Just found something in the old thread that might be of interest. On a relatively early Kaiju (week 6), named James, I found some pretty good Ongoing mitigation:
Supercooled Fluids: Take 1 less Ongoing from any attack, to a minimum of zero. Automatically heals 1 Ongoing per Round so long as James hasn't exceeded its Durability.
At a guess, the fluid was so cold, it froze the water in the air upon contact, forming a makeshift plug for any leaks. Not sure if we can apply that to Phenom Sable, but it's a possibility.
Just found something in the old thread that might be of interest. On a relatively early Kaiju (week 6), named James, I found some pretty good Ongoing mitigation:

At a guess, the fluid was so cold, it froze the water in the air upon contact, forming a makeshift plug for any leaks. Not sure if we can apply that to Phenom Sable, but it's a possibility.
Bonus points if it means we can do cold damage be bleeding on the enemy. :p
So, you guys ever do something, get distracted, leave it for a few months, then come back and wonder what the hell you were thinking then? That's me right now with my Kaiju notes. I went extremely minimalist in terms of amount of data in the file, and so I'm having to go back through the archives and figure out just which traits I consider important. It's a mess.

It doesn't help that I'm trying to figure out how, precisely, to structure the K-Sci section. Particularly with regard to how I want to handle Perks (Kaiju abilities) and weapons. Do I just direct people to the Kaiju's bio? Do I list all the Perks and the weapon stats? Do I try and organize them based on shared characteristics? What?

I'm honestly pretty tempted to build a Kaiju doc, as a way of allowing people to more easily check out any given Kaiju's sheet, so I don't have to feel like I should be constantly listing stuff from the Kaiju sheets verbatim. It would also help to know if we can just copy Perks onto our Raubtiers, or if we'll have to work a bit harder than that. @Fyrstorm?
Go ahead and make a kaiju sheet! It'd be cool to see. And, if I may, might I suggest this format/scheme if you're having trouble? It's fairly concise, but gets the important stuff down, and leaves room for additional notes-- I think.

Kaiju (Name):
- Codename, Designation, Category, Other (Seijin/Blade-Class/etc)
- Physical Appearance (just the basics)
- Stats (HtH|Ran|Str|Tou|Agi|Dex - Dura|Stru)
- Strategy (what it did during the fight)
- Notable or Special Powers/Abilities/Perks
- Other Notable Things

As for Raubtiers... Well, the thing is, Kaiju abilities are more like Traits than straight up Perks. I suppose it depends on the physical construction and genetic material used in the Raubtier, but yeah, I'd be likely to throw in a kaiju ability or two for free.

Ah yes, good old SE-26-007.
As for Raubtiers... Well, the thing is, Kaiju abilities are more like Traits than straight up Perks. I suppose it depends on the physical construction and genetic material used in the Raubtier, but yeah, I'd be likely to throw in a kaiju ability or two for free.
so basically Mods but for meatbots?
Go ahead and make a kaiju sheet! It'd be cool to see. And, if I may, might I suggest this format/scheme if you're having trouble? It's fairly concise, but gets the important stuff down, and leaves room for additional notes-- I think.

Kaiju (Name):
- Codename, Designation, Category, Other (Seijin/Blade-Class/etc)
- Physical Appearance (just the basics)
- Stats (HtH|Ran|Str|Tou|Agi|Dex - Dura|Stru)
- Strategy (what it did during the fight)
- Notable or Special Powers/Abilities/Perks
- Other Notable Things
That's probably better than just copy-pasting the sheets and AAR data.
As for Raubtiers... Well, the thing is, Kaiju abilities are more like Traits than straight up Perks. I suppose it depends on the physical construction and genetic material used in the Raubtier, but yeah, I'd be likely to throw in a kaiju ability or two for free.
Should be able to cover that in the Kaiju doc. That said, I've been mostly grouping traits with similar features together, with the idea of possibly combining them, and/or find a way to replicate them in non-biological Jaegers. I'm also trying to track what Kaiju have what types of exotic weapons (plasma, Cold, Electric, etc).
Phenom's next upgrade shall turn him into Stone Cold Phenom Sable. :V
I guess you could say he's going te become...cold-blooded.
While we're on the subject of Raubtiers, the pic I've been using as my general reference for what to aim for raises a question: Are double-headed melee weapons a think we can do? Like a hammer with an axe blade on the other side?
While we're on the subject of Raubtiers, the pic I've been using as my general reference for what to aim for raises a question: Are double-headed melee weapons a think we can do? Like a hammer with an axe blade on the other side?
Sure. Variable-damage weapons are perfectly fine, and that sort of design's gonna be fairly easy to make. Variable-damage weapons tend to have the Stance Change Special quality, so you can change which end/side/stance you're using each round.

I may also have to look again at Hardboiled's melee weapons, so I can get a better feel for it. Maybe.

so basically Mods but for meatbots?
More like intrinsic Perks. For example, Jagdhund's Failsafe Redundancies and Emergency Overclock Perks-- they're due to physical components, rather than any foreknowledge, and are intrinsic to the VI-b ANGEL units. Or, alternatively, the jaeger traits that are simply "you have xyz reactor". It's likely that you won't be able to change (or at least remove) a Raubtier's traits too much without remodeling a lot of stuff and some serious gene therapy, but when you make one there's gonna be a fair number of choices you can make.

In a way, it's like making your own kaiju-- which, indeed, would not be inaccurate to say here.
While we're on the subject of Raubtiers, the pic I've been using as my general reference for what to aim for raises a question: Are double-headed melee weapons a think we can do? Like a hammer with an axe blade on the other side?
A Warhammer (the historic kind, of course) with an axe-head instead of a spike should not be difficult to build. We might as well make it a halberd with a hammer-head so we can have blade, hammer and the spike on the top as well.

