Given that Puella Magi can apparently still use their body even if it is actively rotting, I'm genuinely unsure as to exactly how important their body is beyond sentimental value. It clearly doesn't need to be a functional body to still be usable, but where the line is drawn, if anywhere, I have no idea.
Canon Sayaka seemed to experience gemming as a discontinuity, so absence of a body would seem to result in loss of consciousness. Maybe there has to be a functioning brain to do the thinking?
Canon Sayaka seemed to experience gemming as a discontinuity, so absence of a body would seem to result in loss of consciousness. Maybe there has to be a functioning brain to do the thinking?
That would make sense given that brains are in fact the meats where the thinking happens, though again the fact that a body that has begun rotting is still viable would suggest that the soul gem has a much broader definition of the term 'functioning brain' than a normal human does.

Ironically, would also explain why Witches are so totally broken and instinctual; I imagine the thinkmeats do not survive the Witch metamorphosis in good condition, if at all.
I wouldn't say that. Remember, when she detransformed she went back to her school outfit, like she was wearing before she got ate. I'm pretty sure this is her real body, we didn't make a new one.
The particulars of Sayaka's physical body (and whether or not it even counts as hers, for that matter) is certainly a peculiar point. I'm not sure how the detransformation might factor, though; true, she did go back to her mundane appearance, but the detransformation was performed for her, rather than of her own accord, so that isn't necessarily conclusive evidence that she can change states. I have to wonder if Sayaka might technically be a familiar now, actually, merely an odd one on account of the nature of the witch in question; it would lend some credence to the circumstances, given that Sayaka is still Sayaka despite lacking the soul that is Sayaka and seeming to sort of be an extension of the one who ate it. Regardless, whether or not Sayaka can effectively respawn isn't something terribly convenient to test, so we might just not know unless something rather unfortunate happens.
Given that Puella Magi can apparently still use their body even if it is actively rotting, I'm genuinely unsure as to exactly how important their body is beyond sentimental value. It clearly doesn't need to be a functional body to still be usable, but where the line is drawn, if anywhere, I have no idea.
from the fact that the soujo sisters exist I think I can easily say "not important in the slightest" considering even if a magical girl looses her body entirely she can just grab someone elses and be on her way
The particulars of Sayaka's physical body (and whether or not it even counts as hers, for that matter) is certainly a peculiar point. I'm not sure how the detransformation might factor, though; true, she did go back to her mundane appearance, but the detransformation was performed for her, rather than of her own accord, so that isn't necessarily conclusive evidence that she can change states. I have to wonder if Sayaka might technically be a familiar now, actually, merely an odd one on account of the nature of the witch in question; it would lend some credence to the circumstances, given that Sayaka is still Sayaka despite lacking the soul that is Sayaka and seeming to sort of be an extension of the one who ate it. Regardless, whether or not Sayaka can effectively respawn isn't something terribly convenient to test, so we might just not know unless something rather unfortunate happens.
so sayaka might be something analagous to a clara doll then? a familiar with a full personality and way stronger than normal familiars? that would be very interesting
It's possible that Sayaka is in fact a familiar that thinks it remembers being Sayaka, and only appears to still be Sayaka because that's what it believes it should be.
The particulars of Sayaka's physical body (and whether or not it even counts as hers, for that matter) is certainly a peculiar point. I'm not sure how the detransformation might factor, though; true, she did go back to her mundane appearance, but the detransformation was performed for her, rather than of her own accord, so that isn't necessarily conclusive evidence that she can change states. I have to wonder if Sayaka might technically be a familiar now, actually, merely an odd one on account of the nature of the witch in question; it would lend some credence to the circumstances, given that Sayaka is still Sayaka despite lacking the soul that is Sayaka and seeming to sort of be an extension of the one who ate it. Regardless, whether or not Sayaka can effectively respawn isn't something terribly convenient to test, so we might just not know unless something rather unfortunate happens.
It's possible that Sayaka is in fact a familiar that thinks it remembers being Sayaka, and only appears to still be Sayaka because that's what it believes it should be.
I wondered the same thing, but it's ultimately semantics. What evidence we do have suggests even if she is a familiar, she'd be an extremely odd duck of a one. She doesn't make her own mini barrier, and most of the usual magic girl rules still apply to her. Just replace any instance of Soul Gem with Ashtaroth and you'll get the gist of it. The real differences seem to be that she can't witch out, and can be taken control of by Ash at any time. Otherwise this is Sayaka, and I don't think there'sany reason to split hairs over that unless we're getting existential.
I wondered the same thing, but it's ultimately semantics. What evidence we do have suggests even if she is a familiar, she'd be an extremely odd duck of a one. She doesn't make her own mini barrier, and most of the usual magic girl rules still apply to her. Just replace any instance of Soul Gem with Ashtaroth and you'll get the gist of it. The real differences seem to be that she can't witch out, and can be taken control of by Ash at any time. Otherwise this is Sayaka, and I don't think there'sany reason to split hairs over that unless we're getting existential.
In practice the only functional difference between 'is Sayaka' and 'is a familiar that thinks its Sayaka' would be if something happened to cause Sayaka to learn that she's a 'fake', so to speak. Otherwise for basically all other practical purposes there isn't going to be any measurable difference between the two, the familiar would look, act and function like Sayaka because it thinks it is Sayaka.
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I mean, it's going to be a trifle restrictive on poor Ashtaroth, who will essentially have to follow Sayaka around, hovering invisibly over her in her barrier in order for Sayaka to have a normal life. I suppose she doesn't really have anything better to do, but hopefully she doesn't make a habit of subsuming meguca or her schedule will get complicated very quickly.

