Strange Aeons: A 40k Xeno Governor Quest

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We'd have a main gun powered by a mobile star.

Kind of hard to take advantage of a gap in the wall when you're getting deleted.
Mostly because making it move would be a lot harder than just building it. Its already stretching material science to the limit to build, to add the forces of actual movement and warp travel is far too much.
I've forgotten, were any of the stats downgraded with the new Broken stat?
Turn 7: The Planning
For Turn 7:
Atraxas Actions: 1 per category, 6 Personal Actions (personal actions can be transferred at a 1:1 ratio to any other department), can spend Wounds for 1 action per wounds, has 14 wounds, does not take a malus to rolls until below 7 wounds.
Applies half of Faith bonus to Learning/Martial and Legal Actions now
Wounds: 14/14

Advisor Actions: 1 in their category
Nameria Actions: can undertake actions in Faith and Martial by dividing her highest bonus evenly, can not take more actions that would put her bonus below 1, rounds down
Private Army: Can undertake Martial Actions when on world with a bonus of 10
Urma: can work on any category, has 2 actions.

Supercomputers: 3 (unless explicitly assigned to another person will assign to Atraxas)

Araahal: currently assigned to Harkar

All actions have an uncounted -5 to suspicion from the Militant Citadel

Shogi Native Extraction: 78.75
Shogi System Extraction: 3440
Shogi Exotic Extraction and Storage
Duralium: 5 per turn, 7 turns remaining (20 mined)
Bauxanium: 30 units

Shogi Native Production: 587.5
Shogi Space Production: 587.5
Shogi Outpost Production: 3511
Shogi Leased Production: 400 (will increase by 20 on turn 8, will reduce by 350)

Shogi Trade (base resources): 0
Shogi Trade (refined resources): 800 (Will be reduced by 300 on turn 8)

Shogi Tithe: 250 per turn

Shogi Expenditures (Infrastructure): 665
Shogi Expenditures (Social Services): 10
Shogi Expenditures (Military Services): 545
Shogi Expenditures (Counter Intelligence): 0
Shogi Expenditures (Life support): 20

Economic Activity: 0.01%
Economic Policy: Artisanal
Resource/Wealth Conversion: 1:100
Current Resource Feed: 1

Birth Rate: Below Replacement (4 0/3 (will reach 5 births naturally by turn 8, 6 by turn 10 and 7 by turn 11)
Current Medical Infrastructure: Horribly Insufficient
Current Planetary View: Things seem to be getting better

Security: Computer Systems pegged at Peak Imperial Guard quality
Status of the Army: On world, can be used

9 Invoked Laws of Deathless
2 Invoked Laws of Decay
7 Invoked Laws of Entropy
1 Invoked Law of Evolution
2 Invoked Laws of Fire
1 Invoked Law of Hope
4 Invoked Laws of Math
1 Invoked Law of Sidegrade

7 of Unknown Law 1
5 of Unknown Law 2
7 of Unknown Law 3 (similar to known Law Righteous Judgement)
4 of Unknown Law 4 (this includes the Law that you got from the warp sphere)
5 of Unknown Law 5
5 of Unknown Law 6
6 of Unknown Law 7
5 of Unknown Law 8
7 of Unknown Law 9
6 of Unknown Law 10

Current Planetary Wealth: 2114
Shogi Stockpiles: 6648/16.7k
Unpaid Loan: 0/5150
Suspicion: 15/100 (Low suspicion)

Exatari Alloy Income: 200
Exatari Alloys Storage: 1450
Exatari Attuned Alloys: 100 Repulsion (IL), 100 Severance (AI)

Favor (Exatari): 804
Favor (Adeptus Mechanicus): 50
Archmagos Gravus: Willing to work on 3 actions, likes Gravity stuff

Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: Currently Nulled for the foreseeable future

Homeworld Mission: Currently an Anthill, will probably recover enough to give missions again on turn 8/9/10

Exotic Resource Purchase Option: 31 units of Phase Iron at 10 resource per unit from Contract

Improve The PDF
Private Army
Private Army
DC: 70
Roll: 3d100+21

Establish Subsector Spies
DC: 62
Roll: 2d100+37

Heart Forge
Calculation Heart(s)
Autocomplete turn 7

Rebuilding the Schools (Stewardship): My predecessor has torn down the educational system of Shogi to less than nothing and that will not stand. I will build a new system from the ashes he left behind, better than it has ever been before. I do not care about the Imperium in this matter, education is the right of all thinking beings and I will not stifle it. From the youngest to the oldest, I will build a new system modeled on that which I took from the Ultramarines to ensure the infrastructure is in place for the system and to ensure that it will stand the test of time.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource: 1000) (Upkeep: 100 Social Services) (DC: 500)
(Effect: Restores the education system of Shogi and improves upon it. No downgrade when Megaproject stages are complete, and will automatically expand with new stages and planets. Brings the Education of the system to 0)

Choose one of the below styles, the effects are indirectly stated in the description, but there will be a few turns before effects are noticed due to having to educate generations of people over time.

Nameria and Harkar have approached Atraxas professing their desire to work on the education system with him.

All of these actions use Learning to roll for

Limited Innovation - Humans are not Exatari, and judging by their system of worship, they tend more towards organized and ritualized action. Thus, it stands to reason that their education system would be formed in a similar manner. The plan should be to have general studies of multiple subjects under a fairly rigid curriculum before enabling the individual human to decide upon a particular skillset, at which point they fall into one of a number of specific learning courses that lead towards relevant work.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep: 50 Social Services) (DC: 500) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: High) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Medium) (Harkar has stated that this is something she would like) (Nameria has provided details that indicate a level of dislike for this option)
(Will provide bonuses to production)

Open Innovation - Humans have a vastly oversized focus on the completely impractical. In an era when a significant portion of their population are unable to even forge metal into sharp objects, one needs all the skilled technicians possible to compensate, yet this never seems to have crossed anyone's mind. Fortunately for Shogi, it has crossed your mind, and you have decided that the sciences are the most critical possible fields for humans to enter as well as the most lucrative. Every student on Shogi will be taught biology, mathematics, engineering, computing, chemistry, and their related fields to produce the most highly educated population in the Imperium.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 200) (Upkeep: 100 Social Services) (DC: 750) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Extreme) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Medium) (Nameria has made overtones of supporting something akin to this) (Harkar has made statements indicating a dislike for this concept)
(Will provide bonuses to complex actions and research)

Specialist Expertise - Humans in general do not have the innate ability to become masters in a variety of different fields, and often broader knowledge is not of use to the common man and woman. To make the most use out of a human's potential, one must find their aptitudes from an early age and focus their efforts in that direction continually like a blade that is sharpened more and more. After all, a massive amount of specialists will surpass an equally massive amount of generalists when working together
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 300) (Upkeep: 50 Social Services) (DC: 250) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Low) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Low) (Harkar has stated that this is something she would like) (Nameria has given implicit statements that she would not approve of this system)
(Will provide minor upkeep mitigation and slight production bonuses)

Full Discourse - Perhaps you have been looking at this the wrong way... Perhaps what humans need is universality. Yes, it may be for the best if the people of Shogi were given an all-encompassing yet flexible system of education, where they learn from one another to the highest standard possible in all fields. Knowledge and experience would be shared and tested constantly, and this would surely result in the most whole and well-rounded possible graduates.
(Suspicion: 75) (Resource Cost: 500) (Upkeep: 200 Social Services) (DC: 1500) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Medium) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Extreme) (Nameria has made overtones of supporting something akin to this) (Harkar has given implied statements of her feeling that this is a bad idea)
(Will provide bonuses to everything)

Stage 1
Prerequisites: Very Low or higher DAoT Alloys production
Turns: 5
Resources Per Turn: 10,000
Turn Skip DC: 2,000
Effect: +1000 Extraction, +2500 Production, +5 Health, +2 average children born, three lines of High Imperial Grade Naval System Defenses, produces 10 Knights for no production cost, Notables will start with Tier 1 in their primary skill

Planetary Acquisition: In order to support my designs for the grand project, the system will require far more planetary bodies than it currently possess. Ideally before the fifth stage of the grand project, I desire to have a total of 832 planets in orbit of the local primary. An orbit angled at fifteen degrees above and below the current orbital plane, with an orbit at every planetary orbital distance which holds four planets within the orbit itself. This would ensure the proper coverage of any space born infrastructure and also the population and scale needed to bring the grand design to fruition sooner than otherwise possible. Of course it is true that the current system only contains 12 planets, which will be corrected in the first round of orbital adjustment. Even without ships designed for planetary acquisition it is possible with imperial designs to begin the work, if one is willing to accept the cost in time and efficiency. As such it is needed to strip other stellar systems of their planets to be brought to Shogi in order to fill the quota that I have outlined.
(Suspicion: 0?) (Resource: 50) (Upkeep: 0) (DC: 500) (Planets: 12/832)
(Effect: Add 1d5 planets to Shogi system, each planet provides 40/40/100 for extraction/production/storage, with an upkeep of 10. Every 64 planets provides notable bonuses to the entire system and reduces the cost of megaproject stages post stage 4 by 10%, reduce the upkeep for space infrastructure by 10%)

Planetary Terraforming: In order to truly enable the future of the grand project all worlds must be terraformed to be inhabitable. This of course will be a costly task with little upfront returns on investment, but the long term value can not be understated.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource: 10k) (Upkeep: 0) (DC: 100) (Planets: 1/12)
(Effect: Will start the terraforming of one planet per completion of this project, every 4 completions doubles the planets affected. It will take 2 turns to Terraform a planet from the completion of this action, a Terraformed planet can be Colonized providing vastly more options for the future of the planets)


The Living Ecumenopolis (Stewardship)
With the limits broken asunder, designs that would never have been allowed before are now possible. I have seen the reports of the Hive and Forge worlds of the Imperium, I have seen the damage that is done to the life of the worlds. The biosphere of Shogi is intact to a greater degree than normal worlds of the Imperium and even though I do not have a mandate to care for the non sentient flora and fauna of the world, I do care. To that end I will interweave the living world with that of the human civilization to the betterment of all upon this world that is mine.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource: 10,000) (Upkeep: 1000) (DC: 2000)
(Effect: All mining actions for Shogi are completed and produce 100 per mine instead of nominal amount, the cost of foundries and complex machinery is reduced, efficiency is increased, health effects of pollution negated, environmental maluses only apply to non native forces, world defenses increased to Solar Aux level, invaders suffer stacking attrition maluses due to design of the world, population grows faster.)

Living World (Faith)
To harvest it in its entirely is a waste afterall when so much of it could be used for more cerebral directions. Instead of mining the world to a husk and leaving it a hollow shell, instead it would be possible to transform it into what the Imperium would call a Forge World, yet one of different form. With the discovery of new Libraries what was impossible is now possible and I better understand things. With Divinity and Life I will turn the world into a Living Being with ever replenishing flesh to harvest, the exotics will become more than they are now with this direction, yet it is without a doubt a far more uncertain path.
(Suspicion: 80) (Resource Cost: 1000) (Upkeep (Life Support): 0) (DC: 10000) (Divinity Action)
(Effect: Will provide 20 Mines for all exotics, all Exotics become Living, all Exotics never run out, produces +20 of each per turn, can be increased via future actions, adds +1000 Extraction to the system, the Shogi System gains a World Sou that starts Friendlyl)
(Living Exotics are a more potent form of said Exotics having more active warp effects and are biologically active)

The Stellar Monument (Learning)
With Divinity in hand and the knowledge of the astropaths I have learned over the decades, the designs of the Imperium at my request. I will erect a second Astronomican to project light eternal across the stars upon the tallest mountain of the world, giving a guiding light to all that travel the void between worlds. My reach is paltry to that of the Human Witness, but to cover a subsector or even a sector is within my reach, to give order to the chaos of the warp is my goal and my nature. I stand against chaos in all its forms, and this shall be no different.
(Suspicion: ???????) (Resources: 5,000, 1,000 Exatari Attuned Alloys of a compatible form) (Upkeep: ?????) (DC: 10,000) (Divinity Action)
(Effect: A Second Astronomican will be erected within Erimyst, blazing with light that shall still the whim of Chaos and the warp itself. Secondary effects Unknown)

The Forge of War (Martial)
The chains have shattered for the first and final time, never again will I submit to the command of another and thus shall I raise a forge suited to the production of the weapons of war eternal. I have been accused of being soft by the humans of Shogi and no more shall that be so, within this forge shall I construct all that could be desired and sought for in weapons without peer. All of my skill turned towards the task of annihilation. Tremble in dread for what the armies of Shogi shall wield in battles yet to come, for I shall armor them one and all with this forge and their march shall be unending to the ends of creation.
(Suspicion: 0?) (Resources: 2,500, 500 Exatari Alloys) (Upkeep: 500/500 Infrastructure/Military Services) (DC: 1500)
(Effect: Universal power armor of low quality will be provided to the legions of Shogi, weapons will start at High Imperial Guard, every turn 10d100 will be rolled and on a roll above 95 a Relic will be created)

The Crucible of War (Martial)
The above is but a prelude to the true design that I could now build and there is yet no reason beyond fear that holds me back from moving forth with the true design. I cast off the chains of reluctance and look towards the future and design a monument unto war itself. The legions of Shogi will be raised above their peers the galaxy over, their weapons able to fight even those that tower over them, and so my will shall be done. I am Atraxas the Radiant and by the might of Divinity itself and the Libraries of reality my will shall be made manifest.
(Suspicion: 0?) (Resources: 10000, 1000 Exatari Alloys) (Upkeep: 1000/1000 Infrastructure/Military Services) (DC: 3000) (Divinity Action)
(Effect: All Shogi forces will have power armor on par with what the Solar Aux uses, all armies will start at Solar Aux quality once training is improved, every turn 20d100 will be rolled and a relic will be created on rolls above 95, on rolls of 100 an Astartes+ tier relic will be made, if rolls of 100 roll another 100 they are upscaled to Champion Astartes, repeat until they reach High Primarch relic)

The Unification Of Time (Diplomacy)
Across the Imperium time is unmoored, every world holding to its own clock, disrupting a million lines of trade and communication. This system can no longer stand when but a measured effort can correct it once and for all. A pulsar that can be seen with perfect regularity above the galactic plane that all worlds with but primitive telescopes can see and measure shall serve as the clock of Shogi from now on. All worlds will have an unified measure of time and from it the inefficacy that so plagues the Imperium shall be lessened. I am aware of the chaos of the warp travel, yet even still the majority of ships experience little temporal desynchronization that would truly matter in the greater scheme of things.
(Suspicion: ???) (Resources: 100) (Upkeep: 5) (DC: 100) (This is a major project that requires you to get other worlds on board, the current cost is only for Shogi)
(Effect: A notable improvement to all Imperial travel, logistics, and communication within the zone of effect. Only notable with at least a full subsector following it)

The Starbreaker (Learning)
It was no idle boast that saw me claim the death of a Star within reach, I shall construct such a machine in the decade to come to prove my worth and command of science to all that doubt my words. It will sunder a star into motes of energy and tear a mote of light from the galaxy forevermore.
(Suspicion: ????) (Resource: 1000 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 100)
(Effect: Gain a One Use Starbreaker, that will unmake a star. It will not make a supernova, but simply unravel the star over the course of a week.)

