What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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And I was also waiting for a keyturn. Not on, "This will never cause problems" because all possible creeds/beliefs will, but for this being a logical and reasonable thing that it's canonically viable for them to have come up with? Since the QM gets vetoes.
Yeah, you can use that as a thing that would viably be made in-universe. Sorry forthe delay in answering, had the weekly dinner with the parents.
the only faction that would have rejected the emperor would have been the heretic option right?
Yes. All others were some manner of being on board with him or what he had wrought.
Also we have a built in escape clause that will dampen Lamenter skepticism by claiming the Star Child as the only begotten child of the Omnissiah and Emperor.

Thus allowing us to punt on where the Sons of the Emperor and their Sons (the Space Marines) fall in this theology.

It's absolutely a punt, but it's one that allows religious arguments to develop, which is neat!
No. You need Big E to be at least a component of your faith, as he is directly creating the Star Child with the Faith of Humanity by filtering out the good from the bad and crafting a God Entity worthy of the species he failed so much.
Yeah, but can he just be a component of the faith, in that he created the Star Child?
Or does the component have to play a bigger role beyond that?
Yes, which in itself is a big part that you can't "sweep under the rug."
"just sweep big E under the rug" was a bit too sloppy a description, I guess.

"The Emperor created the Star Child", past tense without confirming or denying the Emperor in present tense.
Still a component, still important, but... much less focus on Emperor than "I believe in the Emperor, Lord Almighty".
So what's the Droman Creed's stance on Xenotech? Cause like I feel like this is pretty good moment to keep the Xenotech = Hersey worth burning people alive from ever being a part of our group. Like we already are a little fine with it given how we used our protectorate to help get us heavy industry but making sure we nail it down in the big book feels like an easy ask.
So what's the Droman Creed's stance on Xenotech? Cause like I feel like this is pretty good moment to keep the Xenotech = Hersey worth burning people alive from ever being a part of our group. Like we already are a little fine with it given how we used our protectorate to help get us heavy industry but making sure we nail it down in the big book feels like an easy ask.

I think its focus on the idea that all can be part of the song regardless of species as well as the value of knowledge provides textual/creed *nods* towards accepting Xenotech, but I don't think it'd make sense for there to be an explicit section on Xenotech. As a Creed this is something for a believer to state as a formal profession of faith and in this case orthodoxy.
That's why I added "I am all but I am more" to say that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

That would push towards Unity, after all the whole can apply to even the entire galaxy if we want to.

Rage. Rage against the dying of the light.

That's what I was thinking of.

Though... I could replace light with hope. Like we refuse to let hope die?
That's what I was thinking. It's fine to rage, cry etc, plenty of that in WH40K but compassion and such seem to be all but non existent. So I kinda want a general direction to hope compassion and love. Can you tell Salamanders are my favored?
@HeroCooky how does this look?

I am Emperor, I am Omnissiah, I am Machine, I am Flesh, I am Star Child, I am all but I am more. I am Humanity, and I refuse to let any of it die.

Does it make sense, or does Humanity end up like a sixth element?
That could work.
To you I give two tasks: Help and bring Hope.
For that is how you grow my light to banish the dark ness.
believe that these Five, Omnissiah, Emepror, Motive Force, Body of the Faith, and Star Child, are Indivisible and One, and Two, And Three, Four, and Five.
What's this symbolism?
What's the Droman Creed?
That's what I was thinking. It's fine to rage, cry etc, plenty of that in WH40K but compassion and such seem to be all but non existent. So I kinda want a general direction to hope compassion and love. Can you tell Salamanders are my favored?

That could work.


What's this symbolism?
What's the Droman Creed?

A Creed in this case is a confession of faith, a statement of the shared beliefs. The system is Droma, and the Creed was created in Droma, just as you might say that the Nicene Creed is named so because it was codified in the city of Nicea.

Five is a sacred number to our faith already, and if they are both one and yet separate and coequal and thus Five, then it stands to reason, or so various forces argued, that they must also necessarily be 2-4. Encompassing all of that.