quite eager for her first. As one of the Hold's pre-eminent warriors the Rhunrikki believes the effort will may prove worthwhile.

[] Item Rune: A Ranger's Commission
Challenge Level: 30
Deadeye Gromurd wants to improve the long range scope on his crossbow. He has offered the Rhunrikki a commission to cut the scope with runes.

[] Constructed Rune: A Ring
Challenge Level: 80
Costs 1 Gromril Ingot
It is possible to construct a ring cut with runes in such a way that the wearer is capable of casting what would seem to be a spell. The Rhunrikki intends to gift such a ring to you.
-[] Fireball
-[] Ice Bolt
-[] Regrowth

[] Constructed Rune: A Shield
Challenge Level: 30
Costs 3 Gromril Ingots
The Rhunrikki has an idea in mind to construct a new shield and offer it up to the Throng to make use of. The shield will be able to protect more than just its bearer.

[] Constructed Rune: A Hammer
Challenge Level: 60
Costs 3 Gromril Ingots
A hammer is both tool and weapon. The Rhunrikki has designed a runic hammer that he is most interested in creating. An Elder of your own clan will be given it to make use of when at the forge.

[] Constructed Rune: A Lord's Panoply
Challenge Level: 60
(Select 3 Runes, only 1 can be a Master Rune and it must match the type of item, Select 1 piece of your equipment.)
A Lord's Regalia are a long list of items. A full set of Armour, Az and Shield, Tapestry Cloak, Crown and Banner. You have a Cloak more than worthy of a Lord, woven by the Goddess Valaya herself but the rest is mundane equipment no matter how high quality. Allow the Rhunrikki to melt down one of these items, or simply replace your Banner, and create from the Gromril a replacement.

[] Hold Rune: Master Rune of Passage
Challenge Level: 30
Cut a great shape into the stone where the Peak meets the Pass. Regardless of the roughness of the mountains, that pass shall be smooth as silk for all who make use of it.
(Choose a Pass)

[] Hold Rune: Master Rune of Balance
Challenge Level: 20
Cut a great shape into the highest Peak. The Dawi are not meant to be exposed to the howling Winds of Magic and this high up a mountain the surface is not entirely safe. The Winds will break against the Master Rune of Balance and the Surface Hold will be safe below.

[] Hold Rune: Rune of Slowness
Challenge Level: 20
Cut a great shape into the flank of one of the Peaks. Any who would seek to enter the Hold bypassing the watched passes will slow to a crawl and be easy pickings for watchers.
(Choose a Peak)

Personal Challenges
Both yourself and Lady Daungrumm are capable of taking on Challenges as the ruling couple of the Karak. Mostly affairs of the Clans and the family but sometimes you will be moved to greater action than settling disputes.

[] Calm a Clan
Challenge Level: 40
Speak with the Elders of a Clan and assuage any concerns.
(Choose a Clan)

[] Range Beyond the Valley
Challenge Level: 30
Go and explore beyond the Valley.
(Choose a direction)

[] There's a Time for Family
Challenge Levels: 20 and 95
You might be of a mind to relax now that you're married and enjoy the dear company of your wife. You might even take an eye to making a little Garazi of your own. Of course, you don't have a claysmith's wheel to hand, but Daungrumm assures that won't be necessary.

[] A Feast for the Hold
Challenge Level: 30
There's always something to celebrate. Perhaps you should take the opportunity.
(Costs 10 Meat, 10 Crop and 10 Ale)

[] Join the Work
Challenge Level: 50
Attach yourself to a task being carried out. The Hold should see their Lord hard at work.
(Choose a Task to work towards. Should you be successful the task will receive 20 Progress.)

[] Join a Kull
Challenge Level: Interlude
The dangers to the Hold have grown too great, you will strike forth with a Throng to diminish one of these threats.
(Choose a Kull to take part in, requires at least 1 Minor Throng to be assigned to a Kull.)

[] Tutor a Youngster
Challenge Level: 30
Garazi are often raised within the Clan with Beardlings sent out to learn under masters of the Hold. You could take on a Garazi from your own Clan or a Beardling from one of the other Clans and begin to teach them.
(Choose a Clan)

Throng Duties
[] Guard one of the Passes
Set a Minor Throng to guard duty on one of the Passes.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which Pass)

[] Range Out From the Valley
Send a Minor Throng to explore beyond the Valley.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which direction)

[] A Kull is Called
There are dangers on every horizon, as has ever been true for the Dawi, and they must be put to a rest. Trolls and the stench of Uzkular in the West, Umgi skinshifters in the East, Hargrobi in the South and a Dragon in the North.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which target. A minimum of 1 Minor Throng must always remain with the Hold.)

[] Hunt beyond one of the Passes
Send a Minor Throng to bring back Meat.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which direction)

[] Gather Lumber
Send a Minor Throng into the woods to the west to gather Wood.
(Choose which Minor Throng)

[] Reorganise the Throng
Create a new set up for the Throng.
Turn 7 Results
The Surface Hold
Add to the South Pass Fortifications, 328/150. Completed.
(1 Stonemason Die + 1 Warsmith Die + 1 Farmer Die + 2 Beardling Dice)
93+28+39+82+86 = 328
The Clans set out into the South Pass and under the watch of the Southerly Throng set to work erecting a wall in a more forward position. Here South Pass is slightly wider, and the weaker natural defences are bolstered by additional artificial ones. Winding paths and steep steps lead up to squat and powerful towers carved from the South and East Peaks.

Here defenders can be stationed to rain death upon the South Pass, be it on the approach or even upon the walls themselves should they fall. To further enhance the Rune of Slowness a path has been carved from the South Pass with great trenches on each side and a raised embankment to march along. This narrow pathway will limit the dangers posed by overwhelming numbers for any enemies that fall into the trenches will be frozen in place by the Rune of Slowness.

Second Extra Tall and Thick Wall, Towers in the Peaks and a Carven Path built in South Pass.

North Peak

Huge, Decorated Healing Hall, 290/170. Completed.
(1 Warsmith Dice + 1 Beardling Dice.)
90+92 = 182
Clan Greatmantle ascends to the Second Level of North Peak and makes haste to finish the Healing Hall that has spent far too long waiting to be completed. With the Trolls of the Chasm dead the Healing Hall is safe to work in. The Chasm is spanned completely, the darkness sealed away as chambers are built upon reinforced supports.

As work has progressed the Healing Hall has been expanded, the whole host of the Cult of Valaya can work in the Healing Hall and the Healers can attend to far more injured Dawi at once than initially planned. If an invasion of the Hargrobi nest is to go ahead, then even this Hall might be full.

As is only natural, the Healing Hall is decorated with statues of Valaya and the walls are lined with tapestries of her greatest deeds. Over the doorway that leads into the main Hallway lies a depiction of her cloak being given to yourself, or perhaps to the first Greatmantle for it isn't especially clear. Either way it is being taken as a symbol of her Cult's gift of Healers to the Reclamation Throng and the gift of this new home for the whole Hold.

Huge, Decorated Healing Hall built in North Peak.

Decorated Runecrafting Hall with secondary Guardhall, 110/130.
(1 Stonemason Die.)
2+10 = 12
The Shatterspears have made very little progress on the Runecrafting Hall. They've managed to haul up a few weapons racks from the new Workshop Hall and deliver them to the Guardhalls but other than that the actual Runecrafting Hall is rather bare. They have established some temporary rooms with enough support to move the walls around, but the Rhunrikki has not spent enough time in North Peak to really direct them in the design he wants.

The Underhold
Underhold Fortifications, 304/260. Completed.
(2 Brewer Dice + 1 Farmer Die + 2 Beardling Dice.)
97+96+41+44+51-5-5-5-5-5 = 304
A chain of three Guardhalls stretches out from the Underhall to the outer limit of the Karak. From beyond the gates of the third Guardhall tunnels will stream out into the depths like roads from the gates of a Surface Hold.

Each of these Guardhalls and the hallways between them are rigged to be collapsed by a single strike of a hammer in the Guardhall or Underhall behind and the heavy stone gates that cap each Guardhall are almost as hard to breach as a collapsed tunnel. The Clans have rushed to complete the Guardhalls quickly so that tunnels can be extended down from them to mine for the coal that the Hold needs.

Underhold Fortifications built under North Peak.

Prospector's Underhall, 80/50. Completed.
(1 Miner Die + 1 Beardling Die.)
60+20 = 80
The Stonebeards have carved a Prospector's Underhall beside the North Peak Underhall. Here the Master Prospectors of Clan Stonebeard will be able to keep their equipment and a couple of beds to allow them to continuously prospect the Underhold for opportunities to set out Mines. It is a simple structure, as are most things the Prospectors work upon, but it is many leagues ahead of the roughly hewn tunnels that the Stonebeards will soon be stringing through the mountain.

Prospector's Underhall built under North Peak. -5 to highest Miner Dice. Chance each Turn to prospect a random mine.

Send out Sniffers. Failed.
Challenge Level: 40
(1 Miner Die.)
Several Greybeards from amongst Clan Stonebeard have dug out a warren of tunnels following their noses. Unfortunately, the Stonebeards have failed to find anything in the immediate area, perhaps there's something about the mountain that's disturbing their noses. Elder Artrum has been grumbling that they might all have needed a few more years as Beardlings.

