What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voting will open in 4 hours, 17 minutes
[] Plan: Ships To Blot Out The Sun, Infiltration to Squeeze Out Their Defenses
I'm on board with this vote. The only action I think you're not considering would be the temple ship potentially being higher payoff than research, and even that I'm not certain about. It might be a thing for after the war kicks off when we're trying to evacuate Voxx in an orderly fashion.

Anyone got any other ideas?
Good set. Thoughts:
1. I don't think this works out in our favor, beyond the snapshot cognition & duchy shipwrecks. We just don't have the room for a design action to take advantage of the new stuff.
2. I think the Temple Ship might be a sleeper hit. Especially for helping the integration/depopulation of Voxx go smoothly.
3. Songs are vital, I think we're trying to squeeze in both a grounding and a revolution song, maybe the giant space laser one. I do worry that this means putting our Choirs on our combat ships, noting that the Andromedas are not combat ships. Which probably means the Leos, as the toughest, baddest SOBs around whose role is to get in there and wreck shit. Maybe do grounding and assign one choir to each SBG?
4. See Below.
5. Can we reach out to the black cat as a free action to learn what it would cost @HeroCooky or would we spend an action to dedicate the resources to 'pay' them?
6. I dunno, it generally feels like we're kind of set on the ground, between our massive pile of Knights and the Lamenters. I'm sure things could be better, but I think it's fine if we don't dedicate anything more to that area?

1) We know that the enemy has some form of communication system. It'd be a high risk gamble, but if we could cut of or scramble their interstellar comms for even a short time, it could allow us to defeat the enemy in detail.
2) Similarly, prepping an attack against the chain of command could help greatly.
3) Otherwise, we know that the enemy has thought about slowboating ships in, so they presumably also have thought about preventing us from doing the same. Sabotaging their deep space sensors at a crucial juncture in time could help a great deal.
4) A Hive city is dependent on food deliveries, but since they're operating with 3 huge ships, they presumably have massive storage facilities to store that food, so that the ship can already return on it's voyage. Infiltrating the bureau of food could help us secure essential supplies during the early war, and it's also just a plain important position otherwise
5) Say hi to the mechanicus !
6) As a hive city has people as it's primary asset, it's likely the enemy will resort to conscription for war soon. Infiltrating and sabotaging the conscription system can provide an important early boon, especially if we get to raid equipment stockpiles.
1. We have a song for that. Trap of Song I believe. And a shitton of choirs on Voxx to use it to shut down their communication.
2. I like the idea of flipping their stations more, same with a lot of the the other potential infiltration options.
3. Maybe? It feels like we've been doing it for long enough that we know the details.
4. I bet our subversion bereau is already on it.
5. I am pretty sure we're already doing this, look a couple turns back and we got +20 years, part of that was subverting local mechanicus.
6. Good idea to make the ground war less painful, keep overall casualties lower. But again, I really don't know if we need to focus on that. If we control space we control the ground, so we really need to win in space. That's a lot of why I want to infiltrate the stations. Not only will they help us shoot down the fleet, they'll also help defend against counterattacks later.
Overall I feel like we just have one more infiltration action and need to pick a focus. I like the idea of the staions.

edit: Just added some things up. We have 32 SAG, 31 War-Pack soon, so 63 Transport space needed, we have 45 from current Taurus'.
We also have 13 Chameleons that can each carry a SBG. I think part of the idea is that those go in first and drop SAGs onto the freighters, Voxx Secundus and maybe Voxx Primus itself to kick things off, then the Taurus' come in afterwards. I do like the idea of doing a build action for a shitton of Sagittariuss though and like 3 more Taurus'. Seems like it shores up a key weakness in our arsenal.

Not unless you spend an Action to change the makeup of your SBGs.
We should think about doing this at some point... after the war. We can use a single action to design multiple types of SBG to fight different enemies. Some with lots of Saggittarius, some that are just giant piles of Libras, an infiltration one to build a ton of Chameleons/other stealth ships, or design a standard civilian aid group like the one we're currently building, or... whatever.

