#1 You -seemed- the most appreciative of the effort
#2 I value your input and your eye to detail.
Numerical has been very close to chronological -EXCEPT- for the special nomenclature oddities...
Not that my asking for your input was meant to imply my excluding anyone else input, you just have good organizational skills... and my question pertained to how best to organize the document...
Oh no, my organizational skills are infamously
terrible, as I'm often lazy and rely on my memory to find objects I need, when I need them. I do make lists fairly well when needs-must, but that's because the effort is pretty minimal. And even those can end up messy, due to the criteria or format changes I make on the fly, as experience, convenience, and whim dictate.
And yeah, I would expect chronological to be mostly close to numerical. Those special nomenclature options are for unusual cases, so the case can be made for isolating them, or for simply sticking to chronological order. Numerical is really only useful for neatness and indexing.
Incidentally, my idea of Paladin Victor having a swarm of repair bots was reinvigorated when I got to play some of X-Com 2 in the last couple of weeks (borrowing a system/copy from a sibling). In particular, the GREMLIN drone units are almost exactly what I envisioned; maybe double their size, but otherwise, pretty spot-on.
It's an excellent game, and the expansion makes it even better. The the three smaller DLC packs...are more questionable, but not universally terrible. Shen's Last Gift has some major uses early on in the expansion, but Alien Hunters...well, it's got some flaws, and some upsides, and the expansion makes it much more tolerable.
I should note that it might be better to play through a game or two without the expansion or the DLC, then get the expansion/DLC, though, because the expansion adds many more balls to juggle, and and both it and some of the DLC add serious challenges. But I would highly recommend both the base game and the expansion.
Edit: Although...properly juggling the new strategic layer stuff makes juggling the old strategic layer stuff easier, so I don't know how accurate that is. I guess if you're willing to look up advice, playing with the expansion from the start might not be so bad. YMMV.