What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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The diplomatic corps also have existed for thousands of years longer that the new Empire and have spies inside, having not meet a young Empire it's not excuse.
Whats the point of having them if the QM it's gonna hide vital information that is imposible to get other way because we don't exist inside this place and the QM goes 'oooh! Ops!'

'You didnt notice something that only exist inside my head/notes? Baaaad luuuuck'.

I hate when quests become questers vs qm
The meritocracy blinded by time - [Canon]

Omake: The meritocracy blinded by time​

"Many of us heard how recently our federal government rebuked a massive investment offer from the Glimmering Federation. This came as a surprise for many younger people in our country (as well as the entire diplomatic corps of the glimmering federation), but it was very much celebrated by those of us who remember the war against the crazy fanatics. This is a symptom of a large cultural divide between those born during and after the war, but this text isn't about that can of worms. As many students of political science wrote in essays for decades, Councils were used as proxy by glimmering federation despite its ability to end conflict completely in less than 20 years with their direct intervention lasting that long only because crazy fanatics used cruel power beyond their understanding to delay the inevitable. I remember those years as I was a young man then in the staff of then ambassador to the federation.

For years, I have wondered and stewed in anger. Like many people of my generation, I lost loved ones on the front that federation could end so swiftly. Now 5 years after my retirement as ambassador to the federation I can put it in paper why that happened. Our complicated relationship with the glimmering federation begins with a coalition of the free worlds against the expansion push of the crazy fanatics; this all of you hopefully learned during your basic education, but what you may not know is that said rapid expansion came at a very inopportune moment for Glimmering Federation. Our much bigger neighbour was quite busy at the time as the inevitable war between it, the grove and the last great hegemon of the sector, the duchy, began the crusade wars (or cult wars or the cleansing of the sector) against 3 grand cults that even when compared to modern-day councils were colossal.

The Federation knew of those three cults for hundreds of years and was preparing for said war for just as long, and yet that war lasted for centuries, the centuries of three (or two, according to many scholars of history and military that I asked about it) front war against cults that lasted for millennia; 2 of which managed to create two daemon worlds (for interested the ruins of the world that belonged to the whore is still blocking path of expansion for the grove and is expected to block it for centuries to come).

Many visitors and tourists, both secular and religious, to the federation came across statues and museums dedicated to that conflict. It was because of that war that federation decided to only support us in materials and trainers against the crazy fanatics, which all agree was a large factor of why early coalition survived, but many wonder why the delay between end of the war against the chaos cults and putting down the crazy fanatics.

After becoming friends with a few glimmerings, I can answer that: the federation's leadership has a different perception of time.
This is, of course, expected, as people in power are the primary recipients of any rejuvenation treatment that a state has available. However, there is a large difference between us or even other hegemons and the Federation. The Federation can afford to give rejuvenation treatment to 10% of its population—not the ruling population, but the total population, with people being able to earn a long life quite easily.

Oh, don't get me wrong, the completion is fierce, but ask yourself how many people you know want to excel at their job? Exactly, if one applies oneself in federation even with an already glimmering fanatical obsession with bettering humanity, then one can earn centuries of life. And that was the issue that caused our ancestors and our kin to suffer for so long, leadership of the Federation in all aspects in made out of people who planned things in the long term, spanning centuries or at least decades, whose military leadership was and still is made out of people who were preparing for a war against chaos cults, fought the chaos cults or were suppressing chaos resistance movements.

As much as crazy fanatics were crazy they were not chaos, their madness didn't doom souls of our fallen, their influence wouldn't linger and corrupt the very land we found over. From the perspective of people who lived for centuries, our struggle was important but a backlog of all problems and development roads, not to mention the need to reintegrate and rehabilitate hundreds of planets, made the leadership of the federation willing to catch a breather before entering another war, because for them there existed a risk of crazy cultist being similar to the chaos cults long term problem, they were wrong but given the other large scale long-lasting state they met, such mistake was understandable for how else such state could last so long.

This is best illustrated with the ship designer Alectai, after whom my older brother was named. He was at the beginning of his career then, and by the time of my retirement, I met him; he was still young, and a man who created the foundation of the council navy is still here. Despite this all you may ask how the federation could develop such time perception deregulation while grove our other neighbour experienced less of such issues, the answer was mentioned already in passing: the meritocratic nature of federation means that people who rise in skill and thus in status live for long, this creates a form of echo chamber for even as officers meet common soldier those who caught their eye who they remember are often same young people who in future will receive rejuvenation.

Thus, the meritocratic nature of the federation creates an informal caste system based on one's talent and work ethic, a person from every background can enter a higher caste, but a different cast still exists leaders, researchers and people of great skill, leading those content with only century and a bit of life.