2. Heavily depends on the Song, most will be only useful in ground combat withouth the right Psytech-equipped ship.
Does 'most' include the grounding song, if the choir is on, say, a Leo being targeted by a psytech attack from one of the 'Sharp' ships?
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I agree with this, and I'm very skeptical of infiltrating beyond what Cooky has said we need. There has been an absolute ton of actions dumped into infiltration and we have to expect diminishing returns.

The Defense Station one is the one The Laurent has written up, WoG says that an Infiltration of the Military Ships will buy us another turn of delay, and the Propaganda Office says that infiltrating and turning the Food Ships is equally as important as the Defense Stations if we don't want everyone to starve.

This is just knocking all three out in one turn so they can continue to saturate and mature rather than drip feed them in and each have less time to do things.

Which reminds me, @HeroCooky I thought you'd said that our Templars would have a pay off basically this turn? Did I misunderstand and it's next turn, or did something happen/slip through?
5. Can we reach out to the black cat as a free action to learn what it would cost @HeroCooky or would we spend an action to dedicate the resources to 'pay' them?
Free Action to learn what they want.
Does 'most' include the grounding song, if the choir is on, say, a Leo being targeted by a psytech attack from one of the 'Sharp' ships?
You'd need a grounding song for me to answer that. You can get several dozen after all. But broadly. Depends on the Song and the Psytech being used. So maybe.

Such Help, Much Info
Which reminds me, @HeroCooky I thought you'd said that our Templars would have a pay off basically this turn? Did I misunderstand and it's next turn, or did something happen/slip through?
I had a stressy day, so it slipped my mind. Fixed.
[X] Plan: Ships To Blot Out The Sun, Infiltration to Squeeze Out Their Defenses
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Minotaur (1/2.5)
---[X] When completed it is to stay in the Perfinda system in order to be beyond their Scouting efforts.
-[X] [Voxx Primus] The Defense Stations are not the only threat we face, but they are definitely one of the major threats, and so we need to concentrate our efforts on thoroughly infiltrating every aspect of the Defense Station. Janitors and duct-workers, coders and guards, all of them matter to the chance to do either significant damage or seize the stations outright, and in either case open the door to the Lamenters' or others.
-[X] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
--[X] Evacuation Fleets - (0/4)
-[X] Switch from Lupus-Class Destroyers for the Automatic Destroyer Production, to Rustbuckets
This counts as a Voxx action that delays the day we get detected by a turn, gives us a better idea what our fleets will be facing and will make raising more armies cheaper(more SAG's per action)
The Studies might even give us new equipment if we are lucky.

[X] Plan improved logistics
-[X] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development (0/2) x2
-[X] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development (0/2) x2(one from free research)
-[X] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies(from banked research)
-[X] Switch from Lupus-Class Destroyers for the Automatic Destroyr Production, to Rustbuckets

This in support of my plan to get the best possible fleet for the comming war with the following followups:
The destroyer sized troop ship with teleporter is intended to support our attacks on the stations and agri ships
The Aid design is for the long term to help the non voxx worlds as our navy takes them

Turn 2:
Ship design(new Crux, FLT cruiser, stealth ship with boarding hangars), A destroyer sized troop ship with teleporter and civilian aid ship
Voxx action(infiltrating the transports)
Evac fleet action
autobuild: Rustbuckets for troop transports

Turn 3:
3x SGB
autobuild: A destroyer sized troop ship with teleporter

Turn 4:
1x SBG
1x normal ship consturction(fill out SBG that got the prototypes, build stealth ship with boarding hangars with remaining points
1x SAG
autobuild: A destroyer sized troop ship with teleporter

Turn 5
autobuild: A destroyer sized troop ship with teleporter

Turn 6:
SRV x3

Turn 7(war start?)
1x SRV
autobuild: aid destoryer
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We need to start infiltrating the transports this turn or the next. And next turn I think we should also infiltrate and use the mundane corruption of the arbites and other enforcement arms to keep the higher levels of the Duchy more blind to our infiltration.
[X] Plan: Ships To Blot Out The Sun, Infiltration to Squeeze Out Their Defenses

Oh good. I don't have to wait for the plan to get posted.