The Worldbreaker (Learning)
Where as the Starbreaker is but a one use machine, fit only to be made as a demonstration of my mastery of the fields of science, the worldbreaker is far more useful in truth. As such I shall construct one of the mighty machines this decade in order to arm my fleet with a weapon able to sunder worlds with ease, the Imperium boasts of their cyclonics and life eaters, let them see the glory of my world ending lance.
(Suspicion: ???) (Resources: 500 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 100)
(Effect: gain a Worldbreaker Lance that can be given to either your private ship or any cruiser or higher grade imperial ship. It can enact Externatius bombardment upon worlds and also can be used in combat with other ships. Provides an effective instant death weapon for naval combat)

The Radiant Nexus (All Skills)
The Heart Forge is but a trifle compared to what I could design for the pursuit of science across the world. The Adeptus Mechanicus is but a problem to solve and I know well how they work. It would be but the work of decades at most to secure enough favor to construct the design I hold in mind. A mountain of technology beyond the edge of the Imperium, a new seat of power that will give rise to discoveries that will reshape reality in my image. A recreation and improvement of the Nexus that I once ruled over as a Scholar of the Forge, now remade upon Shogi as a Radiant Nexus a true center of learning of all forms, a monument that shall be a capstone of the world in the centuries prior to the completion of the grand design.
(Suspicion: Infinite) (Resource: 1000 Mechanicus Favor, 20k Resources, 10k Exatari Alloys, 5k Dark Age Alloys) (DC: 10,000)
(Effect: Every notable gains +5 to all skills, notables start with an extra tier in their focus, all action DCs cut by a tenth, research progresses faster, the Adeptus Mechanicus can research STC fragments much easier, research failures no longer run the risk of losing items nor larger disasters, innovation of all kinds is cheaper and easier, training of all kinds is improved, education for Shogi and the Subsector improved universally by 5 flat and all other education gains increased by 20%, improves the bonus for all armies by 20%.)

The Psionic Spire (Willpower)
I have heard much of the horrors of the psykers among the ranks of humanity and I have met a handful by this point in time, yet their might is unquestioned. Even the weakest is a potent force multiplier for any force, yet their powers are ill contained and ill controlled. Unlike us they suffer greatly beyond the changes to their personality, eruptions of power is common and even the creatures of ruin often cause them to erupt in gateways to the other realm beyond the Veil. No more, with my coming their numbers have dwindled upon Shogi as my presence feasts upon the warp that drives them to be born, but even that is not enough. They stand as a problem to resolve and so I shall. A grand spire shall be erected into the very void of space wherein all the psykers shall be held in both security and comfort.
(Suspicion: ????) (Resource: 10k Resources, 5k Exatari Attuned Alloys with a compatible Law/Ingot) (Upkeep: 1000 Social Services) (DC: 5000)
(Effect: Psykers are far more controlled, risk of psyker eruptions mitigated, can start breeding stronger psykers)

The Veil Harvester (Learning)
It is but a confusion dream that has come to me with the breaking of the bonds of the Scholarship, but in this confusion enlightenment has arrived. I do not have the Scholars of Ending and Eternity to harvest the Ingots and Laws so needed for the greater designs that teem within my mind, yet another idea has come to the surface. Brought about by the study of the Imperial gellar fields and of the meta shields and more all forming together into this design. It is hypothetical, it could very well not function, but if it does then I will have broken one of the final chains that yet constrain me.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource: 1000 Exatari Alloys) (Upkeep: 100 Alloys) (DC: 1000) (Has a 10% chance of working the first time, grows by 5% every time completed)
(Effect: Once completed it will produce a chosen Invoked Law and Ingot per turn in amounts of 1d100+20)

Super Heavy Tanks (Resources: 50. Upkeep: 25 Military Services. DC: 25)
Heavy Tanks (Resources: 25. Upkeep: 15 Military Services. DC: 25)
Light Tanks (Resources: 10. Upkeep: 5 Military Services. DC: 25)

Armored Vehicles (Resources: 10. Upkeep: 10 Military Services. DC: 25)
Light Vehicles (Resources: 5. Upkeep: 5 Military Services. DC: 25)
Vehicles (Resources: 5. Upkeep: 1 Military Services. DC: 25)

Super Heavy Power Armor (Resources: 500. Upkeep: 250 Military Services. DC: 250)
Powered Armor (Resources: 250. Upkeep: 150 Military Services. DC: 200)
Heavy Armor (Resources: 100. Upkeep: 50 Military Services. DC: 50)
Light Armor (Resources: 25. Upkeep: 10 Military Services. DC: 25)

Knights (Resources: 5k. Upkeep: 1k Military Services. DC: 1000)
Titans (Resources: 50k. Upkeep: 25k Military Services. DC: 2500)

Aerospace Fighters (Resources: 50. Upkeep: 25 Military Services. DC: 25)
Spacecraft (Resources: 75. Upkeep: 50 Military Services. DC: 200)
Spaceships (Resources: 1000. Upkeep: 200 Military Services. DC: 300)
Orbital Insertion Pods (Resources: 10. Upkeep: 50 Military Services. DC: 25)

Bolters (Resources: 25. Upkeep: 25 Military Services. DC: 25)
Plasma (Resources: 10. Upkeep: 10 Military Services. DC: 25)
Grav (Resources: 30. Upkeep: 10 Military Services. DC: 25)
Rad (Resources: 50. Upkeep: 25/50 Military Services/Life Support. DC: 100)
Melta (Resources: 100. Upkeep: 30 Military Services. DC: 25)
Power (Resources: 150. Upkeep: 25 Military Services. DC: 25)
Force (Resources: 200. Upkeep: 50 Military Services. DC: 25)

Expansion (Resources: 100. Upkeep: 20 Military Services. DC: 1000) (will increase number of soldiers by 2,000 once completed with no loss of skill)

Assault - with your private army it is possible to assault various foes outside of simply providing forces to the Imperium, as such it would be possible to gather valuable data on how imperial technology fares in warfare in controlled situations and also to potentially discover valuable items in the assaulted factions.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Determined via combat rolls)
(Result: Your private army will assault a chosen target in the sector. This action does not require an advisor or Atraxas and can be done by the private army)

Improve the PDF - The PDF of any fortress world is impressive by the standards of the Imperium, but it can always be improved. Increasing the training regimens, upgrading their weapons and vehicles allowed, improving interdepartmental relations. All can be smoothed over and result in a better defense for the world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Military Services): 25) (DC: 250)
(Result: The PDF upgraded to Average Imperial Guard level in equipment. More actions unlocked)

Improve the SDF (Minor) - The planetary fleet is in a sad situation, gutted through several decades of lack of maintenance and being sold off to fund more critical planetary situations, now only a shadow remains. But that shadow could be improved with relative ease for little cost.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 250) (Upkeep (Military Services): 25) (DC: 200)
(Result: The fleet improved to Average Imperial Guard Quality from Pitiful Imperial Quality)

Improve the SDF (Major) - There is a saying among the competent command staff of the Imperial armed forces: "Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics." Anyone who spares more than a second to think about warfare will realize quickly that it is the void of space that allows for the flow of logistics across the Imperium of Man, and as such control over it and by extension control over the orbitals is key to emerging victorious against all manner of threats. Currently a small sized fleet is garrisoned in your system and a moderate patrol fleet monitors the rest of the region. It would be possible to renovate the planetary fleet to be worth the title of Fleet in the greater Imperial Navy.
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 4000) (Upkeep (Military Services): 400) (DC: 500)
(Result: The fleet improved to Low Solar Aux quality, more actions unlocked. Will not include battleships, will provide 5 subdivisions to the Fleet)

System Orbital Alignment: Normally an impossible task due to the orbital movement of the star and the planets, but it is within the reach of the gravity technology that I possess. With a large number of gravity projectors and anchors I will first stabilize and then redesign the orbits of the system to be as I desire and then to accept the new planets into the system. The greatest work is to be the alteration of the stellar orbit that will be made stable enough to enable the creation of the angular planes that the grand design requires.
(Suspicion: ???) (Resources: 10k and 1000 Exatari Alloys) (Upkeep: 1000 Stellar Mechanics) (DC: 2000) (Planets: 12/832)
(Effect: Stabilizes the orbits of the system and the stellar rotation, increases system Extraction and Production by 25 per outpost and mining outpost. Every 64 planets in the system the upkeep reduces by 77 and the cost of the megaproject by 5%)

Manticore Knights (Resources: 60, DC: 140)
Crow Guard (Resources: 100, DC: 200)
Silent Spears (Resources: 80, DC: 160)
Azure Guardians (Resources: 50, DC: 90)
Sons of Aspiration (Resources: 60, DC: 100)
Thunder Walkers (Resources: 80, DC: 130)
Heralds of Conquest (Resources: 120, DC: 180)
Iron Watchers (Resources: 80, DC: 120)
Dread Hammers (Resources: 60, DC: 140)
Storm Scythes (Resources: 60, DC: 100)

Improve Relations with Rogue Traders - In this region of space there are almost certainly a handful of rogue traders that would be amiable to opening lines of communications with Shogi for more permanent employment and contracts.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: gain contacts among the Rogue Traders and can offer missions for them to complete for various resource bounties)

Contact House Norastye - With connections to the House secured it is possible to reach out to write new contracts and update previous standing ones with new information
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC:10)
(Result: Opens a sub vote for new Norastye contracts for them to undertake)

Contact the Planetary Guilds - It was in a way relaxing to learn that other races had the same divisions of labor among their worlds as occurred upon the Homeworld. People aligned to their interests and mastered their jobs, perhaps not to the level you would find acceptable back home, but here it is passable.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 20)
(Result: Ensure that native production is at maximum, No need to do this action again until at least 1/4 of production is used or Economic Activity reaches 25%)

Improve Relations with Agri-Worlds - As a Fortress World, Shogi is designed to stand up to years of grueling siege and confound any invasion from the enemies of man before they can reach other parts of the God-Emperor's dominion. However, all things run out eventually, including food, and Shogi despite its large stocks of emergency rations is by no means self-sufficient. With such a clear vulnerability, ensuring a smooth connection with the planet's suppliers of sustenance seems to be worth the effort
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Agri Worlds)

Improve Relations with Forge Worlds - It was by the will of the Cult Mechanicus that you became Planetary Governor in the first place, and it is by the might of this cult's vast industrial base that the armies of the Imperium remain in fighting shape. For both personal and administrative reasons, it would be wise to befriend them
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 5)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Forge Worlds, enables Adeptus Missions to reduce their anger)

Open Trade Talks with Mining Worlds - Even with emissaries of the worlds having met, it is always prudent to refactor trade deals when the time comes and to ensure that the trade never falters once more. Call upon the worlds to meet once more and to reset the contracts between them and Shogi.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 25)
(Results: Open trade talks with Mining Worlds once more)

Improve Relations with Moriya - the seat of power of the Golden Spirit and a powerful world in the culture of the Sector, it would serve me well to have connections to it in time to come.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 10)
(Results: Open lines of communication with the Golden Spirit)

Improve Relations with Fortress Worlds - Fortress worlds are inherently solitary and yet linked, a strange mixture in your mind. If they are to serve as a mighty bulwark they should be closer together, but the Imperium spreads them far apart leaving gaps for one determined enough to exploit. It would be prudent to close those gaps as soon as possible, before a foe exploits them.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Fortress Worlds, and to maintain the trade lanes)

Contact Cadia directly - lines of communication have been opened with Cadia even if currently they are tense. It would be possible to seek a task from them in return for future favor or a betterment of the current relationship between Shogi and Cadia.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 10)
(Result: Gain 1d4 missions from Cadia for the next turn that will reward Cadia Favor)

Improve Public Perception - the perception of humans is a fickle thing to say the least, you have been considered a monster, a friend and even a prospective lover all by the same human within a singular month long period. Managing such fickle opinions is difficult, but necessary if one would desire to live when one is a xeno in the midsts of their natural foe.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 20) (DC: 50)
(Result: Gain a measure of the culture of Shogi, unlocks more actions related to propaganda and culture shaping. This action can only be used once per century (10 turns))

Improve Relations with Agri-Worlds - As a Fortress World, Shogi is designed to stand up to years of grueling siege and confound any invasion from the enemies of man before they can reach other parts of the God-Emperor's dominion. However, all things run out eventually, including food, and Shogi despite its large stocks of emergency rations is by no means self-sufficient. With such a clear vulnerability, ensuring a smooth connection with the planet's suppliers of sustenance seems to be worth the effort
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Agri Worlds)

Improve Relations with Forge Worlds - It was by the will of the Cult Mechanicus that you became Planetary Governor in the first place, and it is by the might of this cult's vast industrial base that the armies of the Imperium remain in fighting shape. For both personal and administrative reasons, it would be wise to befriend them
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 150)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Forge Worlds, enables Adeptus Missions to reduce their anger)

