What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Here's a goal: making armiger pilots skilled enough to punch above their weight classes in 1 v 1 duels.

What kind if technology and infrusture levels would we need to introduce simulated training pods for titan pilots?
I think we'll definitely manage to get good pilots going for us, yeah. We just need to... Keep working on our stuff.

Heavy Industry is our next priority, fighto~~~ (Though I think I'm looking at... Colonize Itani, Pay off the VI tax, and either get the last Melody on our way to Navigation or build the Knight Factory, doing both if we happen to get a fourth action thanks to our constitutional convention)

(It's just a shame that we're going to have to not know what Food is going to do for us for a while longer still, even if Mecha Knights are Cool :( )
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What have I done to hurt you so?

I love this quest but you make me ow T_T
I am a writer. I must either hurt my blorbos and torture my OCs, or take satisfaction in the suffering of my audience to fuel my writings. And the OCs in this quest are busy getting railed or grumbling at paperwork, so suffering audience it is! :V
I am a writer. I must either hurt my blorbos and torture my OCs, or take satisfaction in the suffering of my audience to fuel my writings. And the OCs in this quest are busy getting railed or grumbling at paperwork, so suffering audience it is! :V


I will take on this suffering then I suppose T_T

(Stares wistfully into the horizon)
Anyway, I think we need to come up with an actual counter vote, before knights wins by default despite the fact that very few people seem to like it. (There's 12 votes for civilian re-org, 4 for military). Either that or the vote tally is being screwy again and unclear in what vote combines with what.

[X][Knight House] No
A knight is a machine like any other, even if it's one whose destructiveness is matched only by the cheer expense of ot's construction. There is no reason to assume that the skills involved in piloting one will translate to the management of the lands they defend, the organization of their logistics or even the training of new recruits. A knight's pilot is important, but they are part of a holistic whole, with mechanics, trainers and supporting forces of equal importance (note importance does not override the actual chain of command).They should be treated and trained as such, specialized military assets, but military assets nonetheless.
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Anyway, I think we need to come up with an actual counter vote, before knights wins by default despite the fact that very few people seem to like it. (There's 12 votes for civilian re-org, 4 for military). Either that or the vote tally is being screwy again and unclear in what vote combines with what.
Vote tally is screwy because @Alectai forgot to put in a - in front of the military part of the vote thus it considers the civilian and military part as separate votes
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 21, 2024 at 4:00 PM, finished with 50 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Constitutions are hard
    -[X][Civilian Government] Reform Write In
    --[X] Emergency Response: Establish the position of Diktat. A temporary emergency position that can be activated in times of planetary emergency by a majority vote of the planetary council declaring it to be a Planetary Emergency for applicable situations (massive Chaos cult uprising, invasion, etc) vested with the power to resolve the emergency with whatever means necessary- within the means acceptable by the Candle Keeper doctrine. In essence, a means to eliminate the red tape and get everyone moving. The pool of candidates will be carefully vetted and screened. Including up to and including being screened by the Celestial Choirs to screen out those who would abuse the position. The Diktat can be overwritten or removed before the emergency is over by the vote of the Federation Council, and must step down after the crisis has passed--or relief forces have arrived to take charge of the situation.
    -[X] Nation Name: Glimmering Federation
    [X][Military Army Re-Organization] Yes, but...
    -[X] A Grand Army Group is a bit too unwieldy at our current size--and there is a good point that people should remain tied to their home, as a reminder of what we're all working for isn't to be dismissed. That being said, the idea of Army Groups does have merit, cutting them down to 4 compared to the more ambitious 8 before going for external deployment--the size of a single Taurus' troop compliment--with each formation intended to be broadly self-sufficient while also bringing their world's specialization to bear is something we can try experimenting with--we're looking at an era of relatively low conflict after the Luteus Prism Campaign is concluded, we can take this opportunity to wargame it out and see if there are any major barriers--and if there are scaling issues to be concerned with in the future.
    -[X][Knight House] Yes, Kinda,
    --[X] Knights are complicated machines, a legacy of old, and require both extensive training and exceptional character. Neither of these are necessarily something you can pluck out from an academy, or decide based on gene-lines. Of course, feudal nobility isn't quite the way to go there either, but a sanctioned Knightly Order, with perhaps major Chapterhouses in critical worlds where they can draw in prospective recruits and base themselves in? That possibility should be explored while we're getting our infrastructure for them set up.
    [X] Plan: Constitutions are hard
    -[X][Civilian Government] Reform Write In
    --[X] Emergency Response: Establish the position of Diktat. A temporary emergency position that can be activated in times of planetary emergency by a majority vote of the planetary council declaring it to be a Planetary Emergency for applicable situations (massive Chaos cult uprising, invasion, etc) vested with the power to resolve the emergency with whatever means necessary- within the means acceptable by the Candle Keeper doctrine. In essence, a means to eliminate the red tape and get everyone moving. The pool of candidates will be carefully vetted and screened. Including up to and including being screened by the Celestial Choirs to screen out those who would abuse the position. The Diktat can be overwritten or removed before the emergency is over by the vote of the Federation Council.
    -[X] Nation Name: Glimmering Federation
    [X] Plan: Constitutions are hard, avoiding nobility
    -[X][Civilian Government] Reform Write In
    --[X] Emergency Response: Establish the position of Diktat. A temporary emergency position that can be activated in times of planetary emergency by a majority vote of the planetary council declaring it to be a Planetary Emergency for applicable situations (massive Chaos cult uprising, invasion, etc) vested with the power to resolve the emergency with whatever means necessary- within the means acceptable by the Candle Keeper doctrine. In essence, a means to eliminate the red tape and get everyone moving. The pool of candidates will be carefully vetted and screened. Including up to and including being screened by the Celestial Choirs to screen out those who would abuse the position. The Diktat can be overwritten or removed before the emergency is over by the vote of the Federation Council.
    -[X] Nation Name: Glimmering Federation
    [X][Military Army Re-Organization] Yes, but...
    -[X] A Grand Army Group is a bit too unwieldy at our current size--and there is a good point that people should remain tied to their home, as a reminder of what we're all working for isn't to be dismissed. That being said, the idea of Army Groups does have merit, cutting them down to 4 compared to the more ambitious 8 before going for external deployment--the size of a single Taurus' troop compliment--with each formation intended to be broadly self-sufficient while also bringing their world's specialization to bear is something we can try experimenting with--we're looking at an era of relatively low conflict after the Luteus Prism Campaign is concluded, we can take this opportunity to wargame it out and see if there are any major barriers--and if there are scaling issues to be concerned with in the future.
    -[X][Knight House] Yes, Kinda,
    --[X] Knights are complicated machines, a legacy of old, and require both extensive training and exceptional character. So schools will be founded on our planets where all who wish to one day become Knight pilots start their study. In these schools the aspirants will be tested and the best graduates join the Knight Academy, while the rest are offered other positions based on their aptitude (like local military). The Academy is where aspirant pilots will have the chance to be accepted by a Knight. The Academy and local schools will have postings for Veteran Knight Pilots to aid the selection and raising of new pilots. Culturally a big focus will be put on the Knight pilots interacting and staying part of the general population.
    [X][Knight House] No
    --[X] A knight is a machine like any other, even if it's one whose destructiveness is matched only by the cheer expense of ot's construction. There is no reason to assume that the skills involved in piloting one will translate to the management of the lands they defend, the organization of their logistics or even the training of new recruits. A knight's pilot is important, but they are part of a holistic whole, with mechanics, trainers and supporting forces of equal importance (note importance does not override the actual chain of command).They should be treated and trained as such, specialized military assets, but military assets nonetheless.
307.M42 - Collection Of Candles
The Conventional Congress ends with four resolutions:

