In regards to @ThatGuyWithIdeas plan, aside from Getter Robo, the only forces that the Solar Vanguard will be able to provide are generic units due to commitments related to untaken actions and other stuff happening offscreen. However, the amount of forces able to be mustered will be moderately high, though you'll have to lean on the JSDF for naval assets. Also, by the look of it, the interception will happen at sea?
In regards to @ThatGuyWithIdeas plan, aside from Getter Robo, the only forces that the Solar Vanguard will be able to provide are generic units due to commitments related to untaken actions and other stuff happening offscreen. However, the amount of forces able to be mustered will be moderately high, though you'll have to lean on the JSDF for naval assets. Also, by the look of it, the interception will happen at sea?
Yes, the whole plan is basically somewhat similar to "Consider this self-disownment" (in that we try to attack the loyalist part of the fleet en-route to Kamine, but with more forces at our disposal, the possibility of maybe getting Zero to be there for his pilot ability and in case the OSI leak proves to be real we can use him to try and get Jeremiah back if things go well on that front and perhaps keeping suspicion away from our insiders until they are in position to have the rebel forces catch their loyalist counterpart by surprise)
EDIT: In order to avoid doubleposting...
[X] Operation Cavalry
-[X] Lean on the JSDF and the Black Knights and see what aerial and naval forces they can gather for an armada that would move to intercept the Britannian armada headed for Kamine Island.
--[X] Check and see if Zero is able to take part in this operation.
---[X] Provided he does become involved with the mission, get Zero's opinion on the information obtained from the OSI leak and his willingness to act on it. If he does want to act on it, then make the necessary preperations to potentially get Jeremiah Gottwald back on the Solar Vanguard's side, provided that the leak is indeed real.
--[X] At the same time, have the Solar Vanguard see if it has any forces that are able to reinforce the JSDF-Black Knights armada. (be it Vanguard forces present in Japan or Vanguard assets that could make it in time to aid the JSDF-Black Knights forces, even if they are farther away)
---[X] Attempts at coordinating with the Britannian rebel forces by the newly gathered armada will be kept at minimum until combat actually start in order to hopefully minimize any risk of loyalist forces catching onto the plan.
---[X] Provided that Celestial Being is able to participate in this mission, have the Ptolemios serve as a middleman for communications between the Britannian rebels and the rest of the allied armada.
-[X] Once the Britannian forces detect the JSDF-Black Knights-Solar Vanguard armada headed for them and convene a strategy meeting in order to decide how to best deal with said armada, have Cornelia and Marrybell insert themselves into said meeting, with the aim of trying to maintain their cover and, if they believe they can get away with it, position the forces loyal to them in such a way that they can inflict as much damage on the Britannian loyalists once the Britannian rebels turn on them.
-[X] When the battle starts, have the rebel Britannian forces turn on their loyalist counterpart and pincer them between the rebels and the Solar Vanguard forces.
--[X] The opening strike should focus on removing as many of the deployed loyalist units as possible in order to minimize casualties taken by allied forces, the removal of Vincent and Portman KMFs being of high priority.
---[X] Provided that it is indeed possible, have the Zetland deploy its Mega Hadron Launcher during the opening salvo and use it to snipe a few airships (preferably Avalon-class air ships that haven't deployed their units yet; avoid targeting the Marianne vi Britannia until it is certain that the Mordred has launched from it).
--[X] The main objectives in this battle are to rout the loyalist elements of the Britannian armada and capturing the Knight of Six so as to better ascertain why is Britannia so interested in capturing Kamine Island.
I'm still willing to hear opinions on the write-in plan, but as of now I've decided to actually vote for it.
EDIT1: Made a few clarifications regarding target focus for the opening strike of the rebels. To anyone voting for my plan, please let me know if you disagree with the changes
[X] Operation Cavalry
-[X] Lean on the JSDF and the Black Knights and see what aerial and naval forces they can gather for an armada that would move to intercept the Britannian armada headed for Kamine Island.
--[X] Check and see if Zero is able to take part in this operation.
---[X] Provided he does become involved with the mission, get Zero's opinion on the information obtained from the OSI leak and his willingness to act on it. If he does want to act on it, then make the necessary preperations to potentially get Jeremiah Gottwald back on the Solar Vanguard's side, provided that the leak is indeed real.
