The Chaos Founding

Revolvers of Slaanesh
[X] Plan: "And he had a big iron on his hip".
-[x] Warband Name: Revolvers of Slaanesh.
-[x] Warband Colors: Golden Sand Primary, AuburnSecondary with Golden Trim and details.
-[x] Warband Symbol: Golden, horned Ox skull with the Sacred Six of Slaanesh engraved upon it and two overlapping Bolt-Revolvers beneath it.
-[x] Warband Creed: "No one shall dare to annex even the least of our acorn calves! Any yacks who dare shall have their hide tanned!".
--[x] Warband Battle-cry: "Something wicked this way comes! Me and mine Wheel-horses!".
-[x] Accuracy: This Warband is known for its marksmanship.
-[x] Weaponsmiths: This Warband has grown adept at forging infernal weapons.
-[x] Chaos Beasts: This Warband uses a variety of mutated Chaos Beasts to supplement its forces.
--[x] 1 Charge of Demonic Steed Pact.
--[x] 1 Charge of Better Support.

Current Traits
-Exalted Blessing of Slaanesh: The Marines of this Warband are excellent swordsmen, marksman, pilots, psykers (When viable), Bike-Riders, engineers, axmen, and starship boarders.
-Ice Affinity: This warband has an affinity with ice, they have a tendency towards developing ice based weapons and its sorcerers tend towards ice based abilities.
-Blademasters: This Warband is extremely skilled in sword based combat.
-Grav Lassos: This Warband has access to archeotech Lassos that manipulate the gravity of anything their 'hoop' finds purchase on, allowing the user to throw around objects far heavier than conventional logic dictates.
-Mutant Horses: This Warband rides to battle astride giant, mutated, fire breathing horses with crab claws on the front and a bladed tail capable of shearing through adamantium.
-Killer Worms: The Warband has integrated giant worms ranging from Baneblade to large titan sized into its forces.
-Killer Grass?: The Warband has somehow managed to domesticate a kind of rapid growing yet short lived grass from Paale into it's forces. The seeds of this grass are often scattered through the battlefield and within moments gives rise to leaves that are often compared more to a combination of razor blades and tentacles than any normal form of planet life…. Some variants may also have shown parasitic tendencies via implanting yet more seeds into the bodies of their enemies.
-Accuracy: This Warband is known for its marksmanship.
– Weaponsmiths: This Warband has grown adept at forging infernal weapons.
-Chaos Beasts: This Warband uses a variety of mutated Chaos Beasts to supplement its forces.
- Demonic Steed Pact: This Warband has access to a large number of Steeds of Slaanesh.

Warband Name: Revolvers of Slaanesh.
Warband Colors: Golden Sand Primary, Auburn Secondary with Golden Trim and details.
Warband Symbol: Golden, horned Ox skull with the Sacred Six of Slaanesh engraved upon it and two overlapping Bolt-Revolvers beneath it.
Warband Creed: "No one shall dare to annex even the least of our acorn calves! Any yacks who dare shall have their hide tanned!".
Warband Battle-cry: "Something wicked this way comes! Me and mine Wheel-horses!".

Culture Of The Revolvers Of Slaanesh

The Sacred Cattle: The sacred cattle of Slaanesh come in all different shapes and forms. Some of them look like Grox, other look like being from ancient Terra, and some even look like giant flying squid. Regardless of their form, due to the blessings of the Dark Prince all of these different 'cattle' species are able to breed with each other and somehow combined their best traits to create even more impressive offspring. To protect these unholy cattle is the prime duty of the Revolvers of Slaanesh, and it is one they take to with utmost zeal.

Homeworld: The world of Paale is at first glance, a peaceful and almost idyllic paradise world. In reality, it is a horrific death world covered entirely in several species of killer grass, patrolled by giant worms, and of course prone to random manifestations of large numbers of Slaanesh aligned Daemons. This grass is, at the very least, nutritious enough to provide a good food for the Sacred Cattle and the Revolvers of Slaanesh themselves have found ways to avoid both it and the worms, and so for them the world of Paale often ends up actually being the paradise it looks like to others at first glance.

Organization: The Revolvers of Slaanesh are divided into many different sub-factions, based on the kind of cattle they look after. This is mostly for practicalities sake instead of any actual political differences within the Revolvers - different cattle required different needs after all, and so the Marines of the Revolvers of Slaanesh often divide themselves based on who has the best traits needed to care for a specific type of cattle, or who thrives best in the cattle's preferred environment. A 'Posse' of the Warband's most powerful fighters acts as a way of settling disputes and aiding any sub-warbands that fall under attack, but it is mostly uninvolved in the day to day affairs of the Sub-Warbands.

Frostfire: It is common for different groups of the Revolvers of Slaanesh to sleep under open skies. They often do this next to a strange, mystical fire that carefully regulates the temperature around them and freezes anything it actually does touch solid. Somehow, the Revolvers are also able to use this to cook a wide variety of different foods, which they often share with each other while making casual conversation during their few breaks from the daily grind of their sacred duty.

Notable Events of the Revolvers of Slaanesh
-The early days of the Revolvers of Slaanesh were relatively uneventful, and mostly consisted of them securing control over nearby Daemon worlds that had suitable climates for the cattle that were not suited for life on Paale.
-The first of many Ork Warbands seeking to emulate Gorkules' deeds invade the Paale system, but are rebuffed by the involvement of the Revolvers of Slaanesh.
-A major force of Ork Blood Axe Speed freaks under Warboss Speedkrumpa invade the Paale system, and engage in a series of high speed engagements. These battles last for centuries, with forces from both sides battling on nearly every planet within the Eye of Terror at some point or the other… despite the fact that neither ever deployed warships outside of the initial phase of the fighting, leading to much confusion as to how exactly they got to their assorted battlefields.
-While at the same time fighting Speedkrumpa's WAAAAAGH, the Revolvers of Slaanesh also end up facing down and defeating one of the largest Ork WAAAAAGHs to ever invade the Eye of Terror… incidentally earning them the envy of their fellow Slaaneshi warband, the Emperor's Children.
-An Emperor's Children raiding force on Paale is defeated when the Slaaneshi daemons they had summoned for aid turned on them. Mayhaps predictably, as deliberately attempting to destroy the force protecting the Dark Prince's most prized cattle was not something even the most depraved of the Slaanesh aligned Daemons were willing to chance.
-Warbands devoted to Khorne, most notably the World Eaters themselves, invade Revolvers of Slaanesh territory and find themselves picked apart by a concentrated hit and run campaign.
-Seeking to avenge their earlier defeat, the Emperor's Children challenge the Revolvers of Slaanesh to a series of battles on neutral group….. The results would be so humiliating that Fulgrim personally forbade any ]of his children from fighting the Revolvers of Slaanesh unless attacked first or given his own explicit orders.
-Two major Ork WAAAGHs enter Revolvers of Slaanesh territory and go on a raiding spree. The first, whom tried to rustle one of the largest cattle herds on Paale, is crushed decisively. The second, led by Speedkrumpa himself, once again engaged the Revolvers of Slaanesh, leading to another Eye of Terror encompassing war of speed. These WAAAAGHs, though badly damaged in the fighting, were shockingly able to escape the Eye of Terror intact. Other Warbands gave chase, but all of them were destroyed - ironically providing the Revolvers of Slaanesh additional territory in the process.

-Emperors Children: The Revolvers of Slaanesh and Emperors Children do not get along in the slightest, most likely because the honour of the task given to the Revolvers of Slaanesh is sometimes seen as a personal slight against the Emperor's Children.
-World Eaters: Khornate warbands and Slaanesh warbands rarely get along to begin with, and the Revolvers of Slaanesh unique hit and run fighting style only amplifies the mutual disdain the two warbands tend to have for one another.
-Black Legion: The Black Legion respects the sheer power of the Revolvers of Slaanesh, and while they are perturbed by the Revolver's lack of interest in actually contributing in the war against the Imperium, even the most committed to the Imperium's downfall consider guarding a Chaos God's personal property as something that demands one's full attention.

Unique Units
-Worm Hounds: Worm like creatures with four segmented mouths filled with razor teeth, the Worm Hounds work as the aids to the Revolvers of Slaanesh in herding their charges. These creatures are so well trained that despite their nature as Chaotic beasts, there has been no recorded instance of the Worm Hounds turning on their handlers or the cattle they protect.
-Outriders: Marines riding the infamous 'Horses of Paale', the Outriders specialized in ranged combat, darting in and and out of bolt pistol range to wear down their enemies before forming up and crushing their foes once sufficiently weakened.
-Frost Wardens: Horseborn sorcerers, the Frost Wardens have mastered their ice based psychic abilities to the extent that they can freeze living things solid without killing them - something often employed to subdue the Revolvers of Slaanesh's unruly charges. Naturally, going fully lethal is also an option - as the enemies of the Revolvers have learned the hard way on countless occasions.
-Wranglers: The Wranglers are masters at using their Grav-Lassos, both for manipulating cattle and for throwing the enemies heavy forces around like they were children's toys.
-Jurjun: The largest worms that call Paale their home are somehow able to burrow through the barriers between reality and the Warp as easily as they burrow through the ground. This lets the Revolvers of Slaanesh call upon their aid from any point in the galaxy, even when afflicted by phenomena such as Necron Pylons.

Killer Grass
-Razorleaf: The most common form of Paale's lethal grass species, Razorleaf is capable of tearing through Necrodermis as if it was simple butter, and has been known to cut fully Armored Terminators to shreds in fractions of a second.
-Bloodsucker: A type of grass that does exactly what it is named for, though oddly enough Bloodsucker seems able to consume any liquid so long as it fulfils a similar purpose to blood within the target's body - something many Tyranids and Daemon Engines have found out the hard way.
-Crusher: A type of grass that is capable of extending itself and exerting enough force to crush Space Marine Dreadnaughts, it is among the most aggressive species found on the planet.
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Warband Summeries New
Here! Have a summation of the created warband.

Genefather: Thousand Sons
Faith: Nurgle
A Daemon World composed mostly of muddy swamps, this planet is notable in that corpses and dead bodies from many different worlds have been found floating in it's waters - seemingly pulled to the planet through the Warp itself. The few areas of stable land are rocky and sullen, massive stone islands looming over a swamp of endless death.

Corpseshallow is a swampy Daemon World, filled with the bodies of the dead from across the galaxy. Despite being nearly constantly rotting at all times, however, these corpses never seem to decompose, and instead pile up in large amounts - sometimes even forming islands composed entirely of rotting bodies.

Within the swamp itself, many ramshackle huts held up on stilts and connected by bridges host the planet's human population, whom survive by gathering many of the corpses found within the waters and farming grubs on them for sustenance.

