I'm hesitant myself about fighting in the city, but that may be because my prior experience with Dainslef's namesake is Symphogear, where I'd a powerup with a very real risk of sending the user beserk.
Okay, do we want to fight up close to the city, and get the protection bonus, or do we want to engage further away, and minimize the risk of collateral damage?
Latter. We are defending the livelihood of the citizens of Seattle, and we should hold their lives paramount.
Away from the city. Radioactive monsters are to be kept away from squishy unshielded humans.
So, we're up against Ascalon's younger cousin. This should be fun.

Ascalon was named after Saint George's weapon. Dainslief, however, is named after one of the assorted Norse dwarven 'must kill when drawn' swords.

At a wild guess, I'd assume that we don't want to get hit by the Kaiju named after a cursed sword.
I'm fairly sure we don't want to get hit by Kaiju in general.

Okay, do we want to fight up close to the city, and get the protection bonus, or do we want to engage further away, and minimize the risk of collateral damage?
Latter. We are defending the livelihood of the citizens of Seattle, and we should hold their lives paramount.
And at Defenses 2 our bonus for fighting close is pretty small anyway. Certainly not up to the task of helping us against a Cat IV.

Let's see... I'm on mobile right now so I can't check the map very easily, but I don't think we'll be able to field our Destroyer this time.

Danny here is a flier, so we can expect more of the same bullshit charging as Ascalon, but probably with a twist. More ranged focus, maybe? For now we can only speculate.

I say we intercept a ways away from the city. About 25 units away, perhaps? And let's leave a few conventionals near the wall just to be sure. The Heimdal will be very useful right now, if we need to shoot him down.
[x]Arty and AKBs on the wall as "just to be sure" troops
[x] Tanks, scouts, and attack helis deploy 25 units south of the DP
-[x] Scouts deploy with ARGES, attack helis with Hellfire+s
-[x] Banshees are to move back and forth east/west across the line 5 units to make it harder for them to get sniped.
[x] Jagdhund and Hemidal deploy 27 units south of the DP
[x] Tacit deploys 29 units south of the DP

Sound good?
Good enough for me.

[x]Arty and AKBs on the wall as "just to be sure" troops
[x] Tanks, scouts, and attack helis deploy 25 units south of the DP
-[x] Scouts deploy with ARGES, attack helis with Hellfire+s
-[x] Banshees are to move back and forth east/west across the line 5 units to make it harder for them to get sniped.
[x] Jagdhund and Hemidal deploy 27 units south of the DP
[x] Tacit deploys 29 units south of the DP
So, we're up against Ascalon's younger cousin. This should be fun.
Maybe it is, maybe it's Rodans' distant mutated third hillbilly cousin thrice removed. Who is still going to be a pain in the ass either way.

[x]Arty and AKBs on the wall as "just to be sure" troops
[x] Tanks, scouts, and attack helis deploy 25 units south of the DP
-[x] Scouts deploy with ARGES, attack helis with Hellfire+s
-[x] Banshees are to move back and forth east/west across the line 5 units to make it harder for them to get sniped.
[x] Jagdhund and Hemidal deploy 27 units south of the DP
[x] Tacit deploys 29 units south of the DP
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[x]Arty and AKBs on the wall as "just to be sure" troops
[x] Tanks, scouts, and attack helis deploy 25 units south of the DP
-[x] Scouts deploy with ARGES, attack helis with Hellfire+s
-[x] Banshees are to move back and forth east/west across the line 5 units to make it harder for them to get sniped.
[x] Jagdhund and Hemidal deploy 27 units south of the DP
[x] Tacit deploys 29 units south of the DP

Sound good?
Sounds good.

[x] Tanks, scouts, and attack helis deploy 25 units south of the DP
-[x] Scouts deploy with ARGES, attack helis with Hellfire+s
-[x] Banshees are to move back and forth east/west across the line 5 units to make it harder for them to get sniped.
[x] Jagdhund and Hemidal deploy 27 units south of the DP
[x] Tacit deploys 29 units south of the DP
[x]Arty and AKBs on the wall as "just to be sure" troops
[x] Tanks, scouts, and attack helis deploy 25 units south of the DP
-[x] Scouts deploy with ARGES, attack helis with Hellfire+s
-[x] Banshees are to move back and forth east/west across the line 5 units to make it harder for them to get sniped.
[x] Jagdhund and Hemidal deploy 27 units south of the DP
[x] Tacit deploys 29 units south of the DP
[x]Arty and AKBs on the wall as "just to be sure" troops
[x] Tanks, scouts, and attack helis deploy 25 units south of the DP
-[x] Scouts deploy with ARGES, attack helis with Hellfire+s
-[x] Banshees are to move back and forth east/west across the line 5 units to make it harder for them to get sniped.
[x] Jagdhund and Hemidal deploy 27 units south of the DP
[x] Tacit deploys 29 units south of the DP
Unlike with Ascalon, there's a few more minutes to work with, and Tacit practically sprints out of the gates. But even then, they don't get as far from the city as they'd want to, before Danslief arrives.

The kaiju's wings and back burn with an eerie white glow, as its body twists and zooms through the air. The pinions spread, their undersides firing a short-ranged spray of atomic exhaust, killing its forwards velocity. The kaiju's feet slam into the ground, before it stands up.