--[X] At the same time, have the Solar Vanguard see if it has any forces that are able to reinforce the JSDF-Black Knights armada. (be it Vanguard forces present in Japan or Vanguard assets that could make it in time to aid the JSDF-Black Knights forces, even if they are farther away)
---[X] Attempts at coordinating with the Britannian rebel forces by the newly gathered armada will be kept at minimum until combat actually start in order to hopefully minimize any risk of loyalist forces catching onto the plan.
---[X] Provided that Celestial Being is able to participate in this mission, have the Ptolemios serve as a middleman for communications between the Britannian rebels and the rest of the allied armada.
-[X] Once the Britannian forces detect the JSDF-Black Knights-Solar Vanguard armada headed for them and convene a strategy meeting in order to decide how to best deal with said armada, have Cornelia and Marrybell insert themselves into said meeting, with the aim of trying to maintain their cover and, if they believe they can get away with it, position the forces loyal to them in such a way that they can inflict as much damage on the Britannian loyalists once the Britannian rebels turn on them.
-[X] When the battle starts, have the rebel Britannian forces turn on their loyalist counterpart and pincer them between the rebels and the Solar Vanguard forces.
--[X] The main objectives in this battle are to rout the loyalist elements of the Britannian armada and capturing the Knight of Six so as to better ascertain why is Britannia so interested in capturing Kamine Island.
While it would be very nice to counter the invasion on land, rendering the Land forces mostly (if not entirely) inert would benefit us, as they have the edge, and there are many more chances to lose the element of surprise, which with a force this big we're desperate to keep that opening volley, which if we do well will catch them completely off-guard and do significant damage.
Even if we fuck up by the numbers, unless we completely fail we should damage the invasion force heavily, and the future Battle of Kamine Island is either delayed singnificantly or the invasion fleet is easier to deal with. Kinda depends on if the aftermath forces a retreat or a brutalized invasion fleet sails into another battle shortly after, but either way I'm guessing the JSDF is reinforcing the Island to some degree, as that is what militaries do when faced with knowledge of what's a military target.
I'd like to specify the priority of combat targets beyond our objectives, but that's more of a tactical thing rather than a plan thing.
I could amend the plan to include a focus on the loyalist part of the aircraft carriers and air ships during the opening strike of the rebel forces betrayal (in order to hopefully reduce the number of aircrafts and KMF that can be deployed by the enemy force)... any other targets we may want to focus upon?
The carriers and ships should definitely be a focus, although I feel it won't be immediately helpful for the battle since we're targeting them either mid- or post- scramble.
I'm torn between the main focus being firing into the deployed units, thinning the immediate defenses and damaging their combat capabilities in the short term allowing for a more effective pincer manuver, or aiming at the carriers/ships holding units, to do more damage to the sustainability and capabilities of the fleet in the long-term as well as damaging the fleet's ability to recover and recoup during and after the battle.
It kind of balances on if we want the pincer attack to do more immediate, but less significant, damage and minimizing the threat to our units or if we want to do more damage to the fleet overall, with a greater risk to our units during the battle.
@gamer50018 and @ShiftingSandLand, letting you guys know I've made a couple of modification on my plan regarding what targets should be focused on during the opening strike of this battle. In case you disagree with these changes, then please let me know (if you agree with them, just vote for the Operation Cavalry, not the entire plan itself). The added parts to the plan are:
"--[] The opening strike should focus on removing as many of the deployed loyalist units as possible in order to minimize casualties taken by allied forces, the removal of Vincent and Portman KMFs being of high priority.
---[] Provided that it is indeed possible, have the Zetland deploy its Mega Hadron Launcher during the opening salvo and use it to snipe a few airships (preferably Avalon-class air ships that haven't deployed their units yet; avoid targeting the Marianne vi Britannia until it is certain that the Mordred has launched from it)."
[X] Operation Cavalry
-[X] Lean on the JSDF and the Black Knights and see what aerial and naval forces they can gather for an armada that would move to intercept the Britannian armada headed for Kamine Island.
--[X] Check and see if Zero is able to take part in this operation.
---[X] Provided he does become involved with the mission, get Zero's opinion on the information obtained from the OSI leak and his willingness to act on it. If he does want to act on it, then make the necessary preperations to potentially get Jeremiah Gottwald back on the Solar Vanguard's side, provided that the leak is indeed real.