Runelord Challenge
Master Rune of Balance on North Peak, 1/4 turns completed.
Challenge Level: 20
The Rhunrikki has stolen a group of Beardlings and commanded them to drag his wagon and tools up the North Peak. Once there, he has sent them back down the Peak and set to work on the Master Rune of Balance. The first Master Rune a Talismanic Runelord will learn, for it is terribly important for a Karak to keep a properly maintained Master Rune of Balance, the Rhunrikki could carve this shape from the mountain in his sleep.

From the Surface Hold there's little real to see, although occasionally a pebble will come crashing down from high above to remind the Ironploughs that there's a Rhunrikki at work somewhere above their heads. Perhaps it will also remind them to get back into the shade of the mountain from time to time and spare themselves the early onset Sun Madness.

Master Rune of Balance reaches 1/4 turns completed.

Personal Challenge

Join the Work – Send out Sniffers, Failed.
Challenge Level: 50.
(Lady Daungrumm.)
Daungrumm descends to the Underhold, Karstah at her hip and occasionally walking about the tunnels. While Daungrumm is a Master Brewer from Clan Bronzeplaits, all Plaitlings must serve two years in the Mines toiling for the good of the Hold, so she has some skill at mining. And yet it takes far more than two meagre years to develop a true Miner's nose.

The pair of them sniff at several walls, and Karstah swings her first pick with her mother's hands about the haft. They find very little, as do the rest of the Sniffers.

Joint the Work – Add to the Fortifications, Failed.
Challenge Level: 50
(Lord Gartrim)
Gartrim joins the work in the South Pass, digging out trenches and setting up blocks to form up the second wall. But he ends up doing only as much as any of the Beardlings and with the extraordinary effort put into the new South Pass defences one Dawi makes little difference. Perhaps the presence of the Lord of the Hold inspired the others to develop the fortifications faster, perhaps the work would have been done anyway.

The Throng
Guard North Pass

Greatbeard Gallick and the Northerly Throngs guard the North Pass well enough. There's no real danger nearby to the North, the Rangers had to travel quite far to comes across Urki and that Dragon. So, the Greatbeard offers up some Quarrellers to stand watch in the tower in the northern Goat herd.

They watch over the Goatherds and the Goats steadily, when a Great Eagle swoops in to steal a Goat they are met with the precise stones of the Goatherds and driven back up into the air. But not before a quarrel bits deep into the chest of the Great Eagle. It has a notably hard time flying away into the east.

Range out from East Pass

The Rangers from the Easterly Throng journey out through East Pass and down the steep slopes into the Vale. They pick their way through the long grasses and over shallow hills to inspect the empty wooden cabins of the Umgi. The cabins in the Vale are still uninhabited and the Rangers take the chance to look within.

There are no Dumi icons, no writings in the Dark Tongue and no grimoires of fell spells. The cabins also fail to demonstrate any shrines of the Umgi Gods that the Rangers have heard of. Not the Bear God of the north, nor the Wolf Ancestor of Olrik's Kin nor the Heldenhammer of the Empire.

The Rangers move on from the empty cabins and search the great river for a crossing. The skinshifters that dwell beyond it have not returned to their river-bank cabins, although they cannot have gone far for smoke rises from a fire on the island watchtower in the middle of the great river. Moving through the long grasses, the Rangers sneak past the watcher and further south along the river.

A small village of these cabins sits on the far bank, still inhabited. And a wooden jetty is host to a pair of rowboats. This may be the only crossing within the Vale, and it is firmly in the control of the skinshifters.

Guard South and West Pass

The retreat of the Hargrobi was but the still before the storm. The scouts who fled when the Rune of Slowness was struck have returned and in far greater numbers. Circling around South Peak, with many hundred of the Hargrobi being caught in the grip of the Rune of Slowness, they have come to close off both the South and West Passes.

Amongst them are a few taller in stature than the rest, Warbosses most likely, who beat and shout their fellows into position. Others come pushing frail rock lobbers upon misshapen wheels of beaten and broken metal. The Hargrobi seem to be holding their more elite warriors at the front, for the rear ranks are alive with miscoordination and general unruliness.

The Deadeye looks over the enemy ranks from South Pass and decrees that the new fortifications will hold. The Hargrobi rock lobbers will shatter under their own tension long before they manage any real harm to the walls and though their more disciplined front ranks may pose trouble if they manage to scale the stone, the rest of the Hargrobi will break and flee once their leaders have been struck down.

Meanwhile Elder Urtain can but grumble, the Lorekeepers warned that the Hargrobi were more tactically and strategically sound than their Grobi counterparts and they have clearly chosen to show their greatest strength at the weaker West Pass and allow a more token force to tie down troops to the South.

Arrayed at the far end of West Pass is a Hargrobi Waagh of considerable size. There are a handful of chained trolls in their midst and a few Hargrobi rock lobbers as well. For the Throng at West Pass the greatest relief is that though these are Hargrobi, they are still Grobi, and their equipment is tattered, and their own individual strength and skill is far lesser than that of even a Beardling. Further, the Elder has spotted only Warbosses amongst the ranks and none of the deadly Shamans.
Final Preparations for the Hargrobi Assault
The Hargrobi have gathered a Waagh around South Peak cutting off both the South and West Passes. Disciplined Hargrobi elites make up the front ranks of both forces with a disorganised swell of sheer numbers behind them. Warbosses stand tall over the rest of the force and beat and shout their subordinates into some rough position to make ready for an assault.

The force at the end of West Pass is significantly larger than the one at South Pass and contains Trolls that the Hargrobi have chained and prodded into position. Both forces have Hargrobi Rock Lobbers, although they seem to be fragile creations more likely to tear themselves apart than actually hurl stone against your walls.

There's enough time before the Hargrobi assault to shift some of your forces around.

The Throng
The Training Yards of the Surface Hold have improved the capability of the Throng when fighting in the Passes and the Valley.

The Northerly Throng
Greatbeard Gallick Steelfinger
100 Leadbeard Clan Warriors
13 Karaz-A-Karak Longbeards
50 Rangers
50 Quarrellers
(25 Quarrellers are on the northern plateau)

The Easterly Throng
Thane Arzil Leadbeard
100 Leadbeard Clan Warriors
12 Karaz-A-Karak Longbeards
75 Quarrellers
(50 Rangers are in the Vale)

The Southerly Throng
Deadeye Gromurd Stoneskin
100 Leadbeard Clan Warriors
13 Karaz-A-Karak Longbeards
50 Rangers
75 Quarrellers

The Westerly Throng
Elder Urtain Leadbeard
100 Leadbeard Clan Warriors
12 Karaz-A-Karak Longbeards
50 Rangers
75 Quarrellers

The Clans
Clan Volunteers will fight using the tools of their trades and the limited training their Clans can afford. Training Yard bonuses only apply to the Throng.

Lord Gartrim Greatmantle
Rhunrikki Gutfroy
Elders Bogrur and Grazur Greatmantle
90 Greatmantle Clan Volunteers

Elder Korin Bronzeplaits
50 Bronzeplaits Clan Volunteers

Elder Garin Ironplough
20 Ironplough Clan Volunteers

Elder Artrum Stonebeard
40 Stonebeard Clan Volunteers

Elder Voddor Shatterspear
50 Shatterspear Clan Volunteers

The Cult of Valaya
In defence of Hearth and Home the Valkrior of the Cult of Valaya are zealous warriors.

Elder Matron Gorgissa
20 Valkrior

[] Write-In forces assigned to each Pass, and to holding the Entrance Hall

[] Write-In additional notes on tactics otherwise the Elders will oversee the forces at their position as they see fit.
The Hargrobi Assault
The Hargrobi Assault

Hargrobi Elites: 93-5(Swarm Behind)+10(Where there's a Whip…) = 98
Hargrobi Elites Warbosses: 6+10(Warboss) = 16
Hargrobi Swarm: 23-10(Swarming)+30(Where there's a Whip…) = 43
Hargrobi Swarm Warbosses: 54+10(Warboss) = 64
Hargrobi Rock Lobbers: 11-50(Inept Construction)-20(Inept Crew)-10(Thick Wall)+10(Enthusiastic) = -69
Trolls: 25-10(Chained) = 15


Rhunrikki: 87+10(Rhunrikki)+50(Runes of Power) = 147
Quarrellers: 23+10(Tall Wall)+35(Elder's Gaze)+5(Training Yard)+5(Runes of Power) = 78
Rangers: 100+10(Tall Wall)+35(Elder's Gaze)+5(Training Yard)+5(Runes of Power) = 155
The Wall: 93+10(Of Dawi Make)+5(Runes of Power) = 108
You stand upon the wall of West Pass and look down upon the Hargrobi Waagh as it swells through the West Pass towards you. The chained Trolls are prodded and dragged forwards by minders and there's something in you that is just pleased that those are Trolls and not Giants that approach the wall.

Despite the general clamour of battle, in and amongst the crashing stone of the Hargrobi Rock Lobbers and the whistling of loosed bolts, you can pick out the moments of odd silence when the Rhunrikki exerts his will upon the West Pass. In those moments are incoming stones crushed into dust and approaching Hargrobi elites are burnt in their broken armour.

You adjust your knees to avoid them locking in your plate, you've not moved in almost two hours and the stiffness might harm your skill at arms. The little shuffle seems to result in a break in the ranks in front of you and the West Pass is littered with dead Hargrobi, mostly the unarmoured and rusty armed swarmers. But then your eye is caught by both of the heavily armoured Hargrobi Warbosses leading the elite troops as they each catch a bolt to the eye and collapse into the swarm.

