What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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so we choose to abandon our morals.
This was "Describe the Holy Trinity false" level of heresy, not "Eat Children in the name of God" Heresy.
sounds like the calculant pulled a karamazov and burned a entire region of reality to fuck the tyranids
No, that was you. That was the Federation. What the Calculant did is in the next update.
But that was a Aeldari
No, Aetheric Calculant. Duchy.

Just how large is this Hive Fleet compared to the other Fleets that invaded the galaxy?
About average.
one is you get a trial, the other shoot on sight?
Yep. :V
considering that intially, we tried to stop the calculant, then eventually decided to use it anyway, i imagined that it was somthing we didnt want to encourage. yes.
Bro was literally using his soul in a psychic ritual. You don't ask questions about that shit, you knock 'em down and ask with guns pointed.
…. So how does everyone else react to the fact that we can, if needs be, burn out a sphere 26 light years diameter? Because that seems like a tremendous level of "fuck you".
Not 26 LYs, you took a thousand suns and used the Hive Mind to pour those star's energy down Tyranid brains until they stopped cooking...thirteen-thousand light-years away in a general up+down+sideways direction.

Orchestras. They bitchin'.

This was the result of the Nids coming when we had Centuries in advance of warning, All-XX, a three-nation alliance that turned to a Four-Nation-Alliance when the Aeldari joined last minute, and with all our best weapons at the time that are non-esoteric, esoteric, and super-esoteric. With worlds prepped for maximum "Fuck You" to the Bugs.

And even then it sounds like we are just barely holding them back. With only this Aethyr calculant's "Sick as Hell Heresey (TM)" being are best, if not, only weapon left above psychically sundering thirteen-thousand light years bellow us. Hope the Seyfert survived.
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As it turns out, we're actually pretty fuckin' strong, that we managed to facetank the Nids as long as we did even without going into the "Everything outside the galactic plane is now on fire" nonsense.
How is everybody else doing?

I can't help but think that at the end of this there's going to be us, and a galaxy of silence. This many nids should be wiping pretty much everybody else out. Unless they had main-character-syndrome, i.e. deciding to only attack the main character.
I mean, the QM has told us that it's a Tyranid hive-fleet roughly comparable in size to the previous hive-fleets to have attacked the galaxy.
In which case, if our alliance is enough to hold it back, that's honestly damn impressive, given we're a tiny regional power that built very, very tall.
I mean, the QM has told us that it's a Tyranid hive-fleet roughly comparable in size to the previous hive-fleets to have attacked the galaxy.
In which case, if our alliance is enough to hold it back, that's honestly damn impressive, given we're a tiny regional power that built very, very tall.

And that's just the one attacking our relatively small patch of the Galaxy, yeah.