[-] Go in after her. If you manage to catch up with Sayaka, you can be there to provide physical backup in case anything goes wrong, while staying out of her body.
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[X] Intervene only if necessary. You'll stop Sayaka from doing anything really reckless, but let her handle it herself otherwise.

A couple of things on the Sayaka situation:
-IIRC theres an interview which states that Puella Magi CAN in fact, operate as a soul gem alone. They just need to learn how, which requires a bit of a world shattering shock. And somehow have enough magic for it.

-Sayaka is less free than a familiar. Familiars can wander far away from the Witch or even become independent new Witches. Sayaka is more like an appendage.
-Sayaka is less free than a familiar. Familiars can wander far away from the Witch or even become independent new Witches. Sayaka is more like an appendage.
They can however IIRC only do that if they grow to some significant size/power by familiar standards, and need to consume humans to do this.

Which makes this also semantics, since even if there was some possibility of Sayaka regaining her freedom (in the form of becoming an independent witch-ish being), it would likely require consumption of human lives/souls to accomplish, which neither Sayaka or us would ever allow to happen.
I mean, it's going to be a trifle restrictive on poor Ashtaroth, who will essentially have to follow Sayaka around, hovering invisibly over her in her barrier in order for Sayaka to have a normal life. I suppose she doesn't really have anything better to do, but hopefully she doesn't make a habit of subsuming meguca or her schedule will get complicated very quickly.
While that'd make for a hilarious slice-of-life AU I'd absolutely read, I doubt following Sayaka's schedule is in the cards. For one, that'd involve bringing Ashtaroth to school everyday, and thus straight to what's most likely the lagrest gathering point for magic girls in the city. Which either works out to Ashtaroth subsuming those girls when they attack her, Sayaka dying if those girls kill Ash, or Sayaka having to fight them off whenever she goes. Plus one of those girls is Mami, a friend and mentor. Then you have to add in Homura and maybe Makoda. She's not going to want any of those thing to happen to them.
[-] Let Sayaka do her own thing. She's made it pretty clear she doesn't want you interfering, so... maybe this is fine after all...?
[-] Intervene only if necessary. You'll stop Sayaka from doing anything really reckless, but let her handle it herself otherwise.

