What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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My thoughts for this turn:
2 general actions + 1 mechadendrite for
-Initiate the Grand Alliance
-Start integrating the council
-Make a education administration
Flex action - sigils or building out the fleet.

We still gotta fill out the fleet cap.
Man we are unstoppable no one can defeat us even the imperium can't do it even if they try because our dreadnaught is freaking advance
Genuinely comedic that this sentiment is coming up when the fandom has been seething at the Tau's continuing relevance as a faction.

It's not exactly parallel -- Tau were genuinely ignorant to some degree of Psykana + Chaos-related things, but yeah.

Literally smaller than a sub-sector and people think we can actually take on the Imperium.

To be frank, as things are we probably could, because the Imperium's been cut in half and likely cut in half again thanks to the Civil War, and we have an ultimate win condition over them with the Emperor's death and the Star Child's birth, but like, extremely comedic.

A question, have we got new Songs recently?
Yeah fine by me...

I hope that we have enough actions to get the all XX perk after thst though, it would make the Epilogue more interesting...
Hey, thread, real talk.

Do we want to push for all-XX? If we do, I don't want distraction, I want commitment -- it's extremely tight for our schedule, but with the numbers as they are (barring development addition), we can do it.

We have 2 Developments at XX, 3 at XV, and 1 at XVI (with a 50% boost left). Development costs per level are currently at 2, meaning we have 3(5 * 2) + 1 (50% boost for Med) + (3 * 2) = 37 actions needed to reach all-XX. That's 10 turns if we choose to hard commit 4 actions per turn to development every turn (thanks Mechandrite), and 13 turns if we choose to commit 3 actions per turn to doing it with mechandrite and a flex action per turn.

This actually doesn't change if actions increase in cost by 1 as they do with Lumbering Titan, with action costs being what they are going from 2 to 3 thanks to Unto Works Generational.

Today is February 8th. The game ends February 28th. This means we have 20 updates left until this game ends.

One update if we push for all-XX and coordinate things right is for our milestone perks. One update will be the all-XX trait (unless Cooky will be merciful and just auto-choose the Chaos Resistance Trait Upgrade).

So that means 12/15 updates out of 20 will be devoted to Development stuff, barring the Warp being fucking cooperative and going down already so we can pop Cry to the Future or some kind of Development-boosting Song or Symphony.

Personally, I want this, but I've seen people complaining about things being a Number Go Up thing for... whatever reason, but I get it, development is pretty boring since we'd "just" be Epilogue Optimizing.

Compare this to alternatives. We know a Tech Trade will be another update. We know that Ancient Site raiding will be another update. We know that Smeared Soul will be another update. It is entirely possible that we'll be stuck doing other stuff that will eat updates, like "what does a Grand Alliance actually mean," "define your Education system (this shouldn't so long as we're sufficiently detailed with our write-in, same for the Grand Alliance I guess?)," or the details involved with eating the Councils.

And my personal white whale, Starry Aethyrmetric. There's also people's personal bugbears about wanting more Symphonies and whatnot.

We do have room for this, but it's entirely up to people being willing to commit to development being finished as a primary goal before returning to things they want to do otherwise and voting for it instead of goldfishing.

Personally, I lowkey want to gamble -- see if we can fish for any 50% boosts from the Ancient Sites or if we can figure out some developmental songs or symphonies that can lower the cost of things, but once we're on that commitment I want commitment. We have a hard time limit, we know what we need to do, do we want to do it.


1. At what point are Development Costs going to increase if they are going to, and if they are, how much (a doubling or a +1?)
2. Are there any more methods to making Development cheaper? I know you've nixed another Planetmaw, but is there a Song combo or Symphony combo we're overlooking? Or something else?

My thoughts for this turn:
2 general actions + 1 mechadendrite for
-Initiate the Grand Alliance
-Start integrating the council
-Make a education administration
Flex action - sigils or building out the fleet.

We still gotta fill out the fleet cap.
I'm not a huge fan of doing the Grand Alliance before we eat the councils -- one, not including them when we initiate might ruffle some feathers and delay things again, and if we eat them we also have a better negotiating position. I'd prefer to start integrating the council this turn, and finish it and do a Grand Alliance if you'd like next turn.

