Let's plan on building another Dropship next turn once the Build team is done with their first project. Another dropship will allow a third team to be deploying and engaging a threat. I do not think we will need a fourth for a while since we only have 4 Super Robots and these missions will cause them to need downtime for repair and rest for both Super Robot and pilot respectively, The Dropship too as well now that I think about it. It'd give the Union and the DFRI more legitimacy to have their Super Robots out and actively engaging enemies.
Let's plan on building another Dropship next turn once the Build team is done with their first project. Another dropship will allow a third team to be deploying and engaging a threat. I do not think we will need a fourth for a while since we only have 4 Super Robots and these missions will cause them to need downtime for repair and rest for both Super Robot and pilot respectively, The Dropship too as well now that I think about it. It'd give the Union and the DFRI more legitimacy to have their Super Robots out and actively engaging enemies.
If we do that were probably gonna need to make another support Squadron maybe along with new Golem Pilots to make sure our SRs arent left unsupported.

Edit: We liasoned with ground forces depending on results we might be able to get Centurion Pilots for a Support squadron so no need to make Golem pilots.
If we do that were probably gonna need to make another support Squadron maybe along with new Golem Pilots to make sure our SRs arent left unsupported.
Nothing saying that that can't happen at the same time using one of other advisors or the girls. As for the Golems, one squadron is enough for now. As for the support unit. It'd be seekers since they are so effective as was shown at Yukimura during that engagement.
Nothing saying that that can't happen at the same time using one of other advisors or the girls. As for the Golems, one squadron is enough for now. As for the support unit. It'd be seekers since they are so effective as was shown at Yukimura during that engagement.
Seekers are useful but we coulduse atleast 1 Centurion squad for Heavy Fire since all our Centurions get Kausen Energy Blasters as their Cannons.
Can we turn the Predasaur into the third drop ship by giving it wings and rockets to make it into a full blown dragon mech?

It's already a mech transporter hull.
Can we turn the Predasaur into the third drop ship by giving it wings and rockets to make it into a full blown dragon mech?

It's already a mech transporter hull.
Oh god, I just realized it. That thing can be both at the same time. It can have multiple forms. As a Dropship it carries Super Robots that can when it's time for it to transform. Combine with it to turn it into a megazord expy. Damnit Now that I think about it. I want to do it.
The Predasaur is also the vaunted staple Drill Tank too, as seen in GaoGaiGar. The thing is a treasure trove of potential that we can unearth.

Just Zirconium, Heat Knife, and K Mesh tech can turn it into a nightmare let alone every other bell and whistle we can cram into it.
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So I've looked over the voting format. And I'm realizing (as I'm sure many of you have already) that it's just horribly unwieldy at this point. So while I'm not going to apply it for this vote as that wouldn't be fair to anyone who went through the effort of making their plans, I AM considering starting next post to break up voting and resolution into each section.

So next time, for April, Year Four, for example it would go like:

- Defense Force Voting/Plans
- Defense Force Results
- Engineering Voting/Plans
- Engineering Results
- SCIENCE! Voting/Plans
- SCIENCE! Results
- All Special Projects would be omnipresent in each section until or unless they have an advisor allocated to them.

Would this make things a bit easier for you all? (I blatantly admit I ask so I can shorten update times and preserve my own sanity, but here we are)
So I've looked over the voting format. And I'm realizing (as I'm sure many of you have already) that it's just horribly unwieldy at this point. So while I'm not going to apply it for this vote as that wouldn't be fair to anyone who went through the effort of making their plans, I AM considering starting next post to break up voting and resolution into each section.

So next time, for April, Year Four, for example it would go like:

- Defense Force Voting/Plans
- Defense Force Results
- Engineering Voting/Plans
- Engineering Results
- SCIENCE! Voting/Plans
- SCIENCE! Results
- All Special Projects would be omnipresent in each section until or unless they have an advisor allocated to them.

Would this make things a bit easier for you all? (I blatantly admit I ask so I can shorten update times and preserve my own sanity, but here we are)
Im fine with it and its a simple way to make voting easier
I'm fine with it. I'd honestly given up on making plans for this quest since making plans has gotten a lot more complicated now even with the template