What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I strongly suggest we send a fleet over to End of the Line this turn just incase DEldar or something else unfriendly shows up through the gate.
Took me a second to get the math, but now that I have, it actually is pretty appealing! I'm glad we didn't outright alienate them.

They're basically sharing the Corporation Civ V milestone with us, aren't they @HeroCooky
If we wanna nail down the fleet reorganization this turn (which is reasonable) I think we should take some Faith or Research actions alongside it, or just a single development action.
Yeah, now that we have some breathing room, I think it's time for some Destructive Research. Tear apart these old Imperial Ships and see what goodies we can get from them.

[] Naval Reorientation and Foreign Psykers
-[] [Military] Fleet Procurement Re-Organization
-[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
-[] [General] Research:

—[] Destructive Reverse-Engineering of Imperial Ships
-[] [Free Action] Send whatever fleets we can spare to the End of the Line and prepare for an incursion. Maybe whatever comes out will be friendly, but if it's dark, spiky and full of Evil Elves ultramurder them with extreme prejudice.
I'm still not sure how this even works. Like it says NEXT but also Actions, I assumed that each bonus proc'd only once?

My understanding is that, on the turn when you take the Jolly Economic Cooperation Action, any Development action you take will allow you to make 2 levels of progress instead of 1, which can be spent on any combination of our development categories (2 levels in 1 category or 1 level in 2 categories)

So taking a single development action with the Jolly Cooperation action only really gives us a bit of a +relationship with the Families in comparison to taking 2 normal development actions, while taking 2 development actions gives us 4 levels of development compared to taking 3 normal development actions.
My only real concern here is... The math doesn't quite check out?

We spend 2 actions to get 2 actions worth of progress in our Infra development. Now, in terms of Action taken, we still get two actions worth of Infra progress and it doubles as improving our relationship with these guys because they get some solid coin out of the deal with 'dem government contracts, but it isn't quite the game changer people have been bragging about.

That being Said, it's still worth exploring, because we want to encourage people using actual fucking diplomacy and mutual interest over bleached murderburning, but it's mostly a wash in terms of immediate benefit.

On the other hand, if it's "Buy the contract and then get three charges of Boosted Infra Development", that's another story. Or if it's "Buy the contract, get one turn of Turbocharged Infra Development, and you can do this up to three times", that's another story still.
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[] Plan: Sword, Shield, Coin
-[] [General] Jolly Economic Co-Operation - [3 Remaining]
-[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[] Civilian Infrastructure IV+Civilain Industry V (Discount applied)
-[] [Military] Fleet Procurement Re-Organization

This gets us back to Civ V which is a good thing both for getting towards the All-V and getting set up and also makes sure our fleet shit is figured out now.
this is silly though? Done like this, you might as well not waste the discount and just take two development action

what we should do is buy a discount this turn, then take 2 development actions this turn. The blurb says that the discount applies to Actions, not just one action, so this is way more efficient.
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Again, I still don't quite grasp what exactly is meant by all of this. I have different people telling me different interpretations of how this even works. Even two people telling me that my plan is bad for TWO different reasons that do not actually align with each other in terms of how this works.
Again, I still don't quite grasp what exactly is meant by all of this. I have different people telling me different interpretations of how this even works. Even two people telling me that my plan is bad for TWO different reasons that do not actually align with each other in terms of how this works.
If we want to take advantage of the Discount, we ought to take only development actions and the Discount itself. Otherwise it's not actually worth it.

If we take two Development and the Discount, that effectively end up with us having taken 4 actions for the price of 3... Still not a game changer, but worth it.
My only real concern here is... The math doesn't quite check out?

We spend 2 actions to get 2 actions worth of progress in our Infra development. Now, in terms of Action taken, we still get two actions worth of Infra progress and it doubles as improving our relationship with these guys because they get some solid coin out of the deal with 'dem government contracts, but it isn't quite the game changer people have been bragging about.

That being Said, it's still worth exploring, because we want to encourage people using actual fucking diplomacy and mutual interest over bleached murderburning, but it's mostly a wash in terms of immediate benefit.

On the other hand, if it's "Buy the contract and then get three charges of Boosted Infra Development", that's another story.
It isn't the game changer people are bragging about, but if we do go all in on development the same turn we pick the Trade option, we essentially do get 1 free action. So it really only becomes a net positive if we just go all in on development. Not amazing, but actions are precious and what would be essentially 3 free actions if we use Economic Cooperation right is pretty darn good.
On the plus side, we need 7 Development actions to get to All-V... So 2 turns of using the Discount would get us there. That's way faster than we would otherwise go, in large part because it would be otherwise very difficult to convince people to vote for a full-development turn.
Word of God here. Taking Jolly and 1 Dev will result in 2 Devs. Taking Jolly and 2 Devs will result in 4 Devs. Hope this clears it up. Added some clarification to the Action.
On the plus side, we need 7 Development actions to get to All-V... So 2 turns of using the Discount would get us there. That's way faster than we would otherwise go, in large part because it would be otherwise very difficult to convince people to vote for a full-development turn.
Yeah, I'm thinking we spend this turn handling important stuff, next turn we go all in on development, and the turn after that we'll see how we're doing and either finish it off to get us to All-V or put it off for another turn to deal with whatever bullshit we have going on at the moment.
Word of God here. Taking Jolly and 1 Dev will result in 2 Devs. Taking Jolly and 2 Devs will result in 4 Devs. Hope this clears it up. Added some clarification to the Action.

THERE we go!

Okay, now it's really fuckin' good. Thanks for clarifying the matter!