Improve Relations with Mining Worlds - Shogi has the mineral wealth to be fully self sufficient in production in time, but at the same time there is currently no need to exploit its reserves when the Imperium has countless worlds that are settled solely for the purpose of such exploitation and harvesting of their bounty. An inelegant manner to be sure, but the best that you can currently manage and even more critical now that revelations of the truth of the matter have occurred.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50 per Mining World) (DC: 30 rolled individually for each world)
(Results: Appease Mining Worlds)

Improve Relations with Hive Worlds - monumental worlds to the Imperium's manifold failures as a government, yet impressive for their resilience in the face of such troubles. Their population soars into the high billions, nearing the trillions on some of their number, even a mere fraction would fill all the homes of Shogi many times over. With careful parleying and entreaties, it might be possible to bring valuable skills and even mutations over.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 200) (DC: 50)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Hive Worlds)

Improve Relations with Shrine Worlds - worlds dedicated entirely to the worship of the nebulous God-Emperor, a strange practice and one that perhaps makes sense only to the minds of humans. The worlds lack conventional forces of note, but seem to have a high likelihood of possessing orders of the strange all female warriors you had heard of in passing and Kara once was.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Shrine Worlds)

Improve Relations with Fortress Worlds - Fortress worlds are inherently solitary and yet linked, a strange mixture in your mind. If they are to serve as a mighty bulwark they should be closer together, but the Imperium spreads them far apart leaving gaps for one determined enough to exploit. It would be prudent to close those gaps as soon as possible, before a foe exploits them.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Fortress Worlds, and to maintain the trade lanes)

Reformation of the shadows: The Matryoshka System requires a radically different structure for the local counter intelligence forces. It would be a boon to have a Scholar of Shadows, but one must do what they can with what they have. The final scale of the project will require hundreds of thousands if not millions of cells to ensure the security of the system in the later stages. As such, it is best to ensure that the foundation can be expanded with the project itself, instead of having to spend priceless years rescaling the department for its job every time the Project moves forward.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 500) (Upkeep (Counter Intelligence): 500) (DC: 2000)
(Effect: Internal Spynet created at Stage 5, every stage of the Matryoshka System completed will increase stage of the Internal Spynet by 2, Internal Spies gain a specialization for large scale duties and counterintelligence increasing DCs based on the scale of the systems they are protecting. Corruption both mundane and heretical no longer requires direction actions to uncover, provided the Spies are of sufficient Stage to detect said corruption.)

Acquire blackmail on someone - Leverage is required to get what you want at this time, and you have ways of getting it. Pick an individual that is proving troublesome and try to either find or forge evidence of their terrible wrongdoing
(Suspicion: Depends on Target) (Resource Cost: Depends on Target) (DC: Depends on Target)
(Result: gain a stack of Blackmail on the chosen target, unlocks blackmail specific actions where you can spend blackmail to force the target to act.

Economic Studies: The model of human economic interactions is byzantine compared to the simplistic method employed on the Homeworld. The value of a given coin never remains constant, which has been brought to my attention to be the root cause of the relative approval I have seen from the general populace of Shogi so far. However, I can not remain ignorant of this aspect of humanity and must learn how humanity handles economic matters.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 50)
(Effect: more fine control over the economy/production of Shogi, slightly reduced upkeep in several actions, Atraxas understands what currency is.)

Economic Stimulus - With a surplus of resources, it is possible to begin increasing the output of the economic engine of the world, by increasing the amount of resources to be used. Of course it is noted that the more resources supplied the lower the quality will become as more people work and reduce the value of any given item.
(Suspicion: 0), (Resource Cost: write in), (DC: 0)
(Result: will increase economic activity, reducing ratio of resources to wealth but producing more wealth in total, result varies but can never go below 0.01%)

Improve the Arbites - Due to Shogi's strategic importance, it receives a far larger allotment of the Adeptus Arbites to enforce the Lex Imperialis than on most worlds, to the point that a typical security service would be redundant. As such, the Adeptus Arbites of Shogi include local law into their work and have the strength to keep up with the demands of their station. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't benefit from better investigative equipment and better designed facilities though.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep (Social Services): 25) (DC: 50)
(Result: Upgrades the Arbites to Imperial Guard levels, more actions unlocked)

System Overhaul: The foundations of the Matryoshka System require more than what is currently in place. Shogi is woefully unprepared for the strain of the workload that the project will demand. Nor is the system's ship yard capable of producing the naval parts so required, yet both of these issues can be corrected, if not easily. In addition, more social aspects can be interlaced into the renovations to ensure that the demographic collapse that nearly crippled the system will never happen again.
(Suspicion: 30) (Resource Cost: 15225) (Upkeep Cost (Infrastructure): 1350) (DC: 14000)
(Effect: Each world provides 5% improvement to extraction and production totals to the system (20), all major worlds have a major shipyard built over them, all infrastructure and Megaproject actions have their resource costs reduced by 10%, Health and Education affecting actions provide an additional +1)

Improve legal procedure - The Imperial legal system is a labyrinthine conglomerate that even scholars dedicated to the field often cannot fully navigate. Months, years, and even decades can pass from the time an offense is supposedly committed to the time that a conclusion is reached, assuming of course that all parties involved remain alive and do not withdraw their cases in that time. It would be for the best if you did what you could to make this monstrosity somewhat more manageable, if for no other reason than it ties up fewer resources than the status quo
(Suspicion: 75) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 1000)
(Result: all extraction sources provide 10% more income, all upkeep is reduced by 5%, trade deals are easier)

Streamline the code of law - The number of laws currently in place is literally uncountable, for the Imperium's highest lawmaking authorities seem to have an aversion to stopping and as such the the moment you recite the number it has already become out of date. Admittedly, most of them do not affect daily operations for the vast majority of the populace, but by sheer volume some inevitably make an impact and are often indecipherable even if one has access to them. For the sake of making it possible to not violate the law, you will be attempting to reduce the number of contradicting and redundant laws as well as providing restatements that can actually be understood
(Suspicion: 150) (Resource Cost: 150) (DC: 2000)
(Result: All actions are cheaper and max suspicion is increased by 50, gain an extra action to all departments)

Reform the tax code - At this point, more money is spent on those who collect and tally up the money than is reasonable, and then you have to deal with untold exemptions, penalties, and the following legal battles and bribery bidding wars. For the sake of putting these taxes to actual use, attempt the monumental feat of making the tax code discernible, reasonable, and effective.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 250)
(Result: trade deals biased in your favor, economic events biased towards neutral. more actions)

Begin extraplanetary resource exploitation (6) - Shogi is not the only planet within its system, and where matter condenses you will be sure to find something of some value. Place a bounty for survey data on the planets and moons of the system's other bodies and provide financial incentives to set up extraction infrastructure and colonies upon those which hold worthwhile materials for the Imperium
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Life Support): 10) (DC: 75)
(Result: Gives +25 to system extraction, can be taken a maximum of 33 times, can be improved with future actions)

Mine 3
Mine 5
Mine 7
Mine 11
Mine 16
Mine 17
Mine 21
Mine 24
Mine 26
Mine 30
Mine 32
Mine 32

Planetary Harvesting: The Matryoshka System will require immense amounts of resources that Shogi currently is ill suited to provide, however, in the boring and installation of the fortifications it was revealed that the 5th world from the star is exceptionally rich in exotic and mundane resources. It would not be beyond the abilities of the Imperium to exploit it to the fullest.
(Suspicion: 30) (Resource Cost: 600) (Upkeep (Life Support): 300) (DC: 2250)
(Effect: +3750 extraction to the system, provides 6 Mines worth of Diamantine, Ceramite, Infinitite, Psycurrium, Auramite, Lorelei that will only start being depleted in centuries)

Increase native extraction (3rd) - The Imperium ever hungers for more. More bodies, more food, more construction, and especially more weapons. Where you can, have more manufactorums built so as to make the planet more self-reliant and less in danger of catastrophe if access to the wider network of trade and logistics were restricted
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: Increase Shogi native extraction by 10, this action can be taken a maximum of 15 times, will unlock more actions to improve extraction rates)

Foundational Medical Care: The biology of humans is woefully lesser than that of the Exatari. This is only compounded by the apperant lack of understanding of basic medical procedures and means to manage child birth. It is a strange method of reproduction, but it appears to work to their advantage, however, due to an unknown cause in recent decades the birth rate of Shogi has fallen below the sustainable level. As such with the advent of the new plans for The Matryoshka System it is needed to correct this problem before it can bring failure to the grand design.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 1600) (Upkeep (Social Services): 625 ) (DC: 2100)
(Effect: genetic profiling begins and expands with every stage of the Matryoshka System completed, Health gains +2 per stage completed, Health gains baseline of +3 from this action, Average Child Births increased by 4, mutation risk and life quality of Iron Wombs negated)

Sangia Mutations - One peculiar Archmagos Biologis has shown an interest in changing the human form to gain various benefits. With her assistance you may be able to apply targeted mutations to Shogi's female population to increase their fertility and ease of pregnancy, though her work is considered concerning by some
(Suspicion: 30) (Resource Cost: varies) (Upkeep: varies Social Services) (DC: N/A)
(Result: start talks with Archmagos Sangia regarding the desired future of the people, this will lock the conversation towards the birth/reproduction of the people of Shogi.)

Tarakan Doctors - Despite not being visible on any sector map, Taraka, homeworld of the Manticore Knights, is known for having a superb corps of physicians. You could potentially pay for them to travel to Shogi for both direct practice and to train local medical staff
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep: 20 Social Services) (DC: 100)
(Result: Will have a notable impact to the medical skill of Shogi, will see at least one birth per turn until 8, will prioritize the mission over quality of life, brutally honest doctors.)

Logistic Optimization - it might be a while before proper standardization can be brought to Shogi, but it is more than possible to expedite the arrival of materials and workers throughout the world. Carefully adjusting various systems that interplay upon each other will ensure that everyone reaches their destination on time and with the minimum of wasted effort. It might be difficult, for a human, but for one of the Exatari it should be more than doable.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 10) (DC: 200)
(Effect: all building/production related actions roll a free 1d5 for DC progress when being undertaken, this rolls per turn and is affected by double down effect, unlocks more actions)

Factory Investigation - The manufactorums that dot the surface of Shogi are monuments of inscrutable technology, that few understand these days. In order to properly improve the productivity of the world it is only sensible to first understand these factories, of course the tech priests that watch over them could pose a challenge to the investigation.
(Suspicion: 20) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 250)
(Effect: gain a good understanding of Shogi production facilities and unlock actions to improve them directly.)

Construct Testing Facility - There are many aspects of mass production that we the Exatari do not truly understand nor grasp easily. Our minds do not work in the same ways as those of humanity and as such we need more than basic information to fill in those blanks. To pursue that understanding, which requires working with the Adeptus Mechancius it would be aided by the construction of a facility in which one could test the variables at play within mass production.
(Suspicion: 30) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 5) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 25) (DC: 100)
(Effect: builds a testing facility to test ideas for future usage, enhances all logistical/renovation actions post completion, more actions unlocked.)

Pacify Machines - Machine Spirits are unknown beings that live inside and between the lines of code, with primitive emotions and senses of self. But, that brings to light the fact that they are prone to mistakes and other issues that need not exist. They appear to have a positive view of me and as such it might be possible to work towards pacifying them as a whole.
(Suspicion: 50) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 50 will bypass the NULLED state) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 1000)
(Effect: all extraction will be increased by a base of 5 and production cap will be increased by a base of 100, Machine Spirits will cease to be aware/active.)

Unify Machines - Machine Spirits are interesting beings living between the lines of code, but they present a layer of inefficiency that is unacceptable. However, it is known that there are methods of controlling them, and as such it should be possible to eradicate the vast majority of such spirits from Shogi if one built a central core for all systems.
(Suspicion: 50) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 50 will bypass the NULLED state) (Resource Cost: 1000) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 100) (DC: 500)
(Effect: Creates a singular Machine Spirit that controls all machinery on Shogi, secondary effects are too unknown to be expected)

Stabilize Machines - Machine Spirits present an intriguing area of study, but they more of an annoyance to deal with than to tolerate. Their senses of self plague the machines they inhabit giving rise to tendencies that reduce the efficiency of the machine in question. However, it is known that when the spirits are pleased the machines work at an impossible level as such it stands to reason that if all machines were stabilized there would be a great boon of efficiency to Shogi.
(Suspicion: 50) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 50 will bypass the NULLED state) (Resource Cost: 250) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 200)
(Effect: Extraction sources increased by a base of 2, and production increases by a base of 25. Machine spirits biased towards the positive end of events on Shogi, but retain tempers.)

Study weapons technology (Can specify a given type) - the Imperium boasts many kinds of weapons, a large number of which have never been invented upon the Homeworld. The gravity weapons for one were theorized long ago, but never saw military usage, and the same applies to many other fields in the Imperial arsenal. If the worst comes to pass and the Imperium finds the Homeworld, they need to be prepared to combat the unknown.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Gain a measure of skill with the weapon type)

Study the Warp Drive: In theory, humanity travels between star systems in the same way as the Exatari do. One uses a device to penetrate or tear the Veil in order to access the Immaterium directly, after which its distorted relation to spacetime allows one to traverse hundreds or even thousands of light years in fractions of fractions of the time of a conventional craft flying through space. However, humanity seems to have a different means of creating the necessary break in the Veil than the Exatari do, as well as it being capable of making far larger ones relative to the device's size. Perhaps this is how they are able to provide a "direction" in which to go through the roiling tides of the Warp. The secrets of this technology would be of significant aid for any future Exatari infiltrators or naval endeavors
(Suspicion: 5) (Resources: 25) (DC: 500)
(Result: understand Imperial warp rift production methods and how the warp drives work, Exatari ships gain true Warp FTL)

Study the Void Shield Generator: The principles of Imperial Void Shields, as described by Enara Harkar, are surprisingly simple. A bubble of shimmering unreality, designed to absorb energy from a variety of sources, surrounds the vessel and, upon contact with weapons fire, displaces them into the Immaterium, protecting the ship from harm. This method of defense is highly exotic by the standards of the Homeworld, both for its sheer size and the means by which it functions, though it is not without drawbacks. Warp energy is very unreliable, often having unexpected reactions based merely upon how its current "flows" in the area, not to mention that the generators themselves are prone to overload from extensive use and are difficult to maintain. In addition, weapons already exist which are designed to bypass Void Shields, namely missiles and torpedoes. However, potential does indeed exist within these strange machines. With close study, it may be possible to not only replicate but even improve upon the technology to great effect.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 25) (DC: 500)
(Atraxas expects that Void Shields expect/require a higher tech base to work as intended.)
(Result: Atraxas learns Void Shield basics, unlikely to result in much advancement currently due to Void Shields being too alien to the Exatari/Atraxas and distrusted in general among them.)