Anyways, I want to run the gacha one more time personally -- 12 Ancient Sites is literally more than we've looted before. Might as well do it once before the end of the game, IMO.
1. At what point are Development Costs going to increase if they are going to, and if they are, how much (a doubling or a +1?)
2. Are there any more methods to making Development cheaper? I know you've nixed another Planetmaw, but is there a Song combo or Symphony combo we're overlooking? Or something else?
1. If 3 Dev Categories are at XX.
2. Song Combo: Tribal Warfare. Symphony: None that were suggested work.
Anyways, I want to run the gacha one more time personally -- 12 Ancient Sites is literally more than we've looted before. Might as well do it once before the end of the game, IMO.
Personally, I lowkey want to gamble -- see if we can fish for any 50% boosts from the Ancient Sites or if we can figure out some developmental songs or symphonies that can lower the cost of things, but once we're on that commitment I want commitment. We have a hard time limit, we know what we need to do, do we want to do it.
Honestly before going for the development path I think we should hit the Ancient sites, see if we can get any extra boosts, and then we can go for the development phase...
We should take a look at that planet with smeared soul.

[] A Soul Smeared
An exploration fleet of New Dawn has stumbled upon an ocean world in a system between the major Warp Lanes. Normally, it would be flagged foe colonization, however when the fleet drew closer to confirm some strange readings, the entire planet seemingly tried to shoot at the fleet via incredibly primitive weaponry. The problem is that, as the Choir with the fleet confirmed, there is only one soul on the entire planet, not enough to coordinate the attempted attack, even with the use of machinery (which would have been noticed). And that one is smeared across the entire planet. Someone should investigate that.
(Gain: ???)
2. Song Combo: Tribal Warfare. Symphony: None that were suggested work.
So - just get this song?
TRIBAL WARFARE, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO! - Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity

Let's do the math on how many actions it would take with and without that. We're at:
-[] Food Production XVI (0/2) - needs 10 actions
-[] Civilian Infrastructure XXI (0/2) - Done
-[] Heavy Industry XVI (0/2)
- needs 10 actions
-[] Void Industry XXI (0/2) - Done
-[] Medical Services XVII (0/2) - [1x 50% Discount]
- needs 7 actions
-[] Military Industry XVI (0/2)
- needs 10 actions.
Notably, if we can't get a discount from songs, then we can still get individual discounts from new ISCs, which cost 2 actions to make and halve the number of actions per Dev category, turning all of the 10s into 7's (2 for the ISC+5 for the Dev)

So we have two options:
With song:
5+5+4+5= 19 total actions,
Without song:
7+7+6+7=27 actions.

All doable, especially if the warp calms down. I'm still not sure it's something to go for right now. I'd prefer to get things settled diplomatically first.

[] Plan: In Peace Build Allies
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Girtii)
-[] [Psykana] (0.8/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[] Prophecy III (unless we already have it, in which case Oblivion II

-[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[] Negotiate with the
Van Zandt Free Dutchy & the Mashan Temple Authority to establish the Alliance of Sanity, which is a long-term defensive alliance & non-aggression pact that is aimed at ensuring the survival of its members against all the horrors the Galaxy holds. The members are barred from taking offensive military action against each other, and clauses exist to summon aid against threats - especially existential ones. It encourages open trade, communication, migration, and technology exchanges among its members but does not mandate any of them.
--[] Reach out to the Thrice-Fold Councils
with the appropriate diplomatic overtures for integration into the Stargrove Federation.
-[] [General] Establish an Education Board to improve education across the Federation. It will take inspiration from the Mashan system but not be directly influenced by it, for our cultural values are different.

with another two-thirds through its "digestion" to facilitate the construction of what our translations only return as "A Matrioshka Brain."

Well. That's going to be interesting Isn't it.

Man we are unstoppable no one can defeat us even the imperium can't do it even if they try because our dreadnaught is freaking advance

More than combat, the Seyfert is designed to be a lifeboat for our entire civilization. If the worst comes to pass and all is lost… we can rebuild from that one ship.

Like, in the "chaos wins" scenario @10ebbor10…. We just survive. Because the Seyfert escapes and is built and made to ensure, if all else fails, that we can rebuild.