Much like Ascalon, Danslief is disquietingly humanoid, a trait that becomes clear as its tail, wings, and 'ears' fold up against its body and head. Its chest, shoulders, and head are all pointed, the latter mounting a backwards-pointing horn just above its slit-shaped eye and sealed mouth. However, there's some clear differences; Danslief doesn't have the massive fin array on its back, instead featuring a very long, surprisingly articulate-looking tail, which twitches and flexes even at rest. Additionally, its armour plating isn't all grey-- instead, large swathes of dull, frosted blue are mixed in, covering its torso, head, and shoulders.

Danslief's mouth joint cracks, before the kaiju's jaw splits open, a glowing blue interior shining past angular teeth. The monster draws in a long breath, before hissing out a challenge.

Danslief is 30/32/34/49 from Tacit/Jagd and Heimdal/crunchies/DP. Your forces have been forced to deploy at 1km shorter due to the kaiju's speed.

Sword kaiju are best kaiju. Just wait til you face Durandal, Joyeuse, and Anaklusmos. That'll be fun. For me.
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i'm learning towards shoot the fuck out of it, but don't know the ranges well enough to be sure we have a shot.

Danslief is 30/32/34/49 from Tacit/Jagd and Heimdal/crunchies/DP. Your forces have been forced to deploy at 1km shorter due to the kaiju's speed.

Sword kaiju are best kaiju. Just wait til you face Durandal, Joyeuse, and Anaklusmos. That'll be fun. For me.
Oh damn Durandal's probably gonna be like Category 8 or some bullshit like that. :o:o:o

....Shit, the Final Game Boss will be Excalibur, who will be a Category 10 Kaiju.

Plan-wise, keep in mind he's probably got bullshit bullet-deflecting crap. But just letting him get close to the wall is also bad...
However, there's some clear differences; Danslief doesn't have the massive fin array on its back, instead featuring a very long, surprisingly articulate-looking tail, which twitches and flexes even at rest.
Grappling won't help here, I think.

Danslief's mouth joint cracks, before the kaiju's jaw splits open, a glowing blue interior shining past angular teeth. The monster draws in a long breath, before hissing out a challenge.
Breath weapon? Well, only one way to find out and survive.

[X] Both Jaegers advance five units.
[X] Other units stay on overwatch in case the Kaiju gets within range.

This risks a charge, but we need to get closer anyway.
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[X] Both Jaegers advance five units.
[X] Other units stay on overwatch in case the Kaiju gets within range.

Simple and cautious, seems good to me.
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I just noticed the "g" I put at the end of within and am cursing the cellphone's touchscreen with a passion. :anger:
[X] Both Jaegers advance five units.
[X] Other units stay on overwatch in case the Kaiju gets within range.
[X} Hemidal locks down
Plan-wise, keep in mind he's probably got bullshit bullet-deflecting crap. But just letting him get close to the wall is also bad...
That was Ascalon-- a category V whose entire shtick was swords. This is Danslief-- and his shtick is different. Not to say that you're wrong, but don't expect bullet parrying.

Grappling won't help here, I think.
It basically looks like a Gafran's tail, just with more segments. It's "surprisingly articulated" because the design looks quite stiff.

This risks a charge, but we need to get closer anyway.
Nah, it won't- wait.

*Considers Atomic Engine*
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Nah, it won't- wait.

*Considers Atomic Engine*
I think I've made it very clear why I wanted those wings for Tacit, haven't I? If we could use them right now and were already flying, Tacit could theoretically charge all the way to Dainsleif, depending on how the augments interact.

That's what, 5 Agi, doubled by the Wings, plus 5 Agi from both Thrusters, plus 2d5 from the Charge dice? With a move action before that, which the Atomic Engine allows, that's well within the realm of possibility.

Even more so if the bonuses from the Augments come before the doubling, but considering that would make our minimum charge range be 20 units without the dice or the Move action before that, I'm going to guess that's not how it works.

Couple that with the Fragslicer Fangblades and Tacit is a Dodge-Charge-DPS monster. Unfortunately, the only ones who can pull off that sort of bullshit right now are our enemies. But someday, we will be the ones bouncing the Kaiju.
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[X] Both Jaegers advance five units.
[X] Other units stay on overwatch in case the Kaiju gets within range.
[X} Hemidal locks down
As the military forces ready themselves, the two Jaegers close in, both pilots and AI prepared to deal with whatever the kaiju does.

The monster widens its stance, before its tail unfolds. Tacit and Jagdhund speed up a bit, trying to gain a bit more momentum for their GAPAS systems to use.

The limb is long and supple, made of several long pieces with dedicated joints along its length-- evidently very flexible ones, as the tail swings forwards under Danslief's arm, its end pointing at the jaegers. The port in the kaiju's chest shines brighter, before a ripple of red-gold runs down its tail, all the way to the pointed tip.

A second later, two screaming blasts of plasma fire from the kaiju's tail, each one aimed at a Jaeger!

1d10+5 for Tacit's dodge!
1d10+3 for Jagdhund's dodge!

Danslief is 25/27/32/34/49 from Tacit/Jagd/Heimdal/crunchies/DP.