The Rangers holler with excited warcries as bolts start to descend further and further back into the West Pass and eventually the Warbosses that beat the swarmers forward are swallowed by their own troops. As the Hargrobi get ever closer to the base of the wall the Quarrellers start to shift around to open more arcs of fire and you begin to lose sight of the West Pass. But before line of sight is blocked you watch as three of the Hargrobi Rock Lobbers lob themselves into the air and come crashing down in shattered pieces.

Hargrobi Elites: 49-5-5(Tall Wall) = 39
Hargrobi Swarm: 48-10+10-5(Tall Wall) = 43
Hargrobi Swarm Warbosses: 36+10-5(Tall Wall) = 41
Hargrobi Rock Lobbers: 18-50-20-10+10 = -52
Trolls: 56-10 = 15


Rhunrikki: 22+10+50= 82
Elder Urtain Leadbeard: 49+5(Elder)+5(Training Yard)+5(Runes of Power) = 64
Greatbeard Gallick Steelfinger: 28+10(Greatbeard)+5(Training Yard)+5(Runes of Power) = 48
Thane Arzil Leadbeard: 21+10(Thane)+5(Training Yard)+5(Runes of Power) = 41
Lord Gartrim Greatmantle: 81+10(Lord)+5(Training Yard)+5(Runes of Power) = 101
Elder Bogrur Greatmantle: 66+5(Elder)+5(Training Yard)+5(Runes of Power) = 81
Elder Grazur Greatmantle: 41+5(Elder)+5(Training Yard)+5(Runes of Power) = 56
Quarrellers: 94+10+35+5+5= 149
Rangers: 78+10+35+5+5 = 133
Leadbeards: 51+35(Elder's Gaze)+5(Training Yard)+5(Runes of Power) = 96
Greatmantles: 50+35(Elder's Gaze)+5(Runes of Power)-10(Volunteers) = 80
Longbeards: 40+35(Elder's Gaze)+5(Training Yard)+5(Experienced)+5(Runes of Power) = 90
The Wall: 3+10+5 = 18
The Front Gate: 50+10(Of Dawi Make)+5(Runes of Power) = 65
The swarm manages to press up against the wall of West Pass. Ladders come up against the stone, grappling hooks clatter against the battlements and the Trolls begin to batter upon the gates. The various Elders and yourself press forward to meet the foe. The Quarrellers and Rangers press up into bastions to better fire upon the base of the wall and as they climb the ladders and ropes. Meanwhile the members of the Throng trained in Az and Hammer form ranks against the edge of the wall to cast down any who make it to the top.

A last few stones come hurtling in, those that don't crumble to dust in flight merely shatter amidst the swarm, and then the shattered remains of the last Rock Lobbers spread themselves through the Hargrobi.

You are soon personally engaged by the swarmers; your Az can shear through those wearing tattered cloth and those without easily enough. The real issue is that you cut through Hargrobi with such ease that you're struggling to bring the Az back up to meet the next set of the creatures before the swarm has cut you off from the rest of the Throng.

There's enough space on the top of the wall for a great host of Hargrobi to push in amongst the Throng. You come across various groups forming shieldwalls, bodily casting Hargrobi from the battlements or proving themselves Dawi of exceptional courage.

There the Rhunrikki's hammer is alight with the fires of the forge and each swing caves in another Hargrobi. Then you are climbing stairs in the gatehouse chasing swarmers trying to get at the mechanisms only to look out a slit and see the Greatbeard has leapt from the top and his two-headed Az has cleaved through the head of one troll and is making quick work of another.

After reaching the top of the gatehouse, you come across Elder Bogrur and the Greatmantle Volunteers folding a firm line against the last of the Hargrobi Warbosses and hundreds of their elites. A whip lashes out at you before the Elder grabs it a pulls hard. The Warboss stumbles into the line and is dragged down, smiths' hammers crush the Warboss and the Hargrobi start to flee from the battlements.

You join the swell of the Throng pushing back into the beachheads of the Hargrobi and watch as the survivors flee back down West Pass, bolts fly as they retreat and the Greatbeard is keeping pace with several trolls as they run.

With the enemy defeated, there's time to take stock. The West Pass has, by some miracle of Grimnir, suffered no fatalities. However, injuries both minor and major are common throughout the Throng. Of the Elders, only Thane Arzil Leadbeard has had his armour breached. Several Hargrobi elites had managed to pin him to the floor and flail enough daggers to injure him. The Leadbeards managed to reclaim their Thane before anything more than minor injuries were sustained.

Already Healers from the Cult of Valaya have loaded up wagons with the injured to haul them up to the Healing Hall. The Hold has been opened again for the South Pass is secured as well. Unfortunately, you must meet with the Deadeye in a bed in the Healing Hall to hear of it. He has suffered major injuries in the fighting.

As have many of the Dawi of the Throng guarding South Pass, those who are not dead at least.

The Deadeye reported similar successes when handling Hargrobi Warbosses, and thousands of the Hargrobi fled through the early stages of the battle which matches with reports from other Elders in West Pass. A tale of some sorrow is that where the Rock Lobbers of West Pass tore themselves apart, those of South Pass proved deadly accurate.

The Outer Wall of South Pass is badly damaged in several places with minor damage across much of the rest of the structure. Fatalities approach a score and casualties ten times that. Both Passes are littered with the dead Hargrobi and those the Healers decree fit to go about their day are set to burning the Hargrobi on great pyres so that their spores will not infest the mountains and spawn a new Waagh later.

The dead are gathered, Leadbeards are transported to their Clan Residences with an events hall being used as a makeshift funerary hall where the Clan can attend to the dead in the absence of any Priests of Gazul. The rest are being kept in a room of the Healing Hall until arrangements can be made.

6 Leadbeard Clan Warriors
1 Karaz-A-Karak Longbeard
7 Rangers
5 Quarrellers
Turn 8
You have 6 Beardling dice which can be used on any task in the hold. You have 2 Warsmith, Brewer, Farmer, Miner and Stonemason Dice. The Warrior Clan dice are inside of the Throng Duties options.

Multiples of the same task can be undertaken at once if you want to split work between multiple clan housing, or multiple types of storehouse etc.

You have 5 unused Excavation Dice from last turn.

New options have been highlighted in yellow to make them easier to see.

The Surface Hold
A valley in the dip between four mountain peaks with a pass out on each of the four cardinal directions is the current home of your host. The valley is filled with wagons of supplies and tents for the Dawi to sleep in. While most of your hold will one day be below ground, there will always be a need for some presence on the surface.

[] Establish Farms 0/100
(Farmers, Brewers and Miners can work on this task, costs 10 Crop per dice.)
Designate part of the valley for farms and set to work turning mountain soil into a source of food for the hold.

[] Gather a Goat Herd 0/150
-[] +Fortified, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
(Farmers can work this task. 5 Wood per Die. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
Send some Ironploughs down into the woods to the west to wrangle some Goats and bring them up to form a herd on a plateau further along the range. The herd will not be within the Surface Hold itself, but only the hardiest of Farmers become Herders.

[] Build a Storehouse 0/50
-[] +Huge, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target, +3 Wood per dice
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target, +1 Wood per dice
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task. Costs 5 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
A storehouse is needed to store more resources for the hold and to protect resources from the elements.

[] Build Housing 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target, +3 Wood per dice
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target, +1 Wood per dice
(Specify a Group of the Hold to assign the housing to. All Clans can work on this task. Costs 10 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
The Clans are living in tents and though a Dawi can sleep just about anywhere, they'd much rather be sleeping in beds. Build somewhere for a Clan to stay.

[] Add to the Fortifications 0/0
-[] +A Second Wall, +50 to target
-[] ++A Third Wall, +50 to target
-[] +Towers Set Above into the Peaks, +40 to target
-[] +Extra Tall, +20 to target per Wall
-[] +Extra Thick, +20 to target per Wall
-[] +A Carven Path, +20 to target
(Specify which of the Passes to fortify. All Clans can work on this task. Dice can only be assigned equal to the total of this turn and last turn's Excavation Dice.)
Fortify the entrance into the valley from one of the Passes.

[] Amend an existing, completed structure. 0/60
-[] +Expansion
-[] +Fortification
-[] +Decoration
(Any Clan can take this task. Costs 5 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice. Specify which structure and 1 amendment to be made to it.)

[] Repair South Pass 0/50
The Rock Lobbers of the Hargrobi have battered the fortifications of South Pass with worrying accuracy. As the walls grew increasingly damaged more Hargrobi Rock Lobbers joined the Waagh at South Pass until significant repair work was needed.
(Any Clan can take this task. Dice can only be assigned equal to the total of this turn and last turn's Excavation Dice.)

The Hold
The Hold is the main part of a Dawi settlement. Here is where the bulk of the Karak can be found and where most Dawi will spend the majority of their time. It will need to be carved from the mountains over time, but all that stone can be put to other uses. Eventually the Hold will claim all four peaks (north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west) and the joining ground under the valley before steadily expanding downwards.

[] Excavate an Entrance Hall into one of the Peaks. 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
(Specify which Peak to carve an Entrance Hall into. Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

There are three Peaks left in the Valley. Eventually Karak Drekfut will consume all of them and they will be connected through the ground under the Valley floor but for now an Entrance Hall into each one could be made to allow access into those Peaks.