--[X] At the same time, have the Solar Vanguard see if it has any forces that are able to reinforce the JSDF-Black Knights armada. (be it Vanguard forces present in Japan or Vanguard assets that could make it in time to aid the JSDF-Black Knights forces, even if they are farther away)
---[X] Attempts at coordinating with the Britannian rebel forces by the newly gathered armada will be kept at minimum until combat actually start in order to hopefully minimize any risk of loyalist forces catching onto the plan.
---[X] Provided that Celestial Being is able to participate in this mission, have the Ptolemios serve as a middleman for communications between the Britannian rebels and the rest of the allied armada.
-[X] Once the Britannian forces detect the JSDF-Black Knights-Solar Vanguard armada headed for them and convene a strategy meeting in order to decide how to best deal with said armada, have Cornelia and Marrybell insert themselves into said meeting, with the aim of trying to maintain their cover and, if they believe they can get away with it, position the forces loyal to them in such a way that they can inflict as much damage on the Britannian loyalists once the Britannian rebels turn on them.
-[X] When the battle starts, have the rebel Britannian forces turn on their loyalist counterpart and pincer them between the rebels and the Solar Vanguard forces.
--[X] The opening strike should focus on removing as many of the deployed loyalist units as possible in order to minimize casualties taken by allied forces, the removal of Vincent and Portman KMFs being of high priority.
---[X] Provided that it is indeed possible, have the Zetland deploy its Mega Hadron Launcher during the opening salvo and use it to snipe a few airships (preferably Avalon-class air ships that haven't deployed their units yet; avoid targeting the Marianne vi Britannia until it is certain that the Mordred has launched from it).
--[X] The main objectives in this battle are to rout the loyalist elements of the Britannian armada and capturing the Knight of Six so as to better ascertain why is Britannia so interested in capturing Kamine Island.
[X] Operation Cavalry
-[X] Lean on the JSDF and the Black Knights and see what aerial and naval forces they can gather for an armada that would move to intercept the Britannian armada headed for Kamine Island.
--[X] Check and see if Zero is able to take part in this operation.
---[X] Provided he does become involved with the mission, get Zero's opinion on the information obtained from the OSI leak and his willingness to act on it. If he does want to act on it, then make the necessary preperations to potentially get Jeremiah Gottwald back on the Solar Vanguard's side, provided that the leak is indeed real.
--[X] At the same time, have the Solar Vanguard see if it has any forces that are able to reinforce the JSDF-Black Knights armada. (be it Vanguard forces present in Japan or Vanguard assets that could make it in time to aid the JSDF-Black Knights forces, even if they are farther away)
---[X] Attempts at coordinating with the Britannian rebel forces by the newly gathered armada will be kept at minimum until combat actually start in order to hopefully minimize any risk of loyalist forces catching onto the plan.
---[X] Provided that Celestial Being is able to participate in this mission, have the Ptolemios serve as a middleman for communications between the Britannian rebels and the rest of the allied armada.
-[X] Once the Britannian forces detect the JSDF-Black Knights-Solar Vanguard armada headed for them and convene a strategy meeting in order to decide how to best deal with said armada, have Cornelia and Marrybell insert themselves into said meeting, with the aim of trying to maintain their cover and, if they believe they can get away with it, position the forces loyal to them in such a way that they can inflict as much damage on the Britannian loyalists once the Britannian rebels turn on them.
-[X] When the battle starts, have the rebel Britannian forces turn on their loyalist counterpart and pincer them between the rebels and the Solar Vanguard forces.
--[X] The opening strike should focus on removing as many of the deployed loyalist units as possible in order to minimize casualties taken by allied forces, the removal of Vincent and Portman KMFs being of high priority.
---[X] Provided that it is indeed possible, have the Zetland deploy its Mega Hadron Launcher during the opening salvo and use it to snipe a few airships (preferably Avalon-class air ships that haven't deployed their units yet; avoid targeting the Marianne vi Britannia until it is certain that the Mordred has launched from it).
--[X] The main objectives in this battle are to rout the loyalist elements of the Britannian armada and capturing the Knight of Six so as to better ascertain why is Britannia so interested in capturing Kamine Island.
October UE 0083
Student Council room, Ashford Academy, Tokyo
You are Lelouch vi Britannia, and you are about to take a very, very big risk.