Yeah, I think we should go ahead and ask the Mashan for a little help in educating our populace since it's been over a thousand years and we've never bothered to make a formal standardized education system.

They'd probably appreciate that honestly. And better education is probably a good idea in general.
Hrmmm. I also just realized this plan only uses 2/3 action, so tacking on a fleet-building action. I still don't want to do the Smeared Soul because it eats 1/20 of the remainder of the Quest.

[X] Plan: In Peace Build Allies
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Girtii)
-[X] [Psykana] (0.8/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Prophecy III (unless we already have it, in which case Oblivion II

-[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[X] Negotiate with the
Van Zandt Free Dutchy & the Mashan Temple Authority to establish the Alliance of Sanity, which is a long-term defensive alliance & non-aggression pact that is aimed at ensuring the survival of its members against all the horrors the Galaxy holds. The members are barred from taking offensive military action against each other (on pain of the other two ganging up on them), and clauses exist to summon aid against threats - especially existential ones. The Federation diplomats should attempt to incorporate research, trade and migration treaties into the Alliance, but they are nonessential and the core of the treaty is military.
--[X] Reach out to the Thrice-Fold Councils
with the appropriate diplomatic overtures for integration into the Stargrove Federation.
-[X] [General] Establish an Education Board to improve education across the Federation, providing resources as necessary to ensure that every young person receives a decent education. We will take inspiration from the Mashan system but not be directly influenced by it, for our cultural values are different. At least some element of the teaching will be religious, to inculcate the faith of the Star-Child into all of our citizens. (Mechadendrite Action)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action)
--[X] 5 Flag Armadas, named Pillars of Creation, Orion, Hyades, Ophiuchus & Rosette.
--[X] 50 SBGs, of names to be determined by lower levels of bureaucracy.

The horizon program with the stargrove was awesome,why not build up on that and make a grand research coop between the 3 nations as part of the alliance benefits?
I feel like that would be an addendum later on. If we try to make it mandatory now it would probably kill the treaty. I'll edit in that we'll try in case they're excited about it, but

I kinda want to wait until it is above very friendly, as MTA has the same relationship status and definitely won't agree to join us, so maybe switch it with planet soul action?
Context is everything. They're both the same status but one could fight us to a standstill, the other can not, and we're significantly more advanced than they are.
Also, we have QM confirmation that it'll just take two actions.
3. 1 Action for 2 Turns. (2 Total.)

I'm thinking next turn we do the second Council integration action & then loot 9 DaoT sites. 12 is just... that feels like it's asking for something to blow up. 9 is still a lot.
But yeah, one of the Fun Things about the Seyfert is that If I'm not mistaken, if it stagger-fires its ARc Cannonades, chances are good it can put out a shot every ten minutes, it already benefits from half the cooldown time per weapon from the 20 heat exchangers, and then gets another huge boost from our Kil'drabi Specialist Equipment, getting that to, say, 30 minutes to recharge a gun, and you can rotate them a a 10 minute per shot cycle, which would very badly hurt any hostile swarm.

Or, if you just fire them all within a one minute window, you can probably just delete everything remotely near the firing point, at the cost of having a long cooldown before you get to reload.
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I feel like that would be an addendum later on. If we try to make it mandatory now it would probably kill the treaty. I'll edit in that we'll try in case they're excited about it, but

we got limited amount of turns to do all our goals one action for a addendum when we can get it done from the get to go seems wasteful
i think we are at the point where relations between all nations are good enough that proposing a research mutual aid as part of the alliance wouldnt really anger them
given we have trade tech before,and we been constantly improving relations
4. Schooling. You never made an official system IIRC. :V
I thought that we did, way way back? I distinctly remember ensuring making a system that all our citizens were literate and such, and I think you mentioned we had a standard 5 years of primary education and then afterwards had vocational training. Definitely not as good as the Mashan's or I guess Van Zandt's, but it was still extant. Kind of also feels like below our level of abstraction as a big star nation with Civilian XX, but I guess fair enough?

They don't but I assume that chaos turn does
For the dual Faith / Chaos turn, we only got it to shift to Anticipatory, nothing else. It's interesting to see that we're now willing to factor Chaos Turns into our Turn Plans now.