[] Excavate an Entrance Hall under the centre of the valley. 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)
Eventually Karak Drekfut will make use of all of the ground under the Valley, but rather than accessing it through one of the Peaks you could excavate an Entrance Hall under the centre of the Valley.

North Peak
An Entrance Hall has been excavated from North Peak and the Karak can now form around it. Routes up into the Peak and down under the Valley will allow for significant expansion and there is currently space for an additional 8 Halls to be carved from North Peak.

[] Armoury 0/60
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as an Armoury. Most members of the Throng will keep their arms and armour with them in Clan Residences but if the Hold is ever assaulted ordinary Clandawi will need somewhere to equip themselves.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Barracks. 0/130
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Barracks. Much of the Reclamation Throng did not come from one of the Clans sent to settle Karag Langkhirn and will not be able to claim a Clan Residence but the Barracks will satisfy them all.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Brewer Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
The mountain is a big place and given time you might decide you need more than one Brewer Hall.
(Miner, Stonemason and Brewer Clans can take this Task.)

[] Clan Residences. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[] +Clan Tomb, +30 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as Clan Residences. The Clans have been living in tents on the surface, no true Dawi can sleep easy above ground. Except of course some of the older Rangers, there's a madness amongst that folk.
(Any Clan can take this Task. Choose a Clan to assign the Residences to.)

[] Forge Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Forge Hall. Your own Clan Greatmantle is made of skilled smiths, and they will need a Forge Hall to ply their trade. Here Ingots can be turned into equipment and damaged equipment can be repaired.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Hall of Remembrance. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Hall of Remembrance. Here the Clan Lorekeepers from across the Hold can gather to keep records of the actions of the Hold and carefully guard the secrets of the Dawi. For all tasks that cannot be fulfilled by a present Clan, the Lorekeepers are your best chance of teaching Beardlings to take on those duties.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Healing Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Healing Hall. Here the Matrons and trained Healers can attend to the sick and injured.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Hold Fortifications. 0/150
-[] +Extensive Battlements, +20 to target
-[] ++Artillery Emplacements, +10 to target
-[] +Towers Built into North Peak's Height, +40 to target
-[] +A Second Gatehouse, +30 to target
-[] ++A Third Gatehouse, +30 to target
-[] ++Collapsible Chambers, +10 to target per additional Gatehouse
A Karak is one of the best defended places in all the world. Your Karak is protected by a Surface Hold of tents and wagons and a set of fortifications built out from your Entrance Hall. Perhaps significant effort should be made to establish a purpose built fortification at the entrance to the Karak.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Milling Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Milling Hall. This will allow for Crop to be stretched much further with the Dawi eating bread rather than just raw grain. Clan Ironplough will certainly appreciate somewhere to work in the shade of the mountain.
(Miner, Stonemason, Brewer and Farmer Clans can take this Task.)

[] Decorated Runecrafting Hall with Second Guardhall. 110/130
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Runecrafting Hall. A large workshop built to withstand all the troubles that can occur when a Rhunrikki is at work. This protects the rest of the Karak from the runecrafting and protects the secrets of the runes from prying eyes.
(Stonemason Clans can take this Task.)

[] Shrine Hall. 0/130
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Shrine Hall. Towering Statues of the Ancestor Gods shall be carved from the walls and their alcoves shall describe the greatest deeds of their truly great lives. Smaller shrines at the far end of the Shrine Hall will allow Clans to pay heed to their own Clan Ancestors.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Smelting Hall. 0/130
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Smelting Hall. Ore drawn up from the mines is not immediately useful, in most circumstances, and must first go through the lengthy and very hot process of smelting. A dedicated hall to handle the immense heat will be needed.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Storehall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Storehall. A dry, secure place to store the Hold's resources is almost always best placed within the sanctuary of the Karak itself.
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Tavern. 0/60
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Tavern. Here the Dawi of the Hold can gather to drink Ale and feast. Taverns are the site of great festivity and sombre commiserations.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Throne Hall. 0/90
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Throne Hall. Here the Lord of the Hold will sit in judgement over criminals, hear audiences from his subjects and receive delegations from afar.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can work on this task.)

[] Training Hall. 0/60
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Training Hall. In truth this will be a network of small halls and a maze of tunnels. The Training Hall is a place for the Throng to train in fighting in both the terrain of a Karak and of an Underhold.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Workshop Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Workshop Hall. Many Clans without dedicated halls will use Workshop Halls spread throughout the Karak to train Beardlings and to work on their craft.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Vaults. 0/160
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Second Guardroom, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Vault. Here the Hold will store precious metals (Gold, Silver, Gromril); items of great value and runic power, and the Hold Book of Grudges.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can work on this task.)

[] Lower Level Hallway. 0/25
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavated a Hallway from North Peak into one of the other sections of the Karak.
(Select one of The Valley, West Peak or East Peak. Any Clan can take this task.)

[] Tomb Hall. 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall for the dead to lie in with the honour they deserve. While Clan Tombs might be attached to Clan Residences, those who are not of one of the major Clan will need a general place to rest in death.
(Any Clan can take this task.)

[] Amend an existing, completed structure. 0/70
-[] +Expansion
-[] +Fortification
-[] +Decoration
(Any Clan can take this task. Specify which structure and 1 amendment to be made to it.)

[] Refurnish a Hall. 0/50.
(Any Clan can take this task. Specify which structure and what it should be replaced with. Costs 20 Wood and 10 Steel Ingot.)

The Under Hold
The Under Hold is the deepest parts of the Karak. Here are the mines that venture far below the rest of the Hold and here are the places where the Holds of the Karaz Ankor are joined together by the Underways. 0 veins have been identified.

[] Prospectors Underhall. 0/50.
Dig out an Underhall for the Prospectors to make use of. From here they can spend all their time in the darkness below and continuously seek out veins to mine.
(Miner Clans can take this task.)

[] Ironbeards Station. 0/50.
There has been a long and horrible war in the deep darkness below. The greatest warriors of the tunnels are the Ironbeards who can stand alone in the tight quarters for some say literal years against a veritable tide. Excavate an Ironbeards Station where the Elder Miners who have earnt the title will sleep, eat and live awaiting the call to arms.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

[] Training Underhall. 0/80.
A maze of tight tunnels that have never seen light, not even when they were carved from the Underhold, and are rougher ground than the rockiest hills and steepest slopes. The Throng may need to learn to fight in the nightmare that is the Underhold, or in the similarly hellish environment of enemy territory.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

[] Under-Storehall. 0/100.
Somewhere within the mess of tunnels that weave through the Underhold an Under-Storehall should be carved out. Useful for storing ore before it shipped to the smelters or for storing coal for those few Underhalls that are afforded the luxury of good lighting.
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Under-Armoury. 0/50.
A store of weapons and armour for ordinary Dawi to use should the Underhold be attacked should be kept safe and secure somewhere near to the Lower Stairs.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Quarry. 0/50.
Designate some part of the Underhold to a Quarry. From here stone will be drawn to be used in essentially everything. A Quarry could supply the Hold with a nigh infinite source of stone.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Send out Sniffers.
Challenge Level: 40
There isn't time to settle in Prospectors. If the Miners can smell something worth mining they should mine it now. Set the Miners to sniffing and digging.
(Only Miner Dice can be assigned to this Task. This excludes Beardlings.)

Runelord Challenges
Rhunrikki Gutfroy has the time to start a new challenge this year. An Item Rune will complete this turn. A Constructed Rune will complete in 2 turns. A Hold Rune will complete in 4 turns.

[X] Hold Rune: Master Rune of Balance, 1/4 Turns Completed
Challenge Level: 20
Cut a great shape into the highest Peak. The Dawi are not meant to be exposed to the howling Winds of Magic and this high up a mountain the surface is not entirely safe. The Winds will break against the Master Rune of Balance and the Surface Hold will be safe below.

Personal Challenges
Both yourself and Lady Daungrumm are capable of taking on Challenges as the ruling couple of the Karak. Mostly affairs of the Clans and the family but sometimes you will be moved to greater action than settling disputes.

[] Calm a Clan
Challenge Level: 40
Speak with the Elders of a Clan and assuage any concerns.
(Choose a Clan)

[] Range Beyond the Valley
Challenge Level: 30
Go and explore beyond the Valley.
(Choose a direction)

[] There's a Time for Family
Challenge Levels: 20 and 95
You might be of a mind to relax now that you're married and enjoy the dear company of your wife. You might even take an eye to making a little Garazi of your own. Of course, you don't have a claysmith's wheel to hand, but Daungrumm assures that won't be necessary.

[] A Feast for the Hold
Challenge Level: 30
A victory has been had. Perhaps that ought to be celebrated.
(Costs 10 Meat, 10 Crop and 10 Ale)

[] Join the Work
Challenge Level: 50
Attach yourself to a task being carried out. The Hold should see their Lord hard at work.
(Choose a Task to work towards. Should you be successful the task will receive 20 Progress.)

[] Join a Kull
Challenge Level: Interlude
The dangers to the Hold have grown too great, you will strike forth with a Throng to diminish one of these threats.
(Choose a Kull to take part in, requires at least 1 Minor Throng to be assigned to a Kull.)

[] Tutor a Youngster
Challenge Level: 30
Garazi are often raised within the Clan with Beardlings sent out to learn under masters of the Hold. You could take on a Garazi from your own Clan or a Beardling from one of the other Clans and begin to teach them.
(Choose a Clan)

[] Heal the Wounded
Challenge Level: 30
There are many injured after the assault by the Hargrobi. They should be attended to lest their injuries worsen.