One of those two. We don't really have to worry about her Body, given that she has healing Powers, unlimited Magic, and her Soul Gem is inside Novella.
Hell, she could throw around Swords as she did during our Fight without the Risk of running out of Magic, and then there is the Chance of Shemesh pulling a Batman.
This assumes she actually finds Charlotte or the Familiars care enough about her to fight her instead of her having an emotional Breakdown in a few Minutes.

If it comes to the worst we can make an Illusion of Cheese to distract Charlotte and her Familiars. Costly but possible.
@Flairina is there a Reason Ashy used Sayaka's Voice to talk instead of Telepathy or did she just forget?
They can however IIRC only do that if they grow to some significant size/power by familiar standards, and need to consume humans to do this.

Which makes this also semantics, since even if there was some possibility of Sayaka regaining her freedom (in the form of becoming an independent witch-ish being), it would likely require consumption of human lives/souls to accomplish, which neither Sayaka or us would ever allow to happen.
Wrong way round. Familiars only get to consume people if they wander off, otherwise the Witch gets it. Our familiar wandered off to do some UFO abduction
In practice the only functional difference between 'is Sayaka' and 'is a familiar that thinks its Sayaka' would be if something happened to cause Sayaka to learn that she's a 'fake', so to speak. Otherwise for basically all other practical purposes there isn't going to be any measurable difference between the two, the familiar would look, act and function like Sayaka because it thinks it is Sayaka.
I have a bit of evidence that it is the real sayaka and not a familiar
it would go against the whole theme of subsumption. making a familiar with sayakas memories would go against the theme
[X] Intervene only if necessary. You'll stop Sayaka from doing anything really reckless, but let her handle it herself otherwise.
[X] Go in after her. If you manage to catch up with Sayaka, you can be there to provide physical backup in case anything goes wrong, while staying out of her body.
[X] Go in after her. If you manage to catch up with Sayaka, you can be there to provide physical backup in case anything goes wrong, while staying out of her body.

Time to bond through beating others up!
Yes! It's back! I've got my fix! Let the dopamine flow!
"Sayaka, I need some sort of actual response if I'm going to let you move."

'…let me move?'

"That is the plan, yes." you confirm.
I suspect that exchange was inspired by this:
"That's the plan."


"We're hunting witches. Did you not want to help?"
And I approve.

"I'm going to need to know I can trust you to not attempt to kill me, yourself, or the both of us once I give you back control though. Can I?"



What is running through Sayaka's head right now? Why the skepticism? Does she not believe she could actually kill Ashy in her current condition, or is she just confused by Ashy's willingness to work together with magical girls as equals?

Sayaka laughs humorlessly. "How? I'd just collapse again."

I don't think you would, actually. you write. I'm pretty sure you exceeded the normal soul gem range limit when you were trying to leave earlier, so I'm guessing it might not be a problem as long as we're both inside this barrier.

There's a brief period of silence.

"…really." Sayaka eventually says, her tone and expression unchanged.


"Shouldn't we test that first, or something?"
Not really, no. Ashy already tested the control range once, and confirmed that the range is either much larger for no reason or relative to the entire barrier. The latter possibility simply makes more sense.

After about ten seconds, Sayaka stands up and finally turns to face you. You're already quite a ways away, but the additional perspective is still helpful in gauging the distance between the two of you, so you appreciate that she's actually bothering to-

Sayaka spins on her heel, turning and sprinting into one of the cave entrances immediately behind her.

Um. Okaaaaay…?
My comedy senses are tingling!

"So, I take it the decision was to go in on your own?"

"YAAA-!!!" Sayaka shrieks, grabbing at her throat.
There's the punchline! Sayaka is best Mouth of Sauron. :lol

"What? What's wrong?!" you ask frantically, startled by her reaction.

"Why?!" she hisses the moment she has control back. "Why are you still- IN me?!"

…did… did she expect you not to be?

"I've got to be far enough away from you by now!" Sayaka objects, her voice echoing throughout the cavern. "If I have a 'range' then you have to have one too, right?!"