"It's not too late to back out, you know." C.C. comments before taking bite out of a slice of pizza.
"Given what Mira Ayana found out, keeping secrets from my allies is no longer an option. It's a miracle that the Solar Vanguard never found out or made the connection with Mao." You state.
You had invited Suzaku Kururugi to a meeting you only said was 'of great importance'. You refused to elaborate why, and promised to explain to him in person. Leina Ashta is hiding in the closet to see if you use your Geass on him.
Most importantly, you've donned your Zero outfit. It shouldn't take much effort for Suzaku to connect the dots.
The three of you wait a few more minutes before there's a knock on the door.
"Come in." You say as you put on your Zero mask. To your annoyance, C.C. slouches backwards in her chair with an air of nonchalance.
Suzaku opens the door and enters. As he glances at you, he does a double take.
"Lelouch, that is you, right? Is this some kind of joke?" He asks.
"I'm afraid not, my old friend." You say as you take of your mask.
Suzaku sits down in a chair. The two of you stare at each other for a while, Suzaku's expression a mixture of disbelief and rage. After what seems like a few minutes, Suzaku speaks up.
"Does Nunnally know?" He asks.
"No. I concealed all of my activities as Zero from her for her own protection." You say. Suzaku scoffs in understanding.
"Why?" He asks simply after a few more minutes of silence.
"Because the world is a rotten place that must be cleansed." You answer.
"Bullshit! You're just using that as an excuse to pursue your vendetta against Neo-Britannia!" Suzaku jabs a finger at you accusingly.
You laugh mirthlessly.
"Perhaps, perhaps not. However, that does not change the fact that Neo-Britannia is launching a full-scale invasion of Japan at the moment."
Suzaku sputters, and at that moment his phone vibrates. He picks it up and checks it.
"I...just received orders to report to the Britannian Embassy in Tokyo. That doesn't usually happen unless..." He trails off.
"Unless you are being called to action on behalf of Neo-Britannia itself." You finish for Suzaku. "Why would you stand with a system that would trample you underfoot and sneer at you? The princesses Cornelia and Marrybell are going to rebel against this invasion. Will you abandon Euphemia? I know for a fact that you are her Knight in all but name."
Suzaku scowls at you.
"You always did know how to push my buttons." Suzaku sighs. "Fine, I'll go along with this, if only to prevent Japan from being invaded by Neo-Britannia."
You sigh in relief.
"Thank you Suzaku, you have no idea how much this means to me." You say. Suzaku is a bit taken aback by your sincerity.
C.C. takes out a tiny bell and rings it, and Sayako appears almost immediately.
"You called?" Sayako asks.
"Look after Nunnally, make sure nothing happens to her." You say.
"Of course, Master Lelouch." Sayako curtsies before departing.
After going over how Suzaku will steal the Lancelot and make a clean getaway, your mind drifts toward someone you want to clear the air with in case the worst happens...
Who does Lelouch all but confess his love to?
[ ] C.C.
[ ] Kallen Kozuki
[ ] Shirley Fenette
[ ] All of the above la Britannia holiday villa, Neo-Britannia
You are Laila la Britannia, and you are answering a call from your brother Clovis on a cheap phone that he gave to you at an incredibly odd time; it's 2 am in the morning.
"Big brother? What is it?" You ask groggily as you rub your eyes.
"Laila, listen to me very carefully. Something big is about to happen, and when it does, our bloodline will no longer be viewed favorably. You're going to have to go to the Sanc Kingdom for a while. Do you understand?" Clovis says. His tone makes you afraid.
"I...what? Your tone is scaring me, big brother." You respond.
"I'm sorry, there's no time to explain things. In about an hour, someone will knock on the front gate of the villa. Ask them the question I'm about to text you, and only open the gate if they respond with the attached answer. You got that?" Clovis asks.
"Good. I know you can do this, you're a brave girl, Laila. I have to go now, I love you." Clovis says.
You aren't able to say that you love him back before he hangs up. A few seconds later, Clovis texts you the safety question and its answer.
You get dressed and pack as many of your favorite clothes as you can in a single suitcase in the hour that you have. You're watching the clock when the doorbell for the gate rings.
"What was the greatest feat of Richard the Lionheart?" You ask over the gate intercom.