Study Naval Armor Design: Imperial warships were not necessarily the most technologically sophisticated in the galaxy, but they were easily among the most enduring. Recent events have shown that much of the Exatari's efforts in void construction suffered from a lack of experience in engineering for the different physical properties of outer space, despite having materials that should be roughly on par with those that the Imperium of Man has access to at worst. By way of close examination of these vessels, it should be possible to learn the same lessons that the human race has, only without the need for centuries if not millennia of trial and error
(Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 0) (DC: 250)
(Result: Exatari ships gain better armor and wound totals/thresholds, Exatari vehicles are improved. Gives actions to improving Imperial armor designs)

Study Imperial Engine Design: While neither as critical as armor and hull nor as curious as Void Shields, the engines of a ship are just about the defining characteristic of one. Without the ability to guide motion, one cannot be a captain of a ship, merely a passenger on a floating hunk of metal. Imperial ships are both reasonably fast and acceptably maneuverable, another area wherein your own species' naval efforts have been lacking. As such, learning how to make ships that can truly fly through the void is a significant priority
(Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 20) (DC: 150)
(Result: Exatari ships gain better wound thresholds, speeds are increased. Gives future action for possible upgrades for Imperial designs)

Study Warp Navigation: Exatati interstellar travel can best be described as a random transportation from one star system to the next. No methods of directing oneself to a particular destination via the Immaterium exist as of now for the Homeworld, but that doesn't need to remain the case. The Imperium of Man has a surprisingly reliable and effective means of pinpointing a destination and reaching it via Warp Travel. It is so common in fact that it would not be difficult to acquire materials and knowledge of how this is accomplished and with luck develop something that the Exatari will be able to use
(Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: Exatari Infiltrators/Ships and other groups can transverse the warp on planned courses, improves Exatari warp communication systems, the basics of warp mathematics discovered, possible Library discovery chance. Unlocks future action to upgrade Imperial mechanical warp navigation systems)

Planetary Barge: It is not beyond the Imperium to move worlds, various forge worlds are mobile installations even in this age, but it is complex indeed and thus it can be made easier via a specialized ship. With carefully designed systems and a crew well trained in their usage it would be a great improvement to the harvesting of planets for the addition to Shogi. An onboard assembler for items such as gellar fields and plasma reactors will ensure that it can easily acquire the planets that are needed.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource: 5k, 500 Alloys) (Upkeep: 100 Military Services) (DC: 1000)
(Effect: Produces One Planetary Barge that will increase the amount of planets harvested per action by 1d5+5 and reduce the DC of the action by 5. This effect stacks with no direct cap, suspicion will no longer be gained after the 5th ship built, every one built reduces the DC by 100 to a min of 100)

Study the Particle Lance - The Adeptus Mechanicus discovered a particle lance under where I had lived for several centuries prior to becoming the ruler of Shogi. They claim it comes from the age of humanity's ascendancy, as such it would be interesting to see what the anceint humans would have done with particle technology for if there is anything that we can claim mastery in it is particle physics.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 1000)
(Result: Enable production of a DAoT Particle Lance that can be scaled up from tank to starship scale without issue at base level.)

Study the Alloys - There was a cache of alloys recovered with the other items by the Mechanicus and they are clearly superior to what the Imperium uses and yet it is unknown by what means they are improved. There are several theories that I have heard on the topic, but together they are unlikely in my opinion but I have the chance to work with the archmagi on the samples and I could possibly discover something new.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 1000)
(Must be completed before any Megaproject Stages can be started)
(Result: Enable production of Very Low Grade DAoT alloys in amounts useful on planetary scale. +1 VLG DAoT Alloys per turn)

Artificial Particle Theorems - The Homeworld provided a report from one of the other Infiltrators that found what is now known to be an STC related to the production of the Alloys of the Dark Age. The principles involved bear points of commonality with the principles of Meta Particles, but directed towards a differing goal. Regardless, this information is a chance to improve beyond what the samples of the alloys alone presents.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 750)
(Note: This research requires the Alloy Research to be completed prior to being able to produce any alloys)
(Result: Enables construction of Dark Age Alloy Foundries on Shogi that produce Very Low or Low tier Dark Age Alloys per turn in exchange for Resources. These Foundries require either Atraxas or an Archmagi to function.)

Study the Theorems - The Adeptus Mechanicus discovered a set of theorems on the principles of spacetime in the cache that contained the particle lance. We might not be the masters of space and time as we are of particles, but we are still knowledgeable regarding the principles at hand.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: Impossible not impossible just give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 5000)
(Result: Vastly improve all gravity technology in the Imperium and for the Exatari, allow mass production of gravity technology in humanity once more, make gravity technology commonplace for the Exatari)

Repair the Neural Trainer - The Adeptus Mechanicus discovered a device that would greatly increase the intellect of a sapient being that it was used upon, however it is sadly broken but they believe it can be repaired. I am unsure of what help I can provide for I am not well versed in the anatomy of human minds.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: ???)
(Result: Repair the Neural Trainer, allows for a one time +10 Learning to anyone that uses it. At first can only be used by Humans)

Grav Sphere - A strange device that is clearly intended to serve as the gravitational source of a custom starship, it would serve well but it is currently poorly programed and needs to be adjusted such that it can no longer seek to harm people. Along with that, the technology is intriguing with regards to what it can manage.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 600)
(Result: notable improvement to Atraxas understanding of gravity and how to manipulate it, notable improvement to all Exatari grav technologies, can unlock the Gravity Meta Library eventually)

Warp Sphere - A masterpiece of technology by any standard and I barely understand it, if there is one field in which the Imperium stands far above the Exatari it is in the field of the warp and this is the distillation of that mastery. Teleportation, Gellar Fields and more included in this single device even systems beyond warp systems for a space craft.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 600)
(Result: notable improvement option for all warp systems for ships built post completion, will increase costs but have bonuses for extra costs, Atraxas will learn the basics of warp science and how warp systems work, this system is able to produce Invoked Laws for Atraxas)

Grav Lance - a weapon using gravity shear as its means of damage. An intriguing method for a gravity weapon, but one that has been tested and found to be insufficient against heavy armor without fracture points. However, it is possible that this weapon presents a design that could correct those flaws.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: Slight improvement to gravity weapons across the board, notable improvement to Exatari grav shear designs and grav lift designs)

Nanoplague - Nanotechnology was supposed to be impossible without technology that would only be achieved after a billion years of work, yet it is clear that it is something currently possible provided a few minor hurdles are managed. Multi function computers have proven to be the secret that was missing, but now with an example below it is possible to do tests otherwise impossible.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 1000)
(Result: Unlocks Nanotechnology as a field for the Exatari to pursue in general, gives Atraxas a foundational understanding of the field, enables the Production of Nanoswarms that can undertake stewardship actions at a cheaper rate when assigned under an Advisor.) (Atraxas will Lock this action on turn 8 regardless of anything else unless he is in a Crisis event at the time)

Multi Energy Lance - a strange weapon that is clearly more of a research project than a working war item, regardless it presents an intriguing opportunity to learn more of how energy interachanges between various forms and gives rise to curious questions about how the creator managed to design such a device.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 250)
(Result: (Enables Atraxas to build Energy Matrixes that can translate energy between various forms with little loss, will improve most energetic weapons by a minor amount, can be produced for elite troops and scaled up for astartes with relative ease, very expensive weapons)

Strange Schematics - These schematics detail a device akin to a Meta Shield but of a different focus, I believe that they are of a fully mechanical Gellar Field from the distant past, but regardless investigating them would be a great boon for me and the homeworld.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 550)
(Result: Improves Meta Shields, improves Exatari sensors, enables production of DAoT Gellar Fields, which are super stable but cripple ship speed)

Invent new-... Combine existing technologies (specify intended creation): Invention is difficult at the best of times, but under the scrutiny of the Adeptus Mechanicus it is never harder, but that will not prevent the act of creation from being preformed.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Variable)

Invent Custom Defense Lasers for Shogi - the atmospheric composition of the world wreaks havoc upon imperial laser systems and the Adeptus Mechanicus has so far failed to find a solution for the challenge. You can do better, this is no where near as difficult of a challenge as the grand laser arrays on the Homeworld that can burn through the molten oceans to strike at spacefaring ships if needed. A strange atmosphere will pose no challenge for the ingenuity of the Exatari
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 100)
(Result: Creates Defensive Lasers with lower attenuation across the board, and higher immunity to beam dispersion from all sources. Unlocks future actions.)

The Calculation Heart: The Living Mausoleums provided the designs for a supercomputer without compare after the Homeworld completed the research on the secrets of the computers you had sent back. It was designed to such levels that even you could find no way to improve it from the designs provided. Yet, in another showcase of mastery it had been designed with the limitations of the materials available to you in mind.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 1000 or 100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 0) (3 currently built)
(Result: Gain a Exatari Supercomputer, multiple can be built)

Donate to the local Church - donations to the church could be seen as trying to bribe the church for leniency for crimes committed or being plotted, but at the same time to the common folk it would be an effective manipulation to show your piety to their God Emperor.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 20)
(Result: the appreciation of the Church.)

Donate to the Orphanages - If donating to the Church would be suspicious, then the orphanages would be extremely so, it is a sad fact that most humans see the funding of the service as a sign of buying political favor or virtue signaling on a grand scale. But, the hatchlings need support and you can provide it.
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: reduce the suspicion reduction by 10 per time this action has been taken within 3 turns, unlocks more options related to orphanages)

Learn about alien religions - Among the stars there are many races, most of whom appear to have religions of one form or another. Perhaps it would be worth it to dig into the lore of the lore of other empires past and present to learn of how they view the world. Of course such will be extremely dangerous considering the hatred the Imperium holds for all that are xeno.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 100)
(Result: Learn about the Aeldari Religion and the Necron religions as far as the Imperium knows, unlocks new actions)

Refine the Guidelines of Faith: With the advent of Divinity a basic guideline for how the Exatari can provide Faith to the Witness was created. However, it is bare and lacking at the moment, yet it can surely be improved with a great deal of effort.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 2000) (Divinity Action)
(Effect: Atraxas applies the full bonus of Faith to Learning/Martial and Legal actions, and the Exatari gain the ability to provide Faith to The Witness accelerating its Ascension.)

Train an Attribute (Martial, Diplomacy, Intrigue, ect) - While you are certainly no slouch in any field relevant to governorship, you could certainly still improve your skills in all of them. From your military cunning to your religious scholarship, you will dedicate time towards a given area and raise your abilities in it even higher.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50 per Tier) (DC: 100 per Tier+Attribute)
(Result: increase the chosen attribute by 1)

Heart Forge (Stewardship+Learning): With the amount of materials to be used and moved with the Matryoshka System even in this planning phase, it is far easier to hide the movement and direction of more personal endeavors. Instead of being forced to build a small underground house with no amenities it is now possible to move straight towards a more complex form. A Heat Forge is the name given to the personal Forge of one of the Scholars of the Forge, a near unique construction to each such Scholar and yet one that you had never sought before, but now the time had come. With such a forge even something as complex as a spaceship is but a trifle to forge provided it is small enough. Of course that is but one part of the greater whole of this, a warren of escape tunnels could be carved out under the crust where no human would ever find you in case of discovery, and during the work it would be easy enough to slip more concrete histories into the records.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 150) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 15) (DC: 145)
(Effect: Builds an Exatari Heart Forge on Shogi, reduces Atraxas Stress significantly, enables production of General Meta Alloys via a personal action, build escape tunnels through Shogi, and provide a higher level of background)

Library Actualization (Learning): I have discovered several new Libraries in the past decades, however, my personal gear and designs still solely rely upon Weight in the majority of cases. As such it would be prudent to expand my mastery to these new fields in truth and thereby gain the benefits held within each Library.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: Variable on Library)
(Effect: Viable depending on Library.
Ruin: Increases Inversion Array bonus vs daemons from 2x to 3x, enables controlled sacrifices for gain, provides a pathway for anti chaos/ruin designs/actions (DC: 700)
Life: When overspending actions lose a wound for every other action taken (1,3,5,7...), allows for much more effective healing devices and technology relating to mutant/abhumans (DC500)
Divinity: Gain Pseudo 1 to all baseline stats, reduce the DC of all Divinity based actions by a quarter, allow Shogi to produce Relics again, allow Atraxas to produce Relics, improve Megaproject effects, allow for the creation of Divine Relics at extremely high DC and Resource Costs (DC: 2500))

Discovering Information (Learning): Even though it has been provided to the Homeworld, it is not impossible or even unreasonable to discover and implement the benefits of the Information Library on my own accord. However, it would be more difficult than the other Libraries due to my lacking understanding of this Library compared to the others.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 500)
(Effect: unlock Information Library for Atraxas, unlocking an action to double all his personal skills. Improve the effects of Education on planetary populace and technology related to information. (The actualization Action has a DC of 500, it is possible to roll over into the actualization action))