"That's… not quite the same thing, I don't think." you explain. "I'm not sure my ability to do… well, this, actually has a hard-and-fast limit like that. If it does, I'd guess that it's probably linked to your soul, so I'd assume it always extends at least as far as you do."

That seems like the most obvious explanation to you, at least. You're not certain you truly follow what the thought process was here.
Silly Sayaka! You can't escape possession by physically distancing yourself from the witch. You already know that only stops your body from working.

I guess she's really desperate... :(

Sayaka yells incoherently and punches the lollipop she was leaning against hard enough to shatter it.
What a waste of finely flavored diabeetus! :mad:

With that, Sayaka trudges off, leaving you to contemplate how you could have handled that better. Clearly the whole "lack of bodily autonomy" thing is really getting to her, which you suppose you can understand, even if you were mostly only doing it out of safety concerns. If Sayaka really wants some time to herself that badly, you have no real issue granting her that- after all, even if she jumped the gun a bit, you did offer her this option to begin with.
And Ashy's character flaw strikes again! Nothing a little empathy and forethought can't fix, but it's a serious problem.

One of the familiars from earlier comes dashing around a corner to Sayaka's right and runs directly into a wall, dazing itself.
N'awww... It's adorable!

Sayaka lets out an obscenely loud yell and smashes it into the ground before furiously driving her sword into it. Repeatedly, over and over, long after the familiar has already expired.
Holy shit! Sayaka is now suffering the same grief spiral she experienced in canon timelines. I don't think she can really witch anymore, but this may still be magically significant somehow.

Also, what the fuck, Sayaka?! What did the poor mouse ever do to you? It just wanted cheese, and you slaughtered it! Not even out of a sense of justice, but in cold blood!

Her judgment is very obviously impaired at the moment, and she's about as new as one can possibly be at this, with has next to no experience making her way through witch barriers, or even fighting beyond her scuffle with you.
One of these words does not belong in that sentence. I'm guessing you changed the phrasing but forgot to finish halfway through.

As you monitor Sayaka's progress through the barrier via her own eyes, you begin to realize more and more just how poor a plan this was. Not only should you not have offered her this option, you probably shouldn't have offered Sayaka a choice in the matter at all. Her judgment is very obviously impaired at the moment, and she's about as new as one can possibly be at this, with next to no experience making her way through witch barriers, or even fighting beyond her scuffle with you. Her tactics also seem to amount to little more than "wander around and kill anything in my way", and while you admit that seems to be working out alright for her thus far, between her complete lack of subtlety and the sheer amount of noise she's making, she's going to end up drawing way more attention to herself than necessary…
Further evidence that Ashy is a Sauron expy. She is convinced that free will is a bad thing for other people to have, so she's slowly but surely degenerating into an evil overlord.

You wince as Sayaka sights another dog-sized rodent and proceeds to leap down the tunnel she's in to reach it, cleaving it in two with a downwards strike that passes through its body like butter before crashing into the floor. The sound of metal clashing against rock rings out, the tinny noise reverberating through the floors and walls like a bell. This... you can't just let this continue, can you?
No, Ashy. In some cases, this might work, but this is not one of those times. Please just let Sayaka vent.

While it's good that she's blowing off steam- you really hope she's blowing off steam, at least- as things stand Sayaka is likely going to wind up in a situation where she ends up totally overwhelmed, be it by the familiars, the witch, or the barrier itself.
But Ashy, you already have Sayaka's soul. Whatever impurities her soul produces are just going to feed right back into you! Sayaka is almost invincible.

It's too late to have her turn around and walk back out though- out of every witch labyrinth you've ever encountered, this one is by far the closest you've seen to an actual maze, and you've long since lost track of how Sayaka got to where she is now.
First of all, Nagisa was just a kid when she witched, and little kids generally have trouble navigating big facilities like hospitals. Also, the labyrinth must be a literal mouse maze, except without the delicious reward at the end. This makes a lot of sense to me.