"His valor during the Crusades, of course." A gruff male voice says.
You double check the answer that Clovis texted you before you open the gates to the villa. Going down into the courtyard with your suitcase, you're greeted by a team of what you recognize are ECOAS operatives, who quickly usher you into a waiting Lotto. Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier Pendragon, the Pacific Ocean
Counterintelligence Roll
DC 9 to prevent the loyalists from realizing there's a leak
Roll 1d10 + 3 (Cornelia's past loyalty to Neo-Britannia) + 2 (Obfuscation by using Celestial Being as the intermediary)
Roll 5
5 + 3 + 2 = 10
Result: The loyalist fleet is none the wiser, and is only aware something is amiss when they detect a combined JSDF/Solar Vanguard Armada heading to intercept them
You are Cornelia li Britannia, and you're not sure whether to drink in celebration or anxiety at the fact that the Knight of Six and the rest of of the loyalist forces don't seem to have caught on to the fact that you leaked the entire invasion plan to Celestial Being.
Now, you are hosting a strategic meeting with the Knight of Six, Admiral Benedict of the Loyalist forces, Marrybell, and Admiral Sharpe of your own forces.
"Honestly, it's not surprising that they got wind of us, an armada of this size isn't exactly hard to miss, even with Minovsky interference." Admiral Sharpe says in a resigned tone.
"How do we address this then?" Marrybell asks in a tone of false uncertainty.
"Going around the enemy armada isn't an option, we'll have to take them head on." Admiral Benedict says.
"Agreed. The Knight of Six's battlegroup can spearhead the assault, along with Admiral Benedict's forces. My own fleet and the Glinda Knights will bring up the rear and move in to assist when the time is right." You say.
"I have no objections to this." Anya Alstreim says languidly as she snaps a photo of the room on her phone.
"Perfect! Admirals, I leave the coordination of our naval forces to you." You say to the two Admirals. Admiral Benedict scoffs, while Sharpe gives you a knowing nod.
After the Knight of Six and Admiral Benedict leave, you sag in your chair in relief, while Marrybell takes a moment to rub your shoulders.
"There's still a few hours until we make contact with the 'enemy'. Do you wish to come to bed with me and Oldrin to relieve the tension?" Marrybell asks.
"Tempting, but I think I'll pass." You reply dryly.
"Your loss then." Marrybell says before she gives you a chaste kiss on the cheek. As she leaves for the Grandberry, you see Oldrin rejoin her in the hallway, and just before the door closes, you see the two of them holding hands.
You stand up.
"I'm going to get some rest. Call me if there are any new developments." You say to Darlton and Guilford. They nod.
You make your way to your quarters and collapse into your bunk. You're glad Euphie was already in the Sanc Kingdom on unrelated business; that saved you the headache of arranging for her escape like Clovis had to do so for Laila. Zero Hour
Invasion Fleet Force Assesment
Knight of Six's battle-group
Avalon-class air ship Marriane vi Britannia
Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier x3 (HMS Tudor, William Wallace, and Sonoria)
Type-45 Destroyer x6
Knightmare Mordred
Amphibious Knightmare Portman squad x50
Sutherland Knightmare Frame squad x50
Gloucester Knightmare Frame x20
Vincent Knightmare Frame x10
Britannian YF-23 Jet wing x30
Loyalist Forces
Avalon-class air ship x8
Caerleon-class airship x10
Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier x8
Type-45 Destroyer x12
Amphibious Knightmare Portman squad x120
Sutherland Knightmare Frame Squad x80
Gloucester Knightmare Frame x30
Britannian YF-23 Jet Fighter x35
Britannian VTOL Gunship x40
Britannian Challenger Tank x50
Britannian Loyalist forces vs combined opposition armada
Opposed rolls-both sides roll 1d100, add modifiers for fleet/unit composition, opposition rolls at advantage due to insider intel (roll 1d100 twice, take the higher roll)
Loyalist forces
Roll 1d100 + 8 (Mordred) + 5 (Vincents) + 4 (Portmans) + 3 (YF-23 fighter jets) + 3 (Avalon airships) + 2 (Caerleon airships) + 2 (Type-45 destroyers) + 1 (Sutherland gun batteries) - 10 (false reassurances)
Roll 70
70 + 8 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 - 10 = 88
Roll 1d100 + 10 (Getter-3) + 5 (JSDF ships) + 3 (Spearheads) + 1 (AS gun batteries) + 6 (Gekkas) + 5 (Akatsukis) + 9 (Lelouch) + 5 (VF-171s) + 8 (Aquatic Mobile Suits) + 4 (Celestial Being's arrival)
Roll 7, 32
32 + 10 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 5 + 8 + 4 = 88
Result: Initial engagement devolves into a stalemate
You are Sumeragi Lee Noriega, and the situation that you are dropping into is a complete mess; the combined JSDF/Solar Vanguard armada is currently engaged in a slugging match against the Britannian invasion force, with neither side able to gain a decisive advantage. Of course, that's not to say that nothing is happening, you see a loyalist destroyer erupt into flames and capsize, no doubt courtesy of the Pisces and Cancer mobile suits that OZ sent over, while one of the Fraser-class destroyers is utterly ventilated by the Mordred as it turns its Stark-Hadron Cannon on it. In the center of the battle, a Portman is suddenly flung out of the water, where it collides with the command tower of another loyalist destoyer.
