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The Consequences And The Decisions
In orbit around the planet of Gunhallow, hidden within the titanic structure of the Furina De Fontaine, a mind slowly and methodically began to devote computational resources away from its labors towards a more...personal project. While Captain Adams was on the planet, having finally gotten through Lady Nina McCullough's suspicion after several hours of discussions, TAUBENMUTTER was in orbit, unknowing of the open-mouthed stares of the nearly twenty-three million inhabitants on the planet below staring at the giant donut in orbit, working away on a project to see combat automata designed and produced that it may pilot and control.

Naturally, there wouldn't be any automated minds controlling them, as the chance for accidents and miscalculations done by sterile machine minds blindly following their orders was too large. But work still remained, like the problems of lag that had yet to be overcome. Nonetheless, TAUBENMUTTER remained...determined that the first prototypes would be ready in less than half a decade.


The people of Gunhallow were rightly suspicious and slightly wary of the outsiders walking in their midsts, yet people helping to treat the wounded, clear the rubble, and bury the dead rarely stayed ostracized. For every person given a fearful glance, ten were greeted with honest smiles and teary thanks.

The month following the battle for Hallow, the planetary capital, gave the people of the Fontaine enough time to familiarize themselves with their new situation...and the abyssal conditions on the planet they were helping recover.

Less than 10% of the population was literate. Vaccinations were nearly unknown. The number of doctors could be counted on one hand, and the number of people capable of doing more than basic wound cleaning and patient care numbered less than four hundred. Sewage, clean water, electricity, and nearly everything else, including schools, were either lacking or non-existent or had been left to rot by a failing industry and educational levels.

The Battlemechs of the planet, now sporting one Panther, Shadowhawk, and Javelin more, were armored not with the impressive alloys found on those of ComStar, but with bare rolled steel. From the perspective of the military, the Gunhallow Militia was barely above an armed rabble, with portable radios consigned to one per thousand members...until the seven they had were distributed. Often to command posts, instead of units. Likewise, to the anger of many, child soldiers were not a rare occurrence but seen as natural, as you became an adult in this world at 15.

The only thing that did not inspire dismay was that some semblance of democracy was still present on Gunhallow, the office of "Mayor" chosen every ten years, with no second term available, by all people of Gunhallow. This process, and the defense of the entire planet, was overseen by the McCullough Family as they were the Planetary Sheriffs, a post transformed into a semi-hereditary position thanks to an ancestor arriving with their "Archer" Battlemech and swearing themselves to the defense of the world.

Yet, the month did pass, the universe seemed a little less frightening, and five million people decided they had had enough time to think about what they had seen, and what they would now do.

With all five million votes cast, the Furina De Fontaine would:
(6-Hour Moratorium (For Real This Time))
[] Return to Earth.
(Voting Weight: x0.5)
[] Continue The Mission...
(These are all counted against Return together.)
-[] As it was stated.
(You will create 50 Colonies, ending the Quest with the last one.)
-[] But seek to center their foundings around Gunhallow.
(You will create 50 Colonies near Gunhallow for trade, ending the Quest with the last one.)
-[] But seek to create far greater colonies.
(You will create 46 Colonies, with 400k people staying to aid Gunhallow, ending the Quest with the last one.)
-[] With a new interpretation.
(You will seek to create a new nation, possibly centered around Gunhallow, going out to settle new places and incorporating other abandoned colonies into that new nation. You will also attempt to uplift all of them. This will start a series of negotiations and decisions, starting with whether you want to make Gunhallow your new Capital.)
Considering between the Far Greater Colonies and the New Interpretation options. A very relevant question to which I would prefer:
Does the Fontaine have the technical knowledge and capacity to create new Alcubierre Drive equipped ships, and if so, how much investment to create them?

Important, since it would determine how self-sufficient, and thus built up, the colonies would have to be.
When we make our own nation we can catch up with the rest of the others on those that are advance tech then ours since this world is a mish mash of primitive and advanced tech
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