Second of all, why can't Ashy track Sayaka? Even if she has no idea where Sayaka is, can't she find out? Magic leaves traces, especially if it involves souls and other karmic weirdness. Ashy should be able to track Sayaka by following the magical trail she leaves behind, just like magical girls frequently do to find witches.

[X] Go in after her. If you manage to catch up with Sayaka, you can be there to provide physical backup in case anything goes wrong, while staying out of her body. Besides, how can you subsume the witch without being there in person?
[X] Let Sayaka do her own thing. She's made it pretty clear she doesn't want you interfering, so... maybe this is fine after all...?

I don't mind Ashy interfering in case something goes horribly wrong, but she should clearly avoid assuming direct control or butting in when Sayaka can handle things independently. If nothing goes wrong, Ashy can just jump in at the very end to subsume Charlotte and ferry Sayaka out of the labyrinth.

still the fact she's already going full blue berserker after not even a day of being a magical girl is incredibly worrisome, and its not even due to the effects of grief spiraling,
It is grief spiral, and Sayaka's depression is proof of that. It's just not the same grief spiral as it always is in canon. The question is what will result from this, since I'm reasonably certain that Sayaka can't witch anymore, at least the way magical girls normally witch. Oktavia must have been conceived inside Ashy by now, but her form may be somewhat different and she may never actually hatch.

we should see if we can bring charlotte to lucidity,
This will probably fail miserably, but I don't see why we shouldn't at least try. However, it would get in the way of letting Sayaka handle things by herself.

and explain the entire truth of the puella magi system to sayaka
I might be misremembering, but didn't Ashy already explain everything she knows about the magical girl system? She dropped the lichbomb and the witchbomb, and she doesn't yet know how Kyubey benefits from the ritualized suffering of emotional beings.

we could also try to uncover our real identity by describing what we know of ourself and seeing if anyone recognizes it
Ashy has not been to Mitakihara before witching, so the chances of anyone here knowing her are slim, though it would be interesting if she just so happens to be tangentially related to a main character. Most people who knew Ashy should be in Sengeitsu.

This was what I wanted to do anyway, and we really can't leave her alone. She's going to make a mistake at some point, and I don't feel like finding out how much damage her body can take right now.
Charlotte can't nom on Sayaka's soul gem because Ashy beat her to it. Sayaka should be able to recover from anything less than the total destruction of her body, and her soul will survive even if her body becomes unusable for whatever reason. However, Sayaka's body is probably her only body, and even if that's not the case, there's no way Ashy can reproduce fresh Sayaka clones ad infinitum.

So in conclusion, Sayaka should be able to tank any and all of Charlotte's attacks, so long as it's not the KÄSE MOGU MOGU.

Preferably somehow out of sight so she doesn't immediately rage quit.
Yes. This is a good idea. Unfortunately, Ashy towers over Sayaka, so staying hidden would be quite difficult...

That would make sense given that brains are in fact the meats where the thinking happens, though again the fact that a body that has begun rotting is still viable would suggest that the soul gem has a much broader definition of the term 'functioning brain' than a normal human does.
I always assumed that the mind eventually loses its structure without the brain, but could otherwise work perfectly fine.

Ironically, would also explain why Witches are so totally broken and instinctual; I imagine the thinkmeats do not survive the Witch metamorphosis in good condition, if at all.
It certainly helps explain Ashy's amnesia, if nothing else.

It's possible that Sayaka is in fact a familiar that thinks it remembers being Sayaka, and only appears to still be Sayaka because that's what it believes it should be.
Familiars generally don't have much individuality. They usually have personalities, but familiars of the same type are often so similar to each other that they share the exact same name and role. Even the Ummashtarts, who are supposed to be different from each other, are only truly unique in appearance and abilities, but lack any identity beyond just "a form the witch once had".

There are special cases like Shemesh and the Clara dolls, but that is reserved for powerful familiars that hold some very special meaning to the witch. The exception proves the rule.