[] Oaths of Vengeance
-[] Encouraged
-[] Discouraged
Challenge Level: 40
There are many Dawi in the hold clamouring for vengeance for those who have died. Naturally a Grudge must be declared but allowing personal Oaths of Vengeance will inspire some to even choose the Slayer's Path. This is not Karak Kadrin, the Slayers may not be harboured for long.

Throng Duties
[] Guard one of the Passes
Set a Minor Throng to guard duty on one of the Passes.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which Pass)

[] Range Out From the Valley
Send a Minor Throng to explore beyond the Valley.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which direction)

[] A Kull is Called
There are dangers on every horizon, as has ever been true for the Dawi, and they must be put to a rest. Trolls and the stench of Uzkular in the West, Umgi skinshifters in the East, Hargrobi in the South and a Dragon in the North.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which target. A minimum of 1 Minor Throng must always remain with the Hold.)

[] Hunt beyond one of the Passes
Send a Minor Throng to bring back Meat.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which direction)

[] Gather Lumber
Send a Minor Throng into the woods to the west to gather Wood.
(Choose which Minor Throng)

[] Reorganise the Throng
Create a new set up for the Throng.
Roll Modifiers
Roll Modifiers
-5 to Highest Farmer Dice x4
Effort is expended each year maintaining Farms, Goats and Milling Hall.

+5 to Combat in Open or Mildly Rough Terrain
Surface Training Yard allows the Throng to drill in combat in terrains similar to the Valley and Passes.

+10 to target in North Peak
A great chasm cuts through North Peak causing work to be slowed.

-5 to Highest Brewer Dice x2
Effort is expended each year maintaining the Brewers Hall and Tavern.

+10 to Lowest Stonemason or Carpenter Die
A safe and comfortable Workshop allows for large pieces of stonework or carpentry to be done away from the hassle of a building site.

-5 to Highest Miner Dice x4
Effort is expended each year maintaining the Prospector's Underhall and the Mines.

+10 to Item Rune and Constructed Rune rolls
A Runecrafting Hall allows for work in safe and secret conditions.

+2 to all Dice. +5 to all non-character combat Dice.
The Forge Hall allows the Warsmiths to repair tools, weapons and armour although it takes some effort each year.

+5 to combat in Open, Urban and Tight Terrain.
The Training Hall allows the Throng to drill in combat in terrains similar to the Halls and Hallways of the Karak.

+5 to Combat Rolls in Rough and Tight terrain. Utter Darkness penalty set to -5 for the Throng. Underhold Throng units (Ironbreakers, Ironbeards and Miner Clan Volunteers) Utter Darkness grants +5.
The Training Underhall allows the Throng to drill in combat in terrains similar to the Underhold and the tunnels of the Depths.

-5 to Highest Warsmith Dice x3
The Forge Hall and Smelting Hall draw the effort of the Warsmiths each year. The Warsmiths offer their surfaces in the Market of Kazad Urbaz.

+10 to All Noldor Dice
Lord Elrond has decided to put his best foot forward in your new trade agreement and has sent only practiced masters to join you.

-15 to all Eotheod Dice.
The Eotheod are battered, weak and mourning the loss of most of their skilled craftsmen.

-5 to Highest Engineer or Carpenter Die. +5 to Quarreller and Ranger Combat Rolls. +10 to Engineering Challenge Dice
Operating the Engineering Hall takes some effort but ensures that all crossbows are kept in proper repair.
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Turn 8 Results
The Surface Hold
Repair South Pass, 164/50. Completed. 1x Nat 100.
(1 Warsmith Die + 1 Beardling Die)
64+100 = 164
The damage to the South Pass fortifications have been repaired. Great chunks of masonry that had been shattered by the Hargrobi are raised back into place where possible or outright replaced where the effort is required. And some of the Beardlings have been poking through the remnants of the battle. While the Hargrobi are either burnt or fled, they did leave behind their sturdiest and most substantial Rock Lobber.

The Beardlings who found it hidden behind rocks at the end of the South Pass have taken it back with them to their residences. In whatever spare time they get between repairing the defences they have come together to tinker with the machine and improve on the Hargrobi work.

Their initial report is that the entire thing is held together by force of will rather than craftsmanship and the Elders are quick to remind them that Grobi work, even tinkered by Dawi, is Grobi work. But they make firm arguments that since each piece of the machine was taken apart, studied and then replaced with Dawi work then the total machine that they have ended up with is of Dawi make. There are some grumbles that it is still Beardling work but when it is hauled into place on one of the towers of South Peak the Beardlings host a raucous celebration.

South Pass repairs completed. 1 Grudge Thrower added to South Pass fortifications.

North Peak
Huge, Fortified and Decorated Tomb Hall, 312/190. Completed. 1x Nat 100.
(2 Farmer Dice + 1 Stonemason Die + 2 Beardling Dice.)
64-5-5-5-5+22+72+10+100+64 = 312
Across from the Runecrafting Hall now sits the Tomb Hall. Here all those honourable Dawi who die in Karak Drekfut or in her service, but have no better place to rest, shall be entombed. After the deaths of such Dawi during the recent battle, the Clans have come together with great effort to excavate the Hall and see it prepared with great haste so that the fallen can go on to meet their Ancestors in the Underearth.

Great stone gates that take many Dawi at once to push open lead into a main hallway from which branching routes allow access to thousands of tombs. Ancestors help you, but even this Tomb Hall will be filled within five centuries after all those who could have ever seen the founding of Karak Drekfut have passed.

It is solemn watching as the honoured dead are carried into the Hall and laid in stone caskets engraved with their names and deeds. Statues of the fallen stand over them and a huge statue of Gazul stands in the gloom and darkness at the far end in an alcove engraved to look like the Gates to the Underearth.

The matter of who might grant Last Rite so that they can be guided safely into the Underearth is one of great debate, the Clans and the Matrons struggle to construct a form of the Last Rite that can be performed without an ordained Priest of Gazul. But eventually, they come to an agreement on a simple ritual that despite lacking Cult secrets should serve well enough.

And there proves to be no need for it. When next you see the Tomb Hall there is a particularly sombre Beardling there with a hammer and chisel and the Ancestor Rune of Gazul has been lain across the door. The Rhunrikki is stood in the Receiving Hall watching over it and informs you that the Beardling had come up North Peak and told him that he had seen the shape in a dream burning against the sky. The Blood of Thungni does not flow in the Beardling, but the Blood of Gazul does.

The Clans and Matrons gather again to discuss how to carry out Last Rite with one of the Blood of Gazul to hand and soon the fallen are entombed with the greatest Last Rite they can be given in Karak Drekfut.

Huge, Fortified and Decorated Tomb Hall built in North Peak. Hold Ancestor Rune of Gazul.

Huge, Fortified and Decorated Shrine Hall, 217/220.
(2 Brewer Dice + 2 Beardling Dice.)
99-5+55+19+49 = 217
Clan Bronzeplaits has worked to cap out North Peak with one last Hall on its highest level. At the top of the Upper Stairs sits the Shrine Hall. A great octagonal cavern with the Shrine to Grimnir at the front and the Shrine to the Clan Ancestors at the back and the other Ancestor Shrines spread evenly around the structure.

To enter the Shrine Hall is to pass between two statues of Grimnir and between the legs of a third. Each one houses a small guardhall with slits for crossbows and can pull shut gates to bar the way into the Shrine Hall. Within the Hall each of the Ancestors is repeated with two smaller statues flanking one huge version. The entire wall behind the Ancestors is a tapestry of their most famous deed.

The rear wall with the Clan Ancestors only hosts one of each of the Clan Ancestors as statues and all of equal size. The stonework tapestry behind them is a tale often used for artwork in the Hold with the distinct shape of Karaz-A-Karak on the left and Karak Drekfut on the right. The artist has been vague with the space between.

You look up at Valaya the Queen as she dominates her wall of the Shrine Hall flanked by Valaya the Protector and Valaya the Mother. Her Cult spends much of their time in the Healers Hall, especially with so many wounded still being attended to, but there is always a Matron to oversee spiritual matters here with her shrine.

Huge, Fortified and Decorated Shrine Hall built in North Peak.

Decorated Runecrafting Hall with secondary Guardhall, 209/130. Completed.
(1 Stonemason Die.)
Rhunrikki Gutfroy has taken the time while he oversees the Ancestor Rune of Gazul to look into the Runecrafting Hall. He and Elder Voddor spend several days together but when the Rhunrikki returns to the surface to work on his Hold Rune, the Shatterspears have detailed plans for how the Runecrafting Hall should be laid out and finished.

You haven't been in to see it and apparently much of the final work was simply laying out rooms as suited the Rhunrikki, you suppose you'll get to see now for the way is barred to all but the Blood of Thungni.

Decorated Runecrafting Hall with secondary Guardhall built in North Peak.

Add Clan Tomb to Leadbeard Clan Residences, 54/70.
(1 Warsmith Die + 1 Beardling Die)
3+51 = 54
Work has begun on a Clan Tomb for the Leadbeard Warriors who died in the defence of the Hold. South Pass was a horrific battle, the Hargrobi had no care for their own number and the boulders that came crashing down inflicted a terrible toll on the defenders. Those who lived often have terrible injuries and terrible shame for they could not protect those who died.