Of course more traditional islands, made up of dirt and rock are also present. It is on these rocky plots of land that the Carrion Corrupters make their homes. On each of these islands, elaborately designed rocky ziggurats have been carved from the stone and imbued with runes dedicated to Nurgle, each of which has its own sinister purpose and meaning for the followers of the Chaos God of Rot. The tribal inhabitants are allowed to come and go from these Plague Ziggurats as they please, and in fact the most honored of them are even interred within these holy monuments to the Plaguefather as mummies.

Surrounding these Ziggaurates are various machine shops and armories, which are used to repair and refurbish the many vehicles that wash up within Corpseshallows swampy waters as well as sort through the various items taken off of the countless bodies floating in the surrounding waters.
Colors: Main focus of Dark Green. Secondary focus of Ivory White & Sickly Yellow.
Symbol: Skull with a third eye and markings to share a resemblance to an upside down Mark Of Nurgle.
Creed: The grave is ours to command
-Powerful Sorcerers: This Warband has access to many powerful sorcerers.
-Determination: This Warband's sheer determination is immense, even among Chaos Marines.
-Stable: Do not suffer from Thousand Sons high mutation rate
-Without present: Do not hold one of Nurgles signature plagues
-Nurglelite Mummies: This chapter has adapted the local customs of mummifying especially important servants, and reinanimating them using strange magics.
-Wrecked Vehicles: In addition to the many corpses the wrecks of a wide variety of old vehicles often find themselves washed to the shores of Corpseshallow.
-Abundant Corpses (X2): Some corpses are wash up more frequently on Corpseshallow than others. (Imperial Guardsmen/Solar Auxilia, Space Marines, Ratlings, Ambull, Ogryn, Razorwings)
-Well Armed Cult: This Warband can count on the aid of many well armed and experienced cultists in times of war.
-Master Sorcerers: The Sorcerers of this warband are true masters of their art.
In combat, the Carrion Corruptors typically rely on large amounts of undead servants to take the majority of their damage - with more powerful undead either mixed into the swarms to boost overall performance, or in separate units to hit enemy weak points. Leadership of Carrion Corrupter warhosts typically falls to either extremely powerful undead or the greatest and most experienced Carrion Corruper Sorcerers. One oddity of the Carrion Corrupters is that they employ neither Hellbrutes nor traditional Chaos Dreadnoughts, likely due to a combination of not wanting to subject their brothers to such terrible fates and simply having other means of fulfilling those roles available.

Unique Units
Poxflocks: Flocks compose of small flying creatures, namely the-bird like Razorwings whom have given the Poxflock formation its name. In combat, the Carrion Corruptors often use Poxflocks either as scouts or as a method of harassing the enemies backlines.

Wight Guardsmen: The lowest rank among the Carrion Corrupters' necromantic creations, yet also a sign of the extent of the Warband's sinister brilliance - for unlike mere poxwalkers, the Wight Guardsmen retain all of the skills, wisdom, and intelligence they had in life, though admittedly not the loyalties or soul. When not on active duty Wight Guardsmen will talk, sleep, and even feel emotion as if they yet lived, but when battle is joined they are shown to possess an unbreakable resolve and horrific durability that marks them as having been chosen by the Plague Father. It is this combination of supernatural endurance and relative sanity that makes the Wight Guardsmen some of the most threatening of Chaos's lower ranked forces. In addition to the normal Wight Guardsmen, Wight Commissioners are also known to exist, and are often even more durable than the normal Wight Guard forces.

Wight Guard Vehicles: Reconstructed vehicles of patterns such as the Lemon Russ, Chimera, Manticore, Salamander Scout Vehicle, Sentinel, Taurox, Basilisk, Hydra, Minotaur, and even the occasional Baneblade or, terrifyingly, a Capitol Imperialis can be found among the armies of the Wight Guard.

Wight Assassins: Wights raised from Imperial Guard Ratling snipers and used to target high value enemies, Elite Weight Assassins are also rumored to exist - being created from extremely capable Wight Assassins, or even the risen corpses of the dreaded Imperial Vindicare Assassins.

Wight Guard Generals: Occasionally the Carrion Corrupters will find themselves in possession of the bodies of Imperial Guard Generals they deem competent enough to be worth resurrecting. These Wight Generals are extremely powerful combatants due to the enhancements placed on them, capable of fighting Marines in full Terminator Armor in close combat. While usually only in charge of the Wight Guard, some Wight Generals prove so skilled they are allowed to lead full Carrion Corruptor Warbands into battle. Corpseshallow born cultists that prove themselves blessed with strategic excellence have also been gifted 'salvaged' and repurposed Imperial Guard General uniforms, and promoted to become living Wight Guard Generals.

Ziggurat Guard: The very best human fitted equipment that the Carrion Corrupters can get their hands on is gifted to the Corpseshallow-borne Ziggurat Guard, devoted cultists drawn from the tribal peoples of their home planet. Unlike the traditional cultist rabble most Imperial forces are used to, the Ziggurat Guard are well motivated and trained in combat, letting them last significantly longer in battle when they are called to fight. When not on campaign, the Ziggurat Guard do exactly as their names imply and help protect the Carrion Corruptor's Ziggurat Fortresses. When Ziggurat Guard fall in battle, they are resurrected and either allowed to retire to their home tribe as honored allies, or remain in service. Many of them, but not all, choose to remain in service to the Carrion Corrupters.

Ziggurat Mummies: Powerful Psykers trained by the Carrion Corruptors all of their lives, the Ziggurat Mummies are often not allowed to see combat until after their first natural death, after which they are raised from the dead and allowed to assist the Carrion Corruptors on the battlefield. Other Nurgle Mummies exist, but they are often only found within the Ziggurat fortresses, and are only called upon to fight when the facilities they protect are in danger. Particularly powerful Ziggurat Mummies are called Mummy Sorcerers, and much like Wight Guard Generals have occasionally been seen leading entire Carrion Corruptor warbands.

Wight Brutes: Powerful and brutal undead raised from dead Ogryn and Ambulls, they are not as skillful as Space Marines, but more often than not are able to compensate for the fact with sheer power.

Marine Wights: Undead Space Marines, much like the Guard these Wights possess the same skills they had in life and are just as competent in battle. Marine Wights from the Carrion Corruptors proper are often allowed to retain their old wills as well as their souls, and while not treated with any excessive respect they are not looked down upon either.

Berserker Wight: Wights reanimated from Khorne Berserkers, whom retain the legendary close combat prowess they had in life. These were first created out of spite as a result of the World Eater attack on Corpseshallow, but to the Carrion Corruptor's immense frustration Berserkers Wights actually seem to consider their current condition an improvement over their old ones.

Wight Batteries: Thousand Sons raised from the dead, and forced to act as magical artillery. Unlike most Wights the minds of these former Sorcerers are intentionally stripped away, leaving only enough mental faculty for them to cast a select few spells.

Wight Marine Champions: When one of the Carrion Corruptors falls in battle and has received too much damage to become a regular Wight Marine, they are raised as one of the dread Wight Marine Champions. Heavily augmented with cybernetic, biological and mystical means, they have been granted great enough power and sizes to stand up to Dreadnaughts or Hellbrutes as equals. Because it takes even more damage to render a Marine incapable of being raised as a wight than it does to render one dreadnought ridden, the Marines that end up turned into Wight Champions are often older and more experience on average. Naturally, this means that while the Carrion Corrupters lack any true equivalent for the Hellbrutes of other traitor forces, the Wight Champion can be considered to be a close match for a loyalist dreadnought, sharing their nature as old warriors that serve as sources of wisdom and experience. Some Wight Marine Champions have even been seen leading Carrion Corrupter Warbands outright, by dint of greater experience and not needing to spend extensive amounts of time sleeping like loyalist dreadnoughts must.

Necromancer Sorcerer: The Sorcerers of the Carrion Corrupters are naturally skilled in raising the dead, and can often be found tending to the many corpses kept within the Ziggurat Fortresses. When called upon they will often serve as advisors to Carrion Corruptor warlords, rarely taking direct charge of a warband unless ordered to by one of the Lich Sorcerers.