Designs Of A Time Yet To Be (Learning): Recovered in the eddies of the Eye, formed from meta particles to convey information. A part of a schematic that detailed a set of wargear never before seen in power by even the Witness. Clearly designed by my own hand, yet with skill that dwarfs my own, much remains unknown within its design, and much can be discovered from its secrets. However, it will not be easy, for even I am limited in what can be done and learned.
Stage: 1/10
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource: 0) (DC: 1000)
(Result: Increase Learning by 10. Can Phase Forge Abyssal Ingots and Invoked Laws together, can Phase Forge up to 10 Laws and/or Ingots into singular items)
Understand Unknown Invoked Laws (Learning): Invoked Laws are one of the major parts of our technology it is through the usage of phase forging that the alloys are given impossible aspects. The Forge Nexi that stretch time and space within their boundaries, the barracks that improve the bodies of all that rest within, all would not be possible without the use of Invoked Laws in the forging of alloys. With an infinity of such aspects from the Immaterium, no singular Forge Scholar can know all of them and I am no different. Yet, it is a simple enough to understand them if given a sample.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 1 Invoked Law of the type being researched) (DC: 100)
(Effect: Learn the name of the Law and its general effects. Invoked Laws can be used to produce Attuned Exatari Alloys at a cost of 50 Resources and 1 Law for 10 Alloys, this requires an Exatari workshop. Attuned Alloys provide large advantages both narrative and mechanical to being used in proper cases)

Interact with a Notable (list which one) (Diplomacy) - No man is an island entire of itself. While you are not a man, you do understand the meaning of the parable: humans are social creatures. As such it would behoove you to spend time with the people you will likely depend upon most for your tenure as Planetary Governor, at least if you don't intend to replace them. The question is, who will you get to know?
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 40)
(Result: learn more about the chosen Advisor and their personality. This will reveal traits and other stats)

Meet the Titan Legion (Diplomacy, conditional trigger)- The Legio Orus is one of the most ancient known to the Imperium. Founded back the God-Emperor of Mankind had still walked the galaxy, they are known to be some of the most stubborn and proud engines that the Adeptus Mechanicus has provided. Their lead engine, an Imperator-Class Titan known as Unyielding Oracle, in fact fought alongside the Emperor during the Great Crusade, in the founding years of the Imperium of Man. The knowledge held within their venerable chassis is beyond priceless, and anything you can learn about them in particular will surely be treasured information back home. But first, you should try to make a good impression on these massive war machines.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 40/80/120)
(Result: meet the Titan legion and its princepts, opening official lines of communication with the Legion. On second level success gain data on the Legion, on third level speak with the Machine Spirit of the Unyielding Oracle.)

Look for trustworthy assistants (Intrigue) - Surely there must be someone on this planet that you can depend upon to be your agent and ally. If you are lucky, you might even stumble upon a rare human that would keep the secret of your inhuman status. Of course, you will not be so gullible as to kidnap a random urchin and reveal your most critical secret. If worse comes to worst, of course, you will still have someone who is unshakably loyal to their human Planetary Governor, and that has value in and of itself
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep (Support): 5) (DC: 40)
(Result: Gain an extra action in one category (this action can be repeated for each), this action is done with no bonus, but does not incur suspicion)

Sincratus' Treatise On Warp Biology (Learning) - After providing Sincratus with an alien for his own uses, he had provided a dataslate of various information relating to the alien and more esoteric forms of biology in return. Of course the bulk of the information was simple enough to be learned over the course of time without dedicated effort, leaving only the esoteric aspects to be learned.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 0) (DC: 100)
(Result: Atraxas gains basic warp biology understanding, magos level alien biology understanding, Scholar level understanding of human biology, gains basic understanding of Astartes biology and nature.)

Create trustworthy assistants (Learning) - Why should you try to find a human to aid you when you could simply make one from scratch? The technology to do so is forbidden by Imperial law as you understand it, but if kept secret, you would not have to fear betrayal and exposure by them.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 40) (DC: 60)
(Result: Gain an extra action in each category barring Personal, these actions are done with 1/5 of your Learning and increase suspicion on actions by 10)

Hybridization Project (Learning) - Humans are so... fascinating. Their spiritual composition is both bendable and firm at once, and their biology can be shifted to a remarkable degree. This... gives you an idea. You will attempt to create a fusion between Exatari and humanity, using the Imperial "Vitae-Womb" technology as a means of achieving this. If you succeed, you will not only have dependable friends with whom you can be completely open, you may also have created a whole new field of study. Perhaps... this may even allow you to join with the Witness should you return home alive.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: gain a mastery of imperial vitae womb technology and human genetics, unlocks second phase of the project)

Create emergency evacuation measures (Intrigue) - Should your alien status be revealed, you obviously would not be able to remain where you are anymore. Just in case, you should have every conceivable method of escape prepared, both to leave the immediate area and to make your way off the planet and out of the system
(Suspicion: 40) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: have secret tunnels to escape to prepared locations in case of a catastrophic Break)

Design something (Learning) - You wish to put your brain and to work on something interesting. What exactly it is however will have to be decided once you get to your laboratory
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: variable) (DC: variable)
(Result: gain an action to build the item or building in the respective category.)

Build an Awakening Core (Learning) - Among those of us that leave the Homeworld, we are told in no uncertain terms to do nothing that would bring the eyes of the Imperium down upon us. However, within this situation bizarre as it is, opens doors that had remained sealed in the recent past. Back on the Homeworld, it would be possible to achieve this project with but a few orders, but the Imperium lacks the alloys that are needed and so substitutions will be need which unfortunately will vastly increase the cost.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 1000 or 10 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 100 or 0 if using Exatari Alloys)
(Result: Gain an Awakening Core, unlocks phase two: Build an Awakening Chamber. The Core can be used to produce small amounts of resources per turn if connected to a potent soul, resource production scales with soul intensity)

Singularity Chamber (Learning): The core placed in the heart of the void forest near the black hole which has been confirmed to be a natural wellspring of meta flux has proven its worth by producing alloys directly. This would be an impossibility in normal cases, but it is a welcome event in this moment, regardless with Divinity now understood the reason is clear. The Forest is partly divine and that is super charging the meta flux to enable the creation of anomalies that become alloys by happenstance. Regardless, it is well within reach to enhance the core into a working chamber.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resources: 100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 50)
(Effect: increases production to 1000 Resources and 400 Alloys, in the future can be upgraded to a variant Wellspring or Phase Forge. Atraxas will not dare to use this to shift his metaphysical nature due to unknown interference from the Forest and Black Hole. Will produce Unknown Laws 10, and 7 and Invoked Law Evolution at 1 per turn)

Design augments of Advisors (Learning) - You find that one of your aides would be of greater use to you if they were given the right... touch-ups. Your talents with cybernetics would be easily a match for the Cult Mechanicus' finest Tech Priests after all, and they would likely appreciate the boost in their... well, everything.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 20-100) (DC: 20-80)
(Result: Advisor gains personal trait: Exatari Cybernetics: Increases lifespan by 200 years, increases bonus by 10, high results can have secondary bonuses)

Hide resources (Intrigue) - In a worst case scenario, you may need access to a variety of things. Funds, pieces of technology, even the food which is so disappointingly rare in the wider galaxy. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it after all. (Suspicion: 25 if fails, 5 if passes) (Resource Cost: Write In Amount) (DC per 10 resources: 10) (Result: Hidden Wealth economic status is added to economic system, Hidden Wealth reduces Overall Income by 1/10th per turn. Actions that are funded by Hidden Wealth do not incur suspicion. Maximum storage of Hidden Wealth is 50 at start, more actions will be available)

Contact the Homeworld (Flat dice) - With favor acquired it would be possible to have the Homeworld construct me items and to have the Norastye bring them to me. It would be expensive, but a possible means of acquiring various items that will be difficult to produce natively for a time.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 5)
(Result: Open up trade for Exatari Favor)

Study the Invoked Law (Learning) - Invoked Laws serve as the base of all high end alloys and this one although potent is unknown, it would be prudent to research it before using it for anything even something normally innocuous.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 100)
(Result: Learn what the Unknown Invoked Law is)
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Rebuilding the Schools (Stewardship): My predecessor has torn down the educational system of Shogi to less than nothing and that will not stand. I will build a new system from the ashes he left behind, better than it has ever been before. I do not care about the Imperium in this matter, education is the right of all thinking beings and I will not stifle it. From the youngest to the oldest, I will build a new system modeled on that which I took from the Ultramarines to ensure the infrastructure is in place for the system and to ensure that it will stand the test of time.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource: 1000) (Upkeep: 100 Social Services) (DC: 500)
(Effect: Restores the education system of Shogi and improves upon it. No downgrade when Megaproject stages are complete, and will automatically expand with new stages and planets. Brings the Education of the system to 0)

Specialist Expertise - Humans in general do not have the innate ability to become masters in a variety of different fields, and often broader knowledge is not of use to the common man and woman. To make the most use out of a human's potential, one must find their aptitudes from an early age and focus their efforts in that direction continually like a blade that is sharpened more and more. After all, a massive amount of specialists will surpass an equally massive amount of generalists when working together
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 300) (Upkeep: 50 Social Services) (DC: 250) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Low) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Low) (Harkar has stated that this is something she would like)
(Will provide minor upkeep mitigation and slight production bonuses)

Planetary Acquisition: In order to support my designs for the grand project, the system will require far more planetary bodies than it currently possess. Ideally before the fifth stage of the grand project, I desire to have a total of 832 planets in orbit of the local primary. An orbit angled at fifteen degrees above and below the current orbital plane, with an orbit at every planetary orbital distance which holds four planets within the orbit itself. This would ensure the proper coverage of any space born infrastructure and also the population and scale needed to bring the grand design to fruition sooner than otherwise possible. Of course it is true that the current system only contains 12 planets, which will be corrected in the first round of orbital adjustment. Even without ships designed for planetary acquisition it is possible with imperial designs to begin the work, if one is willing to accept the cost in time and efficiency. As such it is needed to strip other stellar systems of their planets to be brought to Shogi in order to fill the quota that I have outlined.
(Suspicion: 0?) (Resource: 50) (Upkeep: 0) (DC: 500) (Planets: 12/832)
(Effect: Add 1d5 planets to Shogi system, each planet provides 40/40/100 for extraction/production/storage, with an upkeep of 10. Every 64 planets provides notable bonuses to the entire system and reduces the cost of megaproject stages post stage 4 by 10%, reduce the upkeep for space infrastructure by 10%)

Planetary Terraforming: In order to truly enable the future of the grand project all worlds must be terraformed to be inhabitable. This of course will be a costly task with little upfront returns on investment, but the long term value can not be understated.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource: 10k) (Upkeep: 0) (DC: 100) (Planets: 1/12)
(Effect: Will start the terraforming of one planet per completion of this project, every 4 completions doubles the planets affected. It will take 2 turns to Terraform a planet from the completion of this action, a Terraformed planet can be Colonized providing vastly more options for the future of the planets)

The Living Ecumenopolis (Stewardship)
With the limits broken asunder, designs that would never have been allowed before are now possible. I have seen the reports of the Hive and Forge worlds of the Imperium, I have seen the damage that is done to the life of the worlds. The biosphere of Shogi is intact to a greater degree than normal worlds of the Imperium and even though I do not have a mandate to care for the non sentient flora and fauna of the world, I do care. To that end I will interweave the living world with that of the human civilization to the betterment of all upon this world that is mine.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource: 10,000) (Upkeep: 1000) (DC: 2000)
(Effect: All mining actions for Shogi are completed and produce 100 per mine instead of nominal amount, the cost of foundries and complex machinery is reduced, efficiency is increased, health effects of pollution negated, environmental maluses only apply to non native forces, world defenses increased to Solar Aux level, invaders suffer stacking attrition maluses due to design of the world, population grows faster.)

Improve the SDF (Major) - There is a saying among the competent command staff of the Imperial armed forces: "Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics." Anyone who spares more than a second to think about warfare will realize quickly that it is the void of space that allows for the flow of logistics across the Imperium of Man, and as such control over it and by extension control over the orbitals is key to emerging victorious against all manner of threats. Currently a small sized fleet is garrisoned in your system and a moderate patrol fleet monitors the rest of the region. It would be possible to renovate the planetary fleet to be worth the title of Fleet in the greater Imperial Navy.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 2000) (Upkeep (Military Services): 200) (DC: 1000)
(Result: The fleet improved to Average Solar Aux quality, more actions unlocked. Will not include battleships)

Improve Relations with Moriya - the seat of power of the Golden Spirit and a powerful world in the culture of the Sector, it would serve me well to have connections to it in time to come.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 10)
(Results: Open lines of communication with the Golden Spirit)

Contact Cadia directly - lines of communication have been opened with Cadia even if currently they are tense. It would be possible to seek a task from them in return for future favor or a betterment of the current relationship between Shogi and Cadia.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 10)
(Result: Gain 1d4 missions from Cadia for the next turn that will reward Cadia Favor)

Improve Public Perception - the perception of humans is a fickle thing to say the least, you have been considered a monster, a friend and even a prospective lover all by the same human within a singular month long period. Managing such fickle opinions is difficult, but necessary if one would desire to live when one is a xeno in the midsts of their natural foe.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 20) (DC: 50)
(Result: Gain a measure of the culture of Shogi, unlocks more actions related to propaganda and culture shaping. This action can only be used once per century (10 turns))

Planetary Harvesting: The Matryoshka System will require immense amounts of resources that Shogi currently is ill suited to provide, however, in the boring and installation of the fortifications it was revealed that the 5th world from the star is exceptionally rich in exotic and mundane resources. It would not be beyond the abilities of the Imperium to exploit it to the fullest.
(Suspicion: 30) (Resource Cost: 600) (Upkeep (Life Support): 300) (DC: 2250)
(Effect: +3750 extraction to the system, provides 6 Mines worth of Diamantine, Ceramite, Infinitite, Psycurrium, Auramite, Lorelei that will only start being depleted in centuries)

Foundational Medical Care: The biology of humans is woefully lesser than that of the Exatari. This is only compounded by the apperant lack of understanding of basic medical procedures and means to manage child birth. It is a strange method of reproduction, but it appears to work to their advantage, however, due to an unknown cause in recent decades the birth rate of Shogi has fallen below the sustainable level. As such with the advent of the new plans for The Matryoshka System it is needed to correct this problem before it can bring failure to the grand design.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 1600) (Upkeep (Social Services): 625 ) (DC: 2100)
(Effect: genetic profiling begins and expands with every stage of the Matryoshka System completed, Health gains +2 per stage completed, Health gains baseline of +3 from this action, Average Child Births increased by 4, mutation risk and life quality of Iron Wombs negated)

Tarakan Doctors - Despite not being visible on any sector map, Taraka, homeworld of the Manticore Knights, is known for having a superb corps of physicians. You could potentially pay for them to travel to Shogi for both direct practice and to train local medical staff
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep: 20 Social Services) (DC: 100)
(Result: Will have a notable impact to the medical skill of Shogi, will see at least one birth per turn until 8, will prioritize the mission over quality of life, brutally honest doctors.)

