Why can we not rate posts "ouch". It is clearly needed.
I was aiming for an insightful, but I suppose I'll have to settle for a hug.

... I wonder if Ashtaroth's wish was something along the lines of being the star of her own story. With a twist leading to pulling other people into her story too. But... It is difficult to combine that with her wish magic being self-polymorph and her witch magic being illusion. But it would sort-of fit with her hating the people(familiars) who help her, what with them drawing away the spotlight. ... Tell her own story, with her being the star that everyone else has to follow? "Make" her own story?
IIRC, Ashy's power always let her "step in someone else's shoes". It manifested differently after witching, though.

Not until Ash has a human body. One that's for her and only her, of which getting one is now higher up on the itinerary. Which I didn't quite see coming, but makes sense. Communication problems aside, Ashtaroth is really only okay with her witch form because it's what she has. It's building sized, kinda slow, kinda frail and super flammable. It's visually interesting and has a neat built in encyclopedia, but it's only got entries on things she's eaten. Humans are smaller, much faster and have thumbs. No contest.

But also communication. One of Ashtaroth's bigger problems is that she can't talk without using someone else as a mouth piece, which doesn't make anyone comfortable. Most of what she has to say isn't problematic, outside of usual MG pitfalls. She pretty much acts like a blunt girl with a talent for phrasing things badly. Stck her in a body with a cute face and she'd be someone's Best Girl.
But the shipping! Think of the ships! :V
[X] Capitulate to Sayaka's plea and go back to Mitakihara.

Frankly, Sayaka deserves better, as do her loved ones. Yes, she was probably duplicated, but we don't know that IC.
It seems rather crazy that Ashy wouldn't ask Tira if her phone was set to a weird time zone after seeing a time that was blatantly wrong on her phone. Especially when no one actually does that.
Maybe she's the apperitive?

Let's see:
Tira is the salad and Sayaka is the seasoning, Kyoko is the meat, Hitomi is the white bread, Mami is the cheese, Oriko is the wine, Kirika is the silverware (which, for some reason, only consist of knives), Charlotte is the cake, Madoka is the chair and Homura is the bill.

...Ashy is the table.
No. Sayaka is the raspberry, Kyoko is the apple, Madoka is the melon, and Homura is the pumpkin. This is well-established.
It seems rather crazy that Ashy wouldn't ask Tira if her phone was set to a weird time zone after seeing a time that was blatantly wrong on her phone. Especially when no one actually does that.
Nah, I've done it. Needed to so I could play a game that used a timezone check as a method of region locking. Besides, asking about people doing weird things with their phones just sounds like trying to blatantly change the subject when Sayaka is upset because she can't contact her friends.
Honestly she just need any kind of mouthpiece she can use outside of "if I have to" situation atm imo.

Wonder if she can make an illusion of herself to act as an avatar if she got enough power ups.
Best book has returned!

Tira is, or seems to be taking this situation impressively well. Then again, she seems to know or have been close to knowing a lot of the terrible truths of being a Magical Girl, so I guess this might actually be an improvement in her eyes. Nonetheless we should keep an eye on her, some truly legendary breakdowns start with what seems like acceptance and nonchalance.

[-] Capitulate to Sayaka's plea and go back to Mitakihara.

We claim to be looking out for those we have Nom'd, even if it's risky hazardous STUPIDLY DANGEROUS to go back, not at least giving Sayaka a chance to say goodbye in person would seriously erode the work we've done getting her to listen to us, and whilst Tira seems to understand our reasoning I don't doubt she'd remember this as us choosing our wellbeing over that of our subsumed 'allies'.

That being said, lets take advantage of our flight abilities, fly high enough over Mitakihara that we can't be detected and drop down on Sayaka's home to let her speak with Miki-mom (ask Sayaka when she'd be in first) and leave swiftly afterwards to avoid a rather Irate girl in who may or may not be in braided pigtails with a fair few fire-bombs.

[] Refuse Sayaka's plea and head into Sengeitsu.

No. bad idea if we want our work with miss Miki to mean something to her.

[-] Accept Tira's suggestion to go to Kazamino
It's our only lead on a possibly intelligent witch, albeit a somewhat malevolent seeming one. Plus whilst we're there maybe we can eat make some new friends!

I wonder if Ashy can style her hair now.
Well, we stole something from Homura, given that her hair was mostly subsumed It's a fair bet we may have 'appropriated' her hair-care skills.

Yeah but she's also distrustful and belligerent. Need to get past that first, or make it a nonissue.
So throw lots of cake and cookies at her until her sweet tooth wins the battle for control and she willingly suborns herself to us in exchange for unlimited food?
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Update! Sayaka! And a Tira who seems very reasonable all things considered (almost too glad to join the club)

I've been wondering that, myself. I'm fairly sure I know the mechanics of the sound, but not the reason for its sudden manifestation.
Because magic. No emoticon this time because I'm not even joking: PMMM magic feels more conceptual in nature and Ashtaroth's inner barrier magic is illusions; as she can to perfectly well visual illusions the next step to make it better is add more senses like sounds and touch (making solid illusions).