Lich Sorcerers: Instead of attempting to become Daemon Princes, the oldest and most powerful Necromancer Sorcerers often instead seek to bind a part of their soul to an individual object, becoming Liche Sorcerers. Immense in power, the Lich Sorcerers are the de-facto leaders of the Carrion Corrupters, ruling through their dark council in the largest and most foul Ziggurat Fortress on Corpseshallow. It is extremely difficult to kill a Liche Sorcerer, for killing them without destroying the object they have bound their souls to will often just lead to the body reconstructing itself later on. However, it should be noted that as powerful as the Liche Sorcerers are, they do seem capable of understanding that knowledge in the mystic arts does not always mean knowledge in combat, a rare trait among Chaos Sorcerors of such might. As such while one may be directing the greater goals of a warband, it is entirely likely for a Wight Guard General, Wight Marine Champion, or even a normal Chaos Warlord of the Carrion Corrupters Warband to be in charge of actual military leadership.
Vs Early Guard (+60): 93
Thousand Sons Encounter: 13
Vs Thousand Sons: 42
Vs World Eaters: 7
Vs World Eaters Siege (+20): 107
Revenge (World Eaters): 57
Revenge (Thousand Sons): 97
Death Guard Relations (Mortarian): 42
Dead Guard Relations (Typhus): 75
Death Guard/Carrion Corrupters vs Thousand Sons: 78
Vs Black Templars (+40): 98
-Early in their existence, the Carrion Corrupters struck at many deployments of the Imperial Guard, killing them to the last and massively swelling their own numbers as a result.
-The Carrion Corrupters end up encountering their parent Legion, the Thousands Sons. The exact specifics of the encounter are unknown, and many years later the Thousand Sons themselves would come to suspect the involvement of the Changeling, the infamously mercurial Exalted Herald of their patron. What is known, is that the Thousand Sons would disown the Carrion Corrupters as their brothers, and assail them with the dark magic of the Changer of Ways, killing a great deal of the younger Warband. Bitter and betrayed by their kin, the Carrion Corrupters would declare eternal hatred for the Thousand Sons.
-A horrific encounter with the World Eaters would lead to the Khorne worshiping Legion slaughtering a significant amount of the Carrion Corruptors warband, and then besieging their very homeworld. The siege itself would be bloody, to the joy of the Blood God, but in the end it would turn out that the World Eaters force had made a horrific mistake in invading Corpseshallow itself. It is said that no matter how many undead the World Eaters brought down, more would arise, and that the very environment itself held down the World Eaters, rendering them unable to fight at anything near full capacity. In the end, the World Eater assault force would be killed to the last.
-Not satisfied with annihilating the forces attacking their homeworld, the Carrion Corrupters would end up ambushing several smaller World Eaters squads and killing all present. Several minor Thousand Sons forces would meet a similar fate, with the Carrion Corrupters going out of their way to kill the Sorcerers before going even considering the surviving Rubricae Marines or Cultists.
-The Carrion Corrupters would eventually make a contract with the Death Guard Legion, fellow followers of the Plauguefather. While the Daemon Primarch Mortarion himself was dismissive at best towards the younger Nurgle devoted warband, those Marines who followed Typhus would soon find themselves bonding with the Carrion Corrupters. This would lead to a collaboration between the two warbands, during which they would attack and utterly destroy a major Thousand Sons force - seizing a proto-Daemon World that would have otherwise gone to the cause of Tzeentch, and securing a great deal of equipment for their own use.
-In one particular battle, the Carrion Corrupters would engage a Black Templars company on the desert world of Sassandus. Though the Black Templars fought valiantly, they would find themselves worn down to half strength due to the sheer quantity of undead being thrown at them, and were ultimately forced to retreat when they came to the horrifying discovery that the Carrion Corrupters had taken to raising the Black Templar's own dead to supplement their forces.
Rolls omitted
-Death Guard: While the Carriorion Corrupters are on bad terms with the Daemon Primarch Mortarion himself, they actually get along well with the vast majority of the Death Guard, and Typhus himself has frequently called upon the support of the Carrion Corrupters to aid in his endeavours to spread Nurgle's gifts.
-World Eaters: The Carrion Corruptors have been bitter enemies of the World Eaters since the latter's attack on their homeworld, and have made a habit of killing and reanimating them whenever possible.
-Thousand Sons: The Carrion Corruptors despise their parent legion for the betrayal they experienced at the latters hands. For their part the Thousands Sons will defend themselves against the Carrion Corruptors, but mentioning the current state of affairs between the Legion and Warband is considered a good way to enrage any member of the Thousand Sons who know the truth, and not just because of any dislike towards the Carrion Corruptors.
-Black Legion: The Carrion Corrupters have very minimal interest in joining up with the Black Crusades, and the sheer amount of forces the former has managed to amass over the years makes the Black Legion unwilling to press the matter. Still, the Black Legion has been known to purchase Gene-Seed harvested from the Space Marine Corpses that wash up in Corpseshallow at an exceptional price, and the Black Legion has occasionally managed to get some degree of the Carrion Corrupter's aid in battle through their mutual relations with the Death Guard.
-Emperors Children: For reasons unknown to them, the Carrion Crawlers have occasionally need to fight back Emperors Children attempts to raid their stores of embalming fluid. The truth behind this conflict is almost disappointingly mundane - the Emperor's Children had, at some point discovered, that the fluid could also be used to create an extremely potent drug, even by Chaos standards.
A soccerous plague warband that focus on raising many and quality dead to fight for them. Such as raising guardsmen as zombies that can still use their weapons and tactics or generals to lead fighting forces (with bodies). Consequently their leadership are liches that understand that military leadership should fall to those that specialise on it.
Genefather: Black Legion
Faith: Undivided (Mercenary)
A planet whose inhabitants have become pale and green eyed, the people of Iurran spend their time in a vast, dark forest, in which they war with each other utilizing dark rituals and tamed monsters. They are actually extremely genetically stable for a human population in the Eye of Terror, and are very compatible with Space Marine Gene-seed.

The world of Iurran is a death world within the eye of terror that has been entirely covered in a thick dark forest. Within this forest, a supernatural black fog persists and keeps vision at near zero for all but the most sharp-eyed people. The locals have thus learned to both hunt and tame some of the most savage monsters on this planet, the largest of which have been known to reach the size of Imperial titans - though only the smaller types are taken offworld by the Hounds of Iurran. Culturally the people are divided into several city states, standing out amidst the forest and waging war with one another via dark magics and the tamed monsters of the forests. However, the most important thing the people of Iurran, and to a lesser extent Hazzal, export is the enigmatic 'Font of Stability' - a substance that helps to spare those who partake of it from the insanity and fleshwarping consequences of prolonged Chaos exposure, though it does not grant them the same level of resistance the people of Iurran inherently possess.

Council of Iurran: The governing body of both the Hounds of Iurran and the region of space that forms their domain, the body also known as the Horusian council is made up of a mixture of powerful Chaos Lords, Sorcerers, Traitor Guard Generals, and various representatives of the local people of Iurran itself. The current 'chairman' of the council is a powerful Chaos Warlord named Archaeon, a bitter foe of Abaddon the Despoiler. Many times have the two matched blades, and many times have they been forced to retreat, never able to finish their battle. It is said by many followers of Chaos that the day Archaeon and Abbadon at last settle their duel, will be the day that the last war against the Imperium begins.

Qubecdia: One of the earliest conquests of the Hounds of Iurran, the land of Qubecdia is unique in that it seems to hold one of the few truly stable warp routes in the Eye - one that leads directly to the gates of Cadia itself. The people of this planet, the traditional victims of any Imperial counterattack against the Black Crusades despite not being associated with the Despoiler, have a bitter hatred of Cadians, and have even taken to wearing a pitch black 'variant' of the Cadian uniform in direct mockery of their enemies.

Hazzal: A planet settled by colonists from Iurran, the people of Hazzal are tough and stubborn, and much like the population they descend from, are astoundingly genetically and mentally stable for the inhabitants of the Eye of Terror. Hazzal itself is a planet constantly covered in toxic fumes, something not helped by the fact that the Hazzal has found itself and it's 13 moons becoming manufacturing hubs for the need of both the Hounds of Iurran and the many Traitor Guard who hold domain over the many planets under the Hound's protection.
New Sons: Apparently, a high ranking captain known as Abaddon the Despoiler has started taking over the Sons of Horus, and is trying to root out any who remain loyal to the fallen Warmaster. Those seeking to resist him want a set of warriors, who they know will uphold their gene-father's legacy, no matter what.
Colors: Sea Green / Teal / Turquoise and a little White
Symbol: A rearing horse with the head of a wolf
Creed: A kingdom in Chaos
Warcry: For the Warmaster!
-(while covering a retreat of traitor guard) For those who were abandoned!
-The Pact of Retreat: Every day, countless Guardsmen fall to Chaos the galaxy over. Through this pact, binding them to cover the retreat of these new followers of the Ruinous Powers from their former allies, the Warband shall 'rescue' and recruit enough of these Guardsmen to form truly immense armies of Traitor Guard.

-Disciplined: Being overseen by some of the last Sons of Horus loyal to the old warmaster, and by far the most organized, this warband, even in the depths of corruption, somehow maintains the discipline and brotherhood of the Space Marines their Legion of origin used to be.
-Headhunters: The Warriors of this Warband are adept at attacking and killing enemy commanders, disorganizing the rest of their forces.
-Improved Equipment: This warband has far better maintained equipment than is the average for a group of Chaos Space Marines.
-Improved Logistics: The traitor Guard often bring many of their supplies with them, as well as the knowledge of how to manage and organise it all. This Legion's auxiliaries have an improved logistical network from the average.
-Mutant Fodder: This Legion has access to plenty of mutants to use as fodder.
-Stabilization (Pact/Planet Combination): The Natives of Iurran have developed a special elixir, that helps to reduce the negative mental and physical effects of Chaos exposure. Those Traitor Guard that actually make it to the territory of their rescuers will be able to negate the impact of their newfound faith.
-Dark Forest Monsters: The Legion has tamed and learned to use many of the horrific monsters within Iurran's dark forests.
-Improved Sorcerers: The Sorcerers of this warband are adept at making deals with the powers of the Warp, and at managing the power gained from those deals. They are more skilled than the norm, and far less likely to find themselves trapped by an uneven bargain...
-Stability (Free): This warband recruits from a people innately resistant to the negative impacts of the Warp, thus allowing it to increase its numbers far more easily.
-Well Armed Cult: This Warband can count on the aid of many well armed and experienced cultists in times of war.
-Mutation Resistant Dreadnaughts: The Dreadnaughts given to this warband are impressively stable in nature, and will not transform into Hellbrutes.
-Master Sorcerers: The Sorcerers of this warband are true masters of their art.
-Fortification: The Marines in this warband have great skill in the arts of fortification.
-Extra Land Raiders: This Warband has more Land Raiders than the average.
Much like their parent Legion once was, the Hounds of Iurran are a Warband that excel in a large number of different disciplines, though the notably large number of auxiliaries serving the Hounds, as well as the much larger proportional supply of Land Raiders, means that they tend to do far better in prolonged combat than most traitor Warbands outside the Legions can hope for.

Unique Units

Iurran Anicents: Unlike most Chaos Warbands, the Dreadnoughts of the Hounds of Iurran have retained the great respect and honor shown to their loyalist cousins, and never degrade into the twisted Helbrutes. This is likely because the people used to make Hounds of Iurran are less prone to Chaos induced insanity in the first place, which - when combined with the mutation resistant nature of the particular Dreadnaught pattern the Hounds prefer - means that the factors that normally drive traitor Dreadnaughts to madness are a non-issue. More interestingly, due to warp-tech engineering, the power that would mutate the dreadnought is instead charged into a built in energy shield, one that makes the Iurran Ancients even harder to destroy than the average dreadnought. Some of the Iurran Ancients are even known to occasionally take positions on the Council of Iurran, where their ancient perspective and wisdom makes their words valued by their peers.

Dreadful Sagittary: Daemonic Centaurs bearing the face of Horus himself, and previously only seen during the Horus Heresy, the near mythical Dreadful Saggitary have been sighted working with Hounds of Iurran forces to terrifying effect. Whether these are new creations, or if they are the original Dreadful Sagittaries returned from the pages of history to serve their former master's last loyal sons is, as of yet, a mystery none know the answer to.

Black Guard: The descendents of Traitor Guardsmen and Gaurdswomen, the Black Guard wear a dark mockery of the standard Cadian uniform that has become popular throughout the Imperium. Due to institutional memory passed down by their ancestors, the Black Guard organise themselves with similar ranks to their loyalist counterparts, though certain aspects - like Commissars - are absent entirely, while others are replaced with far darker forces than anything used by the Imperial Guard.

Dark Ogryn: Though Ogryn within the Guard famously almost never betray the Imperium, many civilian Ogryn have wound up within the domain of the Hounds of Irrun. Though Ogryns are traditionally lacking in intelligence, the dark arts of the Iurran people have enhanced these Ogryn to heights of intelligence not often seen by their kind. These Ogryn would eventually go on to inhabit several of the worlds taken by the Hounds, and in turn would supply the Black Guard with plenty of raw muscle.

Betrayal Pattern Main Battle Tank: The counterpart of the famed Leman Russ Tank and it's variants among the Black Guard, the Betrayal is similarly armed but notably more boxy in form than it's Imperial counterpart, but is often inscribed with Chaos Runes that are specifically designed to enhance both the power of it's hull mounted lascannon and the durability of its armor.