The First Resolution is to establish the rank of "Diktat" within a planetary political structure, able to be activated and voted into power from a pool of candidates during a Planetary Crisis (the specifics of which and what classifies as one is too exhaustive to detail here), where they are expected to act in the best interest of the population to resolve the crisis to their best ability. To that end, they effectively become able to marshal and command the entire SDF, PDF, local peacekeepers, industrial facilities, and civilian population to end the crisis until it has either been resolved or Federation Relief Forces arrive. At this point, they step down from their position. Should they not, the local population and Choir are authorized and legally compelled to utilize lethal force to remove the then self-revealed traitor to the Glimmering Federation.

The Second Resolution is to officially name the nation the "Glimmering Federation" in a nod to the previous name of Candle Keepers, as a 'Glimmering' is a collection of candles, and to make the 'Federation' part official. As an aside, this now means that our citizens are called 'Glimmerlings.'

The Third Resolution is to scale down the proposed Grand Army Group proposal into System Army Group/s (SAG/s) divisions to better track and utilize the Glimmering Federation's military forces. Some concerns have been raised that this may turn into specific systems having their forces, and therefore blood, used and spilled more than others, but that is nothing that military exercises and training missions to see if this system is better cannot solve. Additionally, it was decided that the currently fighting troops would be exempt from the re-organization until they return victorious from the liberation of Luteus Prism'.

The Fourth Resolution is to create a Centralized Knight Force in standing and Decentralized in training, meaning that every planet will have some presence to draw in prospective recruits, while the main force will be fighting under the control of the highest military commander present in any given theater (which may include the Orders Grandmaster) as another military force.