List of songs I think would be nice, in order of priority.
GROUNDING: Bubble Against Power - Grounding, Home, Protection <- @HeroCooky this one. The other two I can think of would be Unharmed By Power or A Veil Turned Curtain. Which one would be better for a Choir aboard a Leo in a fleet under attack by Psytech-equipped enemies?
Revolution: Let Our Souls Ignite The Flames Of Kindred Minds Against The Roaring World - Struggle, Fire, Humanity, Unity, Hope, Song Or maybe Let Kindred Souls Dream Of Better Days Of Cruelty Devoid - Song, Mercy, Slumber, Compassion, Humanity
Jamming: A Trap Of Song - Silence, Protection, Grounding, Perception, Death
Combat: Nova Explosiva Killinga - Sun, Fire, Death, Death, Death, though potentially also Laser Beam Of Magic - Sun, Fire, Death, Void. Regardless, probably not worth it until we have better psytech.
[X] Plan: Ships, Tech advantage, Infiltration
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Expanded Snapshot Cogitation Improvements and Tetratek ARc Cannonade
--[X] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development (free research)

-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Minotaur (1/2.5)
---[X] When completed it is to stay in the Perfinda system in order to be beyond their Scouting efforts.
-[X] [Voxx Primus] The Defense Stations are not the only threat we face, but they are definitely one of the major threats, and so we need to concentrate our efforts on thoroughly infiltrating every aspect of the Defense Station. Janitors and duct-workers, coders and guards, all of them matter to the chance to do either significant damage or seize the stations outright, and in either case open the door to the Lamenters' or others.
-[X] Switch from Lupus-Class Destroyers for the Automatic Destroyer Production, to Rustbuckets
[X] Plan improved logistics

[X] Plan: Speeding Up The Slow Rolling

[X] Plan: Ships, Tech advantage, Infiltration
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We are about to build 3 SBG's with 8 Cruxes and 3 Andromeda and each of those is old enough if we try to build them now we would have 10 DP left over.
that is why i want to do a ship design action before those complete(as they get the ship designs as they are when they complete even if they where partly build before the designs where made)
Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies might provide new gear useful for that or a DP from lessons learned so i want to do that before the design action
We are about to build 3 SBG's with 8 Cruxes and 3 Andromeda and each of those is old enough if we try to build them now we would have 10 DP left over.
that is why i want to do a ship design action before those complete(as they get the ship designs as they are when they complete even if they where partly build before the designs where made)
Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies might provide new gear useful for that or a DP from lessons learned so i want to do that before the design action

Ah yes, with the many actions we have and your literally "ignores building SBGs or civilian fleets entirely" plan.
Ah yes, with the many actions we have and your literally "ignores building SBGs or civilian fleets entirely" plan.
I had a stressy day, so it slipped my mind. Fixed.

We just got 3 more.

Suspected Time to Discover our Efforts: ~60 Years
Modifiers: +~20 Years to Discover thanks to Void Station Subversion Efforts and Templars.

So, with that in mind we do have the time for a small refit.
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GROUNDING: Bubble Against Power - Grounding, Home, Protection <- @HeroCooky this one. The other two I can think of would be Unharmed By Power or A Veil Turned Curtain. Which one would be better for a Choir aboard a Leo in a fleet under attack by Psytech-equipped enemies?
They would protect. I am not saying how much, against what powers, or how useful said protection will be against psytech attacks since your knowledge of psytech can be summed up as "aware its possible."
Ah yes, with the many actions we have and your literally "ignores building SBGs or civilian fleets entirely" plan.
yes as doing both
Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development (0/2) x2
Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development (0/2) x2(one from free research)

Adds 10 years to the time we have till the revolt kicks off so we got the same amount of time left to build the SBG's after taking my plan then before and the terraformed worlds would be a turn closer to being ready and the improved weapons will help our existing SAG's fight a bit better or increase the amount of SAG's we get per action.
The design action would also provide the prototypes to a SBG so it might be less ships then a full build action but it provides some
The destroyers with a boarding shuttle bay and teleporter might be the difference between us taking 2 or taking all of the huge food ships
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1. Likely, but requires some very thought out Write-Ins.
2. Heavily depends on the Song, most will be only useful in ground combat withouth the right Psytech-equipped ship.