Hulk Pattern Super Heavy Tank: Often mistaken for an Ork vehicle due to the sheer number of guns and spikes that festoon it's hull, the Hulk Pattern is the Black Guard's answer to the legendary Baneblade, a role it serves with gusto - even if it's looks seem to make a it a favorite target for being Looted by any WAAAGHs in the Hound's vicinity.

Mutant Fodder: Traitor Guard that mutated before they had a chance to sign the Pact of Retreat, these mutants are used as lasgun fodder to protect the more disciplined - and less insane - forces loyal to the Hounds of Iurran.

Darkforest Wolves: Pitch Black Wolves that reside within the forests of Iurran, these beasts posess the inexplicable ability to travel through the Warp completely unaided, and can even guide ships through it like a Navigator would. In combat, they have been frequently see fighting with, and holding their own against, the Flesh Hounds of Khorne, with older individuals even gaining the upper hand against the Blood God's loyal hunting hounds.

Headhuntsman: Large spiders resembling the Huntsman Spider of Ancient Terra, the Headhuntsman prowls the battlefield atop legs that seem nigh impervious to attack, and a body that is more heavily armored than most Space Marines. The Headhuntsman attacks via impaling its foes with the points of its legs, or alternately by running the barbs on said legs across their foe's body - usually taking off the head of their victim in the process, giving them their name. Given how the Headhuntsman's legs can tear through ceramite, these attacks tend to be fairly lethal, even to enemy Space Marines.

Iurran Skimishers: Natives of the forests of Iurran, the skirmishers hunt down their prey using either long ranged sniper rifles, or sneaking up on their foes and slitting their throats in their sleep.

Iurran Warriors: The warriors of the Iurran people, the Iurran Warriors are magically enhanced to the point that even their bare skin is roughly twice as strong as flak armor. In combat, they tend to prefer melee weapons such as spears and large swords - though since the birth of the Hounds of Iurran, many of the Iurran Warriors have taken to using large amounts of Rocket Launchers of all things, likely because of the sheer durability of most of Iurran's local wildlife.

Iurran Shaman: The creators of the Font of Stability, many Iurran Shamans, from both Iurran proper and Hazzal, have been known to join the Traitor Guard forces in order to provide psyker support and aid in keeping them an effective fighting force.

Sorcerer-Wizards: Chaos Sorcerers that make usage of the Iurran Shaman's far more... organized methods of manipulating the Warp. Sorcerer-Wizards can be both true or false sorcerers, but either way are often protected by swarms of lesser Warp entities or familiars - allowing them to focus on working their dark magic upon the battlefield.

Iurran Keepers: Locals of Iurran that have mystically bound their very souls to a Sorcerer-Wizard or Shaman. Iurran Keepers are roughly three times the size of a normal human, and possess over ten times the strength, on top of being nearly as fast as a Space Marine. How the normal inhabitants of Iurran transform into Keepers is unknown, but what is known is that the Keepers are extremely protective of the Sorcerers and Shamans that they are tasked with guarding.

Dark Stormtroopers: The elite among the Traitor Guard in service to the Hounds of Iurran, the Dark Stormtroopers are physically enhanced via special chemicals made on Iurran and injected into their bodies, giving them superhuman physical capabilities - though less than that of an Astartes. They can often be seen acting behind enemy lines, both within and without the Eye of Terror.

Crawling Stones: Rocky, circular platforms with legs, created by the shamans of Iurran. This practice has been adopted by the Sorcerors of the Hounds, as the Crawling Stones are more durable than adamantium, vastly enhance the magical ability of the rider, and even project a protective forcefield over their charge. The stone claws that can crush through Terminator Armour is also considered a nice bonus.
Early Conquests 29: 69
Secondary Wave Conquests 97: 127
vs Black Legion: 99: 119
Wrath of Abandon 68: 68
Vs Black Legion 2 34: 54
Third Wave of Conquest 89: 109
Vs Black Legion 34: 54
The Long War Against the Despoiler 1: 1
Recovery 7: 87'
The Long War Against the Despoiler Part 2 1: 1
Recovery 32: 112
The Long War Against the Despoiler Part 3 85: 85
4th Wave of Conquest 27: 47
5th Wave of Conquest 39: 59

If you guys had rolled a 1 on any of those recoveries or choosen a worse option for recovering these guys would be gone by now.
-Early on after their formation, the Hounds of Iurran would begin a campaign of expansion, conquering the planet of Qubecdia as well as several others - many of which would end up as staging areas or even adoptive homeworlds for future Traitor Guard elements.
-A second wave of conquests sees the world of Hazzal, as well as many more within the Eye of Terror, brought into the fold of the Hounds of Iurran's kingdom.
-Encounters with the nascent Black Legion end badly for the former Sons of Horus, as the Hounds of Iurran, raised on the stories of their founders regarding Abbadon's betrayal of their father's legacy, waste no time in falling upon the black clad Chaos Space Marines, killing most encountered groups before they could report back with the discovery of the Primarch Loyalists.
-Abbadon would soon find out about these incursions, causing the Warmaster to strike out against the Hounds of Iurran. However, the Despoiler would only succeed at destroying a scant few Traitor Gaurd regiments and their accompanying Marines before the rest of the Hounds of Iurran and their forces pulled back, retreating out of his reach.
-Once Abbadon had given up the chase and focused his attention elsewhere, the Hounds of Iurran surged forward, destroying yet more Black Legion warbands and expanding outward to take more worlds in the process.
-The Black Legion would retaliate against their younger brother's expansions, but quickly found themselves unable to both make reasonable progress against the Hounds while simultaneously keeping the other Traitor Legions in line and still prosecuting the war against the Imperium.
-Enraged, Abbadon the Despoiler would return to the front against the Hounds of Iurran, the Warmaster personally commanding multiple battles that wiped out a full half of the rival warband and destroying several of their identified worlds.
-Unbeknownst to Abbadon, however, he did not destroy all of the worlds held by the Hounds - indeed, he did not even get the majority. With fresh reserves of Traitor Guardsmen from across the galaxy, the Hounds of Irrun would once again assail the Black Legion - Forcing Abbadon to intervene yet again and destroy all attacking forces.
-Once again would Abbadon's failure to truly wipe out the Hounds of Iurran return to haunt him, as they would once again rally and begin taking ground in the Eye of Terror. Unlike the first two wars between Horus's heirs, Abbadon would find himself unable to inflict the damage he had in years prior, for the Hounds of Iurran had long learned and adapted to his tactics and spent centuries preparing themselves to oppose him. Whenever his generals would push to the systems under the Hounds of Iurran's protection, they would find themselves faced by fortifications that could rival those of Cadia itself, and whenever the Despoiler himself would take to the field, the Hounds of Iurran forces would retreat in short order - forcing him into a fruitless chase.
-The war between the two forces that claimed the blood of the Warmaster would never truly end, even into the time of the 13th Black Crusade itself. Conquests and reconquests would wage back and forth throughout the Eye of Terror, a bloody war that was far smaller in scope than the crusade itself, but one that none the less took up a great deal of the resources of the Black Legion. More than their material gains was perhaps the psychological impact the Hounds had upon their erstwhile brother, for Abbadon's rage at the fact any of his brothers yet remain loyal to their father rather than he himself is legend - an eternally bleeding wound to the Despoiler's pride.
Rolls omitted
-Obviously, the Hounds of Iurran are mortal enemies with the Black Legion. Their relations with other Traitor Warbands, meanwhile, tend to be in flux, much like many things within the Eye of Terror. Today's enemy could be tomorrow's ally, and vice versa, after all.
A MASSIVE warband that regulary faces of against Abbadon. They survived his rage (and distraction with uniting chaos warbands under him) until they were etablished and proceeded to oppose him on the basis that he abandoned Horus with neither side able to to win. They became a bleeding wound to Abbadon that resists his leadership of the entire Black Legion.
Genefather: Iron Warriors
Faith: Undivided (Mercenary)
A Space Hulk of planetary size, the thing that makes Hulk-Leviathan truly of interest is the fact that other space hulks, some of them from ships that haven't even been built yet, are constantly drifting into and fusing with it. This has naturally led to a lot of metal and technology, just waiting to be broken down. (Resource Rich).

Hulk-Leviathan is a titanic Space Hulk the size of a planet, one that seems to almost constantly be drawing in and fusing with other Space Hulks. These Space Hulks can come from any part of the Galaxy and, due to the atemporal nature of the Warp, even different places in time itself, leading to it's inhabitants both dealing with a great many strange dangers and benefiting from immense riches.

Life aboard Hulk Leviathan is one of constant horror for it's human occupants. With all sorts of xeno beasts and Daemons prowling through the corridors, the only forms of safety takes the form of life under the rule of the Iron Overlords, whom are themselves brutal masters - still, for many it's a preferable fate to that which awaits them at the hands of the alien horrors and rogue Chaos Cultists that lurk outside of the Overlord's immediate gaze.

In fact, so many people have wound up under the Iron Overlord's grip that Hulk Leviathan is home to several major cities, the biggest of which houses the Iron Pit - one of the largest and most productive dockyards in the entirety of the Eye of Terror.

Due to this constant source of work, as well as a... relatively easy access to raw resources, Hulk Leviathan has wound up as a mixture of industrial hub and resource extraction community in one, as even with a large amount of the broken down raw resources being exported to other Chaos aligned powers the Iron Overlords still have plenty for their own use.
Raw Material needs
"I lack sufficient raw materials for my experiments. Create a Warband to rectify this, now."
Colors: Silvery-gray primary, with golden helmets, pauldrons and gauntlets
Symbol: Silver skull with red gemstones within eye sockets
Creed: Forget no debts
-Without contract/pact
-Mining Equipment: This warband has access to heavy mining equipment…. Chaos infused mining equipment at that.
-Tithe: This Warband sends a small portion of it's material wealth to the enigmatic 6-1.
-Master Negotiators: This Warband knows how to negotiate and strike deals to their own benefit.
-Master Daemonsmiths: The Marines of this Warband are experts at binding Daemons to machinery.
-Improved Equipment: This Warband has far better maintained equipment than is the average for a group of Chaos Space Marines.
-Anti-Tyranid Warfare: This warband has gained a mastery at fighting the assorted Tyranid warforms over the years.
-Anti-Terminator Tactics: This warband is adapt at slaying enemies protected by Terminator Armor.
-Anti-Genestealer Warfare: Countless encounters have given this warband a mastery at dealing with the meddlesome vanguard of the Devourer.
-Extra Ships: This Warband has broken off and refurbished many ships from Hulk Leviathan over the years, massively expanding their fleet.
-Basic Daemonic Pact: This Warband has a pact that lets them call upon the Lesser Daemons of the dark gods, such as Bloodletters or Plague Bearers, with relative ease.
-Extra Obliterators: This warband includes extra Obliterators among its number.
-Weaponsmiths: This warband has grown adept at creating infernal weapons.
-Well Armed Cult: This Warband can count on the aid of many well armed and experienced cultists in times of war.
The Overfleet: The Iron Overlord possesses an immense fleet of salvaged ships, of both Imperial and Xeno designs. They use this fleet primarily to transport goods both to and from the many clients the Iron Overlords possess within the Eye of Terror, as well as a tool of "negotiation" in the case of their more... difficult neighbors.

