What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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When it comes to naming our Knight Order, I propose "The Starlight Sentinels".

Buuuuut if you want to be a little meme-y, there's also "The Stardust Crusaders". :grin:

You need to use that incredibly silly pose where they all line up in a perfect line while being uncomfortably close to each other.

Or, you know, Gravity Defying Polnareff.
Here's a quick-and-dirty map of how your Knight Order (very roughly) operates. Note the (Very Roughly) please.
Anyway, poking at questions.

What does "Transport" under requisitions mean? Are we giving this knight house it's own warships, or the ability to commandeer regular military ships?

I think liasons would be far better than either.
Anyway, all this aside, anyone good at Warhamms Painting and Coloring want to take a stab at this?
every sussy HeroCooky
Sex and how one interacts with it (choosing not to is an interaction) is a load-bearing part of humanity. Why should I sugar-coat or avoid something like that if I am not a prude that faints at the mere mention of a bare ankle? People have sex, and they will continue to have it long after I am so much fertilizer for the trees.
In addition, thanks to the Order being expected to draw suitable recruits from all around the Federation, some questions regarding the legal status of its Outposts have emerged. Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction? Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service? If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required? Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?
Anyway, thoughts here.

1) Federal jurisdiction, like the fleets, unless a local planet ponies up the resources to build it's own knights, then they can keep it.
2) Legal standing to refuse service or not is identicalto the rules for any other kind of military service
3) Draft functions identical as for any other kind of military service, under the assumption that we have common sense provisions preventing a local governor from, say drafting a captain (and his ship) just because he happens to go on leave on their planet, or throwing specualized personel into the infantry meatgrinder.
4) Security forces follow the same rules that we undoubtly have for similar military factories, maintenance shops, or storage facilities

In short, I see no reason for any kind of special legal powers whatsoever. Just treat a knight being stationed in a system as a warship being stationed in a system, or a federal military unit being present in a system.
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we need more paper work
Long after I have become the roots of the tree which my corpse shall nurture, and long after it has been cut down to be processed into paper, my spirit shall endure a thousand tribulations to ensure you get a papercut in particular.
Please name the the Stardust Crusaders. What I wouldn't give to see titans Jojo posing.
<.< >.> o.o
Is it possible to make a psi knight?
Not unless Magnus The Big Red Nerd stops being a Chaos Puppet and gives you the blueprints of the Psy-Titans he used.
But making them on your own? Lol, nope!
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Which planet do we have that has the most varied environments? That is to say, a range... like what Earth would have, where you can find deserts and tunnels and forests and jungles and yada yada, etc, etc. And plains and so on, so forth.
I like this. A planet of a multitude of environments. @HeroCooky if one doesn't exist can we make one?
The Stardust Crusaders".
I like. Candlelight Crusaders? Glimmering Crusaders?
So, here's my thoughts on the voting options:

[] (Knight Order Name)

For the name, I really like the name @BigBadBob7070 came up with, the Starlight Sentinels

-[] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms)

Tried to come up with something via deepai image gen.

-[] (Knight Order - Color Scheme)

I'm leaning towards silver as the primary color and something else.

-[] (Knight Order - Motto)

Nothing really comes to mind yet.
Hmm Possible on theme names include Lantern Bearers, The Lamplighters, Glimmering Guardians, Prism Knights, Candle Guard.

For a nod to their original, We could name them Prismatic Paladin's, Or Luetus retributers, Thus calling back to the Planet were we recovered the STC and what these knights are meant to prevent from happening in the first place.
-[] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms)
-[] (Knight Order - Color Scheme)
[][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White
(Your ships will be wholly newly designed. Imperial Humanity will be highly suspicious of you at best. Ministorum Planets will be hostile. Mechanicum Planets will be Hostile. Xenos Polities will be neutral upon contact if no horrendous Human Interaction has happened in their recent past. The Kil'drabi will be joyous beyond words for being able to help you in this endeavor.)
would Tall White be an okay color scheme?

a primary of White with secondaries of either grey or black, plus a tertiary of any bright color so signal a specific meaning?

maybe have the tertiary colors be the coat of arms?
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would Tall White be an okay color scheme?

a primary of White with secondaries of either grey or black, plus a tertiary of any bright color so signal a specific meaning?

maybe have the tertiary colors be the coat of arms?
Tall White is an okay color scheme.
And the Coat of Arms is akin to a Regimental Standard, a Symbol to rally behind for the Knights and those they shelter behind their endless march.
Is it possible to make a psi knight?
Probably since psi-dreadoughts are a thing and dreadnought are basically mini Knights. Just well psi-dreadnoughts are top tier tech and only really had by the Blood Angel's and Grey Knights iirc so even the starting point to maybe upgrade Knights to psi-knights is pretty damn far
Tall White is an okay color scheme.
And the Coat of Arms is akin to a Regimental Standard, a Symbol to rally behind for the Knights and those they shelter behind their endless march.
while tall white can be a color scheme, would the glimmering federation allow some knights to be produced in different colors so to blend in and camouflage on different worlds?

like a jungle world having greens & browns (or what every color the flora is, plant life can be red or blue in some alien planet) and a desert world having tan, yellow or red to blend with the sands? (or an other color the minerals that make up the sand of a local planet)