Super Robot Quest G

My two cents on the naming schemes, and I then kindly ask that you table the discussions around the etymology for now.

Let folks pick their names without getting too picky about it. After all, the source materials that the Super Robot Genre is based off of have nonsensical names all of the time, yet they carry them with enough gravitas to roll right around from being kind of silly into awesome.
Orion was a hunter; thus, it feels more appropriate to reserve that name for a combatant,
The Pegasus class Dropship was designed from the start to be a Warship that could support the super robot forces in the field. So naming the second dropship Orion is still applicable. this was shown during the Yukimura battle when we the players voted to literally put the Pegasus on the line to buy the team time to finish upgrading and launching the Mercery V.
The Pegasus class Dropship was designed from the start to be a Warship that could support the super robot forces in the field. So naming the second dropship Orion is still applicable. this was shown during the Yukimura battle when we the players voted to literally put the Pegasus on the line to buy the team time to finish upgrading and launching the Mercery V.
While true, its primary purpose is, in fact, a dropship; that it's a weaponized dropship does not make it any less a dropship.

Besides, the class is called Pegasus, which is literally a winged horse; that leaves me inclined to name every other ship of that class after mythological steeds. What, would you prefer calling it Red Hare?
While true, its primary purpose is, in fact, a dropship; that it's a weaponized dropship does not make it any less a dropship.

Besides, the class is called Pegasus, which is literally a winged horse; that leaves me inclined to name every other ship of that class after mythological steeds. What, would you prefer calling it Red Hare?

I mean, if it turns out good enough I wouldn't mind?

"Among super robots Beowulf, Among dropships Red Hare."

That should be our second Dropshop name.

Stick with the mount theming but jump mythologies.
Slepnir huh. I like it. It has my vote as the name for the second dropship.
Glad you guys like it if were sticking to Mount themes we can go with Tianma and Enbarr for mounts from Chinese and Celt myth for our 3rd dropship and so on.
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FINALLY caught up.

This was one hell of a ride, and while the constant remaking was a 'lil bit annoying, it hopefully has settled down by now.

Otherwise, very good quest, and extremely thematic to the tone of a super robot show.

I'd love a few more wacky flying ships, but I suspect the Gorshkov will provide that in due time. And I can wait.
Just wait until we get our hands on a Battleship. Preferably one of the Iowa Sisters.
I'm enough of an old fogey I'd prefer the Yamato for Star Blazers.

Still need to watch 2199 but much like our org, time is a terrible currency that is impossible to get more of.

Either that or take and salvage the Bismarck from whatever Westphalia makes of her.
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I'm enough of an old fogey I'd prefer the Yamato for Star Blazers.

Still need to watch 2199 but much like our org, time is a terrible currency that is impossible to get more of.

Either that or take and salvage the Bismarck from whatever Westphalia makes of her.
Yamato and her sisters are not in a good place to be salvageable. The Iowa sisters on the other hand are available and don't need to be completely rebuilt from the keel up. Of the four of them, I'd love to have Missouri but since she's watching over Arizona's grave, she's out. So that leaves Iowa herself plus New Jersey and Wisconsin to choose from.
Even if the Yamato isnt in a good place to be salvageable, that doesn't matter in comparison to the raw flex of it.

@Basarin can we bring the classic back to life as the next generation prototype space-traversing super battleship?

Sheol's salt at having the Yamato breach the surface of the water only slightly behind one of his Kaiju only to face down the barrel of a main spinal upscaled Kausen gun tho
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Would be cool

BTW reread some more Energ Blastesters are an Upgrade to Heavy Weapons which the Phalanx have should we Upgrade the Phalanx with Energy Blasters before Ambusing the FB strike Force next turn or just keep them as they are?