The Everwar: The Iron Overlords and their subordinates are in a state of constant war with the many unaffiliated Daemons, rogue Cults, Orks, Genestealers, Genestealer Cults, Feral Tyranids, Minor Xenos, and even large communities of stranded Imperials that make up a large part of the living things on Hulk Leviathan. To aid in this eternal battle, the Iron Overlords make heavy usage of large numbers of summoned Lesser Daemons and Chaos Beasts both, of which are exceedingly expendable in the eyes of the Iron Overlords.

Unique Units
-Hellbound: A specific form of Hellbrute modified for use in heavy labor instead of combat. To be able to slake one's bloodlust on the regular is considered a privilege for these lowly failures, so on the rare occasion they are deployed to fight they do so with savagery that puts even other Hellbrutes to shame and with power that lets them easily overwhelm most contemporary dreadnaught equivalents.
-Incinerators: Obliterators that have come to almost exclusively generate flamers as their weapons of choice, even being near an Incinerator is said to be unbearably hot even for Space Marines. Due to their choice of weapon, the Incinerators have proven especially devastating in the confines of Hulk Leviathan.
-Gene-Thralls: Genestealers that have had large parts of their bodies carved out and replaced with infernal cybernetics, binding them to the artificial 'Ironmind' instead of the traditional tyranid or genestealer Hiveminds. Perhaps the most insidious part about the Gene-Thralls is that these implants have a modified variant of the obliterator virus within that causes it to develop in the children of infected cultists, making the Ironmind a self perpetuating cycle.
Iron Patriarch: Biomechanical creatures created through usage of pureblood genestealers and a modified version of the Obliterator Virus. Iron Patriarchs are bound in service to the Iron Overlords and replace pureblood Genestealers place within the hierarchy of the Gene-Thrall's cult. It is even said that instead of creating more purebloods during the 6th generation, it is Iron Patriarchs that are born of Iron Thralls.
-Overlord Enforcers: Iron Overlords that excel in combat are given among the best mastercrafted or archeotech weapons that the Iron Overlords have access to. The weapons loadouts of the Overlord Enforcers are entirely personalized, and so the only true constant when dealing with one is that each and every one is incredibly dangerous - even by Chaos Space Marine standards.
-Gnawers: Very small Daemon engines built in the likeness of rats, the Gnawer is most often used to locate and retrieve small pieces of valuable technology… though they are just as willing to chew threws an enemies' legs or arm joints.
-Iron Gutter: Iron Overlords wearing armor that can be best described as a halfway point between normal Space Marine Armor and Terminator Armor. In combat, Iron Gutters are tougher than normal Space Marines but remain just as maneuverable. Mounted on the Iron Gutter's left arm is a massive, retractable drill that is often used to shear through tough materials, or to gore the insides out of any fool unlucky enough to face an Iron Gutter in combat.
-Oppressor Guard: Cybernetically enhanced cultists, who stand guard over the many thralls under the Iron Overlords employe. The Oppressor Guard replace the standard lasgun with the Maliceshot, a cruel modification of the lasgun that has paralytic effects on those hit by it, and that can even be modified to only cause paralysis instead of doing physical damage... and also gives the victim full body irritation for an entire day, regardless of the mode it is in when it hits, if they survive.
-Overmanagers: Iron Overlord Sorcerors that are placed in charge of watching over their thralls. All Overmanagers have implants within their bodies, allowing them to exercise control over the Ironmind of the Gene-Thralls as well as control the gun servitors that oversee the many work areas under their control.
-Servoheads: In a mockery of the Imperial tradition of creating servo-skulls, the Iron Overlords reduce a victim's head to just a skull without actually removing it from the body. The skulls of these victims are than enhanced in a way similar to that of a servo-skull, but infused with Chaotic power. The end of this process is a horrible creature that acts as a walking security camera for the Iron Overlords, though if forced into combat the eyes of the Servohead can also be used as rapid fire lasguns.
Vs Genestealers 75: 135
Black Legion Negotiations 29: 69
Iron Warriors Negotiations 98: 158
Vs Emperors Children 91: 151
Vs Tyranid Infestation 76: 116
Vs World Eaters 37: 77
Black Legion Intervention 85: 85
Vs Genestealers 74: 135
vs Major Imperium Raid: 34
Iron Warriors Intervention 36: 36
Black Legion Intervention 14: 14
Rally 99: 159
Rebuilding 92: 92
-Early after first setting up on Hulk Leviathan, the Iron Overlords are forced to do battle with a massive Genestealer infestation. Despite never having seen or even heard of such creatures before (these particular Genestealers having actually arrived from the future), the Iron Overlords quickly rally and nearly all of the Genestealers and their accompanying cultists are slain.
-Successful negotiations with both the Black Legion and the Iron Warriors leads to an influx of wealth to the coffers of the Iron Overlords, as well as guarantees of protection from both of the mighty Chaos Legions.
-The Emperor's Children invade Hulk-Leviathan, and are subsequently crushed. Having seen Lucius the Eternal overtake the body of the first warrior to defeat him, the Iron Warriors proceed to instead amputate all of his limbs and replace them with cybernetics thralled to their control to end the second battle against the Champion of Slaanesh. Lucius was then forced to work in the mines for several years, until his freedom was purchased by an unknown party.
-A Space Hulk containing an immense Tyranid Swarm fuses with Hulk Leviathan, leaving the Iron Warriors to struggle under constant assault for many years. Eventually, they sucessfully isolate and destroy the hostile swarm.
-The World Eaters launch an unintentional surprise attack on the Iron Overlords and nearly cause massive damage, thankfully a Black Legion Warband had been in the area recently, and possessed enough of a sense of honor to come to the Iron Overlord's aid. In thanks, this warband was gifted with infernal weapons of incredible power, allowing them to stand out even among the ranks of the already feared Black Legion.
-Another Genestealer cult emerges on Hulk Leviathan, and is promptly killed around as quickly as the first one.
-Out of nowhere, a titanic Imperial task forces besieges Hulk-Leviathian. This force had been made up primarily of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers and Sisters of Battle, but many elite Imperial units, even including elements of the Grey Knights themselves, were also present. Both the Iron Warriors and Black Legion dispatched forces to foil this attack, but against all odds the Imperium continued to gain ground. Eventually, the Iron Overlords themselves rallied and led a massive counterattack that drove the corpse worshippers away, but the damage had been done - and many suspect that by the time it was driven back, the Imperium had already found whatever it was looking for. Thankfully, the Iron Overlords themselves were quick to recover from the damage done, though they remain silent when asked if the Imperium had taken anything of importance during the surprise crusade.
Rolls omitted
-Black Legion: The Black Legion are perhaps the greatest customers of the Iron Overlords, and the two have a positive, if merely professional relationship.
-Iron Warriors: The Iron Warriors maintain a surprisingly close bond with their parent Legion, the fact that the Iron Overlords do not seem to care enough to discriminate against the many 'halfbreeds' within the Legion endearing them to the lower ranked Legionaries. The higher ranking Iron Warriors, on the other hand, respect the Iron Overlords for the materials and weapons they can offer if not for any other reason.
-World Eaters: The Iron Overlords despise the World Eaters, and will often give discounts to anything fighting the World Eaters as a response.
-Night Lords/Emperors Children: These two most depraved of Legions are permanently banned from the vicinity around Hulk Leviathan. The only ones allowed to brutalize the Iron Overlords thralls are the Iron Overlords themselves!
-Thousand Sons/Death Guard/Word Bearers/Other: For the Iron Overlords, the vast majority of Chaos Warbands are simply customers, only those whose honour or pragmatism leads them to be willing to aid in Hulk Leviathan.s defense given any exceptional treatment.
A warband established as provider of raw and processed materials as well as quality and possessed armaments. They support a large and diverse fleet to trade and enforce bargains.
Genefather: Night Lords
Faith: Slanesh
Curnto is a former fortress world of the Imperium, which has since turned into a Daemon world by the efforts of the Indigo League. Oddly enough, in terms of physical composition and appearance it could almost pass for a 'normal' planet, except for one thing - the sheer density and quantity of Chaos corrupted animals that form it's biosphere.

All sorts of horrific abominations were created from the native fauna of the planet when it first turned into a Daemon World, abominations that have only ever increased in numbers as more and more creatures were 'acquired' by the Indigo League themselves. The thralls of the Indigo League know better than to stray from the safety of their overlords fortress at the night, and more importantly they know far better than to assail the Sessetium that aid the Indigo League in manning the fortress - lest they find themselves foodstuff for the Beasts.
My People: "My kin are in constant danger, due to the influx of xenophobic lunatics from the ashes of the Horus Heresy…. I beg you, my comrades, to create guardians to defend them. Do this, and I will throw all of my power and resources into our efforts."
Colors: White, orange, and indigo with one red pauldron and one white pauldron
-Champions have purple armor and dark pink pauldrons
Symbol: ?
Creed: I want to be the very best, Like no one ever was, To train the beasts is my test, To protect the League is my cause
Warcry: "Our courage will pull us through!"
-when protecting allies "For this world we must defend!"
-Obsession: Family
-Sessetium Auxiliaries: A humanoid lizardlike species known as the Sessetium have provided auxiliaries to this Warband's forces. Armed with their Venom Guns, Power Blades, and the occasional Vortex Rocket Launcher, these alien warriors can prove a powerful ally.
-Sessetium Fleet Support: The Warband's fleet can call upon the support of the fleet of the Xeno species known as the Sessetium. These ships are able to dive deep into the warp without much issue, and possess powerful long ranged energy weapons.
-Hedonistic: This warband has trouble staying on task and likes to enjoy the finer things in life.
-Addicted: This warband has an addiction that can sometimes get in the way of it's operations.
-Prophecy: Mariens from this warband will sometimes get visions of the future.
-Little Brothers: This Warband cares deeply for it's recent inductees, raising the quality of its full-fledged Chaos Marines as a result.
-Ancestor Spirits: Marines from this Warband are tightly connected to the group as a whole. This bond is so strong that slain marines can even temporarily return from the dead as semi-Warp spirits to aid and advise their brothers.
-Pets: This Warband has a strange affinity for and bond with Slaanesh corrupted beasts.
-Dark Machine Spirits: For some odd reason, the Chaos Marines of this Warband are able to bond very well with the twisted and corrupt Machine Spirits of its equipment and vehicles.
-Raiding: This Warband is adept at raiding and looting other worlds when the time calls for it.
-Chaos Beasts: This Warband uses a variety of mutated Chaos Beasts to supplement its forces.
-Enslaved Furies: This Warband has captured and enslaved many Chaos Furies into its service.
-Extra Land Raiders: This warband has extra land raiders.
Sessetium: An ancient Xenos race of humanoid reptilians, blessed with total immunity to the mind shattering and physically corruptive effects of the Warp. This, when combined with the raw strength and power to keep in with Space Marines in combat, make the Sessetium a formidable force within the Eye of Terror. Perhaps in another, more fortunate universe, the Sessetium would have been able to escape the formation of the Eye of Terror, and proven formidable enemies to the forces of Chaos... But this is not that universe, and due to a desperate mistake by their ancestors, they have been enslaved to the whims of Slaanesh forevermore, a fate that the species as a whole deeply resents.