I kinda want to wait until it is above very friendly, as MTA has the same relationship status and definitely won't agree to join us, so maybe switch it with planet soul action?
The MTA is also much bigger and much more advanced than them, the scale is not the same. The Councils are much smaller, weaker, less advanced than us, and are also indebted to us, and furthermore Cooky said that we could 2 action (1 action across 2 turns) integrate them, so uhhh, dunno what you're cooking here?

I'm not super in favor of the Grand Alliance at this moment for reasons stated earlier (I'd prefer to eat the Councils first), but it also doesn't really feel that this is necessary at this moment considering how willing we've been able to ad-hoc work together in terms of apocalyptic circumstances (the Cult Wars). The phrasing doesn't feel great either, especially considering out of all the parties involved here, Van Zandt is the only one that's in continual conflicts, whereas Mashan and Stargrove are currently chilling -- while I'd be fine helping fuck up Orks and so on, I don't want to have to periodically get a Miltiary Action Tax when Van Zandt wants to get a front cleaned up.

I think our longstanding pre-existing relationship of not fucking around when the apocalypse comes is fine.

Edit: You know what, I didn't realize that yeah this uses 2/3 of an action too hilariously enough. Sure, fuck it, it's fine, 20 updates left, it's fine.

I suppose we could get to creating ISCs but I don't really care to do that before we get Tribal Warfare.

Notably, if we can't get a discount from songs, then we can still get individual discounts from new ISCs, which cost 2 actions to make and halve the number of actions per Dev category, turning all of the 10s into 7's (2 for the ISC+5 for the Dev)
Hmm, I actually forgot that this was a thing? There's also the fact that we'd have to deal with wanting to not deal with the last turn increases assuming we're coordinating things to avoid the Dev cost increase since we can only deal with 1 activation at a time, but hmmm.

Making them all 7s would mean Action Cost would be 28, which is... still about 10 turns with a 3 action per turn investment, but turns into 7 with a 4 action per turn investment, although considering we have to switch the ISC beforehand makes things troublesome. I guess Med not needing it makes it somewhat workable.

Definitely gives us more room, though.

Personally speaking, I'd prefer figuring out Tribal Warfare and a few other things instead of the Grand Alliance.

2. Song Combo: Tribal Warfare. Symphony: None that were suggested work.
Also, 5x Melody songs keep on fucking winning.

Cease, Black Hole, and now Tribal Warfare let's fucking GOOOOOO

My compromise plan would be something like...

(Also, for that note, Prophecy is already III on the Melodies threadmarks. Same for Paths too.)
(Also wow, Daemon Summoning 101 is only 3 Creativities? Lmao)

[] Plan: Tribal Warfare and Friendship Hand In Hand
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Girtii)
-[] [Psykana] (0.8/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[] Oblivion II, unless auto-ticker melodies can't be used on the same turn a regular action for that melody is used, in which case Peace II

-[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[]Negotiate with the Van Zandt Free Dutchy & the Mashan Temple Authority to establish the Alliance of Sanity, which is a long-term defensive alliance & non-aggression pact that is aimed at ensuring the survival of its members against all the horrors the Galaxy holds. The members are barred from taking offensive military action against each other (on pain of the other two ganging up on them), and clauses exist to summon aid against threats - especially existential ones. The Federation diplomats should attempt to incorporate research, trade and migration treaties into the Alliance, but they are nonessential and the core of the treaty is military.
--[] Reach out to the Thrice-Fold Councils
with the appropriate diplomatic overtures for integration into the Stargrove Federation.
-[] [General] Establish an Education Board to improve education across the Federation. It will take inspiration from the Mashan system but not be directly influenced by it, for our cultural values are different.
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Ten Melodies
--[] Oblivion II/III, Revenant II, Brutality II, Ruthlessness III, Growth III, Slumber II, Community III, Family II, Plants II, Hunger II
-[] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Class Is In Session)
--[] TRIBAL WARFARE, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO! - Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity
--[] Creativity x5
--[] ERASE - Oblivion x5

Honestly, I'm just curious at this point -- I'm up for changing things.

Creativity x5 is the one I'm least attached to (although a cool name for it would be appreciated Cooky! ERASE just looks cool, because it's something we got from an Ancient Site, and the VOID STRUGGLE VOID STRUGGLE VOID is the other QM-desired song).

