The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog.
A sect and a cult of the Star-Mechanicum that desires to shed the fallibility of the self and replace it with the infallibility of the many. No longer shall one need to suffer the many if they can enjoy the one. No more doubts, no more fear, no more dissonance. Only the hard certainty that no matter who you are, you have a place, a purpose, and a duty that will be fulfilled and enrich all beings everywhere.
There will be no strife when all are one under the Star Child.
There will be no hunger when all are one under the Star Child.
There will be no suffering when all are one under the Star Child.
For when all are one under the Star Child, the Star Child will be them, and they the Star Child.
Those are the words of the Supplicants, and they are intoxicating indeed. The idea that one can simply...let go of all their fears, of all their despair and misery, let go of pain and uncertainty, and be always comforted in the knowledge that, yes, they have a purpose, they are worth and worthy of the Divine Grace that the Star Child has given us to usher in its Age...
They will always have recruits. No matter how many cells are struck, how many of their plans to advance the eradication of the self are discovered and destroyed, their experiments saved, and their raids on research institutions foiled...human nature itself is their ally.
Humanity craves purpose. It is what makes It made us go into the stars, what enabled us to reach the heights we now once again aspire to achieve, and the doom that falls when that search for purpose is twisted and turned into horrors beyond human comprehension.
There is a saying: "What reason has a wretch dwelling in hell to refuse the Daemons offer?"
There is a truth: "What reason do those who see no worth in themselves have to refuse an offer to make them worthy?"
Unlike the Syncretists, the Supplicants cannot be fought with propaganda and wary eyes, not with hands and fists, nor ease and reach.
They are a cancer upon the minds of 87% of our people, for they prey upon the needs of Humanity itself to feed themselves.
How Shall We Deal With Them?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)