The time for war has come. Death shall stalk the stars once more, and the predators of the Warp will grow fat on the souls of the lost and damned that will enter the shattered realm of the dead where the Celestial Choirs cannot ward them off.
May the Star Child have mercy on those standing in our way; we can not.
The War Begins:
(1-Day Moratorium)
-[] (Write-In Fleets fighting in the war.)
-[] (Write-In SAGs fighting in the First Phase of the Ground War.)
-[] (Write-In Triggers)
Triggers Earned
[Mechanical] Army of the Damned - (Write-In Stance)
The Mutants and Waste Clans are under your command, willing and able to contribute what they can for a better life promised by the Star Child. Choose one stance: [Raid Hive Outposts/SAG Convoy Guard/Sabotage Hive Defenses/Scout Hive Defenses]
[Narrative] Paths through the Wastes
When deploying to another Hive, your forces take drastically reduced attrition. When deploying to another Hive, Duchy forces take drastically increased attrition.
[Mechanical] The Armored Fifth Column - (Designate GENERAL Objectives)
[Equivalent to 10 SAGs.] Depletes by 2 each Turn. Suffers [Equivalent] SAG Casualties first each turn without depletion as an ablative shield.
[Lower Hive]
[Narrative] Arm the Enslaved - (Yes/No) - (If Yes, when?)
Attempt to rouse the enslaved populations of the Hives to join your revolution via Songs or doing it manually. Massive increase in chaos during the first few months at the cost of drastically increased civilian casualties.
[Narrative] Stoke the Workers to Action - (Yes/No)
Try to create strikes and work walkouts before the fleet enters the system everywhere you can to grind the industrial might of the Hives to a halt for a moment, vastly reducing available supplies for the native SDF, PDF, and Enforcers. Will boost civilian casualties.
[Narrative] Enforcers Turned - (Second-Line Guards/Trainers/Law Enforcers)
Turn the Law Enforcers of the Hives in your pockets into second-line guards for your revolution, trainers to improve the fighting population skills, or law enforcers for your side to keep chaos and Chaos low.
[Mechanical] Attempt Shield Generator Sabotage [OR] Subversion
Attempt to destroy or subvert the Shield Generators of the Hives to your side. You can only choose one. Sabotaging will drastically reduce the time required to siege a Hive but massively increase civilian casualties. Subverting is riskier but enables a powerful first assault against Hive Walls when pulled off.
[Mechanical] Attempt To Break The Walls - (When?)
Attempt to sabotage Hive Walls with explosives to enable quicker sieges and reduced casualties. The later this is attempted, the harder it becomes, but the earlier it is done, the less damage will remain without being repaired.
[Middle Hive]
[Mechanical] Moles in their Midsts - (Movements/Logistics/Morale/Communications/Fifth Column)
Your spies can focus their attention to give you various benefits. Movements increase attrition taken by the Duchy, Logistics decrease supplies for the loyalist PDF Regiments at the cost of increased Civilian Casualties, Morale enables you to better break the enemy without a fight, Communications slightly lower casualties for you across the board, and Fifth Column reduced their SAG reduction from 2 per Turn to 1 per Turn.
[Narrative] Break The Morale - (Civilians/PDF)
Use your infiltration of the Hives to splice in propaganda broadcasts into the daily lives of the defenders or the general population, aimed at breaking their will to fight against you instead of submitting to a new future free of the brutality of their old masters.
[Mechanical] Mechanicus Deviancy - (Specify Trigger)
With the Orthodox Cleansings ebbing down, those who have survived are more furious and scared than ever, willing to fight for one side that has an excellent chance to give them what they want. By utilizing these members of the Mechanicus, an area of operations will be enhanced, and its effects will increase.
[Upper Hive]
[Mechanical] Templar Rampages - (Officers/Nobles/Critical Infrastructure)
Choose one of the areas above for your Templars to target. Officers will reduce the effectiveness of the local PDF, Nobles will impact the civilians' will to continue fighting as their leadership collapses, and Critical Infrastructure will increase the rate at which you can conquer a Hive.
[Narrative] Mass-Poisonings - (Military/Nobles)
Use your spies to slip poisons into the food and water supplies to the military or the nobles, ensuring that leadership and general cohesion suffer.
[Hive Spire]
[Narrative] Targeted Assassinations (Admiral/General/Governor)
Attempt to assassinate one of the above persons. This has a low chance of success but may prove critical in the liberation of Voxx Primus.
[Voxxian Ringyards]
[Mechanical] Attempt To Blow The Plasma Generators [OR] Blow The Shield Generators [OR] Turn The Guns Around
Choose one of the above to disable the Ringyards, enable Teleportarium Strikes for the Lamenters, or sow discord in the enemy SDF. You can attempt two of the above, but they will be as likely to fail as they are to succeed.
[Narrative] Revolution In The Stars - (When)
Rouse the spacers and clans of the Ringyards to riot and revolution, spreading chaos and confusion as they disrupt logistics and divert attention away.
[Defensive Void Stations]
[Mechanical] Attempt To Blow The Plasma Generators [OR] Turn The Guns Around
Choose one of the above to disable the DVSs or sow discord in the enemy SDF.
[Mechanical] Hidden Moles - (Movements/Logistics/Morale/Communications)
What little spies you have in the PDF can focus their attention to give you various benefits. Movements increase attrition taken by the PDF, Logistics decrease supplies, Morale enables you to better break the enemy without a fight, and Communications slightly lower casualties for you across the board.
[Narrative] Turned Officers - (When)
Turn the PDF officers to your side, enabling you to gain entire Regiments to your cause.
[Mechanical] Hidden Moles - (Logistics/Morale/Communications)
What little spies you have in the SDF can focus their attention to give you various benefits. Logistics decrease supplies, Morale enables you to better break the enemy without a fight, and Communications enables you to become aware of some maneuvers before they are enacted.
[Narrative] Turned Officers - (When)
Turn the SDF officers to your side, potentially enabling you to gain entire Monitors to your cause.
[Voxxian Choirs]
[Mechanical] Use Songs - (Yes/No)
Allow Voxxian Choirs to use Songs. This dramatically increases the chance of daemonic possession and Chaos Corruption spreading in the liberation.
[Mechanical] Use Melodies - (Yes/No)
Allow Voxxian Choirs to use Melodies. This slightly increases the chance of daemonic possession and Chaos Corruption spreading in the liberation.
[Federation Choirs]
[Mechanical] (Designate Numbers, Songs, And Behaviour For The Ground War)
Choose what the Celestial Choirs objectives are, what Songs should take priority, and how they shall be utilized in the war.
AN: Tactics/Strategy for the Voxx primus/Secundus fights will come after this vote is over.
Unless specified otherwise, use strategic and tactical thinking to infer narrative benefits when mechanical benefits are not mentioned.