Factory Investigation - The manufactorums that dot the surface of Shogi are monuments of inscrutable technology, that few understand these days. In order to properly improve the productivity of the world it is only sensible to first understand these factories, of course the tech priests that watch over them could pose a challenge to the investigation.
(Suspicion: 20) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 250)
(Effect: gain a good understanding of Shogi production facilities and unlock actions to improve them directly.)

Study Warp Navigation: Exatati interstellar travel can best be described as a random transportation from one star system to the next. No methods of directing oneself to a particular destination via the Immaterium exist as of now for the Homeworld, but that doesn't need to remain the case. The Imperium of Man has a surprisingly reliable and effective means of pinpointing a destination and reaching it via Warp Travel. It is so common in fact that it would not be difficult to acquire materials and knowledge of how this is accomplished and with luck develop something that the Exatari will be able to use
(Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: Exatari Infiltrators/Ships and other groups can transverse the warp on planned courses, improves Exatari warp communication systems, the basics of warp mathematics discovered, possible Library discovery chance. Unlocks future action to upgrade Imperial mechanical warp navigation systems)

Planetary Barge: It is not beyond the Imperium to move worlds, various forge worlds are mobile installations even in this age, but it is complex indeed and thus it can be made easier via a specialized ship. With carefully designed systems and a crew well trained in their usage it would be a great improvement to the harvesting of planets for the addition to Shogi. An onboard assembler for items such as gellar fields and plasma reactors will ensure that it can easily acquire the planets that are needed.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource: 5k, 500 Alloys) (Upkeep: 100 Military Services) (DC: 1000)
(Effect: Produces One Planetary Barge that will increase the amount of planets harvested per action by 1d5+5 and reduce the DC of the action by 5. This effect stacks with no direct cap, suspicion will no longer be gained after the 5th ship built, every one built reduces the DC by 100 to a min of 100)

Study the Alloys - There was a cache of alloys recovered with the other items by the Mechanicus and they are clearly superior to what the Imperium uses and yet it is unknown by what means they are improved. There are several theories that I have heard on the topic, but together they are unlikely in my opinion but I have the chance to work with the archmagi on the samples and I could possibly discover something new.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 1000)
(Must be completed before any Megaproject Stages can be started)
(Result: Enable production of Very Low Grade DAoT alloys in amounts useful on planetary scale. +1 VLG DAoT Alloys per turn)

Grav Sphere - A strange device that is clearly intended to serve as the gravitational source of a custom starship, it would serve well but it is currently poorly programed and needs to be adjusted such that it can no longer seek to harm people. Along with that, the technology is intriguing with regards to what it can manage.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 600)
(Result: notable improvement to Atraxas understanding of gravity and how to manipulate it, notable improvement to all Exatari grav technologies, can unlock the Gravity Meta Library eventually)

Nanoplague - Nanotechnology was supposed to be impossible without technology that would only be achieved after a billion years of work, yet it is clear that it is something currently possible provided a few minor hurdles are managed. Multi function computers have proven to be the secret that was missing, but now with an example below it is possible to do tests otherwise impossible.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 1000)
(Result: Unlocks Nanotechnology as a field for the Exatari to pursue in general, gives Atraxas a foundational understanding of the field, enables the Production of Nanoswarms that can undertake stewardship actions at a cheaper rate when assigned under an Advisor.) (Atraxas will Lock this action on turn 8 regardless of anything else unless he is in a Crisis event at the time)

The Calculation Heart: The Living Mausoleums provided the designs for a supercomputer without compare after the Homeworld completed the research on the secrets of the computers you had sent back. It was designed to such levels that even you could find no way to improve it from the designs provided. Yet, in another showcase of mastery it had been designed with the limitations of the materials available to you in mind.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 1000 or 100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 0) (3 currently built)
(Result: Gain a Exatari Supercomputer, multiple can be built)

Donate to the local Church - donations to the church could be seen as trying to bribe the church for leniency for crimes committed or being plotted, but at the same time to the common folk it would be an effective manipulation to show your piety to their God Emperor.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 20)
(Result: the appreciation of the Church.)

Donate to the Orphanages - If donating to the Church would be suspicious, then the orphanages would be extremely so, it is a sad fact that most humans see the funding of the service as a sign of buying political favor or virtue signaling on a grand scale. But, the hatchlings need support and you can provide it.
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: reduce the suspicion reduction by 10 per time this action has been taken within 3 turns, unlocks more options related to orphanages)

Build an Awakening Core (Learning) - Among those of us that leave the Homeworld, we are told in no uncertain terms to do nothing that would bring the eyes of the Imperium down upon us. However, within this situation bizarre as it is, opens doors that had remained sealed in the recent past. Back on the Homeworld, it would be possible to achieve this project with but a few orders, but the Imperium lacks the alloys that are needed and so substitutions will be need which unfortunately will vastly increase the cost.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 1000 or 10 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 100 or 0 if using Exatari Alloys)
(Result: Gain an Awakening Core, unlocks phase two: Build an Awakening Chamber. The Core can be used to produce small amounts of resources per turn if connected to a potent soul, resource production scales with soul intensity)

Singularity Chamber (Learning): The core placed in the heart of the void forest near the black hole which has been confirmed to be a natural wellspring of meta flux has proven its worth by producing alloys directly. This would be an impossibility in normal cases, but it is a welcome event in this moment, regardless with Divinity now understood the reason is clear. The Forest is partly divine and that is super charging the meta flux to enable the creation of anomalies that become alloys by happenstance. Regardless, it is well within reach to enhance the core into a working chamber.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resources: 100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 50)
(Effect: increases production to 1000 Resources and 400 Alloys, in the future can be upgraded to a variant Wellspring or Phase Forge. Atraxas will not dare to use this to shift his metaphysical nature due to unknown interference from the Forest and Black Hole. Will produce Unknown Laws 10, and 7 and Invoked Law Evolution at 1 per turn)

Here's a bit of a shortlist of actions I'd like to see. Given what we've found with the schools, it might be good to look into the factories too. Would like to get started on the Nanotech, DAoT Alloys, and Planetary Barge soon. Running missions for Cadia sounds like a great way to lower our suspicion and test out our personal army. Would also like to do something about our medical situation, of which the Ecumenopolis could do (amongst other things.
Stage 1 Diplo corps reduce the effect of critical fails in regards to Diplomatic actions, applies at vastly lower level for prodigy related failures. Also reduces the DC for all diplomacy actions by 1 per Stage of the Corps.
Is there a second stage we can start for this project?

How much favor would getting the homeworld to study the Information Library and send the result to us cost?

The initial version of the plan spends 50% of our remaining resources but Singularity Chamber will increase our income more than the upkeep of the new actions.
It also goes for two new assistants and more computers for our existing advisors to increase the number of dice we have.

[X] Plan Sunrise
-[X] Calculation Heart(s) Assign to Atraxas

-[X] Improve The PDF DC: 70
--[X] Private Army x1, Nameria

-[X] Improve the SDF (Major) (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 2000) (Upkeep (Military Services): 200) (DC: 1000)
--[X] Private Army x5, Nameria, Atraxas(M), Harkar

-[X] Establish Subsector Spies DC: 62
--[X] Atraxas(I), Nalka

-[X] Heart Forge Autocomplete turn 7
--[X] Atraxas(P13)

-[X] Rebuilding the Schools (Stewardship) (Suspicion: 20) (Resource: 1000) (Upkeep: 100 Social Services) (DC: 500)
--[X] Atraxas(P4)

-[X] Specialist Expertise(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 300) (Upkeep: 50 Social Services) (DC: 250) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Low) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Low) (Harkar has stated that this is something she would like)
--[X] Atraxas(S)

-[X] Economic Studies: (Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 50)
(Effect: more fine control over the economy/production of Shogi, slightly reduced upkeep in several actions, Atraxas understands what currency is.)
--[X] Atraxas(P3)

-[X] Improve the Arbites (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep (Social Services): 25) (DC: 50)
--[X] Urma 1st action

-[X] Contact Cadia directly - (Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 10)
--[X] Atraxas(D)

-[X] the second stage of the diplomatic Corps
--[X] Akiona

-[X] Singularity Chamber (Learning): (Suspicion: 20) (Resources: 100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 50)
--[X] (Effect: increases production to 1000 Resources and 400 Alloys, in the future can be upgraded to a variant Wellspring or Phase Forge. Will produce Unknown Laws 10, and 7 and Invoked Law Evolution at 1 per turn)

-[X] Library Actualization (Learning)(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: Variable on Library)
--[X] Life: When overspending actions lose a wound for every other action taken (1,3,5,7...), allows for much more effective healing devices and technology relating to mutant/abhumans (DC500)
--[X] Atraxas(P1)

-[X] Look for trustworthy assistants (Stewardship) (Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep (Support): 5) (DC: 40)
--[X] Atraxas(P2)

-[X] Look for trustworthy assistants (Learning) (Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep (Support): 5) (DC: 40)
--[X] Atraxas(P5)

-[X] The Calculation Heart for Urma (Suspicion: 0) (100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 0) (3 currently built)
--[X] Urma 2nd action

-[X] The Calculation Heart for Harkar (Suspicion: 0) (100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 0) (3 currently built)
--[X] Atraxas(P11)

-[X] The Calculation Heart for Balkavus (Suspicion: 0) (100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 0) (3 currently built)
--[X] Balkavus

-[X] Multi Energy Lance (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 250)
(Result: (Enables Atraxas to build Energy Matrixes that can translate energy between various forms with little loss, will improve most energetic weapons by a minor amount, can be produced for elite troops and scaled up for astartes with relative ease, very expensive weapons)
--[X] Atraxas(P6)

-[X] Strange Schematics (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 550)
(Result: Improves Meta Shields, improves Exatari sensors, enables production of DAoT Gellar Fields, which are super stable but cripple ship speed)
--[X] Atraxas(P7)

-[X] Study the Alloys (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 1000)
--[X] Atraxas(P8), Atraxas(P9)
(Result: Enable production of Very Low Grade DAoT alloys in amounts useful on planetary scale. +1 VLG DAoT Alloys per turn)

-[X] Study Warp Navigation: (Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: Exatari Infiltrators/Ships and other groups can transverse the warp on planned courses, improves Exatari warp communication systems, the basics of warp mathematics discovered, possible Library discovery chance. Unlocks future action to upgrade Imperial mechanical warp navigation systems)
--[X] Atraxas(P12)

-[X] Donate to the local Church (Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 20)
---[X] Nameria

-[X] Donate to the Orphanages (Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
--[X] Atraxas(F)

-[X] Design augments of Advisors (Learning) (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 20-80) for Harkar
(Result: Advisor gains personal trait: Exatari Cybernetics: Increases lifespan by 200 years, increases bonus by 10, high results can have secondary bonuses)
--[X] Atraxas(P10)

Resources: 2825/6648
400 Exatari Alloys
Personal actions 6+7 from wounds = 13

After citadel:
Suspicion: 15(start)+15(schools)+20(Specialist)-5(Cadia)+15(Singularity)-10(Church)-20(Orphanages) =30/100
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We should do "Singularity Chamber (Learning)" there is no DC for it, just the cost in Resources to get it done, so we need to do it

Also the Singularity Production: 500 is missing from the breakdown
So it looks like Living Ecumonopolis will provide net 500 Extraction after upkeep and is very expensive. Worth it for the additional benefits though maybe not right now. I am interested in Planetary Harvesting though. And Life and Ruin Actualization. If we dedicate an action each to Gellar, Life and Ruin, we should be able to finish them in two turns maximum. That would mean 20 personal actions turn 9 which, combined with our large stock of Favor, could easily set up a full planetary Meta Shield.
Is there a second stage we can start for this project?

How much favor would getting the homeworld to study the Information Library and send the result to us cost?

The initial version of the plan spends 50% of our remaining resources but Singularity Chamber will increase our income more than the upkeep of the new actions.
It also goes for two new assistants and more computers for our existing advisors to increase the number of dice we have.