So it benefits us most to take Jolly on a turn where we take two or more Infra options. I don't think we're in that position right this second? Our economy is currently stable, and there's a few things I'd like to knock off our bucket list before we hit the MAKE MY NUMBERS GROW button.

Gimmie a sec to work out a Plan then.
Gimmie a sec to work out a Plan then.
What about this plan?:

[] Naval Reorientation and Foreign Psykers
-[] [Military] Fleet Procurement Re-Organization
-[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
-[] [General] Research:

—[] Destructive Reverse-Engineering of Imperial Ships
-[] [Free Action] Send whatever fleets we can spare to the End of the Line and prepare for an incursion. Maybe whatever comes out will be friendly, but if it's dark, spiky and full of Evil Elves ultramurder them with extreme prejudice.
[ ] Plan: Clear that bucket list while we have a chance to breathe
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Destructive Reverse-Engineering of Imperial Ships
--[] New Bombers for a New Age
-[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
-[][NON-ACTION]: We hope we're not going to be swarmed by Spiky Space Elfs, but it'll be better to be safe than sorry, any forces not needed on standby against 621 or required to put out fires should be on a defensive posture in End of Line. If there's a civilian convoy or something, sure, point them out towards Lone Wave and wave them goodbye, if it's Evil Space Elfs, be ready to Do Something about that.

What about this plan?:

[] Naval Reorientation and Foreign Psykers
-[] [Military] Fleet Procurement Re-Organization
-[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
-[] [General] Research:

—[] Destructive Reverse-Engineering of Imperial Ships
-[] [Free Action] Send whatever fleets we can spare to the End of the Line and prepare for an incursion. Maybe whatever comes out will be friendly, but if it's dark, spiky and full of Evil Elves ultramurder them with extreme prejudice.

It's not bad, but I basically want to lock in the Psykana thing now that we have confirmation we've got a neighbor with a stable tradition, and I want to have the next gen Bombers ready to go if we get swarmed by Spiky Space Elfs soon.

God but that shit's making me leery, but the same reasons for not poking it remain true now.

Does mean tomorrow's probably going to be annoyingly busy in terms of Figuring Shit Out, but it's a good time to start sorting out our Gainz before something else catches fire. I would also be amiable to this plan.

[ ] Plan: Those Delicious Government Contracts
-[] [General] Jolly Economic Co-Operation - [3 Remaining]
--[] Civilian Infrastructure IV
---[] Civilian Infrastructure V
--[] Medical Services IV
---[ ] Medical Services V
-[][NON-ACTION]: We hope we're not going to be swarmed by Spiky Space Elfs, but it'll be better to be safe than sorry, any forces not needed on standby against 621 or required to put out fires should be on a defensive posture in End of Line. If there's a civilian convoy or something, sure, point them out towards Lone Wave and wave them goodbye, if it's Evil Space Elfs, be ready to Do Something about that.
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[ ] Plan: Clear that bucket list while we have a chance to breathe
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Destructive Reverse-Engineering of Imperial Ships
--[] New Bombers for a New Age
-[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown

It's not bad, but I basically want to lock in the Psykana thing now that we have confirmation we've got a neighbor with a stable tradition, and I want to have the next gen Bombers ready to go if we get swarmed by Spiky Space Elfs soon.

God but that shit's making me leery, but the same reasons for not poking it remain true now.

I don't know how sending a fleet to watch over it from afar counts as poking it, though?
God but that shit's making me leery, but the same reasons for not poking it remain true now.
Yeah, the freaky Space Hula Hoop should make anyone leery, but we shouldn't poke that thing when we barely understand Psytech.

And I would recommend we send any spare fleets we have to the End of the Line. We're not poking it, we're just sending some ships there to shoot whatever hot nonsense comes out.
[ ] Plan: Clear that bucket list while we have a chance to breathe
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Destructive Reverse-Engineering of Imperial Ships
--[] New Bombers for a New Age
-[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
The Procurement action is more important than Destructive Reverse-Engineering. It's not like we've planned to design new ships right now, whereas Procurement sounds like it's made explicitly for saving us actions on making and using our Fleet. It's a priority.
On the bright side, we seem to be building more stations in End of the Line. It went from the original 4 to 7 now, which is more than the Imperials have at Voxx. Granted ours probably aren't all defense platforms. @HeroCooky are the extra stars at End of the Line defense stations or something else?
On the bright side, we seem to be building more stations in End of the Line. It went from the original 4 to 7 now, which is more than the Imperials have at Voxx. Granted ours probably aren't all defense platforms. @HeroCooky are the extra stars at End of the Line defense stations or something else?

We seem to be using End of Line as a major void anchorage, exactly because it's of significant strategic importance and it's out of the way of most things. Might also be a free port if Corsairs or refugees come through the Webway Portal and we manage to avoid screwing the pooch too badly/their Eldar Dickery can be held in check long enough to cut a deal.
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[ ] Plan: Clear that bucket list with Procurement
-[] [Military] Fleet Procurement Re-Organization

-[] [General] Research:
--[] New Bombers for a New Age
-[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
-[][NON-ACTION]: We hope we're not going to be swarmed by Spiky Space Elfs, but it'll be better to be safe than sorry, any forces not needed on standby against 621 or required to put out fires should be on a defensive posture in End of Line. If there's a civilian convoy or something, sure, point them out towards Lone Wave and wave them goodbye, if it's Evil Space Elfs, be ready to Do Something about that.

Alectai's plan, but with Procurement, since that action implies that it will make building and organizing our fleet more efficient (that is, take less actions).
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