Revolvers of Slaanesh
[X] Plan: "And he had a big iron on his hip".
-[x] Warband Name: Revolvers of Slaanesh.
-[x] Warband Colors: Golden Sand Primary, AuburnSecondary with Golden Trim and details.
-[x] Warband Symbol: Golden, horned Ox skull with the Sacred Six of Slaanesh engraved upon it and two overlapping Bolt-Revolvers beneath it.
-[x] Warband Creed: "No one shall dare to annex even the least of our acorn calves! Any yacks who dare shall have their hide tanned!".
--[x] Warband Battle-cry: "Something wicked this way comes! Me and mine Wheel-horses!".
-[x] Accuracy: This Warband is known for its marksmanship.
-[x] Weaponsmiths: This Warband has grown adept at forging infernal weapons.
-[x] Chaos Beasts: This Warband uses a variety of mutated Chaos Beasts to supplement its forces.
--[x] 1 Charge of Demonic Steed Pact.
--[x] 1 Charge of Better Support.
-[x] Warband Name: Revolvers of Slaanesh.
-[x] Warband Colors: Golden Sand Primary, AuburnSecondary with Golden Trim and details.
-[x] Warband Symbol: Golden, horned Ox skull with the Sacred Six of Slaanesh engraved upon it and two overlapping Bolt-Revolvers beneath it.
-[x] Warband Creed: "No one shall dare to annex even the least of our acorn calves! Any yacks who dare shall have their hide tanned!".
--[x] Warband Battle-cry: "Something wicked this way comes! Me and mine Wheel-horses!".
-[x] Accuracy: This Warband is known for its marksmanship.
-[x] Weaponsmiths: This Warband has grown adept at forging infernal weapons.
-[x] Chaos Beasts: This Warband uses a variety of mutated Chaos Beasts to supplement its forces.
--[x] 1 Charge of Demonic Steed Pact.
--[x] 1 Charge of Better Support.
Current Traits
-Exalted Blessing of Slaanesh: The Marines of this Warband are excellent swordsmen, marksman, pilots, psykers (When viable), Bike-Riders, engineers, axmen, and starship boarders.
-Ice Affinity: This warband has an affinity with ice, they have a tendency towards developing ice based weapons and its sorcerers tend towards ice based abilities.
-Blademasters: This Warband is extremely skilled in sword based combat.
-Grav Lassos: This Warband has access to archeotech Lassos that manipulate the gravity of anything their 'hoop' finds purchase on, allowing the user to throw around objects far heavier than conventional logic dictates.
-Mutant Horses: This Warband rides to battle astride giant, mutated, fire breathing horses with crab claws on the front and a bladed tail capable of shearing through adamantium.
-Killer Worms: The Warband has integrated giant worms ranging from Baneblade to large titan sized into its forces.
-Killer Grass?: The Warband has somehow managed to domesticate a kind of rapid growing yet short lived grass from Paale into it's forces. The seeds of this grass are often scattered through the battlefield and within moments gives rise to leaves that are often compared more to a combination of razor blades and tentacles than any normal form of planet life…. Some variants may also have shown parasitic tendencies via implanting yet more seeds into the bodies of their enemies.
-Accuracy: This Warband is known for its marksmanship.
– Weaponsmiths: This Warband has grown adept at forging infernal weapons.
-Chaos Beasts: This Warband uses a variety of mutated Chaos Beasts to supplement its forces.
- Demonic Steed Pact: This Warband has access to a large number of Steeds of Slaanesh.
Warband Name: Revolvers of Slaanesh.
Warband Colors: Golden Sand Primary, Auburn Secondary with Golden Trim and details.
Warband Symbol: Golden, horned Ox skull with the Sacred Six of Slaanesh engraved upon it and two overlapping Bolt-Revolvers beneath it.
Warband Creed: "No one shall dare to annex even the least of our acorn calves! Any yacks who dare shall have their hide tanned!".
Warband Battle-cry: "Something wicked this way comes! Me and mine Wheel-horses!".
Culture Of The Revolvers Of Slaanesh
The Sacred Cattle: The sacred cattle of Slaanesh come in all different shapes and forms. Some of them look like Grox, other look like being from ancient Terra, and some even look like giant flying squid. Regardless of their form, due to the blessings of the Dark Prince all of these different 'cattle' species are able to breed with each other and somehow combined their best traits to create even more impressive offspring. To protect these unholy cattle is the prime duty of the Revolvers of Slaanesh, and it is one they take to with utmost zeal.
Homeworld: The world of Paale is at first glance, a peaceful and almost idyllic paradise world. In reality, it is a horrific death world covered entirely in several species of killer grass, patrolled by giant worms, and of course prone to random manifestations of large numbers of Slaanesh aligned Daemons. This grass is, at the very least, nutritious enough to provide a good food for the Sacred Cattle and the Revolvers of Slaanesh themselves have found ways to avoid both it and the worms, and so for them the world of Paale often ends up actually being the paradise it looks like to others at first glance.
Organization: The Revolvers of Slaanesh are divided into many different sub-factions, based on the kind of cattle they look after. This is mostly for practicalities sake instead of any actual political differences within the Revolvers - different cattle required different needs after all, and so the Marines of the Revolvers of Slaanesh often divide themselves based on who has the best traits needed to care for a specific type of cattle, or who thrives best in the cattle's preferred environment. A 'Posse' of the Warband's most powerful fighters acts as a way of settling disputes and aiding any sub-warbands that fall under attack, but it is mostly uninvolved in the day to day affairs of the Sub-Warbands.