The Pact of 666,666: The legislating body of the Sessetium is composed of 666,666 individuals, including the famed Sessenan and the dreaded Scornscale Daemonsplitter. For reasons unknown, these individuals have even more durable souls than most and are able to resurrect themselves after death, something that is oddly easy for the Sessetium as a whole.

The Family: The Marines of the Indigo League are connected to each other, the Sessetium species, their pets, and even some of their Machine Spirits through a strange phenomenon they simply call 'The Family'. The specifics of this connection are unknown even to other Slaanesh worshippers, but what is known is that the Indigo League have an unusually strong connection to both their auxiliaries and their brothers, allowing the Warband a surprisingly amount of cohesion due to the fact that it's components actually trust one another - something usually lost by most Chaos Marines. This is also seen as the main reason for the Warband's extensive usage of Furies for the role of cannon fodder, as the other 'weaker' entities within the warband are not seen as expendable like they would in most Chaos aligned forces.

The Toxinpulse: A special chemical mixture created by the Sessetium for the Indigo League, this mixture both greatly enhances the acidic spit of the Indigo League, and serves as a mean of feeding and mitigating their addiction at the same time. This, when combined with the League's hedonistic tendencies, has lead to them consuming it in massive quantities.

Unique Units
-Sessetium Venomshooter: The Venom Gun used by the Sessetium's rank and file soldiers shoots a round that can only be summarized as hardened Sessetium venom. This venom, upon contact with a target, will immediately return to it's liquid state and begin dissolving whatever it hit. This is, obviously, rather dangerous, especially given that Sessetium venom has been seen to melt through Space Marine Armor in seconds and even banish Daemons in mere moments. Incredibly enough, the Tyranids have also proven unable to adapt to this substance - or at least, unable to do so without becoming utterly feral and impossible for the Hive Mind to direct. This seems to have lead to Tyranid Genestealers deliberately avoiding interaction with the Sessetium species, dismissing them as not worth the effort it would take for the Hive Mind to consume them. In addition to their inherent venom and the Venom Gun family of weapons, the Sessetium are also known to use power swords as a melee arm and employ weapons specialists who wield Vortex Missile Launchers, a truly terrifying sentence.
-Sessetium Medics: Usually armed with pistol class variants of the Venom Gun, the Sessetium medic has three long prehensile tails, a trait which is seen as a sign of a kind soul among the Sessetium species. These three tails are extremely flexible, capable of splitting a Marine's throat through their powered armor, regenerate if destroyed, and excrete a minor venom that eliminates microbes, which all makes them into excellent makeshift surgical tools! Of course, they are also trained in the use of traditional medical implements.
-Indigo Ancestors: The spirits of long fallen Indigo League Marines, that have managed to use The Family's mysterious psychic link to manifest themselves on the battlefield beyond the veil of death. While not Daemons themselves, the Indigo Ancestors do seem to have a similar resistance to physical damage, and can be summoned to the battlefield in much the same ways.
-Kin-Raider: Chaos corrupted Land Raiders that seem to have developed a strange type of psychic ability, namely the power to project a psychic shield around allied forces, rendering them able to keep their charges safe even after they have left the safety of the corrupted Land Raider itself.
-Kin-Spawn: Chaos Spawn made from members of the Indigo League are oddly cooperative and capable of independent thought, possibly The Family letting them hold on to more of their mind. Though not capable of holding any positions of command, these unique Spawn at least appear to be in better condition than similar creatures in just about any other Warband, and are still treated with immense care and sorrowful love by their brothers - something that is known to cause other Chaos Space Marines to look at the Indigo League with utter bafflement.

Beasts: More than any other Chaos forces, the Indigo League make use of a wide variety of strange and unusual beasts among their ranks, below are only some of the creatures they use.
-Teslarat: A strange rat-like creature corrupted by the Dark Prince, the Teslarat is known for both it's friendly and gentle personality, and it's ability to kill a full squad of guardsman in seconds.
-Savarapter: Savarapter are large creatures resembling the Cold Ones often found on Eldar Maiden Worlds. They tend to fight in packs, and have occasionally acted as mounts for Indigo League Neophytes that have yet to achieve full Marinehood (a fully inducted Marine is simply too heavy for a Savaraptor to realistically carry).
-Crabpede: Living crosses between Crabs and Centipedes, the Crabpede is capable of posing a moderate threat to Space Marines in close combat and is capable of both scaling walls and swimming at immense speed.
-Purple Beast: Unimaginatively named as it may be, the Purple Beast is a faster (and purple) subspecies of the far more common green colored Chaos Beasts found throughout the Galaxy.
-Chaos Spawn: Some Chaos Spawn connected to Slaanesh are 'adopted' by the family, the League feeling sympathy for the cursed beings and the mistreatment they so often suffer.
-Pakawasp: Small, dog sized Parasitic Wasps known for laying their eggs in the bodies of their enemies, an infestation of Pakawasps can lead to billions of individual wasps swarming the skies of a Hive World under Indigo League attack - something that happens far too often for the Imperium's liking.
-Canonmillio: A strange, beetle like creature, with what can only be described as a large biological turret mounted on top of it.
-Elesnek: A strange elephant like creature, with a snake for a trunk and scales instead of skin. The Elesnek is durable enough to withstand concentrated fire from several Leman Russ main battle tanks, and is more than strong enough to destroy those tanks with a single stomp from their mighty feet. Sometimes, they will even pick up an enemy vehicle with their snake-trunk and throw them at the enemy.
-Others: A great deal of other strange creatures are found in the service of the Indigo League, and its repertoire of unusual creatures only grows with every passing day.
First Conquest: 18
Second Conquest: 29
Third Conquest: 72
Transportation Ritual: 85
Vs Word Bearers 95: 155
Emperors Children diplomacy 61: 81
With Emperors Children vs World Eaters 86: 146
Vs World Eaters: 50: 110
-The Indigo League attack on the Hive World of Ranastan is foiled by the timely intervention of eight full strength Space Marine Chapters… only for all of them to be revealed to have fallen to Khorne not long afterwards.
-The Indigo League's next attack on the Hive World of Wolololololo is thwarted by the appearance of the Grey Knights, who quickly force the Chaos Warband to make a speedy retreat.
-Eventually, after many years wandering the galaxy, the Indigo League manages to successfully conquer the fortress world of Curnto by making heavy use of Furies as cannon fodder, before storming the world's main defense complex and slaughtering the Guardsmen stationed within. They then implemented a dark ritual that would transport Curnto directly to the Eye of Terror, landing the system close to the Sessetium's homeworld of Neerva.
-A combined Sessetium and Indigo League force defeat a Word Bearers fleet that had been attempting to invade Neerva and plunder its ancient lore. Though the Sessetium and Indigo League had been as close as any two powers within the Eye of Terror could be expected to be even before, it was this event that led to a true camaraderie being forged between the Sessetium and the Indigo League Warband.
-Eventually the Indigo League and the Emperor's Children would strike up an alliance, the two Slaanesh devoted warbands forming an odd friendship despite the former's close bond with the Sessetium Xeno species and utter refusal to betray their alien 'brothers'. This alliance would be cemented when a combined Indigo League and Emperor's Children force utterly humiliated a World Eaters Warband at the battle of Toxinrapture Pass.
-Seeking revenge for Toxinrapture Pass, a force of World Eaters would attack the Indigo League homeworld of Curnto, only to be utterly crushed when the Sessetium attacked the World Eaters force from behind - pulling the Khorne worshippers in too many different directions for the World Eaters to handle.
Rolls omitted
-Emperors Children: At this moment, the Emperor's Children are one of only two Chaos Warbands to maintain regular, non-violent contact with the Indigo League. This is primarily due to both being servants of Slaanesh, leaving them kindred spirits in many regards.
-Iron Overlords: Due to both Warbands being indirectly sworn in service to 6-1, their enigmatic creator, the Indigo League maintain cordial relations with the Iron Overlords, often trading exotic Sessetium chemicals for advanced technology and useful metallic compounds from the Iron Overlords.
An addict warband of the Dark Prince that obsess over family so that chaotic mutated beasts are considered pets. Because the obsession is for them a strength it forms a form of Psycik link they call "The Family" that makes those pets and even machine spirits more controlable and can summon their dead (as spirit/demon adjacent) to fight again.
Have I mentioned that they are Pokemon exspies?
Genefather: Space Wolves mutated to nonviable. World Eaters instead
Faith: Tzeentch
A planet covered with a light blue crystal and whose wildlife is marked with crystalline growths, these crystals - especially those reclaimed from the local fauna - hold a great deal of psychic power, and can be used for a variety of purposes.

The Crystal Blades homeworld of Tibuna, though not entirely crystalline itself, is notable for a layer of blue crystals that covers its entire surface, forcing any who seek any kind of 'normal' ground to either build on top of the crystal or attempt to mine if off of vast areas of the surface - an act that would need repetition every year or so as the crystal attempted to grow back.

This is not actually considered much of a detriment for the locals of the planet however, as their shamans make frequent usage of the vast psychic power stored within each crystal; even the non-psychic tribals have found ways to implement them into what can only be described as simultaneously crude yet shockingly advanced technology.

Sometimes this ends up a necessity, for the very wildlife that lives on planet Tibuna is notably lethal even for that of a daemon world - most likely due to the fact that the power of the crystals that commonly grows within them is very easily converted into a makeshift explosive.

Craftworld Nuvula: A major Eldar Craftworld corrupted by Tzeentch, Craftworld Nuvula rests in the same system as Tibuna, having been moved there as the Crystal Blades first set up their dark empire on the planet. As one may expect, Craftworld Nuvula holds the vast majority of Tzeentch worshipping Eldar within the galaxy, but the 'Crystal Eldar' as they're called have actually expended in population over the years and hold a handful of colonies under the protection of the Crystal Blades.