"Deploy the Dynames and Virtue, ASAP! Have the Virtue target the enemy fleet, and have the Dynames support friendly forces in their effort to capture the Knight of Six!" You order.
As the Ptolemios descends onto the battlefield, loyalist communication frequencies erupt into panic at the sight of Celestial Being, although it's not enough of a hit to morale to affect their performance.
Zero says that he has a way to disrupt the loyalist's aquatic assets, but that Cornelia's forces will have to scatter to avoid it, which will reveal their treachery.
Do you implement it? (This will consume Man of Miracles for this combat)
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
What do Cornelia and Marrybell do? They will not be able to stay out of the battle any longer.
[ ] The Friendly Fire incident
-Fire on the loyalist fleet from behind and deploy aerial and aquatic assets
-The Marianne vi Britannia will be a priority target for the Zetland, along with Avalon-class ships that haven't deployed their full complements yet
-You will not prioritize capturing the Knight of Six yet
-Try to pass the initial salvo off as accidental friendly fire-unlikely to work, but will at the least cause confusion among the loyalists
[ ] Charge! 'Reinforce' the friendly lines!
-Deploy aerial and aquatic assets before charging into the fray and firing on loyalist forces
-Will prioritize the Marianne vi Britannia and Avalon-class ships that have not yet deployed their full complement
-Will immediately send aerial assets (mostly Variable Fighters) to try and capture the Knight of Six
[ ] Write-in A/N: Spent more time on this than I'd like, but here we are. Please vote, discuss, and critique!
If we do the Man of Miracles, I say we do a write in of going absolutely ham.
If we have to reveal our treachery, we should do it with extreme prejudice. Charge in close, then unleash everything, with our ships focusing on their ships, our units focusing on their units. If we time it carefully, we can give a much-needed thrashing.
Might be simpler to pick one of the write-ins, though. Full deployment should be done, there, since there's a risk of being fired upon prior to it. And honestly, the betrayal alone should cause a good amount of confusion, since most fleets don't expect to have a very significant chunk of themselves suddenly turn traitor, and for them it is very sudden.
Oh, and look at that! Getter-3 is having fun!
...For some reason, this image of Getter-3 hopping onto an Aircraft carrier, Benkei laughing like a loon, and then flipping it like it's a canoe wormed into my head. Not sure if it's possible, but Getter-3 might actually be able to tip one over.
Either that or he grabs a flying Ace with the DAISETSUZAN OROSHI and then then drags them underwater.
Eyeballing, Knightmares should be a bit faster(at least for maneuvering, I think Getter can get better straight line) and more agile than Getter...but Getter is far more durable, more powerful and also usable in every terrain.
Unless the Knightmare is one used and piloted by one of the Knights of the Round in this scenario, it's absolutely no contest in favor of any form of Getter Robo.
Eyeballing, Knightmares should be a bit faster(at least for maneuvering, I think Getter can get better straight line) and more agile than Getter...but Getter is far more durable, more powerful and also usable in every terrain.
Getter is basically better than any given Knightmare, assuming the form matches (1 for air and space, 2 for ground and underground, 3 for water and extreme terrain)
Getter-2 is just outright faster, and would do unholy things to basically anything on the field, but we have the disadvantage of Getter-2 having little to no solid ground to work with. It has limited flight capabilities, so it could probably menace around the Aircraft Carriers, but that's about it.