Frostfire: It is common for different groups of the Revolvers of Slaanesh to sleep under open skies. They often do this next to a strange, mystical fire that carefully regulates the temperature around them and freezes anything it actually does touch solid. Somehow, the Revolvers are also able to use this to cook a wide variety of different foods, which they often share with each other while making casual conversation during their few breaks from the daily grind of their sacred duty.
Notable Events of the Revolvers of Slaanesh
-The early days of the Revolvers of Slaanesh were relatively uneventful, and mostly consisted of them securing control over nearby Daemon worlds that had suitable climates for the cattle that were not suited for life on Paale.
-The first of many Ork Warbands seeking to emulate Gorkules' deeds invade the Paale system, but are rebuffed by the involvement of the Revolvers of Slaanesh.
-A major force of Ork Blood Axe Speed freaks under Warboss Speedkrumpa invade the Paale system, and engage in a series of high speed engagements. These battles last for centuries, with forces from both sides battling on nearly every planet within the Eye of Terror at some point or the other… despite the fact that neither ever deployed warships outside of the initial phase of the fighting, leading to much confusion as to how exactly they got to their assorted battlefields.
-While at the same time fighting Speedkrumpa's WAAAAAGH, the Revolvers of Slaanesh also end up facing down and defeating one of the largest Ork WAAAAAGHs to ever invade the Eye of Terror… incidentally earning them the envy of their fellow Slaaneshi warband, the Emperor's Children.
-An Emperor's Children raiding force on Paale is defeated when the Slaaneshi daemons they had summoned for aid turned on them. Mayhaps predictably, as deliberately attempting to destroy the force protecting the Dark Prince's most prized cattle was not something even the most depraved of the Slaanesh aligned Daemons were willing to chance.
-Warbands devoted to Khorne, most notably the World Eaters themselves, invade Revolvers of Slaanesh territory and find themselves picked apart by a concentrated hit and run campaign.
-Seeking to avenge their earlier defeat, the Emperor's Children challenge the Revolvers of Slaanesh to a series of battles on neutral group….. The results would be so humiliating that Fulgrim personally forbade any ]of his children from fighting the Revolvers of Slaanesh unless attacked first or given his own explicit orders.
-Two major Ork WAAAGHs enter Revolvers of Slaanesh territory and go on a raiding spree. The first, whom tried to rustle one of the largest cattle herds on Paale, is crushed decisively. The second, led by Speedkrumpa himself, once again engaged the Revolvers of Slaanesh, leading to another Eye of Terror encompassing war of speed. These WAAAAGHs, though badly damaged in the fighting, were shockingly able to escape the Eye of Terror intact. Other Warbands gave chase, but all of them were destroyed - ironically providing the Revolvers of Slaanesh additional territory in the process.
-Emperors Children: The Revolvers of Slaanesh and Emperors Children do not get along in the slightest, most likely because the honour of the task given to the Revolvers of Slaanesh is sometimes seen as a personal slight against the Emperor's Children.
-World Eaters: Khornate warbands and Slaanesh warbands rarely get along to begin with, and the Revolvers of Slaanesh unique hit and run fighting style only amplifies the mutual disdain the two warbands tend to have for one another.
-Black Legion: The Black Legion respects the sheer power of the Revolvers of Slaanesh, and while they are perturbed by the Revolver's lack of interest in actually contributing in the war against the Imperium, even the most committed to the Imperium's downfall consider guarding a Chaos God's personal property as something that demands one's full attention.
Unique Units
-Worm Hounds: Worm like creatures with four segmented mouths filled with razor teeth, the Worm Hounds work as the aids to the Revolvers of Slaanesh in herding their charges. These creatures are so well trained that despite their nature as Chaotic beasts, there has been no recorded instance of the Worm Hounds turning on their handlers or the cattle they protect.
-Outriders: Marines riding the infamous 'Horses of Paale', the Outriders specialized in ranged combat, darting in and and out of bolt pistol range to wear down their enemies before forming up and crushing their foes once sufficiently weakened.
-Frost Wardens: Horseborn sorcerers, the Frost Wardens have mastered their ice based psychic abilities to the extent that they can freeze living things solid without killing them - something often employed to subdue the Revolvers of Slaanesh's unruly charges. Naturally, going fully lethal is also an option - as the enemies of the Revolvers have learned the hard way on countless occasions.
-Wranglers: The Wranglers are masters at using their Grav-Lassos, both for manipulating cattle and for throwing the enemies heavy forces around like they were children's toys.
-Jurjun: The largest worms that call Paale their home are somehow able to burrow through the barriers between reality and the Warp as easily as they burrow through the ground. This lets the Revolvers of Slaanesh call upon their aid from any point in the galaxy, even when afflicted by phenomena such as Necron Pylons.
Killer Grass
-Razorleaf: The most common form of Paale's lethal grass species, Razorleaf is capable of tearing through Necrodermis as if it was simple butter, and has been known to cut fully Armored Terminators to shreds in fractions of a second.
-Bloodsucker: A type of grass that does exactly what it is named for, though oddly enough Bloodsucker seems able to consume any liquid so long as it fulfils a similar purpose to blood within the target's body - something many Tyranids and Daemon Engines have found out the hard way.
-Crusher: A type of grass that is capable of extending itself and exerting enough force to crush Space Marine Dreadnaughts, it is among the most aggressive species found on the planet.
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