The Crystal Towers: The Marines of the Crystal Blades have taken to deliberately molding large structures of crystal into the shape of massive towers connected to one another via similarly built crystal walkways. Unlike normal crystal growths, these towers and walkways are not explosive and in fact seem to shunt any damage done to them into the Warp.
Last Hope of a Falling People: One of the Eldar Seers has contacted you… well, ok, one of them who gave his soul and those of his people over to Tzeentch before Slannesh was born in a desperate attempt to avoid the Dark Prince, but still one of the Eldar Farseers regardless - ooooh, and they want you to create a Tzeentch devoted warband at that. Ehehehehe....
Colors: Light Blue mainly but it is common for crystals of varying colors to be embedded into their armor.
Symbol: A crystal prism with Eldritch writings engraved on it
Creed: "Weaponry is half the battle"
-Enhanced Empathy: The Marines of this warband are very empathetic and capable of understanding the feelings of the others.
-Beneficial Mutations: The mutations this warband occasionally suffers are far more likely to be beneficial than malignant.
-Unyielding Hope: The Marines of this warband never give up hope and will fight beyond what could cause even other Space Marines to despair.
-Enhanced Weapons: The weapons of this Warband are mystically enchanted to an impressive extent, leading to many of them having strange abilities or simply being better than average.
-Enhanced Armor: The armor of this Warband are mystically enchanted to an impressive extent, leading to many of them having strange abilities or simply being better than average.
-Crystal Creatures (Small-Medium): This Warband has access to crystalline monsters in the Small-Medium size category.
-Crystal Creatures (Large-Superheavy): This Warband has access to crystalline monsters in the Large-Superheavy size category.
-Weaponsmiths: This Warband has grown adept at forging infernal weapons.
-Ax Masters: This Warband is remarkably proficient with chain-axes, and similar weapons.
-Basic Daemonic Pact: This Warband has a pact that lets them call upon the Lesser Daemons of the dark gods, such as Bloodletters or Plague Bearers, with relative ease.
-Extra Mutilators: This warband has extra mutilators.
-Soul Grinders: This warband has access to Soul Grinders.
Unique Units
-Hellgaols: The Crystal Blade would not dream of imprisoning any of their brothers within the horrific confines of a Hellbrute. Instead, they imprison enemy Marines in them and control them with a set of crystalized 'receiver' bolted into the hellbrute itself. These rods will kill the unfortunate soul if disabled in any way. Naturally, this is fine enough in the eyes of the Crystal Blades as imprisonment in a Hellgoal was something they only ever did to their most hated enemies anyway.
-Sharded Mutilators: The Mutilators among the the Crystal Blades have weapons composed of the same crystals that grow on most of the surface and much of the wildlife of the planet of Tibuna. Due to this, Sharded Mutilators seem to have gained the odd ability to leave behind crystal shards in any foes they strike, shards that they can detonate at will should they feel the need.
-Shard Guard: Crystal Blade Marines encased in specialized power armor that has been enhanced with modified versions of the crystals of Tibuna's home world. This armor's enhancements and unique nature causes it to reflect energy weapons and psychic powers back at their users. Due to this, the Shard Guard are often deployed against foes that the Crystal Blades will expect to use either energy weapons or psychic powers themselves.
-Crystal Warriors: Tribals from the Crystal Blades homeworld, these warriors of Tibuna are armed with spears tipped with particularly energetic crystals that allow the warriors to fire powerful psychic beams from the tip, or do damage similar to a force weapon if used in close combat, even if they do not themselves have any psychic powers.
-Crystal Shaman: The Shamans of the Tibuna tribes often make usage of psychic powers that manipulate the crystals that cover their homeworld. Due to this, only the most powerful among them, who have learned how to actually create the crystals of Tibuna in the midst of battle, ever leave Tibuna proper.
-Palanquins of Tzeentch: Large floating platforms made up of multiple Disks of Tzeentch bound together, a Crystal Blade Sorcerer on a Palanquin of Tzeentch make usage of their warbands empathetic abilities to coordinate with each other beyond what most other warbands can attain, letting them achieve massive ritualistic effects on the battlefield even without an exceptionally powerful individual sorcerer being present.

Crystal Eldar
-Crystal Avengers: Dire Avengers wielding wraithbone armor that has been mixed in with a refined variant of the crystals native to Tibuna. Because of this, the Crystal Avengers are far more durable than the Dire Avengers of the Craftworld Eldar, and in large enough numbers can even aid the dedicated psykers they fight alongside in psychic combat… so long as they are not already preoccupied in a fight of course.
-Far Schemer: A nickname given to the Crystal Eldar Farseers, who ironically enough do not have the same problem of eventually transmuting into psychically sensitive crystal that their counterparts do. Still, the life of a Far Scheme is a peril filled one, for while the Changer of Ways protects them from the depravities of the Dark Prince He is a fickle and flighty master. Thankfully, the Eldar's innate mutation resistance does offer some protection, but a Far Schemer must always be prepared for when their distant master decides He wants to have fun at their expense.
- Chaos Warlocks: The 'basic' Craftworld Eldar warlocks but sworn to Tzeentch with all of the benefits and problems that implies.

Crystal Creatures
-Crystingers: Scorpions with shells composed entirely of crystal, the Crystinger for the most part attacks like the average tank sized scorpion with armor harder than adamantium across the galaxy, though these ones can fire psychic laser beams from their stingers for ranged combat.
-Sharpticks: Ticks with psychic crystal integrated into their very blood, they are well known for their habit of latching onto a given target and then exploding with roughly double the power of the standard Imperial krak grenade.
-Crystal Behemoth: Turtle like creatures the size of an Imperator Titan, with shells entirely composed of crystals. The Crystal Behemoth is notable for regeneration potent enough that even at it's titanic size, one can heal from the loss of a major limb in minutes. Offensively, they are known for a powerful bite and the ability to cast psychic abilities utilizing their own shells as a catalyst. Incidentally, when they bite into a daemon they seem able to gain actual sustenance from the act - the daemon seeming to be permanently weakened by the attack.
-Ytdrt: Strange humanoid figures composed entirely of crystals, each one is the size of a Space Marine Dreadnought and roughly as strong. They are smart enough to follow the Crystal Blade's orders, and do so in both spirit and letter, though the exact motivation for this is unknown to all except the Ytdrt and Crystal Blades themselves.
Vs Emperors Children 45: 105
Vs Dark Eldar 2: 42
Payback 42: 82
Vs Emperors Children 75: 135
Vs Deathwatch 67: 117
Vs Emperors Children 28: 88
Vs Dark Eldar 91: 131
Vs Necrons 20: 60
Vs Slannesh Daemons 69: 149
Vs Emperors Children (W Fulgrim) 42: 42
Vs Emperors Children (W Fulgrim) 32: 32
Vs Emperors Children 8: 68
Desperate Gamble 54: 114
Vs Emperors Children (W Fulgrim) 39 Re-roll due to gamble success 79: 79
Vs Emperors Children 4 reroll due to gamble success 61: 121
-A large force of Emperor's Children attempts to harvest the souls of the Crystal Eldar in the name of the Dark Prince… apparently, nobody thought to tell them about the Crystal Eldar's new Chaos Marine allies. This first war would lead to the Crystal Blades taking possession of several new worlds within the Eye, many of which would end up inhabited either by Crystal Eldar or transplants from Tibuna proper. All Emperor's Children killed are transformed into ritual ingredients.
-In retaliation for a series of very successful Dark Eldar raids on Crystal Blade tributary worlds, one of the 'victims' the Dark Eldar had captured was implanted with a powerful, mutation inducing psychic bomb. This bomb was then detonated within the Dark City itself, forcing the Dark Eldar to permanently kill many true born nobles due to the mutations being tied to the souls themselves.
-Thinking that the Crystal Blade's nature as a Tzeentch devoted warband would render them weak in close combat, the next Emperor's Children Warband to attack the Crystal Eldar focused entirely on entering melee combat. This, naturally proves, to be a horrific mistake when the proliferation of Mutilators, savage crystal beasts, and the shocking skill with a chain ax of the average Marine leads to the Emperor's Children warband being butchered and used for ritual ingredients.
-One of the largest Deathwatch deployments in Imperial history is sent to exterminate the Crystal Eldar, only to be destroyed in a surprise ambush by the Crystal Blades. All survivors of these raids were than forcibly shoved into Dreadnought chassis and turned into Hellbrutes.
-Yet another Warband of the Emperor's Children decides to take a shot at the Crystal Blade's territory. This time, simple raw numbers of expendable fodder are thrown ahead of the main force in an attempt to weaken the Crystal Blades. Sadly this too proves ineffective as the Crystal Blades make wide usage of summoned Lesser Daemons to blunt the impact of these numbers. When the actual Emperor's Children engage in battle they are swiftly defeated… before being slaughtered and turned into ritual ingredients.
-A Dark Eldar raiding party ends up <Error> after the Crystal Blades <Error> them on the planet of <Error> making vast usage of <Error>, <Error>, and <Error>. Afterwards, Vect declares the worlds of the Crystal Blades off limits without his express approval beforehand, and vows to personally eradicate any Kabal that so much as thinks of defying this decree.
-A botched raid on an Imperial World turns into a slaughter when the world in question turns out to have been a Necron Tomb World. Though their psychically enhanced weapons prove to be surprisingly effective against the Necron's metal hide, the Crystal Blades are still forced into a bloody retreat.
-A massive infestation of Slaanesh aligned Deamons invades the worlds of the Crystal Blades and is defeated without much fanfare, with many of the Daemons in question ending up imprisoned inside a wide variety of Daemon Weapons…. Each of which is then dumped on a nearby Daemon World of Khorne to make it someone else's issue.
-For their latest attempt, the Emperor's Children call upon the aid of their Primarch in their battles with the Crystal Blades, leading to a series of extremely one sided battles in which the Crystal Blades are handed defeat after defeat. It is only pure chance that leads to Fulgrim growing bored with the slaughter and leaving, allowing the Crystal Blades to survive.
-Without Fulgrim, the Emperor's Children once again find themselves on the backfoot as the departure of the Daemon Primarch leads to a surge in moral among the Crystal Blade forces - enough so that the Emperor's Children are forced to beg their father for his return…. A request the Primarch does deign to answer.
-Fulgrim's return would not go the way the Daemon Primarch had expected, however, for the pieces of the many, many, many, many, MANY Emperor's Children slain up until this point are used in a dark ritual to permanently banish Fulgrim from Crystal Blades space… and also to apply a curse to make the entire decade extremely boring for him, which he considered by far the worse of the two.
-Without Fulgrim the Emperor's Children that remained behind..... were promptly butchered and used for ritual ingredients.
Rolls omitted
-Emperor's Children: The Emperor's Children and the Crystal Blades despise one another with a fury that burns so bright not even an alliance between the Changer and the Dark Prince is sufficient to get them to stop killing each other.
-Thousand Sons: On the other hand the Crystal Blades and the Thousand Sons maintain warm relations with one another, and often trade notes, weapons, raw material, and even simply amusing stories with one another.
-World Eaters: The Crystal Blades have a long standing feud with the World Eaters, though this is far lesser than the utter hatred both hold for the Emperor's Children. Though it isn't right to say they will work together, or even form anything close to a truce, if the World Eaters and Crystal Blades are in the same battlezone as the Emperor's Children they will at least generally kill the Slaanesh worshipers first.
Made to protect Eldar that sold themself/had fallen to Tzeentch. Special in that their warp BS is in better gear and rituals instead of spellcasting allowing them to be melee blenders.
Genefather: White Scars
Faith: Slaanesh
Paale is a serene, grassy world….. A perfectly serene and grassy world…. One could say that it's even a bit too serene and grassy, where's the catch here

