What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Is this ok?

I am what was three, MachineGod, Emperor, Motive Force.
I am two, the Starchild and the Motive Force.
You, my Followers, are my third.
To you I give two tasks: Help and bring Hope.
For that is how you grow my light to banish the dark ness.

For 2+1+2=5.
And to express that their interaction with the Kil'drabi wasn't a fluke, it was who they should be.
"I believe in the Omnissiah, the font of knowledge, the Patriarch, the source of inspiration and the creativity of innovation and mastery, of understanding of the world.

I believe in the Emperor, Lord Almighty, the Father, creator and bounder of life, and an Empire not of fists but of opened hands, nor of blood and pyres but of bright signal-fires.

I believe, further, in the Omnissiah-and-Emperor, both Lord and Lords Almighty, co-equal, indivisible and inseparable, one and two, and the sacred nature of the Mystery of Their and His nature.

I believe in the Community and Body of the Faith, Holy and Universal--its reach total as all unite in its sacred purpose regardless of species, appearance, or prior faith and creed--such that all the voices of the galaxy might one day be lifted in Song.

I believe in the Motive Force, the energy itself that drives all change, that turns the gears of the Body of Faith and enacts the Will of the Omnissiah-and-Emperor, whose Machine-Spirits and whose Great Machine of Community-and-Motive-Force shall help produce a Great Light, the Light of Hope.

I believe that this light is produced by knowledge and understanding, by the combination of the Community and the Life, spread across the whole of the great machine, so that each may be a coequal Gear in the great design.

I believe that this Light of Hope is the only begotten child of the Omnissiah and Emperor, forged and formed of the Great Machine created by the Motive Force and Body of Faith, and yet coequal in all ways with the other four.

I believe that these Five, Omnissiah, Emepror, Motive Force, Body of the Faith, and Star Child, are Indivisible and One, and Two, And Three, Four, and Five.

I believe in the galaxy's song, in the grinding of these holy, sacred, and merciful gears, and that the Star Child is the culmination and reflection of this Light, and that they shall Save the Galaxy and usher in an age of Hope, Compassion, Knowledge, Creativity and Justice, forever and ever, Amen!"
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I see nothing wrong with that.
May want to give that a snappy [] so people can vote for it. :V

I'm going to think of it, I was trying to write it. Is "The Holy Creed" alright?

And I was also waiting for a keyturn. Not on, "This will never cause problems" because all possible creeds/beliefs will, but for this being a logical and reasonable thing that it's canonically viable for them to have come up with? Since the QM gets vetoes.
The Droman Creed
If it is an acceptable write-in, then may I submit...

[X] The Droman Creed

"I believe in the Omnissiah, the font of knowledge, the Patriarch, the source of inspiration and the creativity of innovation and mastery, of understanding of the world.

I believe in the Emperor, Lord Almighty, the Father, creator and bounder of life, and an Empire not of fists but of opened hands, nor of blood and pyres but of bright signal-fires.

I believe, further, in the Omnissiah-and-Emperor, both Lord and Lords Almighty, co-equal, indivisible and inseparable, one and two, and the sacred nature of the Mystery of Their and His nature.

I believe in the Community and Body of the Faith, Holy and Universal--its reach total as all unite in its sacred purpose regardless of species, appearance, or prior faith and creed--such that all the voices of the galaxy might one day be lifted in Song.

I believe in the Motive Force, the energy itself that drives all change, that turns the gears of the Body of Faith and enacts the Will of the Omnissiah-and-Emperor, whose Machine-Spirits and whose Great Machine of Community-and-Motive-Force shall help produce a Great Light, the Light of Hope.

I believe that this light is produced by knowledge and understanding, by the combination of the Community and the Life, spread across the whole of the great machine, so that each may be a coequal Gear in the great design.

I believe that this Light of Hope is the only begotten child of the Omnissiah and Emperor, forged and formed of the Great Machine created by the Motive Force and Body of Faith, and yet coequal in all ways with the other four.

I believe that these Five, Omnissiah, Emperor, Motive Force, Body of the Faith, and Star Child, are Indivisible and One, and Two, And Three, Four, and Five.