Your own Clan has been tasked with amending the Clan Residences of Clan Leadbeard so that their honourable dead may lie in a Clan Tomb. Alas, the Clan Tombs are not finished and the Leadbeard Warriors remain in their funerary hall awaiting transfer.

The Underhold
Send out Sniffers. Success, Iron.
Challenge Level: 40
(1 Miner Die.)
92-5 = 87
The Leadbeards have journeyed down into the Underhold and set their noses to the walls. Eager Longbeards have hewn tunnels into the stone and discovered a small pocket of Iron Ore. The pocket has been entirely mined without leading on to an extended vein, but the fresh material is the first of the wealth of the earth to be mined in Karak Drekfut.

There's much celebrating amongst the Stonebeards and the Sun Madness that was affecting them has rapidly begun to diminish. Freshly mined ore is a balm to the Miner Clan like few others. So far Iron Ore is being kept in the wagons on the surface with no Storehalls to keep it in. The old ore has been replaced with the new and brought into the Clan Residences of the Greatmantles and Stonebeards to try and keep cool and dry. Alas, some will wither with rust without proper storage.

Gained 10 Iron Ore.

Send out Sniffers. Failure.
Challenge Level: 40
(1 Miner Die.)
There was only so much Iron Ore in the pocket that the Longbeards found, and so the other Stonebeards set out to find something else to mine. They set their noses to the walls of the Underhold and dig out several tunnels into the darkness but despite adding to the complex warren of roughly hewn tunnels that make up the depths of Karak Drekfut, they have found nothing of use.

Runelord Challenge
Master Rune of Balance on North Peak, 1/4 turns completed.
Challenge Level: 20
The Rhunrikki paused his work this year, between the exertion of the battle as the year began and then later overseeing the Beardling who carved the Ancestor Rune of Gazul and then assisting the Shatterspears with the Runecrafting Hall, he really hasn't had the time to settle in and make progress.

Personal Challenge

Oaths of Vengeance - Discourage, Success.
Challenge Level: 50.
(Lady Daungrumm + Lord Gartrim.)
82+47 = 129
Though the victory has allowed most of the Hold to pass through battle and reach the other side in a celebratory mood, those who stood at the South Pass are a morose few. Daungrumm and yourself meet with the Leadbeards who fought there, who held their dying kin in their arms and were powerless to restore those broken bodies. There are more than a few who are filled with hateful fury and a righteous call for vengeance.

You decree before all that the Hold Book of Grudges carries a new Grudge, and it is the effort of all honourable Dawi to see that Grudge struck out. It is a foolish, and some would say Unbaraki, thing to allow personal Grudges to delay such efforts. The Leadbeards may grumble and will continue to do so with their honourable dead awaiting Clan Tombs, but even the hottest furies have been tempered.

The pair of you move on to visit the Throngs upon the Walls, meeting with returning Rangers as they come back from beyond the Passes. Little Karstah toddles along behind you and twines her fingers in her elders' beards as she snuggles into the warm cloaks of the Rangers. The Deadeye is still in the Healers Hall, his efforts to defend his Rangers having exacerbated his own wounds until broken bones had pierced lungs. But the three of you convince the Rangers that working as a Hold to strike vengeance on the Hargrobi would be wisest.

The Throng
Guard North Pass
A token force stands watch in North Pass. They don't note anything encroaching on the North Pass and regular conversations with the Goatherds has identified that the Great Eagles have stopped their raids on the Goats completely.

Guard East Pass
Thane Arzil was released from the Healers Hall about halfway through the year, although the Matrons might admit he was fit to go a month or two prior. They mention softly in their report to you that the Thane is older than most of his title ever see. The implication might be that the Thane only expected to see Karag Langkhirn retaken, and now the purpose that keeps him young in old age might be sooner to come to an end than you'd like.

Nothing has approached East Pass lately and the Throng has taken this respite as a chance to visit the Training Yards and bolster their skills.

Guard South and West Pass
The Deadeye has not been released from the Healers Hall, though he is expected to be freed from the tender mercies of the Matrons sometime next year. His injuries were already serious before he decided to continue fighting for another hour with three broken ribs.

The Southerly Throng has watched over repair work, their diminished numbers are boosted by the Greatbeard and his Northerly Throng who have the good sense not to share their stories of Trollslaying too soon. The Hargrobi have not returned.

The Greatbeard also ensures a watch over West Pass. There has been no sign of another Hargrobi assault, and the Greatbeard has been meeting with Lorekeepers at West Pass to discuss what little is known of Hargrobi. It is unfortunately rather little for the creatures dwell far to the north east and only Karak Kadrin has any regular encounters with them, so Clan Lorekeepers from Karaz-A-Karak are little aware of any specifics.

There are some grave warnings however, for the Hargrobi are known to trade with the Dawi Zharr for powerful and dark machines, weapons and armour. It is unlikely to be relevant in the high mountains, but the Hargrobi are also known to maintain great warhordes of wolf riders on the plains north of the Mountains of Mourne.

Gather Lumber
Elder Urtain and the Westerly Throng have descended from West Pass and out into the woods. Az that have previously hewn through Hargrobi now make fair work of trees. The greatest delay when it comes to gathering lumber from the woods is that the felled trees must then be hauled all the way through the rocky hills and up the steep and rough slopes of the mountains back to West Pass.

Gain 5 Wood.

Ranger Action
Without the Deadeye to oversee the Rangers and with the other Elders busy on other matters there's something of an effort to harass the Hargrobi. Several small Rangers Stations are set up on the slopes surrounding their infested peak and throughout the year the Rangers will journey out to their preferred Station to fire on the Hargrobi that they see.

Every so often a Station will earn the ire of the Hargrobi, and the Rangers will either retreat from a swarm or from the gleeful laughter of the Rock Lobber operators. There's a madness in those operators as they take special joy in their foul machines. It isn't even good craftsmanship!
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Turn 9
You have 6 Beardling dice which can be used on any task in the hold. You have 2 Warsmith, Brewer, Farmer, Miner and Stonemason Dice. The Warrior Clan dice are inside of the Throng Duties options.

Multiples of the same task can be undertaken at once if you want to split work between multiple clan housing, or multiple types of storehouse etc.

You have 11 unused Excavation Dice from last turn.

New options have been highlighted in yellow to make them easier to see.

The Surface Hold
A valley in the dip between four mountain peaks with a pass out on each of the four cardinal directions is the current home of your host. The valley is filled with wagons of supplies and tents for the Dawi to sleep in. While most of your hold will one day be below ground, there will always be a need for some presence on the surface.

[] Establish Farms 0/100
(Farmers, Brewers and Miners can work on this task, costs 10 Crop per dice.)
Designate part of the valley for farms and set to work turning mountain soil into a source of food for the hold.

[] Gather a Goat Herd 0/150
-[] +Fortified, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
(Farmers can work this task. 5 Wood per Die. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
Send some Ironploughs down into the woods to the west to wrangle some Goats and bring them up to form a herd on a plateau further along the range. The herd will not be within the Surface Hold itself, but only the hardiest of Farmers become Herders.

[] Build a Storehouse 0/50
-[] +Huge, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target, +3 Wood per dice
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target, +1 Wood per dice
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task. Costs 5 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
A storehouse is needed to store more resources for the hold and to protect resources from the elements.

[] Build Housing 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target, +3 Wood per dice
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target, +1 Wood per dice
(Specify a Group of the Hold to assign the housing to. All Clans can work on this task. Costs 10 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
The Clans are living in tents and though a Dawi can sleep just about anywhere, they'd much rather be sleeping in beds. Build somewhere for a Clan to stay.

[] Add to the Fortifications 0/0
-[] +A Second Wall, +50 to target
-[] ++A Third Wall, +50 to target
-[] +Towers Set Above into the Peaks, +40 to target
-[] +Extra Tall, +20 to target per Wall
-[] +Extra Thick, +20 to target per Wall
-[] +A Carven Path, +20 to target
(Specify which of the Passes to fortify. All Clans can work on this task. Dice can only be assigned equal to the total of this turn and last turn's Excavation Dice.)
Fortify the entrance into the valley from one of the Passes.

[] Amend an existing, completed structure. 0/60
-[] +Expansion
-[] +Fortification
-[] +Decoration
(Any Clan can take this task. Costs 5 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice. Specify which structure and 1 amendment to be made to it.)

The Hold
The Hold is the main part of a Dawi settlement. Here is where the bulk of the Karak can be found and where most Dawi will spend the majority of their time. It will need to be carved from the mountains over time, but all that stone can be put to other uses. Eventually the Hold will claim all four peaks (north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west) and the joining ground under the valley before steadily expanding downwards.

[] Excavate an Entrance Hall into one of the Peaks. 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
(Specify which Peak to carve an Entrance Hall into. Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

There are three Peaks left in the Valley. Eventually Karak Drekfut will consume all of them and they will be connected through the ground under the Valley floor but for now an Entrance Hall into each one could be made to allow access into those Peaks.

[] Excavate an Entrance Hall under the centre of the valley. 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)
Eventually Karak Drekfut will make use of all of the ground under the Valley, but rather than accessing it through one of the Peaks you could excavate an Entrance Hall under the centre of the Valley.

North Peak
An Entrance Hall has been excavated from North Peak and the Karak can now form around it. Routes up into the Peak and down under the Valley will allow for significant expansion and there is currently space for an additional 6 Halls to be carved from North Peak.