1 is incredibly offensive and primarly focused around air/space, so Ryoma will get a good workout, but it's also the most balanced and can work pretty well regardless.
Getter-3 is in the unique situation of actually being incredibly useful here. High defense mixed with good range for it's missiles, and the very unpredictable flex arms for grappling, and being specialized towards the Water is a match made in hell for the Loyalists.
And grappling a Getter with a Knightmare is a sucker's bet. The Getter Team are a bit of a ringer, here.
I imagine if you mismatched a Getter with a good Knightmare, they'd have...some hope, like if Getter-2 was fighting in the water instead, but otherwise it's like Rock-Paper-Scissors if the other guy had Sledgehammer-Brick Wall-Battle Axe.
Honestly, only Getter-2 has a chance of being countered by a non-ace here, since it's the only one at risk of being put at a severe disadvantage. Even if Getter-1 was forced underwater, it'd do fine.
And no, transforming is not an issue for Getter in most situations. Unless one of the Get Machines is MIA, changing tends to be a free action, and rapid-changing is even one of their best attacks in SRW.
Just makes me realize how lucky the enemy is for us not having all of our super robots on toll, since well they do have to do their own stuff and protect their home, since I doubt people like doctor hell are squandering this opportunity to launch an attack on the photon power lab for example.
Hmm, thinking we should do a 3 way tag team of the 2 gundams and Kallen guren on Marianne, those are probably the machines that she will let to get the closest and probably get overconfident.
I don't know about the loyalist, but I don't doubt she has a smart head to know that any encounter with a super is just trying to pick up trouble and a waste of resources, so her getting the Ryoma treatment will be probably be out of the question.
It is risky, but if we take out any of the commander units we will probably make a drop on morale for the enemy side.
Without counting that Benkei will be working for a while considering all the marine units that are coming, man it is lovely when the getter 3 gets out to play.
All-in-all, things are going pretty well for us currently, even with the current stalemate (since we didn't have the rebels turn on the loyalist forces, we're still effectively managing a stalemate with just the Solar Vanguard forces, and we do have Man of Miracles available for use... but do we use it now to neutralize water-based enemy forces at the cost of revealing our insiders, or are we better off saving Man of Miracles for later so that we can have the rebel forces attack on their loyalist counterpart be unexpected and hopefully inflict as much damage as possible? We only got 1 shot at making good use of the part of the Britannian forces that are on our side, hence why we want to use them in a decisive manner, and one could argue that our aquatic assets can fight the enemy aquatic assets. After all, Aqua GMs are better than Portmans, to say nothing of the Pisces and Cancers we've just got; getting GN-X units is also nice for us)
As for the Knight of Six, the units that we know for a fact can fight her off no matter what are Dynames in Trans-Am, Virtue in Trans-Am and Getter-3. For now, we won't be blowing Trans-Am on any of our Gundams, we'll wait for the a good moment to spring that particular trick on the enemy.
I'm personally inclined to say either Shirley or C.C. as far as Lelouch's love life is concerned.
As far as Man of Miracles goes... can I vote for "Not yet"?
We know that Zero already has the countermeasure in place, and in one sense I want the spectacle of it going off but at the same time I don't really want to play it too early when the battle's currently going kinda okay. Especially since we've been told that Cornelia's cover will be blown when it goes off anyway, if possible I'd like to hit Marianne with a double-whammy -- let the enemy think that Cornelia's defection is the major stunt, when actually he has a whole other ace to play on top of it.
As for the backstab itself, currently I'm kinda leaning towards Friendly Fire Incident but could be swayed either way.
I think I'd try to save Man of Miracles, but I have strong doubts we can keep the cover up for long
[X] All of the above
[X] Plan Easy on the Miracles, Activate Trap Card
-[X] No
-[X] Charge! 'Reinforce' the friendly lines!
Basically, we currently have a stalemate that we can flip into a 2 v 1 by revealing Cornelia's forces, and we can use that to try to secure the Knight of Six.
No need to burn Man of Miracles, we'll spend it if it turns out Ko6 is in another castle or something, we should only use Man of Miracles when its decisive, whether in avoiding major loss or in obtaining victory.