What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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@Profilozof had a very good point about genestealers being specialists.
So are Narvahls! So we'd know what "weird star disturbances" meant and have forces ready to stop them. Definitely that one.

Anyway, here's my likely vote. Any arguments in favor of other things?
[] The Crawling City
[] The Records Of Ancient Transgressions
[] And Then Mourn.

I won't be sad if the grotesque tree wins, and I don't feel super-strongly about the melody. But I do feel strongly about the dreadnaught & the specialist Tyranids.
Any arguments in favor of other things?
The only way we might avoid stagnating on juvenant in the epilogue is if we take the STC here. It's also the only way we might see a path to ever reaching 100% coverage. Meanwhile, we have an STC that eats planets. Our industry is stupid massive huge already and won't ever have problems getting even bigger.
Sidenote but should we try making a reverse engineering song or one in general to see past if we take the DAOT Dreadnaught ship
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Power armor STC will likely enhance the Lamenters significantly- and given the Tyranids and their propensity for special lynchpin creatures (synapse creatures and the like), boosting Space Marines for hunter-killer roles against critical Tyranid creatures is definitely important.

I'm leaning towards either the power armor STC or the juvenat STC.

For other options:

[] The Records Of Ancient Transgressions
[] And Then Mourn.

I want the archeotech dreadnought warship. A dreadnought of the ancients leading a spearhead of newly born dreadnoughts would be a hell of a thing to smack the Tyranids with.

Don't have a particular leaning in the last option but if I had to pick Oblivion might be a good one.

Also, I don't think we need to vote by plan this vote imo.
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Now that votes are open...
blinding pulses of sunlight dancing across timelines slicing apart ships while undulating blobs of matter swerve and pierce the fighters that come too close in intent to shatter them
bruh, no wonder the other polities haven't bothered sending anyone yet IC

[X] Children In Stasis
[X] The Grotesque Tree
[X] The Crawling City

[X] And Then Mourn.

Open to being persuaded for either of the two options I selected for that location though
[X] The Obsidian Monolith
[X] The Records Of Ancient Transgressions
[X] And Then Mourn.

Now that votes are open...

bruh, no wonder the other polities haven't bothered sending anyone yet IC

Open to being persuaded for either of the two options I selected for that location though

Given how close to the end (relatively) we are, I think the archeotech dreadnought is more important due to the incoming Tyranids. It probably has at least a few archeotech weapons (like those bullshit stuff that the fleet sent to the location faced). I think its well worth going for the dreadnought.

Imagine the archeotech dreadnought heading up a spearhead of new dreadnoughts- ship of the old leading ships of the new age to bring fury upon the ravening hordes of the Tyranids.
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[] 'The Records Of Ancient Transgressions'
(Gain: Ancient Mutilated Dreadnought requiring repairs.)
Just a question but did anyone else when first reading this assume this was a Space Marine Dreadnought haha...
Like sure the DAoT ship makes more sense but ancient and mutilated makes me think of some of the real old Space Marine Dreadnoughts
Honestly, while I see the appeal in adding a new abhuman species to the Federation, I think this time that would be a mistake since one of the other choices is a archeotech Dreadnought warship. From the description of the defenses in the area it sounds like DAoT or pre-DAoT shenanigans is at play.

With the Tyranid hivefleets relying on hiveships, having a massive and powerful spearhead in the form of a archeotech Dreadnought plus any compatriots we manage to build would be worth more in the "Don't get eaten by the 'nids" meter than a new abhuman species imo.

It has to be kept in mind that we are in the endgame.
Right, so we went to Hallowed Grounds, Trainyard, Friends of the Mountains, and Chants Under Hallowed Halls.

All I can say is that these rolls must've been nuts? Like, wow, holy shit lol, it's nice to see after we lowrolled the last two times. Like keeping in mind that these are all rolled on a table, each choice per option must be equivalent to each other somehow, although the synergy with our build does not necessarily remain the same.

(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] The Obsidian Monolith
(Gain: Power Armor STC)
[] The Crawling City
(Gain: Industry STC)
[] The Grotesque Tree
(Gain: Rejuvenat STC)
Like we're getting a fully intact STC, and they're all, like, very good STCs? I'm honestly kind of interested in the Power Armor STC, because it being equivalent to boosting our Industry (which helps us build taller) and the Rejuve STC (which is one of our biggest advantages under the hood). That being said, Rejuve is good, but Grand Design boosted Rejuve research gets us to 15%, so we have options there for proliferation. Industry is pretty broad, that being said -- we have Void, Heavy, and Military Industry, so it's kinda like hm.

Ah well, we're in endgame -- Rejuve is good for QoL but we're about to spike to All-XV and Med XV ought to have some options.

[X] The Crawling City

Few things of worth are found here, yet they are:
[] Children In Stasis

(Gain: A Forgotten Abhuman Species.)
[] 'The Records Of Ancient Transgressions'
(Gain: Ancient Mutilated Dreadnought requiring repairs.)
[] Nothing But The Loot Was Found
(Gain: Three New Ship Weapons And One Equipment.)
This is actually super fascinating -- either those Abhumans / Loot are super cracked (like Navigator-tier or Nova Cannon-tier) or that Dreadnought is suuuuuper fucked up and is an action sink.

Because like, Archaeotech Dreadnought makes me think of the Speranza, for example. Feels like naked bait, but okay, I'll bite.

[X] 'The Records Of Ancient Transgressions'
...And Leave:
[] And Then Pray.

(Gain full knowledge of Lesser Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Record.
(Gain full knowledge of Higher Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Mourn.
(Gain full knowledge of Specialist Tyranid Bioforms.)
This is interesting? People have already noted Genestealers and Narvhals, but also that should also include like, Lictors and even Norn Queens, so that's very... hm.

"Full Knowledge" has wild implications too.

Lesser Tyranids would be, what? The basic warforms, the microbes, the terraforming? While the Higher ones definitely should be the synapse creatures. But yeah, for our specs, definitely

[X] And Then Mourn.

The chants...the chants...The Chants! They call...they speak to us...they know of us...we answer. We answer. WE ANSWER!


(New Melody: Chant)
(New Melody: Movement)
(New Melody: Oblivion)
Interesting responses!

Hush is the "we can evade detection that relies on sapient thought," so I guess we just... get the Chant melody by seeing the Chants in entirety and not contesting them?

Cease is the "REALITY IS ENFORCED NOW SUCKERS" song, which... I actually have no idea how that translates to Movement? I guess we just see what's happening totally stripped of warpstuff, which is just weird stuff moving? Maybe?

Soul Bomb is Explode the Daemon, and the fact that it's effective is... hmm.

Sure, why not, I'll bite. I always want to crash out more.


Tomorrow, All-XV.
[X] The Obsidian Monolith
[X] The Grotesque Tree
[X] 'The Records Of Ancient Transgressions'
[X] And Then Mourn.
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[X] The Grotesque Tree
[X] Children In Stasis
[X] And Then Mourn.

I was tempted by the dreadnought, but look at what it's equivalent to: "Three New Ship Weapons And One Equipment." Like. Forget that we're probably done designing new ships, that's good, but it's not groundbreakingly valuable. To me, this means the repairs the dreadnought requires are going to be a significantly large action sink. Actions that would be better spent building entire fleets of ships, rather than refurbishing one, however big.
In the Epilogue, it's kind of hilarious that we can unironically get 1 more roll every Turn on the Ancient Ruins Gacha if we felt like it, which translates to more Tech every like 2 Turns or so if we carry enough firepower and Lamenters to survive the Nat 1s thereof.
Would keep our army up and ready in the improbably event that Tyranids no longer become our problem too, lmao.