[] Armoury 0/60
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as an Armoury. Most members of the Throng will keep their arms and armour with them in Clan Residences but if the Hold is ever assaulted ordinary Clandawi will need somewhere to equip themselves.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Barracks. 0/130
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Barracks. Much of the Reclamation Throng did not come from one of the Clans sent to settle Karag Langkhirn and will not be able to claim a Clan Residence but the Barracks will satisfy them all.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Brewer Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
The mountain is a big place and given time you might decide you need more than one Brewer Hall.
(Miner, Stonemason and Brewer Clans can take this Task.)

[] Clan Residences. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[] +Clan Tomb, +30 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as Clan Residences. The Clans have been living in tents on the surface, no true Dawi can sleep easy above ground. Except of course some of the older Rangers, there's a madness amongst that folk.
(Any Clan can take this Task. Choose a Clan to assign the Residences to.)

[] Forge Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Forge Hall. Your own Clan Greatmantle is made of skilled smiths, and they will need a Forge Hall to ply their trade. Here Ingots can be turned into equipment and damaged equipment can be repaired.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Hall of Remembrance. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Hall of Remembrance. Here the Clan Lorekeepers from across the Hold can gather to keep records of the actions of the Hold and carefully guard the secrets of the Dawi. For all tasks that cannot be fulfilled by a present Clan, the Lorekeepers are your best chance of teaching Beardlings to take on those duties.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Healing Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Healing Hall. Here the Matrons and trained Healers can attend to the sick and injured.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Hold Fortifications. 0/150
-[] +Extensive Battlements, +20 to target
-[] ++Artillery Emplacements, +10 to target
-[] +Towers Built into North Peak's Height, +40 to target
-[] +A Second Gatehouse, +30 to target
-[] ++A Third Gatehouse, +30 to target
-[] ++Collapsible Chambers, +10 to target per additional Gatehouse
A Karak is one of the best defended places in all the world. Your Karak is protected by a Surface Hold of tents and wagons and a set of fortifications built out from your Entrance Hall. Perhaps significant effort should be made to establish a purpose built fortification at the entrance to the Karak.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Milling Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Milling Hall. This will allow for Crop to be stretched much further with the Dawi eating bread rather than just raw grain. Clan Ironplough will certainly appreciate somewhere to work in the shade of the mountain.
(Miner, Stonemason, Brewer and Farmer Clans can take this Task.)

[] Shrine Hall. 0/130
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Shrine Hall. Towering Statues of the Ancestor Gods shall be carved from the walls and their alcoves shall describe the greatest deeds of their truly great lives. Smaller shrines at the far end of the Shrine Hall will allow Clans to pay heed to their own Clan Ancestors.
(All Clans can take this Task.)

[] Smelting Hall. 0/130
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Smelting Hall. Ore drawn up from the mines is not immediately useful, in most circumstances, and must first go through the lengthy and very hot process of smelting. A dedicated hall to handle the immense heat will be needed.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)

[] Storehall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Storehall. A dry, secure place to store the Hold's resources is almost always best placed within the sanctuary of the Karak itself.
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Tavern. 0/60
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Tavern. Here the Dawi of the Hold can gather to drink Ale and feast. Taverns are the site of great festivity and sombre commiserations.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Throne Hall. 0/90
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Throne Hall. Here the Lord of the Hold will sit in judgement over criminals, hear audiences from his subjects and receive delegations from afar.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can work on this task.)

[] Training Hall. 0/60
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Training Hall. In truth this will be a network of small halls and a maze of tunnels. The Training Hall is a place for the Throng to train in fighting in both the terrain of a Karak and of an Underhold.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Workshop Hall. 0/110
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Workshop Hall. Many Clans without dedicated halls will use Workshop Halls spread throughout the Karak to train Beardlings and to work on their craft.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Vaults. 0/160
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Second Guardroom, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall on an available level of the North Peak for use as a Vault. Here the Hold will store precious metals (Gold, Silver, Gromril); items of great value and runic power, and the Hold Book of Grudges.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can work on this task.)

[] Lower Level Hallway. 0/25
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavated a Hallway from North Peak into one of the other sections of the Karak.
(Select one of The Valley, West Peak or East Peak. Any Clan can take this task.)

[] Tomb Hall. 0/100
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
-[] +Fortified, +30 to target
-[] +Decorated, +10 to target
Excavate a Hall for the dead to lie in with the honour they deserve. While Clan Tombs might be attached to Clan Residences, those who are not of one of the major Clan will need a general place to rest in death.
(Any Clan can take this task.)

[] Amend an existing, completed structure. 0/70
-[] +Expansion
-[] +Fortification
-[] +Decoration
(Any Clan can take this task. Specify which structure and 1 amendment to be made to it.)

[] Add Clan Tomb to Leadbeard Clan Residences. 54/70
(Any Clan can take this task)

[] Refurnish a Hall. 0/50.
(Any Clan can take this task. Specify which structure and what it should be replaced with. Costs 20 Wood and 10 Steel Ingot.)

The Under Hold
The Under Hold is the deepest parts of the Karak. Here are the mines that venture far below the rest of the Hold and here are the places where the Holds of the Karaz Ankor are joined together by the Underways. 1 Major Coal vein has been identified.

[] Prospectors Underhall. 0/50.
Dig out an Underhall for the Prospectors to make use of. From here they can spend all their time in the darkness below and continuously seek out veins to mine.
(Miner Clans can take this task.)

[] Ironbeards Station. 0/50.
There has been a long and horrible war in the deep darkness below. The greatest warriors of the tunnels are the Ironbeards who can stand alone in the tight quarters for some say literal years against a veritable tide. Excavate an Ironbeards Station where the Elder Miners who have earnt the title will sleep, eat and live awaiting the call to arms.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

[] Training Underhall. 0/80.
A maze of tight tunnels that have never seen light, not even when they were carved from the Underhold, and are rougher ground than the rockiest hills and steepest slopes. The Throng may need to learn to fight in the nightmare that is the Underhold, or in the similarly hellish environment of enemy territory.
(Miner, Stonemason and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

[] Under-Storehall. 0/100.
Somewhere within the mess of tunnels that weave through the Underhold an Under-Storehall should be carved out. Useful for storing ore before it shipped to the smelters or for storing coal for those few Underhalls that are afforded the luxury of good lighting.
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Under-Armoury. 0/50.
A store of weapons and armour for ordinary Dawi to use should the Underhold be attacked should be kept safe and secure somewhere near to the Lower Stairs.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Quarry. 0/50.
Designate some part of the Underhold to a Quarry. From here stone will be drawn to be used in essentially everything. A Quarry could supply the Hold with a nigh infinite source of stone.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

[] Send out Sniffers.
Challenge Level: 40
There isn't time to settle in Prospectors. If the Miners can smell something worth mining they should mine it now. Set the Miners to sniffing and digging.
(Only Miner Dice can be assigned to this Task. This excludes Beardlings.)

[] Establish a Mine. 0/50
A Vein has been found to establish a long-term mine around.
(Choose 1 available Vein. Only Miner Dice can be assigned to this Task. This excludes Beardlings.)

Runelord Challenges
Rhunrikki Gutfroy has the time to start a new challenge this year. An Item Rune will complete this turn. A Constructed Rune will complete in 2 turns. A Hold Rune will complete in 4 turns.

[X] Hold Rune: Master Rune of Balance, 1/4 Turns Completed
Challenge Level: 20
Cut a great shape into the highest Peak. The Dawi are not meant to be exposed to the howling Winds of Magic and this high up a mountain the surface is not entirely safe. The Winds will break against the Master Rune of Balance and the Surface Hold will be safe below.

Personal Challenges
Both yourself and Lady Daungrumm are capable of taking on Challenges as the ruling couple of the Karak. Mostly affairs of the Clans and the family but sometimes you will be moved to greater action than settling disputes.

[] Calm a Clan
Challenge Level: 40
Speak with the Elders of a Clan and assuage any concerns.
(Choose a Clan)

[] Range Beyond the Valley
Challenge Level: 30
Go and explore beyond the Valley.
(Choose a direction)

[] There's a Time for Family
Challenge Levels: 20 and 95
You might be of a mind to relax now that you're married and enjoy the dear company of your wife. You might even take an eye to making a little Garazi of your own. Of course, you don't have a claysmith's wheel to hand, but Daungrumm assures that won't be necessary.

[] A Feast for the Hold
Challenge Level: 30
A victory has been had. Perhaps that ought to be celebrated.
(Costs 10 Meat, 10 Crop and 10 Ale)

[] Join the Work
Challenge Level: 50
Attach yourself to a task being carried out. The Hold should see their Lord hard at work.
(Choose a Task to work towards. Should you be successful the task will receive 20 Progress.)

[] Join a Kull
Challenge Level: Interlude
The dangers to the Hold have grown too great, you will strike forth with a Throng to diminish one of these threats.
(Choose a Kull to take part in, requires at least 1 Minor Throng to be assigned to a Kull.)

[] Tutor a Youngster
Challenge Level: 30
Garazi are often raised within the Clan with Beardlings sent out to learn under masters of the Hold. You could take on a Garazi from your own Clan or a Beardling from one of the other Clans and begin to teach them.
(Choose a Clan)

[] Heal the Wounded
Challenge Level: 30
There are many injured after the assault by the Hargrobi. They should be attended to lest their injuries worsen.

