[X] Plan Distract and defend.
-[x] Perseus
--[x] Send Perseus directly into the fray. There will be no point in keeping it held back if the kaiju manage to get within clawing distance of the Institute - and kaiju have been known to overly fixate on anything resembling a Super Robot.
-[x] Pegasus
--[x] Continue to pull back, and maintain the Institute's air space. Even if they've got more Pterawings than we have energy cells and ammunition - we can't risk losing the Pegasus.
-[x] 25th Air Wing
--[x] Continue to fight a delaying action, even down to the last Seeker if need be, we need to buy Mercury V time!
[X] Plan Big Risk for Big Robots
-[X] Perseus
--[X] Something has to be controlling the small kaiju mooks (both infiltrators and flyers) and the most likely thing on the field doing that are the kaiju that summoned them via some psychic theater effect. Go punch the kaiju in the face with your mecha and your will to distract them and the horde
-[X] Pegasus
--[X] Plunge straight into the Pterawing swarm. As suicidal as it sounds, it's guaranteed to put a really big dent in that swarm.
-[X] 25th Air Wing
--[X] Continue to fight a delaying action, even down to the last Seeker if need be, we need to buy Mercury V time!

This is a big risky plan risky both Perseus focusing on my theory instead of just plain beating or stalling the kaiju and the Pegasus in fighting the swarm but as things are I think we need to take a risk cause as is the attrition is against us and Mercury looks no closer to getting up so we need to try something.

Ideally Perseus manages to sucker punch the kaiju and swarm psychically which will allow Pegasus and the air wing to cull them and allow the boots on the ground to start pushing the infiltrators back from the critical areas. Even in this ideal situation I imagine cause Perseus is focusing on the psychic battle they'll be taking some hits in the physical one since even 1v1 our mecha aren't really that much better than a kaiju so fighting two at once while distracted is going to lead to some hits.
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Huh. I kinda remembered there was some weirdness regarding Beowulf, but I don't really remember Perseus showing signs of consciousness, let alone enough his pilots have already noticed it. It actually took me a while to realize exactly what perspective we were viewing. Seems those two aren't worried, however.

[X] Plan Distract and defend.
-[x] Perseus
--[x] Send Perseus directly into the fray. There will be no point in keeping it held back if the kaiju manage to get within clawing distance of the Institute - and kaiju have been known to overly fixate on anything resembling a Super Robot.
-[x] Pegasus
--[x] Continue to pull back, and maintain the Institute's air space. Even if they've got more Pterawings than we have energy cells and ammunition - we can't risk losing the Pegasus.
-[x] 25th Air Wing
--[x] Continue to fight a delaying action, even down to the last Seeker if need be, we need to buy Mercury V time!
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I feel like having the Pegasus stay back is a mistake it's called out repeatedly that the current sky battle's pace and attrition is against us. The enemy will whittle us down before we can do the same and even without that we simply don't have enough guns and bullets to kill them all. Pulling back Pegasus and continuing the status quo is just going to lead to failure as its forced to flee the battle allowing the flyers free rein to find openings into the Institute. We need to risk it if we want any hopes of winning the sky
[X] Plan Big Risk for Big Robots
-[X] Perseus
--[X] Something has to be controlling the small kaiju mooks (both infiltrators and flyers) and the most likely thing on the field doing that are the kaiju that summoned them via some psychic theater effect. Go punch the kaiju in the face with your mecha and your will to distract them and the horde
-[X] Pegasus
--[X] Plunge straight into the Pterawing swarm. As suicidal as it sounds, it's guaranteed to put a really big dent in that swarm.
-[X] 25th Air Wing
--[X] Continue to fight a delaying action, even down to the last Seeker if need be, we need to buy Mercury V time!
@Basarin just want to ask if this is a viable write-in or not. Probably should had asked first before making it a plan but I didn't think that far ahead.
The 25th Air Wing are down approximately a third of their numbers. Thanks to the DFRI's insistence on installing their cockpit units as miniature mecha Steeds in their own right, there are no casualties - and the pilots have been redirected inside of the Institute to help bolster their defenses. The remaining Seekers are also being forced to rotate in and out of the Pegasus for refueling and hotswaps of missile and cannon ammunition. It can keep at this pace for now - morbidly made slightly easier due to less Seekers to resupply and refuel - but this is not sustainable for too long.
I love this bit, especially how cockpits are basically mini mechas that turn pilots into anti-infantry troops and something I'm sure airforce would love.

[X] Plan Distract and defend.
Yeah, probably. But they're also super big and hard to kill, so....
Well to mess with a C&C you don't necessarily have to kill especially since Perseus has a lighting blade that can give their brains a shock and the Psychic Theater that could potentially mess with the likely medium said C&C is being sent
@Basarin just want to ask if this is a viable write-in or not. Probably should had asked first before making it a plan but I didn't think that far ahead.

It's a reasonable guess based on current and past information you have on the kaiju. Feel free to try it, even though its fairly similar to wading directly in (just with more specific instructions which is fine).