I'd be willing to switch out Creativity for

The Court Is In Session - Justice, Wisdom, Sun, Mercy, Ruthlessness


Chants Of Yore And Ere And Yonder - Song, Wisdom, Progress, Perception, Hope

But more candidates would be appreciated.

And naturally, the gacha plan --

[] Plan: Perhaps... Gacha is Good Civilization?
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Girtii)
-[] [Psykana] (0.8/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[] Oblivion II
-[] The Ancient's [Jubilant Den/Circus De Meniue/Flirtatious-Indolent Bay Resort]
--[] Flag Armada Nova and Quasar, SBGs Sphinx, Centaur, Werewolf, Minotaur, Leviathan, Basilisk, Hydralisk, and Necrolisk, Nomadic Fleets 'Once-Forgotten-Joy', 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey', 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled', and 'Bastion-Of-Pathways', LRADs Alpha and Beta, Logistic Fleets Mermaid and Cherub, and 1 War-World
-[] The Ancient's [Tubers/Agroprom/Song Study]
--[] Flag Armada Pulsar and Broken Void, SBGs Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Phoenix, and Garuda, Nomadic Fleets 'Trade-Guardians', 'Winged-Deliverance', 'Dust-Upon-The-Winds', and 'Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums', LRADs Gamma and Delta, Logistic Fleets Nymph and Dryad, and 1 War-World
-[] The Ancient's [Stone Of Water/Drowned Forest/Crucible of Bile]
--[] Flag Armada Magnetar and Voidfire, SBGs Enfield, Anansi, Umbra, Scylla, Chimera, K'uk'ulkan, Neko, and Elegua, Nomadic Fleets 'Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times', 'Stellar-Harvesters', 'Purpose-Of-Unity', and 'Unimpeded-Festival', LRADs Epsilon and Zeta, Logistic Fleets Sylph and Seraph, and 1 War-World
-[] The Ancient's [Temple of The Ancient Tombs/Bell Of Vitaes/Salvation Yards] (Heartbeat of Industry)

--[] Flag Armada Stellar Conflagration and Hypernova, SBGs Mountain Fog, Scything Wing, Thule Triumph, Knight's Watch, Saga Of Luthaire, Burned Offering, Healing Fire, and Watchwomen, Nomadic Fleets 'Abundance-Of-Flowering-Stars', 'Memories-Of-Healing-Tunes', 'Hopes-Of-Long-Yearned-Truths', and 'Sighs-Born-From-Content-Minds', LRADs Eta and Theta, Logistic Fleets Eidolon and Tennyo, and 1 War-World

Yes, I "only" doubled and added on a war-world for 3 sites instead of tripling the fleets, but we also have just refit our fleets to massively more capabilities, I think we've got enough lol. All together these fleets could've probably bent over any one of the cults over imo.

I'm thinking next turn we do the second Council integration action & then loot 9 DaoT sites. 12 is just... that feels like it's asking for something to blow up. 9 is still a lot.
I think it's fine -- the big cost is that we could all just roll 12 nat1s and get a bunch of spiced chocolate recipes. I don't feel like this is breaking the game or anything.

Also, how're we swinging 9 DAOT sites and the second integration action? We don't have a native 4 action turn. It's either gonna be 9 DAOTs + whatever military action, or 3 General Actions + 1 DAOT site. Or 6 DAOT sites and whatever, I guess?

But yeah, one of the Fun Things about the Seyfert is that If I'm not mistaken, if it stagger-fires its ARc Cannonades, chances are good it can put out a shot every ten minutes, it already benefits from half the cooldown time per weapon from the 20 heat exchangers, and then gets another huge boost from our Kil'drabi Specialist Equipment, getting that to, say, 30 minutes to recharge a gun, and you can rotate them a a 10 minute per shot cycle, which would very badly hurt any hostile swarm.

Or, if you just fire them all within a one minute window, you can probably just delete everything remotely near the firing point, at the cost of having a long cooldown before you get to reload.
The Seyfert is absolutely fucking insane, yeah, and meanwhile it just packs an absolute swarm of top-end pilots.

How's the Lamenter Fleets going, btw? Need any help?
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I'll have it ready for tomorrow, promise.
Sounds great!

Oh, vote's open now.