We also have 13 Chameleons that can each carry a SBG.
Oh totally forgot, thanks. They move 4 SAGs each, so +52 transport capacity, we're fine. Cooky can you add transport capacity to their fleet section please?

temple ship potentially being higher payoff
The first action seems to let us create the Template to build it, I'd think it will be costly. I think Holy Symbols are a better mystery box to press first but I expect all the faith actions are powerful rewards from the Heresies.

I think I agree with most of your points overall.

[X] Plan: Ships To Blot Out The Sun, Infiltration to Squeeze Out Their Defenses

@The Laurent Can you also put in a free action to ask Black Cat Company what the price is for hiring them?
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Free Action to learn what they want.
@The Laurent Any chance you could add a discrete inquiry for prices to the list. It's a free action.
The first action seems to let us create the Template to build it, I'd think it will be costly. I think Holy Symbols are a better mystery box to press first but I expect all the faith actions are powerful rewards from the Heresies.
We have a trait that builds one example of every template we create, so we still get one even if we're unlikely to be able to build more until we reach Void XII
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The infiltration of the Voxxian Ringyards has continued apace, beginning in lockstep with the continued withdrawal of naval assets from Voxx Primus to other parts of the Free Duchy in response to an alleged increase in Drukhari Raids.

Similarly, efforts have been spent in Voxx Secundus to seed agents and saboteurs into the general populations in jobs that will not immediately churn through them before requesting replacements to increase efficiency in subverting the local populace and PDF to our side.

Beyond that, nothing new can be reported that isn't the continued increase in penetration of the general populace, Upper Hives, and Hive Spires of Voxx Primus.
Ah, so that's the reason why. I do feel bad for the victims of those raids and we're gonna have to deal with them again when the Dutchy starts losing ground.

Hah, I love how it needs to be mentioned change in jobs on the agri-world leads to the increase of efficiency in the infiltration since they're not dying right away due to how it is there.

Good information all round.

-[] Evacuation Fleets - (0/4)
Oh sweet it did work out with half an action shaved off. Glad to see.

-[] Enhanced Factory Servitors (0/2)
(Gain: Tiny increase in mostly automated industries.)
AHHHHHH, damn it all! its only two actions and we COULD do it but at this point we need to acutally build shit, which includes doing the combat researches for our missiles, and such since those need time as well to be built and spread. So another tiny increase that WILL help a lot in a lot of things and will be a thing to go for once we take Voxx Primus and Secundus. At least we have something to look forward to.

-[] Creative Anti-Gravity Military Utilization
(Gain: Prototype Grav-Chute Infantry)
Oh shit, that seems pretty good. So something like Drop Troopers then? I wonder how those work and how they would differ from other types of drops. I don't think we're give it a gamble until after the war though, shame.

Voxx Primus
Ordered Subversion Time-Frame: ~90 Years
Suspected Time to Discover our Efforts: ~60 Years
Modifiers: +~20 Years to Discover thanks to Void Station Subversion Efforts and Templars.
Oh shit, the Templars did pay off. We have 60 years but I'm leaning more to an early discovery around 40 years. I think we'll be good and if can really push it back another decade to only 20 more years until things were ready I'd be happy and trigger it then.

still overall a good turn for it and helps us a lot.

[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
-[] Minotaur (1/2.5)
-[] Leviathan (0/2.5)
-[] Basilisk (0/2.5)
-[] Hydralisk (0/2.5)

-[] Necrolisk (0/2.5)
okay, thanks for small mercies. it will still take 3 actions to build an SBG but it will overall to the next one and make that one only cost 2. I'm positive the Enhanced Factory Servitors will help reduce that to two action per SBG but I don't think we can wait for that.

You will now have the option to try and target the shield generators or turn the guns around to the local SDF/Fleet or attempt to blow the plasma generators to take out large portions of the Ringyard from the equation when you begin your invasion.

This will increase in power with ore time and attention.
I think we build up to attempt of them at once or just go with turning off/destroying the Shield Generators to let the lamenters have an easy time to teleport there and take them.

It would take an Action to have an [Fleet Uprising] trigger ready for the Invasion, and would push back the Time to Discovery by a Turn.
Or if we can do this to get some of the ships over to our side and pair it with the turning the guns on the fleet and SDF. If we do this I would push for using the guns on the Fleet and SDF. we will be taking over some which will give us holes in the defense grid we can slip though to focus on defeating the SDF and Fleet stationed there and then come back for the other stations. I think this is worth it as well since it would help delay the Time to Discovery as well as stack the odds more in our favor with the SDF/Fleet splitting for us.