Also while Thunderbolt is Great as it is already Thanks to Regents upgrades Ichiro as a Core Unit doesnt have much equip apart from Energy Blasters and Standard K improvements Should we give him extra equips before Deployment or wait while his being repaired and do a refit?
Sheol's salt at having the Yamato breach the surface of the water only slightly behind one of his Kaiju only to face down the barrel of a main spinal upscaled Kausen gun tho
That would be a Hilarious sight wouldn't it.
BTW reread some more Energ Blastesters are an Upgrade to Heavy Weapons which the Phalanx have should we Upgrade the Phalanx with Energy Blasters before Ambusing the FB strike Force next turn or just keep them as they are?
that's probably a good idea. The Phalanx Squadron could use some upgrades. not to mention that Charlie is also a Phalanx chassis and we have plans on turning him into the 5th Super Robot.
Also while Thunderbolt is Great as it is already Thanks to Regents upgrades Ichiro as a Core Unit doesnt have much equip apart from Energy Blasters and Standard K improvements Should we give him extra equips before Deployment or wait while his being repaired and do a refit?
I'd rather wait until after the Free brothers attack to pass before doing another refit on one of our Super Robots. Ichiro is fine for right now.
Yeah Were probably gonna deploy all of our Support Units in the Ambush since we dont need to worry about carrier capacity and as long as the Westphalians or Kaiju arent planning an attack on our Base too there should be no problem for it so Upgrading the Phalanx squads would make the ambush even better.

Also what do you guys think about Energy Blaster Defense Emplacements for the Base in case of Attacks like how Yukimura had Particle cannons?
FINALLY caught up.

This was one hell of a ride, and while the constant remaking was a 'lil bit annoying, it hopefully has settled down by now.

Otherwise, very good quest, and extremely thematic to the tone of a super robot show.

I'd love a few more wacky flying ships, but I suspect the Gorshkov will provide that in due time. And I can wait.

Welcome aboard! Yeah, this is my first quest line - it shows, doesn't it? :p But glad to have you with us, hope you enjoy!

@Basarin can we bring the classic back to life as the next generation prototype space-traversing super battleship?

I'll think about it.

The Engineering narrative update is about 60% done, I just had a crazy ending to the week. Hopefully will be able to finish this over a coffee break tomorrow.

@Basarin Does Phalanx and Centurion having Heavy Weapons as a Trait in the Previous threads means they can Equip Energy Blasters without it needing to be miniaturized or do the Engineers need to make a Version Compatbile with those Chasis?
@Basarin Does Phalanx and Centurion having Heavy Weapons as a Trait in the Previous threads means they can Equip Energy Blasters without it needing to be miniaturized or do the Engineers need to make a Version Compatbile with those Chasis?

So the DFRI-edition versions of the Centurion already have it - it's literally the tank barrel. Ichiro by default already has it. The Phalanx can use it, but it would have to be called in ala Heavy Weapons Package.

Think of them right now as less handheld, more shoulder mounted. Miniaturization is trying to get Autobot/Decepticon style handheld weapons rather than having to upscale them into mech-sized bazookas.
So the DFRI-edition versions of the Centurion already have it - it's literally the tank barrel. Ichiro by default already has it. The Phalanx can use it, but it would have to be called in ala Heavy Weapons Package.

Think of them right now as less handheld, more shoulder mounted. Miniaturization is trying to get Autobot/Decepticon style handheld weapons rather than having to upscale them into mech-sized bazookas.
Cool so do just 1 Action to equip them with an Energy Blaster Package before deployment or can we equip them with no actions?

Also would Liason with Ground Force be the way to get Centurion Pilots for a Centurion squadron or do we already have Pilots for them in the DFRI?

A Centurion Squadron with Energy Blasters works great as Artillery support defensively and offensively afterall.
Just got done binging the first thread and this one - and I have to say, this is a brilliant read thus far.

Although I will admit minor embarrassment over not having realized there was actually art available for the Jackal's vehicle mode - the description of the original prototype, plus possibly a mention of the design being "boxy" made my brain go for something closer to the standard "Isekai Delivery Service" truck rather than "future-tech Humvee". Which is a bit of an oops, but did lead to the mental image of enemy super robots getting rammed by a glorified delivery truck, which was hilarious.