Throng Duties
[] Guard one of the Passes
Set a Minor Throng to guard duty on one of the Passes.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which Pass)

[] Range Out From the Valley
Send a Minor Throng to explore beyond the Valley.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which direction)

[] A Kull is Called
There are dangers on every horizon, as has ever been true for the Dawi, and they must be put to a rest. Trolls and the stench of Uzkular in the West, Umgi skinshifters in the East, Hargrobi in the South and a Dragon in the North.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which target. A minimum of 1 Minor Throng must always remain with the Hold.)

[] Hunt beyond one of the Passes
Send a Minor Throng to bring back Meat.
(Choose which Minor Throng and which direction)

[] Gather Lumber
Send a Minor Throng into the woods to the west to gather Wood.
(Choose which Minor Throng)

[] Reorganise the Throng
Create a new set up for the Throng.
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Turn 9 Results
North Peak
Huge, Fortified and Decorated Forge Hall, 147/200.
(1 Warsmith Die + 1 Beardling Die.)
60+87 = 147
Beneath the Entrance Hall work has begun on carving out a Forge Hall. Here the elders of Clan Greatmantle will ply their trade and create the weapons and armour needed to supply the Throng. But not yet. While considerable effort has been put towards the new Forge Hall it hasn't been completed.

Hundreds of forges have been built into the various rooms of the huge Hall with complicated ventilation networks twisting up through the Forge Hall to direct smoke and hot air away from what will certainly be a sweltering work environment. Now those rooms need to be equipped with racks, anvils and walls. There are plans to narrow the entry into the main hallway and then let loose some artists in the Forge Hall at a later date.

Huge, Fortified and Decorated Hall of Remembrance, 230/200. Completed.
(2 Stonemason Dice + 2 Beardling Dice.)
36+10+66+20+98 = 230
Clan Shatterspear has descended to the Lower Level of North Peak in order to carve out a Hall of Remembrance. The Lorekeepers have directed the Stonemasons in creating a great spiral of rooms with the main hallway feeding all the way through and no smaller hallways branching off to make use of the full space. A suite of rooms is dedicated to each subject that the Lorekeepers can imagine. There are small workshops for practical learning and there's a library of shelves waiting for the Lorekeepers to carve out tablets with non-secret lore relevant to each subject.

The spiral narrows as it moves in, the greatest secrets that the Lorekeepers dare put to stone or tome are carefully guarded in the very centre. While there are still many secrets that the Lorekeepers confine only to their own superb memories the dark days of Dawi history has taught many Lorekeepers that sometimes even secret lore must be written down somewhere secure.

Etched out from the centre of the spiral is the tale, ever present in the hold, of the founding of Karak Drekfut. It covers an expanse from the heavily fortified central chamber down past two small libraries and stops halfway to a workshop. The carven tapestry is excruciatingly detailed and the Lorekeepers intend to continue the tapestry themselves as a record of the history of the Hold. You wonder what Dawi will think many millennia from now when they see the spiral almost full.

Huge, Fortified and Decorated Hall of Remembrance built in North Peak.

Huge, Fortified and Decorated Lower Hallway, 88/115.
(1 Farmer Die + 1 Beardling Die.)
17+71 = 88
The Ironploughs have set out to expand the Karak into that space under the Valley. The great tunnel that connects the Lower Receiving Hall to what will eventually be the Valley Receiving Hall has been hewn roughly from the stone. It allows dozens of Dawi to progress abreast through it into the Valley Hold and is capped at both ends by a Guardhall.

Add Clan Tomb to Leadbeard Clan Residences, 93/70. Completed.
(1 Warsmith Die)
The Leadbeards have laid their honourable dead to rest. Those who were slain by the Hargrobi in the defence of South Pass lie in smooth stone caskets with their names and deeds carved into the foot. A statue of each warrior stands at the head of the casket showing them as they were before they fell. The Clan Tomb stretches on from one flank of the Leadbeard Residences and yet the Warrior Clan is likely to fill it faster than most.

Leadbeard Clan Tomb attached to Leadbeard Clan Residences.

The Underhold
Crop Under-Storehall, 117/100. Completed.
(1 Farmer Die + 1 Beardling Die)
43-5-5-5-5+94 = 117

A chamber has been hollowed out alongside the Underhall for the storage of Crop. Should the Hargrobi seize the Surface Hold then the storehouses in the Valley would be lost. And so, the supplies of Crop are brought into the sanctuary of the mountain. So far the Underhold has not connected to any pre-existing tunnels and these Underhalls are safe, but there are concerns that the Underways in this region are lost to the enemy.

Crop Under-Storehall built under North Peak.

Establish a Major Coal Mine, 161/50. Completed.
(2 Miner Dice.)
73+93-5 = 161

The Stonebeards have set out under the guidance of the Master Prospectors to hew away the stone from a large vein of Coal. The Prospectors tell that the vein smells like it goes on for miles and could give the Miner Clan fair work for centuries. Tunnels that weave around the near edge of the vein and a few smaller tunnels that delve into it are struck from the Underhold and wagons of coal are shifted up to the surface.

Major Coal Mine established under North Peak. +20 Coal per turn. -5 to highest Miner Die.

Iron Ore Under-Storehall, 17/100.
(2 Brewer Dice + 1 Beardling Die)
5-5+4-5+18 = 17
The Bronzeplaits have worked in the Underhold to carve out an Under-Storehall dedicated to keeping Iron Ore dry and cool. Unfortunately, their obligations to the Hold have drawn on much of their time and very little work is done on the Under-Storehall.

Runelord Challenge
Master Rune of Balance on North Peak, 2/4 turns completed.
Challenge Level: 20
Rhunrikki Gutfroy has ascended North Peak to cut the Master Rune of Balance in its place. Work is made steadily with a handful of Beardlings hauling tools up to the Runelord and stone down from his carven trenches. The great shape of the Master Rune is becoming increasingly clear from the Valley and, though it hasn't actually been struck, the sight of it seems to lift a weight from the shoulders of the Dawi of the Hold.

Master Rune of Balance reaches 2/4 turns.

Personal Challenge

Heal the Wounded, Success.
Challenge Level: 30.
(Lady Daungrumm + Lord Gartrim.)
71+70+5 = 146
There are fewer injured Dawi in the Healers Hall now that those of the battle at West Pass have recovered from their more minor injuries. But those of the South Pass remain, serious wounds have taken a long time to heal. The Deadeye's grumbles can be heard from three rooms away as he regularly declares his readiness to return to duty. Had he been a Beardling there would be a Matron at his door to bar the way, but an Elder is wise enough not to waste a Healer's time attending to him twice.

The severity of the Deadeye's injuries leave him attended only by the Elder Matron herself, you and Daungrumm are set to the rooms where the Leadbeards lie. Their bones, once the stone of the mountains, are shattered and broken. Just as the mountains are slow to repair themselves when the stone comes loose, are the bones of the Dawi slow to knit together again. But there are methods to speed up the process and relieve the pain.

Your training as a Healer in your youth and Daungrumm's capacity to work with you in perfect tune sees many weeks pass in quiet work. By mid-year, the Healer's Hall is empty of the Southerly Throng and only over-eager Stonebeards are assigned to beds for excessive Boks.

The Throng
Guard North Pass
The Greatbeard and the Northerly Throng stand guard in North Pass. Little happens over the course of the year, there are no Urks or Grobi descending from the north and the Dragon in the far distance has made no sign of encroaching. But the Great Eagles have been attracted to Karak Drekfut.

Where the Goatherds are reporting no thievery, the rest of the Hold are reporting daily sightings of as many as four Great Eagles circling over the Hold.

Guard East Pass
Thane Arzil and the Easterly Throng have stood watch over East Pass throughout the year. No foe encroaches upon the East Pass but some two thirds of the way through the year a great fire is sighted on the horizon. The glow of the east last three nights but the great cloud of smoke hangs high for a week.

Guard South Pass
The Southerly Throng is restored to full health, though missing several members, and protects the South Pass from all comers. Not that there are any, the Hargrobi seem to still be licking their own wounds and they have all but vanished from the south.

Range Beyond West Pass
Elder Urtain and the Westerly Throng descend from West Pass and go out through the rocky hills at the base of the mountains. Tracking along the cliffs and edges to the north they soon come upon a broken black castle. It is ringed by a low shattered wall that may have once been more than acceptable masonry and the castle rises up into a central tower. From the tower's height the Elder can see past another river that bounds these plains to the west. There he sees farmland spreading out across the horizon though no towns that might harvest the fields.

The Throng spreads out through the shattered castle, exploring the masterful stonework and wondering at how it was broken. It is fortunate for the Leadbeards who might have mourned more deaths that the Elder barrelled through them and cast them out of the way as a great blade thudded into the ground amongst them.

One moment the scent of the Uzkular was all about the land, and the next it had refined itself into a single skeletal body and set to murder one of the Elder's own Clan. Naturally, the skeleton warrior was cloven in twain and the bones were shattered under the flat of the Elder's Az-head. The Westerly Throng then returned to West Pass even as the presence of the Uzkular spread itself back out across the land.

Ranger Action
Released from the Healing Hall, the Deadeye has been swift to take control of the Rangers and set out against the Hargrobi to the south. To his frustration, where the Hargrobi have always swarmed out from their tunnels for a lack of space before, the Hargrobi cannot be sighted beyond their tunnels. The Deadeye takes to sniffing at a few entries to the mountain but though the stench of Grobi is almost overwhelming he senses none in the nearest passages.

Something has drawn the attention of the Hargrobi away, into the deepest of depths or even further into the south.