[X] Plan Sunrise
-[X] Calculation Heart(s) Assign to Atraxas

-[X] Improve The PDF DC: 70
--[X] Private Army x1, Nameria

-[X] Improve the SDF (Major) (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 2000) (Upkeep (Military Services): 200) (DC: 1000)
--[X] Private Army x5, Nameria, Atraxas(M), Harkar

-[X] Establish Subsector Spies DC: 62
--[X] Atraxas(I), Nalka

-[X] Heart Forge Autocomplete turn 7
--[X] Atraxas(P13)

-[X] Rebuilding the Schools (Stewardship) (Suspicion: 20) (Resource: 1000) (Upkeep: 100 Social Services) (DC: 500)
--[X] Atraxas(P4)

-[X] Specialist Expertise(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 300) (Upkeep: 50 Social Services) (DC: 250) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Low) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Low) (Harkar has stated that this is something she would like)
--[X] Atraxas(S)

-[X] Economic Studies: (Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 50)
(Effect: more fine control over the economy/production of Shogi, slightly reduced upkeep in several actions, Atraxas understands what currency is.)
--[X] Atraxas(P3)

-[X] Improve the Arbites (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep (Social Services): 25) (DC: 50)
--[X] Urma 1st action

-[X] Contact Cadia directly - (Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 10)
--[X] Atraxas(D)

-[X] the second stage of the diplomatic Corps
--[X] Akiona

-[X] Singularity Chamber (Learning): (Suspicion: 20) (Resources: 100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 50)
--[X] (Effect: increases production to 1000 Resources and 400 Alloys, in the future can be upgraded to a variant Wellspring or Phase Forge. Will produce Unknown Laws 10, and 7 and Invoked Law Evolution at 1 per turn)

-[X] Library Actualization (Learning)(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: Variable on Library)
--[X] Life: When overspending actions lose a wound for every other action taken (1,3,5,7...), allows for much more effective healing devices and technology relating to mutant/abhumans (DC500)
--[X] Atraxas(P1)

-[X] Look for trustworthy assistants (Stewardship) (Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep (Support): 5) (DC: 40)
--[X] Atraxas(P2)

-[X] Look for trustworthy assistants (Learning) (Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep (Support): 5) (DC: 40)
--[X] Atraxas(P5)

-[X] The Calculation Heart for Urma (Suspicion: 0) (100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 0) (3 currently built)
--[X] Urma 2nd action

-[X] The Calculation Heart for Harkar (Suspicion: 0) (100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 0) (3 currently built)
--[X] Atraxas(P11)

-[X] The Calculation Heart for Balkavus (Suspicion: 0) (100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 0) (3 currently built)
--[X] Balkavus

-[X] Multi Energy Lance (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 250)
(Result: (Enables Atraxas to build Energy Matrixes that can translate energy between various forms with little loss, will improve most energetic weapons by a minor amount, can be produced for elite troops and scaled up for astartes with relative ease, very expensive weapons)
--[X] Atraxas(P6)

-[X] Strange Schematics (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 550)
(Result: Improves Meta Shields, improves Exatari sensors, enables production of DAoT Gellar Fields, which are super stable but cripple ship speed)
--[X] Atraxas(P7)

-[X] Study the Alloys (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 1000)
--[X] Atraxas(P8), Atraxas(P9)
(Result: Enable production of Very Low Grade DAoT alloys in amounts useful on planetary scale. +1 VLG DAoT Alloys per turn)

-[X] Study Warp Navigation: (Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: Exatari Infiltrators/Ships and other groups can transverse the warp on planned courses, improves Exatari warp communication systems, the basics of warp mathematics discovered, possible Library discovery chance. Unlocks future action to upgrade Imperial mechanical warp navigation systems)
--[X] Atraxas(P12)

-[X] Donate to the local Church (Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 20)
---[X] Nameria

-[X] Donate to the Orphanages (Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
--[X] Atraxas(F)

-[X] Design augments of Advisors (Learning) (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 20-80) for Harkar
(Result: Advisor gains personal trait: Exatari Cybernetics: Increases lifespan by 200 years, increases bonus by 10, high results can have secondary bonuses)
--[X] Atraxas(P10)

Resources: 2825/6648
400 Exatari Alloys
Personal actions 6+7 from wounds = 13

After citadel:
Suspicion: 15(start)+15(schools)+20(Specialist)-5(Cadia)+15(Singularity)-10(Church)-20(Orphanages) =30/100
Why are you doing the Lance? Seems it would be better to do the Grav Sphere or the Nanotech.
[X] Plan That Time Approaches
-[X] Improve The PDF
--[X] Private Army
--[X] Nameria
-[X] Assault
--[X] Dark Age Hulk
---[X] Atraxas
---[X] Private Army
-[X] Improve the SDF (Major)
--[X] Harkar
---[X] Araahal
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] Private Army
--[X] Private Army
--[X] Private Army
--[X] Private Army
--[X] Urma
--[X] Nameria
--[X] 4000 R
-[X] Improve The Diplomatic Corps
--[X] Akiona
--[X] 100 R
-[X] Contact Cadia Directly
--[X] Atraxas
-[X] Establish Subsector Spies
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] Nalka Nirve
-[X] Rebuilding the Schools
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] Urma
--[X] 1000 R
-[X] Economic Studies
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] 5 R
-[X] Grav Sphere
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] 100 R
-[X] Strange Schematics
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] 10 R
-[X] Study the Grav Lance
--[X] Balkavus
--[X] 10 R
-[X] Learn About Alien Religions
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] Nameria
--[X] 50 R
-[X] The Heart Forge
--[X] Atraxas
-[X] Discovering Information
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] 100 R
-[X] Library Actualization
--[X] Life
---[X] Atraxas
---[X] 50 R
--[X] Ruin
---[X] Atraxas
---[X] 50 R
--[X] Information
---[X] Atraxas
---[X] 50 R
-[X] Meet the Titan Legion
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] 50 R
-[X] Singularity Chamber
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] 100 Exatari Alloys
-[X] Study the Invoked Law
--[X] Atraxas
--[X] 10 R
-[X] Interact With A Notable
--[X] Luraia
---[X] Atraxas
---[X] 10 R
-[X] Contact the Homeworld
--[X] Order 7 Calculation Hearts for Favor
---[X] Atraxas
---[X] 10 R
So it looks like Living Ecumonopolis will provide net 500 Extraction after upkeep and is very expensive. Worth it for the additional benefits though maybe not right now. I am interested in Planetary Harvesting though. And Life and Ruin Actualization. If we dedicate an action each to Gellar, Life and Ruin, we should be able to finish them in two turns maximum. That would mean 20 personal actions turn 9 which, combined with our large stock of Favor, could easily set up a full planetary Meta Shield.
I was under the impression that Calculation Hearts gave 3d100s to a single Learning Action each, rather than to ALL Learning Actions, so we wouldn't be able to complete Gellar, Life, and Ruin with only 3 actions (1 for each).

If the QM says otherwise I'll change my plan to reflect that but for now I am already up SUPER late so I shall disappear into the ether until tomorrow.
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[X] Plan Grav Sphere
-[X] Calculation Heart(s) Assign to Atraxas

-[X] Improve The PDF DC: 70
--[X] Private Army x1
--[X] Nameria

-[X] Improve the SDF (Major) (Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 4000) (Upkeep (Military Services): 400) (DC: 500)
--[X] Private Army x5
--[X] Nameria
--[X] Atraxas(M)
--[X] Harkar

-[X] Establish Subsector Spies DC: 62
--[X] Atraxas(I)
--[X] Nalka

-[X] Heart Forge Autocomplete turn 7
--[X] Atraxas(P1)

-[X] Rebuilding the Schools (Stewardship) (Suspicion: 20) (Resource: 1000) (Upkeep: 100 Social Services) (DC: 500)
--[X] Atraxas(P2)

-[X] Specialist Expertise(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 300) (Upkeep: 50 Social Services) (DC: 250) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Low) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Low) (Harkar has stated that this is something she would like)
--[X] Atraxas(S)

-[X] Economic Studies: (Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 50)
(Effect: more fine control over the economy/production of Shogi, slightly reduced upkeep in several actions, Atraxas understands what currency is.)
--[X] Atraxas(P3)

-[X] Improve the Arbites (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep (Social Services): 25) (DC: 50)
--[X] Urma 1st action

-[X] Contact Cadia directly - (Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 10)
--[X] Atraxas(D)

-[X] the second stage of the diplomatic Corps (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Social Services): 20) (DC: 100)
--[X] Akiona

-[X] Singularity Chamber (Learning): (Suspicion: 20) (Resources: 100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 50)
--[X] (Effect: increases production to 1000 Resources and 400 Alloys, in the future can be upgraded to a variant Wellspring or Phase Forge. Will produce Unknown Laws 10, and 7 and Invoked Law Evolution at 1 per turn)
--[X] Atraxas(P4)

-[X] Library Actualization (Learning)(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: Variable on Library)
--[X] Life: When overspending actions lose a wound for every other action taken (1,3,5,7...), allows for much more effective healing devices and technology relating to mutant/abhumans (DC500)
--[X] Atraxas(P5)
-[X] Ruin: Increases Inversion Array bonus vs daemons from 2x to 3x, enables controlled sacrifices for gain, provides a pathway for anti chaos/ruin designs/actions (DC: 700)
--[X] Atraxas(P6)

-[X] Tarakan Doctors (Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep: 20 Social Services) (DC: 100)
(Result: Will have a notable impact to the medical skill of Shogi, will see at least one birth per turn until 8, will prioritize the mission over quality of life, brutally honest doctors.)
--[X] Urma 2nd action

-[X] Contact Homeworld and trade our favour for 7 Calculation Hearts.
--[X] Atraxas(P7)

-[X] Factory Investigation (Suspicion: 20) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 250)
(Effect: gain a good understanding of Shogi production facilities and unlock actions to improve them directly.)
--[X] Balkavus

-[X] Nanoplague (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 1000)
(Result: Unlocks Nanotechnology as a field for the Exatari to pursue in general, gives Atraxas a foundational understanding of the field, enables the Production of Nanoswarms that can undertake stewardship actions at a cheaper rate when assigned under an Advisor.)
--[X] Atraxas(L)

-[X] Strange Schematics (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 550)
(Result: Improves Meta Shields, improves Exatari sensors, enables production of DAoT Gellar Fields, which are super stable but cripple ship speed)
--[X] Atraxas(P8)

-[X] Grav Sphere (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 600)
(Result: notable improvement to Atraxas understanding of gravity and how to manipulate it, notable improvement to all Exatari grav technologies, can unlock the Gravity Meta Library eventually)
--[X] Gravus
--[X] Atraxas(P9)

-[X] Study the Alloys (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 1000)
(Result: Enable production of Very Low Grade DAoT alloys in amounts useful on planetary scale. +1 VLG DAoT Alloys per turn)
--[X] Atraxas(P10)

-[X] Warp Sphere (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 600)
(Result: notable improvement option for all warp systems for ships built post completion, will increase costs but have bonuses for extra costs, Atraxas will learn the basics of warp science and how warp systems work, this system is able to produce Invoked Laws for Atraxas)
--[X] Atraxas(P11)

-[X] Study Warp Navigation: (Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: Exatari Infiltrators/Ships and other groups can transverse the warp on planned courses, improves Exatari warp communication systems, the basics of warp mathematics discovered, possible Library discovery chance. Unlocks future action to upgrade Imperial mechanical warp navigation systems)
--[X] Atraxas(P12)

-[X] Donate to the local Church (Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 20)
---[X] Nameria

-[X] Donate to the Orphanages (Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
--[X] Atraxas(F)

-[X] Design augments of Advisors (Learning) (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 20-80) for Harkar
(Result: Advisor gains personal trait: Exatari Cybernetics: Increases lifespan by 200 years, increases bonus by 10, high results can have secondary bonuses)
--[X] Atraxas(P13)

Resources: 5845
100 Exatari Alloys
Personal actions 6+7 from wounds = 13

After citadel:
Suspicion: 15(start)-20(SDF)+15(schools)+20(Specialist)-5(Cadia)-5(Doctors)+15(Factory)+15(Singularity)-10(Church)-20(Orphanages) =20/100

A modification of Sunrise's plan, because I think we need the experience with Grav tech before we start moving planets around.
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I was under the impression that Calculation Hearts gave 3d100s to a single Learning Action each, rather than to ALL Learning Actions, so we wouldn't be able to complete Gellar, Life, and Ruin with only 3 actions (1 for each).

If the QM says otherwise I'll change my plan to reflect that but for now I am already up SUPER late so I shall disappear into the ether until tomorrow.
Remember, Calc Hearts are assigned to people, not actions. I'm pretty sure we had this conversation last turn but I'm on mobile and walking my dog so I can't find a citation rn
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I was under the impression that Calculation Hearts gave 3d100s to a single Learning Action each, rather than to ALL Learning Actions, so we wouldn't be able to complete Gellar, Life, and Ruin with only 3 actions (1 for each).

If the QM says otherwise I'll change my plan to reflect that but for now I am already up SUPER late so I shall disappear into the ether until tomorrow.
Found that citation:
Applied in full per action.
Atraxas Actions: 1 per category, 6 Personal Actions (personal actions can be transferred at a 1:1 ratio to any other department), can spend Wounds for 1 action per wounds, has 14 wounds, does not take a malus to rolls until below 7 wounds.
Applies half of Faith bonus to Learning/Martial and Legal Actions now
Wounds: 14/14

Advisor Actions: 1 in their category
Nameria Actions: can undertake actions in Faith and Martial by dividing her highest bonus evenly, can not take more actions that would put her bonus below 1, rounds down
Private Army: Can undertake Martial Actions when on world with a bonus of 10
Urma: can work on any category, has 2 actions.
Atraxas Actions: 1 per category - I'm assuming this means Martial, Diplomacy, Intrigue, Stewardship, Learning, and Faith. Not Personal, I think? So 6 actions total. I'm fairly sure Matryoshka and Unbound Radiance don't count here.

Overall we've got 6 +6 Personal-or-other + 7 Wounds +6 Advisor base +? Nameria +2 Urma +? Army actions. That's 27+?+? actions. Plus potentially some for supercomputers, though that's a bad idea this turn.

TBH, I'd strongly advise everyone to avoid these projects - unless given a strong reason otherwise - for a few turns. Give poor Atraxas a chance to solidify his stances on things and fully recover mentally. Plus get Shogi to a better spot practically.

The Stellar Monument (Learning)
With Divinity in hand and the knowledge of the astropaths I have learned over the decades, the designs of the Imperium at my request. I will erect a second Astronomican to project light eternal across the stars upon the tallest mountain of the world, giving a guiding light to all that travel the void between worlds. My reach is paltry to that of the Human Witness, but to cover a subsector or even a sector is within my reach, to give order to the chaos of the warp is my goal and my nature. I stand against chaos in all its forms, and this shall be no different.
(Suspicion: ???????) (Resources: 5,000, 1,000 Exatari Attuned Alloys of a compatible form) (Upkeep: ?????) (DC: 10,000) (Divinity Action)
(Effect: A Second Astronomican will be erected within Erimyst, blazing with light that shall still the whim of Chaos and the warp itself. Secondary effects Unknown)

Not today, but someday...

Limited Innovation - ... (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: High) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Medium)
Open Innovation - ... (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Extreme) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Medium)
Specialist Expertise - ... (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Low) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Low)
Full Discourse - ... (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Medium) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Extreme)
What makes the Mechanicus like the last two so much more than the first two? They both seem like people are going to be innovating, sooner or later, right?