I think Ashy effectively has a deliberately split personality, which Sayaka is now a part of. Now that Sayaka is subsumed but has her own individuality, this is the only logical conclusion. Familiars exist for their witches until they become witches themselves, but Sayaka is Sayaka and will always be Sayaka.

-IIRC theres an interview which states that Puella Magi CAN in fact, operate as a soul gem alone. They just need to learn how, which requires a bit of a world shattering shock. And somehow have enough magic for it.
So the lichbomb is required, I suppose. As for the high magic cost, magical girls were never truly meant to operate without their body parts.

They can however IIRC only do that if they grow to some significant size/power by familiar standards, and need to consume humans to do this.
That's true. But do they need normal humans, or will magical girls or even witches do? In the end, it shouldn't matter what is eaten as long as it is a soul.

Which makes this also semantics, since even if there was some possibility of Sayaka regaining her freedom (in the form of becoming an independent witch-ish being), it would likely require consumption of human lives/souls to accomplish, which neither Sayaka or us would ever allow to happen.
No, because any souls Sayaka eats would just be added to Ashy. Because Sayaka is now effectively Ashy.

it would go against the whole theme of subsumption. making a familiar with sayakas memories would go against the theme
Perhaps Sayaka could become an unusually powerful Ummashtart variant once Ashy is killed, eventually developing into a clone of Ashy. Now that would be an omake I'd love to read.

For one, that'd involve bringing Ashtaroth to school everyday, and thus straight to what's most likely the lagrest gathering point for magic girls in the city. Which either works out to Ashtaroth subsuming those girls when they attack her, Sayaka dying if those girls kill Ash, or Sayaka having to fight them off whenever she goes.
While school life would be difficult and dangerous for Ashy, she might be able to survive. She just has to handle the magical girls who attend.
  • Kidnap Madoka and drop her off in a different city. Homura might not notice immediately because Ashy never did anything of the sort in any previous timelines. Then Homura will have to waste time finding and returning Madoka.
  • Witchbomb Mami to either easily subsume her or drive her to despair (and then subsume her).

the Chance of Shemesh pulling a Batman.
I'm very proud of myself for creating the "Shemesh is Batman" meme.

If it comes to the worst we can make an Illusion of Cheese to distract Charlotte and her Familiars. Costly but possible.
This is a great idea, and I'll definitely vote for it if we get the opportunity to make illusions in the near future.
still the fact she's already going full blue berserker after not even a day of being a magical girl is incredibly worrisome, and its not even due to the effects of grief spiraling

That may be a touch too far. Berserker Sayaka was characterized less by her brutality and more by her completely ignoring attacks as they hit her and laughing manically about it, while being horribly upset about it afterwards. Won't say if you're necessarily right or wrong, but we haven't quite reached the point you're thinking yet if it's the former.

Also, if she dies, is it permanent?

If it were you, would you risk testing it?

I'd have to go back through the thread, but I'm pretty sure you did mention a break.

Ah, right... well, I sort of imagined the break being "finished" the second I got my other fic's latest chapter up, so it still feels like I dragged my feet on this despite not intending to.

...I honestly didn't notice. I'm kinda used to your stories taking a while to update. Quality over quantity and all that.

Hehe, appreciated! Though, I'm honestly writing at an utterly glacial pace for the amount of time I have free. I'm so particular that I'll fuss over a single paragraph's word choice for an entire day instead of just moving on, which I really, really need to stop.

-Sayaka is less free than a familiar. Familiars can wander far away from the Witch or even become independent new Witches. Sayaka is more like an appendage.

This immediately made me think of a "Midori Days" scenario with Sayaka and Ashtaroth, wherein subsuming Sayaka caused her to instead take the place of Ashtaroth's front right ribbon/hand.

...boy wouldn't that be awkward.

@Flairina is there a Reason Ashy used Sayaka's Voice to talk instead of Telepathy or did she just forget?