Wrong words. It didn't budge enough industry to make your polity-wide Actions buy you more Actions.
It did budge your primary cultures to no longer be rabidly averse to automatization and autonomous machines.
Ohhhh so that's what it was was damn. but it makes sense and we had to ease them into it. that's fair, then how did the increase happen then?

also the reason autonomous machines were bad or distrusted because apparently fucking deamon for Machine Spirits or tech can be summoned through fucking circuits somehow and when you don't know that's the cause or believe its because of it being autonomous. So fair enough, we just need to be careful about it.

Yep. Either that, or they detect your approach and bail. Destroyed nine ships so far, had seven escape.
Ah, well we destroyed a good amount but with Dogmatic 5/5, the Dutchy no doubt considers those lives well spent for the info they did manage to get and report back. I think they saw the slow increase with the 3rd SBG but I think we do move the 4th and 5th SBG's in a neighboring system out of sight of that. and given how the Dutchy has seen us just chilling there doing nothing, they recalled the reinforcements they sent to Voxx Primus for an enemy actively attacking them.

That definitely means we should have the 4th SBG in a different system, just to make sure they can't discover it.
definitely, system adjacent to them so they can respond quickly if the Dutchy sends out a force.

I mean, a .5 action save on Evac Fleets is basically a 1-action save. So we've saved a total of TWO actions.
that will help us get the 5th SBG quicker and remember we should be getting a 4th action for that turn if we get up to 5 SBG's built. So would have been three actions saved? or just two and a bonus action.

No, it is the [Gain One Action This Turn] threshold, and the minimum amount of ships you need to have a chance to win without playing dirty as all hell.

Remember that they roll 3d6 Drop Lowest in combat, while you roll 2d6 Flat.
that... is very different when how I read that. I thought it was enough to make a victory in our favors and push them out of system and then they would come back with the bulk of the fleet, and that the infiltration and focus on stations and such would make that more certain since its more dirty plays by us.

Right I remember, but surely with how much we stacked against them AND the fleets if we had 5 SBG's and the Lamenters even they would struggle to claim a really victory that wasn't just 'how many can we take with us before we die?'

Five SBGs + Lamenters is what I said is needed else you merely tie with Van Zandt and are forced to spend 3 Actions to send in more ships.
Defender's Advantage.

And [Ominous Cutting Ships Looming Ominously].
Oh shit, right. They would know all the hiding and ambush points, all of them grouped up already and having the stations. half their strength is in the defenses and the strange ships... so that does imply the ships have something pretty big in them that would be problems and require the extra Metal for this that will incur us losses. I would think with how the stations would turn on the SDF/fleet and degrade their strength before meeting our forces will help with that or reck any cohesion/formation they would have with that happening. I guess not.

wow that was way off what I thought was meant, oh well. its doable with trying to get a 6th SBG done and having .5 banked for a replacement SBG to swap out with a Frontline one.

Five SBGs + Lamenters are needed to win in a 1v1 where the dice fall in your favor, if you do not have dirty tricks working for you.
Fucking hell either those stations or those [Cutting] ships.... Maybe we should do Holy Sigils in case.

and that's sorta of the confusion I think. Its the 'you need ( 5/6 v 1) to win given the stations and forces there but it would be lower needed or be able to push out the Dutchy from there if supplmented by the dirty actions like subverting the SDF/Fleet and the Defense Stations. The dice are unpredictable and you never know with them. That changes things a bit, anything got any other ideas for dirty tricks to pull?

We need a focused infiltration/corruption action of the Arbites and other enforcement forces on Voxx Primus. That will 100% push back the clock by a minimum of 10 years if not more.
Wait didn't we already do that? like before we did the Office of propaganda but after the explanation of everything and the coloring of the option Trigger the revolution? the infiltrating the Arbites and paying them off or the like? I could have swore we did that already.

Open up the thread, stoked to see reduced SBG and Civ Fleet numbers. Read the thread, people are in despair and we should have already had those numbers :V
Same old, Same old. Quests never change, though to be fair it wasn't the case at first and was due to book keeping and a check on production numbers, turns out QM didn't update the increased ship numbers from last time so that's why the Ship building needed less actions.