I believe in the galaxy's song, in the grinding of these holy, sacred, and merciful gears, and that the Star Child is the culmination and reflection of this Light, and that they shall Save the Galaxy and usher in an age of Hope, Compassion, Knowledge, Creativity and Justice, forever and ever, Amen!"
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Personally I kind of just dislike Machine-God and Omnissiah ideas in general.

For the Machine-God by tying all knowledge of everything to an omnipotent being that just happens to like humanity just feels wrong since nothing in 40k and its various quests/fanfics has ever convinced me such a thing exists except maybe as the Void Dragon itself. It also tries to make humanity and its tech more special and 'holy' which creates tons of issues in regards to Xenotech as seen by the Admech. Like there's ways to have pride on humanity's advancement in technology without also going "We have super tech God on our side even if he never helps directly and that makes your xeno gross and filthy". I would much prefer a more universal and Neutral Machine-God that is like the Akashik Records and Concept of Machine-Spirits (aka Machines have spirits so treat them well). Something that isn't exactly an acting entity or has any preference to humanity but one that humanity can learn and discover from with maybe some rhetoric that humanity is a step ahead compared to other races cause we realize what the Machine-God really 'is'.

And as for the Omnissiah it's just a scam in my eyes. Like Emps is legit better than tech than almost all of the Admech put together and can fix things with his mind but that's not because he has a holy connection to the Machine-God that he's acting as a Vessel/Prophet for but that Emps is just that good. It's a scam to make the Admech follow him easily which tbh still has uses in our situation but idk I just don't like it. Especially since the word is just kind of arrogant as fuck "I am the messiah of all the Omnissiah!" which brings into issue of Emperor's "only I can save mankind" complex which led to many issues of him basically trying to save mankind alone with everyone else as pawns to his Plan(tm). I don't really have an idea of what I would replace Omnissiah with but I guess some more general thing of various Saints instead of trying to have such a huge central figreat?

Motive Force is cool and doesn't really need any changing.
[X] Plan: The Candlekeepers mission
-[X] I am what was three (MachineGod, Emperor/Omnissiah, Motive Force)
-[X] I am two, the Starchild and the Motive Force.
-[X] You, my Followers, are my third.
-[X] To you I give two tasks: Help and bring Hope.
-[X] For that is how you grow my light to banish the darkness.
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So currently leading vote re-emphasises fascism-daddy but assigns it different attributes to make it unrecognizable to what it previously was.

The moment we chose to have Lamenters, or literally any major aligned, "Believes in the Emperor" faction, we were guaranteeing that we were keeping the Emperor in some form.

I don't personally like the Emperor, but, like. I was trying to write a Creed I thought could logically follow from the ideological and material circumstances.

Because I found that fun.
the only faction that would have rejected the emperor would have been the heretic option right?

Yep, which would have gotten us:

[Heretical] - For a solid second, nothing happens, and the eyes of the Soul Grinder turn from intrigued to amused, its snake-horse face splitting open to speak in its horrid tongues once more. At least, it tries, as a massive pillar of pure steel strikes it down the head, smashing its entire body into the floor with an explosion of blood and dust; large and convulsing hands attached to the pillar slowly lift it with the aid of grotesquely muscular arms belonging to an even larger torso. Despite that, the face on the massive head looks rather sad and confused, eyes unclouded by even the tiniest bit of intelligence looking from the recovering Soul Grinder to me. "Big Horsie No Play?" Grom says with a jaunty lilt, a tick he always had, even before being enhanced by alchemical means. "BIG HORSIE MUCH PLAY! HIT AGAIN UNTIL I SAY STOP!" I scream, my heart thundering in my chest as the Soul Grinder looks at me with a mixture of reproach and lust, opens its maw...and is hit into the ground once more; Grom, now laughing as the mutated Ogryn smashes his pillar into the Daemon for what seems like far too long, heavy stubbers not ceasing to fire until there simply isn't anything left to fire at.
(Gain Opportunity: Big Friendly Buddies - Thanks to alchemical means, those Ogryns at your disposal have been further enhanced into truly momentous strength and combat ability. Even unarmored their skin can deflect small rounds like it's nothing, and further work will only make these Alchemy-Soldiers all the more deadlier.)

But alas, it was not so (I actually voted for the SOB, I think, so it would have also been "a major faction specifically believes in The Emperor.")