This all culminates in the most controversial part of this text; the proclamation of our leadership that we will stand with but not under federation is temporary at best, and even the,n it is a question of validity of that notion, how much our border agreement with the Grove was influence by Grove's perception that sooner or later our state will be subsumed by the glimmering federation; how many years will it take for scares of war to heal and leaders of tomorrow to see constant economic and social growth of federation that is centuries beyond us and desire to join a state that despite its fuck up was the biggest contributor to the fall of crazy fanatics and survival of our culture? How many years will it take for the common man to desire a chance for longevity of glimmering beyond pride he feels in blood of soldiers that died centuries before him when the neighbour next door ended the threat they fought even if they waited a "bit" a few decades aren't that long when you read about them after the events had already transpired.

The fact remains that the Federation is surrounded by allies (with only one neutral neighbour), of which we are the weakest and the most indebted. It isn't a matter of whether the Federation will desire a return on its "investment" but what our future leadership will manage to haggle in exchange.

- Proffessor Lukas ven Damierne of the University of Five Stars
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The Militant Faith Orders of the Glimmering Federation have access to military equipment equal to that of SAGs, though some elite Orders may have weapons, armor, and equipment exceeding such. Their main draw comes from the Sigils they wield and the fanatic zeal they show in spreading the faith and Truth of the Star Child unto the enemies of the Child.

Sigil of the Blessed Acend - This Sigil is inscribed upon the Militant Aerial Wings of an Order, enabling the pilots to survive even the harshest ascend from the ground of a planet to the void above.
Sigil of the Faithful Flock - Lifted aloft and woven into hallowed banners, the Sigil of the Faithful Flock brings joyful certainty in the righteousness of one's belief in their course, and the paths they travel, as long as they are an adherent to the banner's Order.
Sigil of the Artillery Vicar - Etched upon shells of an Order's artillery detachment, this Sigil increases the explosive weight of the ordnance in direct correlation to the etchee's faith.
I'm sure there's some cool plans being talked about. But I really want to see what that A Soul Smeared thing is about. Sounds interesting.
If we're doing military actions we should upgrade our fleet instead of going after shinies that involve sub-turns. We just got substantial improvements, let's roll them out.

Wait a second. @HeroCooky
-[] Refit All Fleets To New Standards (0/12)
For 12 actions we would get 3.900*12=46,800 points. We currently have 7 flag armadas, 41 SBGs, 7 LRADs, 2 invasion fleets, 1 evac fleet. Here's the math on how many points it would take to build all of that from scratch.

Points perHow many we haveTotal points
For the number of actions we'd spend refitting, we could replace every ship we have twice over? Even if we need to fully replace every single ship, it should still only take ~6 actions. So, uh. Could we get that cost knocked down? Or else it makes sense to mothball the entire fleet and re-build it. Even if it costs half the full-price of the ship to upgrade it, it should only take ~3 actions.

[] Plan: We're Stalling, might as well upgrade our Beatstick
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Ichor)
-[] [Free] Switch ISC back to New Dawn For next turn, so after colonization.
-[Free] Redefine fleet compositions:
--[] New Standard Battle Group composition - (200 Points, 44 Ships, 4 Choirs for 4 Pathfinders) 2x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers, 4x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, -1x Cancer-class Assault Cruiser, 11x Libra-Class Light Carrier, 8x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 2x Corona-class Void Bastion, 4x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 6x Crux-Class Heavy Frigate, 2x Vela Chrono Frigate, 2x Lupus Torpedo Destroyers, 2x Aries Corvette
--[]New Long-Range Attack Division Composition - (200 Points, 50 Ships, 5 Choirs for 5 Pathfinders) 2x Phoenix-Class Arc Cruisers, 2x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 3x Draco-class Artillery Cruiser, 10x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 4x Gemini-class Liturgical Cruiser, 5x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 10x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 10x Sagittarius Lance Frigate
-[] [General] Colonize (2 actions + Devouring Mechadendrite)
--[] Gutson (11/11 Systems)
--[] Long Tower (4/9 Systems)
--[]Palace of Stars (4/26 Systems) Put any extra colonization capacity into aiding the existing subversion effort
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction
--[] Refit All Fleets To New Standards (0/3)
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Why are you like this

You want the dreadnoughts don't you?????

1. Beat up the Unfallen or increase your population by 300%.
Is it just that the Unfallen are the only non friendly group in the area that people are willing to go to war against, sorry, bring the light of the Star Child to, or are they like

Actually A Problem

Anyways I don't really care about getting weaker traits or not, get All-XV and merge seems good enough for me.
If we're doing military actions we should upgrade our fleet instead of going after shinies that involve sub-turns. We just got substantial improvements, let's roll them out.
Yeah I'd be fine with that, with you actually rolling out the math and all. I was gonna go for doing low hanging fruit and clearing out stuff but yeah, that sounds good.