Wonder if she can make an illusion of herself to act as an avatar if she got enough power ups.
If you meant "as herself" as a magical girl then I doubt so, Ashtaroth doesn't remember how she looked like as human (she probably remembers how she her MG uniform looked, though)

Tira is seems to be taking this situation impressively well. Then again, she seems to know or have been close to knowing a lot of the terrible truths of being a Magical Girl, so I guess this might actually be an improvement in her eyes. Nonetheless we should keep an eye on her, some truly legendary breakdowns start with what seems like acceptance and nonchalance.
At least she seems aware she doesn't need to keep her feelings so tight anymore so it should be a difference. Not a reason to not keep an eye on her though.
If you meant "as herself" as a magical girl then I doubt so, Ashtaroth doesn't remember how she looked like as human (she probably remembers how she her MG uniform looked, though)
She does remember the outfit, but that seems to be it. She doesn't remember her face or her hair, and I suspect if the 'girl' part of Magical Girl wasn't mandatory, she wouldn't even remember her gender. Realizing that hit her with an existential crisis, and was part of what made the fight with Sayaka go so badly.

But it does remind me, she seems to remember all the shape shifting she used to do, and part of that was minor stuff like messing with her hair. She also mentioned that she'd pretty extensively tested the limits of the forms she could take. If she did a lot of minor tests as well, she might be able to come up with an approximation of how she looked by determining what she didn't look like. Like, did she mess with her eye color? Ever turn them green or brown? Then she likely had a blue shade. Hide any scars? Fix her teeth? She likely has a wealth of information about herself that could be deduced by how she used her old power.

Or she could find a photo, but how she talked about her home life doesn't make me optimistic there's going to be one hanging around.
You hesitate. Tira's taking this well so far — almost absurdly so, honestly — but that doesn't mean that can't change in an instant. Still, you don't really have an excuse not to answer her, and now that she's subsumed you shouldn't be risking her becoming a witch, so…

<It's because your soul gem is your actual soul.> you relent. <If it gets too far away from you, your body ceases to function.>

"I am already aware of the true nature of my soul gem." Tira says, to your considerable surprise. "However, I know nothing of it needing to remain within a certain proximity to me. Why would that be a factor?"

<I'm… not sure.> you say, feeling increasingly on the back foot of this conversation. <It seems to just be a sort of inherent limit. So far as I'm aware, it works that way for all magical girls, even when I'm not involved.>

This was a very interesting discussion. We all kind of take it for granted that "that's just how it works" but what exactly is driving the 100 meter limit between soul gem and body? If there's some kind of data flow happening, what medium is it happening over and is there some way to extend the range? Food for thought.

Everybody is talking like their soul gems are physically inside Ashtaroth as discrete objects, but is that actually the case? What if they just need to be within 100 meters of Ashy... or some part of her? Would carrying a tiny Familiar in a pocket count as "proximity" for purposes of being close to their "soul gem"? Seems like there's opportunity for some experimentation there.
I must say, having all of Sayaka's calls go to voice mail felt a little artificial.

Don't know why everyone assumes this is something she does on purpose.

There are plenty of reasons that someone isn't by their phone for a five minute span.

The easiest possibility is that she's in school and it's turned off or set to silent and sitting in her bag or it's PE and in her locker.
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Don't know why everyone assumes this is something she does on purpose.

There are plenty of reasons that someone isn't by their phone for a five minute span.

The easiest possibility is that she's in school and it's turned off or set to silent and sitting in her bag or it's PE and in her locker.

It was a choice made by the author in order to delay the revelation that they had gone back in time.

It's not suspension of disbelief breaking or anything.... sure there are many reasons people might not answer their phone. But on the other hand, there are many reasons people would answer their phone. It could easily have been written either way, and the choice was to write it this way.

The reason why that makes me vaguely dissatisfied is that it then resulted in them having a lot of discussion about "what to do next" based on incorrect premises. Meaning that when they do realize what's happened, it seems like they'll have to rehash the whole thing again, this time based on correct information. Maybe putting off the realization will lead to some specific comedic or dramatic moment that is being aimed for. I hope so.
Spoilers For Magia record. It is revealed in madokami side story that the changes in the time line that allowed doppels to exist Differences are that iroha never making a contract so Ui Touka and Nemu are dead and the only reason she was able to contract is because she tripped on a pebble before school making her slightly more late so she ended up around a incubator drone after school

For future reference, there is a way to actually spoil things behind a box. Go to the button at the top of the text window that looks like an ellipsis, click it and you get the option to insert a spoiler. Put your text in the spoiler and it comes out like this.
It is revealed in madokami side story that the changes in the time line that allowed doppels to exist Differences are that iroha never making a contract so Ui Touka and Nemu are dead and the only reason she was able to contract is because she tripped on a pebble before school making her slightly more late so she ended up around a incubator drone after school
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For future reference, there is a way to actually spoil things behind a box. Go to the button at the top of the text window that looks like an ellipsis, click it and you get the option to insert a spoiler. Put your text in the spoiler and it comes out like this.
It is revealed in madokami side story that the changes in the time line that allowed doppels to exist Differences are that iroha never making a contract so Ui Touka and Nemu are dead and the only reason she was able to contract is because she tripped on a pebble before school making her slightly more late so she ended up around a incubator drone after school
Sorry am using my phone and can not use my desktop till June. Also what those a ellipsis look like
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