There's a reason pole weapons were the most common weapons on the battlefield the late middle ages, they were relatively easy to make and incredibly effective.

...Maybe we can make a Stance Change Fangblade, with a Blade Mode and an Impact Mode?
What even is the difference between impact and blunt?
Blunt's really good at consistently dealing damage-- not a lot, mind you, but Glancing and Minor Wounds. It also has a lower Lethal threshold than Impact. Impact, meanwhile, can deal Minor and Major Wounds very easily, but has a very high Lethal threshold, and kaiju are starting to specialize their armour against it.

... are we going to get all Monster Hunter with our Jaegers?
Blunt's really good at consistently dealing damage-- not a lot, mind you, but Glancing and Minor Wounds. It also has a lower Lethal threshold than Impact. Impact, meanwhile, can deal Minor and Major Wounds very easily, but has a very high Lethal threshold, and kaiju are starting to specialize their armour against it.
No I mean, I know they have different damage profiles, but what makes something Blunt rather than impact or vice versa?
No I mean, I know they have different damage profiles, but what makes something Blunt rather than impact or vice versa?
Well, anything that inflicts blunt force trauma is (obviously) Blunt. Clubs, Flails, Fists, Slams, all that is Blunt damage.

Impact, meanwhile, is a bit weirder. It's essentially meant to be anything that concentrates all its force into a small point, or something that hits with explosive force (such as bullets). In terms of melee applications, viable tools for Impact damage would include War Picks, Pile Bunkers, Estocs/Spike Bayonets, and Jousting Lances.

If a weapon smashes, bashes, or bludgeons stuff, it's Blunt.
If it chops, slices, or stabs stuff, it's Edged.
If it pierces, impales, or penetrates stuff, it's Impact.

But this is melee weapons only. Ranged weapons can get a bit more abstract in the reasoning for their damage type.
Well, anything that inflicts blunt force trauma is (obviously) Blunt. Clubs, Flails, Fists, Slams, all that is Blunt damage.

Impact, meanwhile, is a bit weirder. It's essentially meant to be anything that concentrates all its force into a small point, or something that hits with explosive force (such as bullets). In terms of melee applications, viable tools for Impact damage would include War Picks, Pile Bunkers, Estocs/Spike Bayonets, and Jousting Lances.

If a weapon smashes, bashes, or bludgeons stuff, it's Blunt.
If it chops, slices, or stabs stuff, it's Edged.
If it pierces, impales, or penetrates stuff, it's Impact.

But this is melee weapons only. Ranged weapons can get a bit more abstract in the reasoning for their damage type.
*Looks at fangblades*
So basically just use deploying them as an attack in and of itself.
I still have no idea how you guys plan to make a giant blade deal Impact without having it explode or turning it into an estoc.
Well, anything that inflicts blunt force trauma is (obviously) Blunt. Clubs, Flails, Fists, Slams, all that is Blunt damage.

Impact, meanwhile, is a bit weirder. It's essentially meant to be anything that concentrates all its force into a small point, or something that hits with explosive force (such as bullets). In terms of melee applications, viable tools for Impact damage would include War Picks, Pile Bunkers, Estocs/Spike Bayonets, and Jousting Lances.

If a weapon smashes, bashes, or bludgeons stuff, it's Blunt.
If it chops, slices, or stabs stuff, it's Edged.
If it pierces, impales, or penetrates stuff, it's Impact.

But this is melee weapons only. Ranged weapons can get a bit more abstract in the reasoning for their damage type.
Put the blades on one end of the Fang. Put a spiked club or something else that can deal Impact on the other end. Flip them around somehow whenever you Change Stance.

Alternatively, abuse the magnetic rails we use to unsheathe them and turn them into pile bunkers whenever we choose to deal Impact damage.
Put the blades on one end of the Fang. Put a spiked club or something else that can deal Impact on the other end. Flip them around somehow whenever you Change Stance.

Alternatively, abuse the magnetic rails we use to unsheathe them and turn them into pile bunkers whenever we choose to deal Impact damage.
Spiked Clubs would probably do Blunt with either good AP or good damage, not Impact. The "fangblades into pile bunkers" idea, however, would do Impact. Though, due to the fact that the design is first and foremost a cutting weapon rather than a piercing weapon, Impact mode might suffer an accuracy penalty (basically a piston punch except with railguns and swords).
Spiked Clubs would probably do Blunt with either good AP or good damage, not Impact. The "fangblades into pile bunkers" idea, however, would do Impact. Though, due to the fact that the design is first and foremost a cutting weapon rather than a piercing weapon, Impact mode might suffer an accuracy penalty (basically a piston punch except with railguns and swords).
What if we went with a simple spike? There's a host of polearms with a spike on the back for catching horse riders and striking armor.

As for the Impact Rail idea, it should probably be the easier one, since it's more of a modification of existing mechanisms and would have less moving parts, compared to shifting the whole blade to strike with the back end. The accuracy penalty should be manageable as well.
so.... are we waiting on a vote or the author or what. my tacit ronin vs the world habit means a lot to me and i am starting to itch.
so.... are we waiting on a vote or the author or what. my tacit ronin vs the world habit means a lot to me and i am starting to itch.
We're waiting for thread 3 to be made. If you want to do something constructive, suggest things (add them to the Ideas list if you really want to be helpful), or thread names. Or make the proposed Kaiju sheet, if you really want something to keep you busy.