Planetary Terraforming: In order to truly enable the future of the grand project all worlds must be terraformed to be inhabitable. This of course will be a costly task with little upfront returns on investment, but the long term value can not be understated.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource: 10k) (Upkeep: 0) (DC: 100) (Planets: 1/12)
(Effect: Will start the terraforming of one planet per completion of this project, every 4 completions doubles the planets affected. It will take 2 turns to Terraform a planet from the completion of this action, a Terraformed planet can be Colonized providing vastly more options for the future of the planets)
Oddly enough, this will become feasible almost the moment we are no longer actively at war.
Well, depending on Resources.

System Orbital Alignment: Normally an impossible task due to the orbital movement of the star and the planets, but it is within the reach of the gravity technology that I possess. With a large number of gravity projectors and anchors I will first stabilize and then redesign the orbits of the system to be as I desire and then to accept the new planets into the system. The greatest work is to be the alteration of the stellar orbit that will be made stable enough to enable the creation of the angular planes that the grand design requires.
(Suspicion: ???) (Resources: 10k and 1000 Exatari Alloys) (Upkeep: 1000 Stellar Mechanics) (DC: 2000) (Planets: 12/832)
(Effect: Stabilizes the orbits of the system and the stellar rotation, increases system Extraction and Production by 25 per outpost and mining outpost. Every 64 planets in the system the upkeep reduces by 77 and the cost of the megaproject by 5%)
This is nice. And it has roughly 0 upkeep (plus -65% cost) at max-planets. But we definitely don't want to start until Planetary Acquisition is well underway - and preferably more-or-less done.

Planetary Acquisition: In order to support my designs for the grand project, the system will require far more planetary bodies than it currently possess. Ideally before the fifth stage of the grand project, I desire to have a total of 832 planets in orbit of the local primary. An orbit angled at fifteen degrees above and below the current orbital plane, with an orbit at every planetary orbital distance which holds four planets within the orbit itself. This would ensure the proper coverage of any space born infrastructure and also the population and scale needed to bring the grand design to fruition sooner than otherwise possible. Of course it is true that the current system only contains 12 planets, which will be corrected in the first round of orbital adjustment. Even without ships designed for planetary acquisition it is possible with imperial designs to begin the work, if one is willing to accept the cost in time and efficiency. As such it is needed to strip other stellar systems of their planets to be brought to Shogi in order to fill the quota that I have outlined.
(Suspicion: 0?) (Resource: 50) (Upkeep: 0) (DC: 500) (Planets: 12/832)
(Effect: Add 1d5 planets to Shogi system, each planet provides 40/40/100 for extraction/production/storage, with an upkeep of 10. Every 64 planets provides notable bonuses to the entire system and reduces the cost of megaproject stages post stage 4 by 10%, reduce the upkeep for space infrastructure by 10%)
What are we rolling here, I wonder? Can our Private Army contribute dice?

But first we want a bunch of:
Planetary Barge: It is not beyond the Imperium to move worlds, various forge worlds are mobile installations even in this age, but it is complex indeed and thus it can be made easier via a specialized ship. With carefully designed systems and a crew well trained in their usage it would be a great improvement to the harvesting of planets for the addition to Shogi. An onboard assembler for items such as gellar fields and plasma reactors will ensure that it can easily acquire the planets that are needed.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource: 5k, 500 Alloys) (Upkeep: 100 Military Services) (DC: 1000)
(Effect: Produces One Planetary Barge that will increase the amount of planets harvested per action by 1d5+5 and reduce the DC of the action by 5. This effect stacks with no direct cap, suspicion will no longer be gained after the 5th ship built, every one built reduces the DC by 100 to a min of 100)
Because they reduce planets harvested by an average of 8 each, reduce the 500 by 5 each, and they get cheaper the more you build.

And to do that we need three Calculation Hearts - so we can build a Planetary Barge in an average of 2 turns ... Oh, joy! We've got them!

So, let's see what the over all cost will be, per number of barges built first...
Base actions seems to plummet rapidly at first: 274, 77, 48, 37... It has a global minimum at 7 barges giving 28 base actions.
DC, however, has its global minimum at 8575 total DC at 21 barges.
Resources, predictably, goes down from 13.7k to 8.75k then ascends ever after.
Alloys is linear.
Suspicion starts out that way but then caps. (Assuming planetary acq isn't giving hidden penalties or anything.)

I need to properly figure out Expected Actions sometime... But I need to know what we're rolling for the Acq actions first...

Also note that these two:
Grav Sphere - A strange device that is clearly intended to serve as the gravitational source of a custom starship, it would serve well but it is currently poorly programed and needs to be adjusted such that it can no longer seek to harm people. Along with that, the technology is intriguing with regards to what it can manage.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 600)
(Result: notable improvement to Atraxas understanding of gravity and how to manipulate it, notable improvement to all Exatari grav technologies, can unlock the Gravity Meta Library eventually)
Grav Lance - a weapon using gravity shear as its means of damage. An intriguing method for a gravity weapon, but one that has been tested and found to be insufficient against heavy armor without fracture points. However, it is possible that this weapon presents a design that could correct those flaws.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: Slight improvement to gravity weapons across the board, notable improvement to Exatari grav shear designs and grav lift designs)
Might just make the Barges cheaper. So maybe we want these, instead, first of all.

@Leon, what dice+bonus are we rolling for this action?

@Kirbstomp no taking Planetary Acquisition until we've gotten enough Barges. Very wasteful of actions. Terraforming is fine though.

A bunch of options that will be great to take - since the <1k difficulty options only take 2 turns on average now with our Calculation Hearts and even the later ones are difficult-but-feasible - but only if they help with the current crisis OR after said crisis.

Also keep in mind that we auto-lock Nanoswarm next turn if we don't take it this turn. Good thing that it's now a 2-turn action. Also it sounds genuinely very useful, especially if we roll decently well and it doesn't become a 3-turn action.

The options that make obvious sense to get done in time for the invasion: Study the Particle Lance, Warp Sphere, and Strange Schematics.

Grav Sphere - A strange device that is clearly intended to serve as the gravitational source of a custom starship, it would serve well but it is currently poorly programed and needs to be adjusted such that it can no longer seek to harm people. Along with that, the technology is intriguing with regards to what it can manage.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 600)
(Result: notable improvement to Atraxas understanding of gravity and how to manipulate it, notable improvement to all Exatari grav technologies, can unlock the Gravity Meta Library eventually)
Grav Lance - a weapon using gravity shear as its means of damage. An intriguing method for a gravity weapon, but one that has been tested and found to be insufficient against heavy armor without fracture points. However, it is possible that this weapon presents a design that could correct those flaws.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: Slight improvement to gravity weapons across the board, notable improvement to Exatari grav shear designs and grav lift designs)
@Leon12431, the second of these is now extremely cheap. Any chance we could rollover Grav Lance into Grav Sphere?
Perhaps state that "you lose the first 100 rollover, but after that it does roll over"? Aka "you profit from any result >150."

The Calculation Heart
Obviously we want about as many of these as we can get away with, since even +1d per advisor is great!
Main limiters: current usable Actions, needed Exatari Alloys for Anti-Warp Shields.

Library Actualization (Learning): I have discovered several new Libraries in the past decades, however, my personal gear and designs still solely rely upon Weight in the majority of cases. As such it would be prudent to expand my mastery to these new fields in truth and thereby gain the benefits held within each Library.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: Variable on Library)
(Effect: Viable depending on Library.
Ruin: Increases Inversion Array bonus vs daemons from 2x to 3x, enables controlled sacrifices for gain, provides a pathway for anti chaos/ruin designs/actions (DC: 700)
Life: When overspending actions lose a wound for every other action taken (1,3,5,7...), allows for much more effective healing devices and technology relating to mutant/abhumans (DC500)
Divinity: Gain Pseudo 1 to all baseline stats, reduce the DC of all Divinity based actions by a quarter, allow Shogi to produce Relics again, allow Atraxas to produce Relics, improve Megaproject effects, allow for the creation of Divine Relics at extremely high DC and Resource Costs (DC: 2500))
Can we have them all?
No? Well, let's at least start Life, if nothing else.

Discovering Information (Learning): Even though it has been provided to the Homeworld, it is not impossible or even unreasonable to discover and implement the benefits of the Information Library on my own accord. However, it would be more difficult than the other Libraries due to my lacking understanding of this Library compared to the others.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 500)
(Effect: unlock Information Library for Atraxas, unlocking an action to double all his personal skills. Improve the effects of Education on planetary populace and technology related to information. (The actualization Action has a DC of 500, it is possible to roll over into the actualization action))
So, total DC is 500+500=1k. That's an average of 2 actions now.
Edit: It was pointed out that the Homeworld will have it in 3 turns. Eh... Good point. Might as well skip this one.

Create emergency evacuation measures (Intrigue) - Should your alien status be revealed, you obviously would not be able to remain where you are anymore. Just in case, you should have every conceivable method of escape prepared, both to leave the immediate area and to make your way off the planet and out of the system
(Suspicion: 40) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: have secret tunnels to escape to prepared locations in case of a catastrophic Break)
@Leon12431, now that Atraxas has Broken, is this a possible outcome? Should the results be updated?

-[X] Multi Energy Lance (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 250)
(Result: (Enables Atraxas to build Energy Matrixes that can translate energy between various forms with little loss, will improve most energetic weapons by a minor amount, can be produced for elite troops and scaled up for astartes with relative ease, very expensive weapons)
--[X] Atraxas(P6)
Why this one instead of, say, "Grav Lance"?

-[X] System Orbital Alignment
Strongly de-recommended until we get a decent number of planets. Look at the upkeep!

I was under the impression that Calculation Hearts gave 3d100s to a single Learning Action each, rather than to ALL Learning Actions, so we wouldn't be able to complete Gellar, Life, and Ruin with only 3 actions (1 for each).
Edit: Nope! Yay!
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@Leon12431, now that Atraxas has Broken, is this a possible outcome? Should the results be updated?
That refers more to Suspicion Breaks than Atraxas Breaking, although its a bit of a wonky description to be fair.

Also, regarding the planetary barges, each 1 provides 1d5+5 to the base 1d5 of the planetary acquisition action for how many planets you get and reduce the DC by 5. For that action you dont actually need to assign advisors to it, but it would be rolled with Learning and Stewardship.
What makes the Mechanicus like the last two so much more than the first two? They both seem like people are going to be innovating, sooner or later, right?
Mostly because of how those dilute the impact so to speak. Full Discourse includes a lot of fluff that the Ad Mech doesnt care about, while the specialist is their model of teaching so it gets a pass.
Main limiters: current usable Actions, needed Exatari Alloys for Anti-Warp Shields.
It's not too bad. We could spend a good chunk of our stockpiled Favor turn 9.
So, total DC is 500+500=1k. That's an average of 2 actions now.
My anydice is saying that's only 83% likely, so I'd want a buffer of a third turn, at which point it'd be the same as waiting for Homeworld to finish it.
Here's my anydice for learning actions btw, calculating multiple turns of progress, multiply the Xd and the modifier, and reduce to 4d{function} for non-learning actions.
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@Leon12431, the second of these is now extremely cheap. Any chance we could rollover Grav Lance into Grav Sphere?
Perhaps state that "you lose the first 100 rollover, but after that it does roll over"? Aka "you profit from any result >150."
The grav lance is more a novelty relic to research in all honesty. Atraxas expects at most to get a 1% improvement to his understanding of gravity weapons from it, more likely below .001% of an improvement. But it's so easy that he considers it a non issue to research. You could just fob it off onto the least favorite tech priest and even he would have a good chance of finishing it in one turn.

My anydice is saying that's only 83% likely, so I'd want a stretchgoal of a third turn, at which point it'd be the same as waiting for Homeworld to finish it.
Here's my anydice for learning actions btw, calculating multiple turns of progress, multiply the Xd and the modifier, and reduce to 4d{function} for non-learning actions.
I think it should be higher than that. You would be rolling 20d100+45 take the best 10, which even by pure average rolls would result in 545 or an overflow of 45 to the DC and you can roll directly into the Information Actualization action from it this turn. Putting two actions on it would be 40d100 take the best 20, +45 which would complete the two actions outright. Remember Atraxas rolls double dice when working on Meta Particle actions.
I think it should be higher than that. You would be rolling 20d100+45 take the best 10, which even by pure average rolls would result in 545 or an overflow of 45 to the DC and you can roll directly into the Information Actualization action from it this turn. Putting two actions on it would be 40d100 take the best 20, +45 which would complete the two actions outright. Remember Atraxas rolls double dice when working on Meta Particle actions.
Ah, right. I did miss that somehow. And Hearts add their extra dice per Action spent rather than being once per turn? Either way, let me edit my anydice.
For future reference to myself:
[] Plan Draft
And Hearts add their extra dice per Action spent rather than being once per turn?
Yeah they apply per action spent. If you throw three actions at something you would roll 4*3 or 12 dice with 3 Hearts assigned to Atraxas if not Learning. If Learning then you would roll 10*3 or 30 dice for 3 actions, which if used for meta particle stuff would be doubled.

Each Heart adds 1 dice to Atraxas normally, they each add 3 when working on Learning stuff.
1 Heart: 2/4 (1+3)
2 Heart: 3/7 (1+3+3)
3 Heart: 4/10 (1+3+3+3)
Yeah they apply per action spent. If you throw three actions at something you would roll 4*3 or 12 dice with 3 Hearts assigned to Atraxas if not Learning. If Learning then you would roll 10*3 or 30 dice for 3 actions, which if used for meta particle stuff would be doubled.

Each Heart adds 1 dice to Atraxas normally, they each add 3 when working on Learning stuff.
1 Heart: 2/4 (1+3)
2 Heart: 3/7 (1+3+3)
3 Heart: 4/10 (1+3+3+3)
Nice. Anyway, AnyDice can't handle 'highest of' functions for dice of the size or quantity we use, so I'll just estimate an ~50% increase from that.
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