I'd prefer grabbing Chery over Gutson since Gutson is so far into our interior if you really don't want to do 4 Colonization Actions but yeah looks good to me.
[] [Faith] Sigils (Input 3 Sigils)
Words of the Faith, given Shape and Weight by Faith and Fervor.
(Actions: [Fly], [Soar], [Nuke], [Heat], [Chill]
Subjects: [Us], [Them], [We],
Effects: [Joy], [Hurt], [Faith], [Wings], [Righteous]
Location: [Abyss], [Core], [Heaven], [Void]
Information: Sigils consist out of 3-5 Words.
Gain: 3 Sigils of the Faith. These enable your Faith Orders to create Small Miracles on the field of battle and at home.)
my brain is borked

Us, Soar, Abyss
Us, Soar, Core
Us, Soar, Heaven
Us, Soar, Void

Hurt, Them, Abyss
Hurt, Them, Core
Hurt, Them, Heaven
Hurt, Them, Void

Fly, Them, Hurt
Soar, Them, Hurt
Nuke, Them, Hurt
Heat, Them, Hurt
Chill, Them Hurt

Core, We, Joy, Faith, Righteous

Heat, Us, Joy
Chill, Us, Joy

We, Fly, Them
We, Soar, Them
We, Nuke, Them
We, Heat, Them
We, Chill, Them
I'd prefer grabbing Chery over Gutson since Gutson is so far into our interior if you really don't want to do 4 Colonization Actions but yeah looks good to me.
The problem is that Chery is literally just 1 system we can colonize.
We need to point subversion at it, not our colonizers.

-[] Refit All Fleets To New Standards (0/3)
Ok, cool. A heartbeat of Industry turn gets us 4 military actions, so next turn (if we're still stalling) we can do 4x military actions to finish the refit and either do 2 more DaoT sites or just built a bunch more ships. Navy supremacy is strategic supremacy, after all.
and Foretold already works with 50 Choirs — we're already wasting another 50 choirs having it at 100.
See The Seer - When Sung with 50 Choirs, this Song enables you to discern the location of those scrying on and performing divinitation psykery on designated targets.
Good to know, I misremembered the Song where this is relevant: Was suggesting increasing the number of Choirs singing this song by x50 increments, since being able to add more designated targets seems useful as our territory is kind of large.
[X] Plan: We're Stalling, Colonize Everything and Begin Upgrading out Beatstick
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Ichor)
-[X] [Free] Switch ISC back to New Dawn For next turn, so after colonization.
-[X] [General] Colonize (2 actions + Devouring Mechadendrite)
--[X] Gutson (11/11 Systems)
--[X] Long Tower (4/9 Systems) Put any extra colonization capacity into economic subversion of the other systems.
--[X]Palace of Stars (4/26 Systems) Put any extra colonization capacity into aiding the existing subversion effort
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction
--[X] Refit All Fleets To New Standards (0/3)
-[X][Free] Redefine fleet compositions:
--[X] New Standard Battle Group composition - (200 Points, 44 Ships, 4 Choirs for 4 Pathfinders) 2x Lepus-Class Grand Cruisers, 4x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser, -1x Cancer-class Assault Cruiser, 11x Libra-Class Light Carrier, 8x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser, 2x Corona-class Void Bastion, 4x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 6x Crux-Class Heavy Frigate, 2x Vela Chrono Frigate, 2x Lupus Torpedo Destroyers, 2x Aries Corvette
--[X]New Long-Range Attack Division Composition - (200 Points, 50 Ships, 5 Choirs for 5 Pathfinders) 2x Phoenix-Class Arc Cruisers, 2x Pegasus-Class Command Cruiser, 3x Draco-class Artillery Cruiser, 10x Hydrus-Class Rad Cruiser, 4x Gemini-class Liturgical Cruiser, 5x Andromeda-Class Pathfinder Ships, 10x Scutum-Class Shield Frigate, 10x Sagittarius Lance Frigate

Generally the plan is that next turn we'll finish upgrading the fleet and do a couple of DaoT ruins - or build some more Titans. Not sure yet! And then as soon as the warp hits ~medium we'll slap the Cry+All-XV button. Then integrate.

Boy, making plans ~50-70 years in advance sure does make the above Omake hit about right.
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[X] Plan: We're Stalling, Colonize Everything and Begin Upgrading out Beatstick

after the next turn, I still suggest we finish tasks of giving all our new subsectors grand armies. By the way, who are the unfallen, are they dark angels?
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