[X] Plan: Tribal Warfare and Friendship Hand In Hand
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Girtii)
-[X] [Free] Fill Out Any New Songs That Need Them, Otherwise Put Them Into Love Unto Death
-[X] [Psykana] (0.8/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Oblivion II, unless auto-ticker melodies can't be used on the same turn a regular action for that melody is used, in which case Peace II

-[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[X] Reach out to the Thrice-Fold Councils
with the appropriate diplomatic overtures for integration into the Stargrove Federation.
--[X] Negotiate with the Van Zandt Free Dutchy & the Mashan Temple Authority to establish the Alliance of Sanity, which is a long-term defensive alliance & non-aggression pact that is aimed at ensuring the survival of its members against all the horrors the Galaxy holds. The members are barred from taking offensive military action against each other (on pain of the other two ganging up on them), and clauses exist to summon aid against threats - especially existential ones. The Federation diplomats should attempt to incorporate research, trade and migration treaties into the Alliance, but they are nonessential and the core of the treaty is military.
-[X] [General] Establish an Education Board to improve education across the Federation. It will take inspiration from the Mashan system but not be directly influenced by it, for our cultural values are different.
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Ten Melodies
--[X] Oblivion II/III, Revenant II, Brutality II, Ruthlessness III, Growth III, Slumber II, Community III, Family II, Plants II, Hunger II
-[X] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Class Is In Session)
--[X] TRIBAL WARFARE, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO! - Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity
--[X] Creativity x5
--[X] ERASE - Oblivion x5

[X] Plan: Perhaps... Gacha is Good Civilization?
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Girtii)
-[X] [Psykana] (0.8/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Oblivion II
-[X] The Ancient's [Jubilant Den/Circus De Meniue/Flirtatious-Indolent Bay Resort]
--[X] Flag Armadas Nova and Quasar, SBGs Sphinx, Centaur, Werewolf, Minotaur, Leviathan, Basilisk, Hydralisk, and Necrolisk, Nomadic Fleets 'Once-Forgotten-Joy', 'Thrum-Of-The-Journey', 'Illuminators-Of-The-Road-Not-Traveled', and 'Bastion-Of-Pathways', LRADs Alpha and Beta, Logistic Fleets Mermaid and Cherub, and 1 War-World
-[X] The Ancient's [Tubers/Agroprom/Song Study]
--[X] Flag Armadas Pulsar and Broken Void, SBGs Kraken, Gorgon, Gryphon, Wyvern, Dragon, Cyclops, Phoenix, and Garuda, Nomadic Fleets 'Trade-Guardians', 'Winged-Deliverance', 'Dust-Upon-The-Winds', and 'Beat-Of-Oiled-Drums', LRADs Gamma and Delta, Logistic Fleets Nymph and Dryad, and 1 War-World
-[X] The Ancient's [Stone Of Water/Drowned Forest/Crucible of Bile]
--[X] Flag Armadas Magnetar and Voidfire, SBGs Enfield, Anansi, Umbra, Scylla, Chimera, K'uk'ulkan, Neko, and Elegua, Nomadic Fleets 'Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times', 'Stellar-Harvesters', 'Purpose-Of-Unity', and 'Unimpeded-Festival', LRADs Epsilon and Zeta, Logistic Fleets Sylph and Seraph, and 1 War-World
-[X] The Ancient's [Temple of The Ancient Tombs/Bell Of Vitaes/Salvation Yards] (Heartbeat of Industry)

--[X] Flag Armadas Stellar Conflagration and Hypernova, SBGs Mountain Fog, Scything Wing, Thule Triumph, Knight's Watch, Saga Of Luthaire, Burned Offering, Healing Fire, and Watchwomen, Nomadic Fleets 'Abundance-Of-Flowering-Stars', 'Memories-Of-Healing-Tunes', 'Hopes-Of-Long-Yearned-Truths', and 'Sighs-Born-From-Content-Minds', LRADs Eta and Theta, Logistic Fleets Eidolon and Tennyo, and 1 War-World

Edit; choosing to create the Grand Alliance because we might as well with the Mechandrite — too uncertain to create an ISC or pop an AP into Dev before Tribal Warfare pops. I'm still skeptical on it but might as well take a risk with only 20 updates left.
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Voting is open