I think its more about trying to get our golden scenario for Voxx Primus and struggling to get their focus done first before the others to make sure its all done by whatever date the Revolution kicks off.

The Defense Station one is the one The Laurent has written up, WoG says that an Infiltration of the Military Ships will buy us another turn of delay, and the Propaganda Office says that infiltrating and turning the Food Ships is equally as important as the Defense Stations if we don't want everyone to starve.
I mean, the infiltration of Military ships will buy us another turn AND be able to try Hijack/munity the ship into joining our side and splitting the Dutchy forces there even more. So I would say that action is good choice overall. I do think we have to try to infiltrate the Food ships, we should do that a turn or two before we trigger the revolution or next turn.

You'd need a grounding song for me to answer that. You can get several dozen after all. But broadly. Depends on the Song and the Psytech being used. So maybe.
Fair enough and it's not like we're hurting for ones to choose from. Just look at the informational post I did and look for songs starting with Grounding first or the title of a song that looks like it would be a grounding.
I like to fit in a ship design action before we complete a SBG containing
-4/10 improved Andromeda(maxed acceleration, shields and armor, Enhanced Strategium and supply/manufactory with any remaining points( i think the acceleration boost matters the most)
-2/10 improved Crux(has 6+ DP we can spend on BESH Missile Store and other upgrades
-1/10 A destroyer sized mine layer
-1/10 A destroyer sized Aid ship(Tiny Mobile Civilian Manufactory)

-2/10 A stealth Frigate that has boarding shuttles instead of a troop compartment
-2/10 A stealth Frigate that has a Light Teleportarium instead of a troop compartment and supply generation
But there's a slight problem with that.

I refuse to design any new ship with physical munitions until we get standardized Autoloaders.

That 2 extra DP would be so useful and I sincerely think it would be worth the actions to do it. Not now of course, but after the revolution kicks off for sure. Not to mention we're already pressed for actions as is and I believe we're better served making a new song instead.

So let's put the ship designing off for later, b/c I WANT MY FUCK-MOTHERING AUTOLOADERS STAR-CHILD DAMNIT!!! :mob:

-- Any combination of Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies, Burner Seeker Mines and Rotary Plasma-Macro Cannons,Expanded Snapshot Cogitation Improvements and Tetratek ARc Cannonade
While the latter two are useful, they're not strictly necessary. I'd much rather prefer we spent research actions on either improving our ground forces b/c they'll need it or the MMI thing to see what that does.

Also, IIRC Expanded Snapshot Cogitation Improvements is an Equipment, not a general improvement so that won't come into play until we design a ship with it.
Not unless you spend an Action to change the makeup of your SBGs.
And quite honestly, I refuse to replace the Andromeda with that fucking piece of shit Rustbucket and I am incensed that this is even a suggestion. I grit my teeth over it winning and being a design, but I tolerated it since it was purely meant for civilian fleets.

But replacing the Andromeda with this abomination of a ship? It reeks of the same cost-cutting bullshit that pervades modern corporations and I adamantly refuse to compromise the safety of our Choirs b/c some people here are feeling like cheapskates.
1. Likely, but requires some very thought out Write-Ins.
Hmmm, what about a Write-In where we divert attention by empowering gangs and doing false-flag attacks to frame Chaos Cults? Letting some violent and ambitious gangers have a few hundred lost trucks of equipment and getting leaks of storehouse locations herrr, a few dozen officials getting brutally murdered with some local cult signs there…

We also have 13 Chameleons that can each carry a SBG. I think part of the idea is that those go in first and drop SAGs onto the freighters, Voxx Secundus and maybe Voxx Primus itself to kick things off, then the Taurus' come in afterwards. I do like the idea of doing a build action for a shitton of Sagittariuss though and like 3 more Taurus'. Seems like it shores up a key weakness in our arsenal.
I want to use the Chamleons to drop in several light SBGs in the Underhive so when the time comes, we press them from above and below to pincer them.
When we can carve out the time I really want to see what the Lamenters do with grab chute tech. Can you imagine how crazy their drop pods might become?
Voting will open in 4 hours, 17 minutes