Since when has Ashtaroth used telepathy? She can hear Sayaka trying to use it, but she's yet to actually attempt to speak back the same way, sticking with shatterword rune arrangements and illusory words thus far.

(More on that either one or two updates from now.)

Second of all, why can't Ashy track Sayaka? Even if she has no idea where Sayaka is, can't she find out? Magic leaves traces, especially if it involves souls and other karmic weirdness. Ashy should be able to track Sayaka by following the magical trail she leaves behind, just like magical girls frequently do to find witches.

Well, logistically, there's the potential of that "trail", if it exists, being all sorts of obscured due to them being in the middle of a literal magic dimension. There's also the fact that Ashtaroth may not be able to use that ability, since magic is usually traced by way of one's soul gem, which is something she's sort of lacking at the moment.

More practically however: how large do you think the tunnel Sayaka ran into likely is?

I might be misremembering, but didn't Ashy already explain everything she knows about the magical girl system? She dropped the lichbomb and the witchbomb, and she doesn't yet know how Kyubey benefits from the ritualized suffering of emotional beings.

Yep, Sayaka doesn't necessarily know everything, but Ashtaroth has already told her and Hitomi most of what she knows. Though, the fact that he's an alien has yet to be mentioned, for lack of meaningful reason to bring it up.

Perhaps Sayaka could become an unusually powerful Ummashtart variant once Ashy is killed, eventually developing into a clone of Ashy. Now that would be an omake I'd love to read.

I would like to take this opportunity to note that I moved the "Bad End" from Saar's fight to the sidestory tab. Take from that what you may.
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If it were you, would you risk testing it?
...This is a faux-quest because you knew the answer would be yes! :V

Since when has Ashtaroth used telepathy? She can hear Sayaka trying to use it, but she's yet to actually attempt to speak back the same way, sticking with shatterword rune arrangements and illusory words thus far.
Ashy not using telepathy in place of walls of text is like a jedi not tapping into the Force because lightsabers are "just better." get the job done just fine. It seems nonsensical, yet it somehow doesn't break my suspension of disbelief.

Well, logistically, there's the potential of that "trail", if it exist, being all sorts of obscured due to them being in the middle of a literal magic dimension. There's also the fact that Ashtaroth may not be able to use that ability, since magic is usually traced by way of the soul gem, which is something she's sort of lacking at the moment.
I sort of assumed that Ashy's barrier is now her equivalent of a soul gem. Yes, it's a magic dimension, but it's her magic dimension. But while it does make a sort of sense, this reasoning never felt entirely correct to me. *shrug*

I'm tired. I'll think on this more later.

More practically however: how large do you think the tunnel Sayaka ran into likely is?
[:V] Toss shatterwords at the labyrinth entrance to widen the opening! What could go wrong?

Though, the fact that he's an alien has yet to be mentioned, for lack of meaningful reason to bring it up.
...But isn't it kind of obvious? :lol

I would like to take this opportunity to note that I moved the "Bad End" from Saar's fight to the sidestory tab. Take from that what you may.
Hm? Why would you-

Oh. Ohhhh. Ohhhhhhhhh! Okay. I see. Interest levels rising! This is going to be fun. :drevil:
Since when has Ashtaroth used telepathy? She can hear Sayaka trying to use it, but she's yet to actually attempt to speak back the same way, sticking with shatterword rune arrangements and illusory words thus far.
Huh, I thought the Conversation after Hitomi left was telepathic but Ashy's Part wasn't italicized.
That must have looked incredibly creepy from the Outside.
"Sayaka" starring at the Witch and holding a one-sided Conversation but the only audible Part sounded like something the Witch would say, coming from Sayaka...

It seems nonsensical, yet it somehow doesn't break my suspension of disbelief.
Clearly, Telepathy is an elegant Form of Communication for a more civilized Age.:V

[:V] Toss shatterwords at the labyrinth entrance to widen the opening! What could go wrong?
Just get a few Brandies and flush them out!