The world of Paale is at first glance, a peaceful and almost idyllic paradise world. In reality, it is a horrific death world covered entirely in several species of killer grass, patrolled by giant worms, and of course prone to random manifestations of large numbers of Slaanesh aligned Daemons. This grass is, at the very least, nutritious enough to provide a good food for the Sacred Cattle and the Revolvers of Slaanesh themselves have found ways to avoid both it and the worms, and so for them the world of Paale often ends up actually being the paradise it looks like to others at first glance.
Cattle Issue: Apparently, some Ork named Gorkules broke into the realm of Chaos and made off with most of Slannesh's prized Daemon Cattle. The Keeper of Secrets in charge of them at the time was killed, and now the new one wants a band of Chaos Space Marines to help guard the remainder as they are partially moved to the material realm in order to reproduce.
Colors: Golden Sand Primary, Auburn Secondary with Golden Trim and details.
Symbol: Golden, horned Ox skull with the Sacred Six of Slaanesh engraved upon it and two overlapping Bolt-Revolvers beneath it.
Creed: No one shall dare to annex even the least of our acorn calves! Any yacks who dare shall have their hide tanned!
Battle-cry: Something wicked this way comes! Me and mine Wheel-horses!
Obsession: Cowboys
-Guardians of the Dark Prince's Cattle: This Warband is charged with defending the mortal pastures of the Lord of Pleasure's personal livestock. As such, they enjoy a measure of favor far above the average and fight with appropriate zeal.
-Exalted Blessing of Slaanesh: The Marines of this chapter are excellent swordsmen, marksman, pilots, pyskers (When viable), Bike-Riders, engineers, axmen, and starship boarders.
-Ice Affinity: This warband has an affinity with ice, they have tendency towards developing ice based weapons and its sorcerors tend towards ice based abilities.
-Blademasters: This warband is extremely skilled in sword based combat.
-Mutant Horses: This warband wides giant mutated firebreathing horses with crab claws on the front and a bladed tale capable of searing though adamantium.
-Killer Worms: The warband has intidraged giant worms ranging from Baneblade to large titan sized into it's forces.
-Killer Grass?: The warband has somehow managed to domesticate a kind of rapid growing yet short lived grass from pale into it's forces. The seeds of this grass are often scattered through the battlefield and within moments gives rise to leaves that are often compared more to a combination of razor blades and tentacles than any normal form of planet life…. Some variants may also have shown parasitic tendencies via implanting yet more seeds into the bodies of their enemies.
-Accuracy: This Warband is known for its marksmanship.
–Weaponsmiths: This Warband has grown adept at forging infernal weapons.
-Chaos Beasts: This Warband uses a variety of mutated Chaos Beasts to supplement its forces.
-Demonic Steed Pact: This Warband has access to a large number of Steeds of Slaanesh.
The Sacred Cattle: The sacred cattle of Slaanesh come in all different shapes and forms. Some of them look like Grox, other look like being from ancient Terra, and some even look like giant flying squid. Regardless of their form, due to the blessings of the Dark Prince all of these different 'cattle' species are able to breed with each other and somehow combined their best traits to create even more impressive offspring. To protect these unholy cattle is the prime duty of the Revolvers of Slaanesh, and it is one they take to with utmost zeal.

Organization: The Revolvers of Slaanesh are divided into many different sub-factions, based on the kind of cattle they look after. This is mostly for practicalities sake instead of any actual political differences within the Revolvers - different cattle required different needs after all, and so the Marines of the Revolvers of Slaanesh often divide themselves based on who has the best traits needed to care for a specific type of cattle, or who thrives best in the cattle's preferred environment. A 'Posse' of the Warband's most powerful fighters acts as a way of settling disputes and aiding any sub-warbands that fall under attack, but it is mostly uninvolved in the day to day affairs of the Sub-Warbands.

Frostfire: It is common for different groups of the Revolvers of Slaanesh to sleep under open skies. They often do this next to a strange, mystical fire that carefully regulates the temperature around them and freezes anything it actually does touch solid. Somehow, the Revolvers are also able to use this to cook a wide variety of different foods, which they often share with each other while making casual conversation during their few breaks from the daily grind of their sacred duty.

Unique Units
-Worm Hounds: Worm like creatures with four segmented mouths filled with razor teeth, the Worm Hounds work as the aids to the Revolvers of Slaanesh in herding their charges. These creatures are so well trained that despite their nature as Chaotic beasts, there has been no recorded instance of the Worm Hounds turning on their handlers or the cattle they protect.
-Outriders: Marines riding the infamous 'Horses of Paale', the Outriders specialized in ranged combat, darting in and and out of bolt pistol range to wear down their enemies before forming up and crushing their foes once sufficiently weakened.
-Frost Wardens: Horseborn sorcerers, the Frost Wardens have mastered their ice based psychic abilities to the extent that they can freeze living things solid without killing them - something often employed to subdue the Revolvers of Slaanesh's unruly charges. Naturally, going fully lethal is also an option - as the enemies of the Revolvers have learned the hard way on countless occasions.
-Wranglers: The Wranglers are masters at using their Grav-Lassos, both for manipulating cattle and for throwing the enemies heavy forces around like they were children's toys.
-Jurjun: The largest worms that call Paale their home are somehow able to burrow through the barriers between reality and the Warp as easily as they burrow through the ground. This lets the Revolvers of Slaanesh call upon their aid from any point in the galaxy, even when afflicted by phenomena such as Necron Pylons.

Killer Grass
-Razorleaf: The most common form of Paale's lethal grass species, Razorleaf is capable of tearing through Necrodermis as if it was simple butter, and has been known to cut fully Armored Terminators to shreds in fractions of a second.
-Bloodsucker: A type of grass that does exactly what it is named for, though oddly enough Bloodsucker seems able to consume any liquid so long as it fulfils a similar purpose to blood within the target's body - something many Tyranids and Daemon Engines have found out the hard way.
-Crusher: A type of grass that is capable of extending itself and exerting enough force to crush Space Marine Dreadnaughts, it is among the most aggressive species found on the planet.
Early Days 89: 89
Vs Ork Raiders 25: 85
Vs More Ork Raiders 92: 152
Vs Even more Ork Raiders 87: 147
Vs Emperors Children 22: 82
Vs World Eaters 61: 121
Vs Emperors Children 100: 160
Vs Yet More Ork Raiders 62 122
-The early days of the Revolvers of Slaanesh were relatively uneventful, and mostly consisted of them securing control over nearby Daemon worlds that had suitable climates for the cattle that were not suited for life on Paale.
-The first of many Ork Warbands seeking to emulate Gorkules' deeds invade the Paale system, but are rebuffed by the involvement of the Revolvers of Slaanesh.
-A major force of Ork Blood Axe Speed freaks under Warboss Speedkrumpa invade the Paale system, and engage in a series of high speed engagements. These battles last for centuries, with forces from both sides battling on nearly every planet within the Eye of Terror at some point or the other… despite the fact that neither ever deployed warships outside of the initial phase of the fighting, leading to much confusion as to how exactly they got to their assorted battlefields.
-While at the same time fighting Speedkrumpa's WAAAAAGH, the Revolvers of Slaanesh also end up facing down and defeating one of the largest Ork WAAAAAGHs to ever invade the Eye of Terror… incidentally earning them the envy of their fellow Slaaneshi warband, the Emperor's Children.
-An Emperor's Children raiding force on Paale is defeated when the Slaaneshi daemons they had summoned for aid turned on them. Mayhaps predictably, as deliberately attempting to destroy the force protecting the Dark Prince's most prized cattle was not something even the most depraved of the Slaanesh aligned Daemons were willing to chance.
-Warbands devoted to Khorne, most notably the World Eaters themselves, invade Revolvers of Slaanesh territory and find themselves picked apart by a concentrated hit and run campaign.
-Seeking to avenge their earlier defeat, the Emperor's Children challenge the Revolvers of Slaanesh to a series of battles on neutral group….. The results would be so humiliating that Fulgrim personally forbade any of his children from fighting the Revolvers of Slaanesh unless attacked first or given his own explicit orders.
-Two major Ork WAAAGHs enter Revolvers of Slaanesh territory and go on a raiding spree. The first, whom tried to rustle one of the largest cattle herds on Paale, is crushed decisively. The second, led by Speedkrumpa himself, once again engaged the Revolvers of Slaanesh, leading to another Eye of Terror encompassing war of speed. These WAAAAGHs, though badly damaged in the fighting, were shockingly able to escape the Eye of Terror intact. Other Warbands gave chase, but all of them were destroyed - ironically providing the Revolvers of Slaanesh additional territory in the process.
Rolls omitted
-Emperors Children: The Revolvers of Slaanesh and Emperors Children do not get along in the slightest, most likely because the honour of the task given to the Revolvers of Slaanesh is sometimes seen as a personal slight against the Emperor's Children.
-World Eaters: Khornate warbands and Slaanesh warbands rarely get along to begin with, and the Revolvers of Slaanesh unique hit and run fighting style only amplifies the mutual disdain the two warbands tend to have for one another.
-Black Legion: The Black Legion respects the sheer power of the Revolvers of Slaanesh, and while they are perturbed by the Revolver's lack of interest in actually contributing in the war against the Imperium, even the most committed to the Imperium's downfall consider guarding a Chaos God's personal property as something that demands one's full attention.
A warband tasked with defence but as what they are defending is "easily" moveable specialised in hit and run tactics to wear anyone down who comes after them. So Space Marine Cowboys. Why are they so good? Because they have a warband wide blessing.
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