Yet, anyone who believed that the arguing over that topic would cease after it was announced when the votes had been tallied is a fool, as the arguing got somehow worse. Because now, a name, coat of arms, color scheme, and motto were on the line, in addition to a vast net of legalese that needed to be woven to ensure the Knights would be supplied and used as best as possible.

[] (Knight Order Name)
-[] (
Knight Order - Coat of Arms)
-[] (Knight Order - Color Scheme)
-[] (Knight Order - Motto)

(6-Hour Moratorium)
(This Is A Plan Vote)

With the decision to create Knight Order Outposts on every planet of the Federation to draw in recruits, the issue of where to place the Order's headquarters still remains. Some have suggested placing it within Cradle Station, though others argue for a more forward posting in Itani. Yet, the representatives of Drixxus and Ixxus of Parfinda have, despite their societies still suffering from major interstellar culture shock and uplift disruptions, offered almost aggressively to host the headquarters of the Order.

-[] (Write-In The Knight Order's Headquarter System)

In addition, thanks to the Order being expected to draw suitable recruits from all around the Federation, some questions regarding the legal status of its Outposts have emerged. Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction? Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service? If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required? Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?

-[] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
-[] (Write-In Something I Missed That Needs To Be Adressed)
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[X][Knight House] No
A knight is a machine like any other, even if it's one whose destructiveness is matched only by the cheer expense of ot's construction. There is no reason to assume that the skills involved in piloting one will translate to the management of the lands they defend, the organization of their logistics or even the training of new recruits. A knight's pilot is important, but they are part of a holistic whole, with mechanics, trainers and supporting forces of equal importance (note importance does not override the actual chain of command).They should be treated and trained as such, specialized military assets, but military assets nonetheless.

Edit: Damn
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Which planet do we have that has the most varied environments? That is to say, a range... like what Earth would have, where you can find deserts and tunnels and forests and jungles and yada yada, etc, etc. And plains and so on, so forth.
-[] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
A system similar to the british artillery regiments makes a lot of sense here.

Have the knights as guests of honor on regular military bases that they're supposed to work together with/deploy with. This avoids us having to construct a massive amount of utterly redundant bases (because the knight force is going to move from hotspot to hotspot, some planets might not see a knight in centuries) and avoids isolstionism.

Only major training and recruitment facilities need to be Order owned and operated.
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Which planet do we have that has the most varied environments? That is to say, a range... like what Earth would have, where you can find deserts and tunnels and forests and jungles and yada yada, etc, etc. And plains and so on, so forth.
Parfinda (Drixxus and Ixxus) has what you desire, and to a lesser degree Droma (Droma III, VII, and Frozen Moon) offer such too. Keep in mind that you are placing the HQ in a system, so they will train on any world they can feasibly train on.
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Yeah, so I think that Parfinda is probably the system we should base it in, for training purposes. I like this suggestion as well:

A system similar to the british artillery regiments makes a lot of sense here.

Have the knights as guests of honor on regular military bases that they're supposed to work together with/deploy with. This avoids us having to construct a massive amount of utterly redundant bases (because the knight force is going to move from hotspot to hotspot) and avoids isolstionism.

Only major training and recruitment facilities need to be Order owned and operated.
I'd rather place it in droma since it got the a lot of variety of worlds/enviroment and it in the capital system so they can't won't grow distant
That would be every Outpost created on every world to facilitate the training and recruitment.
Do we need a giant knight machine in attendance for training?

What's the scale if these training facilities? I thought most planets would get like, a handfull of booths and maybe a rented classroom, not a full on thunderdome.
Do we need a giant knight machine in attendance for training?

What's the scale if these training facilities? I thought most planets would get like, a handfull of booths and maybe a rented classroom, not a full on thunderdome.
They get an Outpost, capable of maintaining (eventually) a War-Pack (15 Knights), but will likely start with a Pack (1-3 Knights).
And training in a Knight is kinda required. You cannot learn how to use a tank in a classroom, so why should a Knight be different?

Their size will likely be Hangar + Service Crew Quarters + Transport Options + Possible Defensive Emplacements (beyond stuff like a wall with razor wire and a security gate). Training would then happen in a chosen location of the system.
Really hope we don't need to pay for all that infrastructure mechanically, because it'll be a long time before we build 15 knights/planet.

Anyway, maybe just invert the idea. Regular military forces as honored guests of the knights if they want extra security?
Really hope we don't need to pay for all that infrastructure mechanically, because it'll be a long time before we build 15 knights/planet.
Outposts are below abstraction for you, they would have been even as merely your starting station. I mean, its a big hangar and some machine shops for small-medium scale repairs, not an entire factory.
When it comes to naming our Knight Order, I propose "The Starlight Sentinels".

Buuuuut if you want to be a little meme-y, there's also "The Stardust Crusaders". :grin:
