What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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If things are stable enough next turn, part of me wants to get Food Production 5 so that we can see what that unlocks. Considering the cool stuff we've gotten for getting Void Industry high, and what Cooky has said, it should be worthwhile; the question is if if that boost or new mechanic will be helpful to us in our current situation.
Yeah, but are they worth Seven Actions? Are these people worth seven levels of industry? Getting Light Cruisers and building two? Or 14 Destroyers? What about sending military units to ensure another world does not fall, killing billions?

Are these people who are already broken and seeking death worth the billions desperate to LIVE that shall die now?

That is the message being spoken. Is denying them the mercy of finality and an end to suffefing worth the suffering of others that you now cannot stop?

The sanctimonious scream yes, but I can only respond with: lol, no. Not even slightly. I cannot through words or graphs or finely tuned equations nake it clear enough just how unworth the effort these these poor wretched souls are.

In any form of triage, these people would be the ones you leave to die, because there are plenty others out there with more of a chance of survival if you give them a quarter of the effort these people are going to require from us. But the sanctimonious want to prove a point, that all human life is sacred and that so long as they have a heart beat, we can save them, even if they explicitly don't want to be saved.

I dont think it's worth it at all, and I don't believe this will end well even if we do fork over every action.
Maybe I'll be wrong, but I really, really doubt it.
Look out, we've got a badass here.

No, seriously, Pure Utility Bullshit works as long as everyone involved has precisely the same needs and requirements as the others. When they don't, Purely Utiliarian thinking ends up creating atrocities because the Rational Move can get exploited, you realize this and start taking Reasonable Steps to minimize your losses, and then you have the Imperium after going through this for 12,000, 15,000 years, at which point they've effectively been ground down to always hit the "Do the Easy Thing because if I do the Right Thing I'll be punished for it". Better to be killed and eaten then become Just Another Supervillain faction.

And sneering and calling everyone "Sanctimonious" for going for it despite it being hard doesn't say good things about you. Triage doesn't work the way you're saying it does. You try to save everyone you can, and the ones who are the worst off get the most attention. You don't stab the orange tags so you can spend more time tending to the yellow tags because the yellow ones might have their condition worsen if untreated, and the orange tags will require aid. Better to just mark them off as fatalities rather than try to save them, huh?

The only ones you leave alone are the people who are actually dead, or that there is no hope whatsoever of saving something of. The people who have lost their frontal lobe but somehow haven't stopped breathing yet, or the people who've lost half their blood and are still bleeding profusely. Triage is about sorting out the No Hope causes from the people who need your full attention, not about just cutting off those who'll be hard to save so you can improve the odds of those who are only moderately injured, and identifying the people who'll keep until resources are freed up.
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Look out, we've got a badass here.

No, seriously, Pure Utility Bullshit works as long as everyone involved has precisely the same needs and requirements as the others. When they don't, Purely Utiliarian thinking ends up creating atrocities because the Rational Move can get exploited, you realize this and start taking Reasonable Steps to minimize your losses, and then you have the Imperium after going through this for 12,000, 15,000 years, at which point they've effectively been ground down to always hit the "Do the Easy Thing because if I do the Right Thing I'll be punished for it". Better to be killed and eaten then become Just Another Supervillain faction.

And sneering and calling everyone "Sanctimonious" for going for it despite it being hard doesn't say good things about you. Triage doesn't work the way you're saying it does. You try to save everyone you can, and the ones who are the worst off get the most attention. You don't stab the orange tags so you can spend more time tending to the yellow tags because the yellow ones might have their condition worsen if untreated, and the orange tags will require aid. Better to just mark them off as fatalities rather than try to save them, huh?

The only ones you leave alone are the people who are actually dead, or that there is no hope whatsoever of saving something of. The people who have lost their frontal lobe but somehow haven't stopped breathing yet, or the people who've lost half their blood and are still bleeding profusely. Triage is about sorting out the No Hope causes from the people who need your full attention, not about just cutting off those who'll be hard to save so you can improve the odds of those who are only moderately injured, and identifying the people who'll keep until resources are freed up.

Fuck off, my thinking that you forcing a bunch of horrifically mutilated, explicitly desperately suicidal people to live is a waste of time and effort does not make me a living "hard man making hard decisions while hard" trope. These are all explicitly no hope cases, they're so badly ground down its takes the focused effort of a stellar nation multiple decades, potentially centuries to being them to an area of healthy stability. This is time and effort we could have been spending a dozen different ways, helping plenty more people then we are now.

By the time we finish helping these people, the Orcs are likely to have recouped their losses, rebuilt their ships and, if we're fortunate, gone looking elsewhere to do everything we stopped here to some other unfortunate planet. If we're unfortunate, they'll come back to this system specifically looking for a fight, and depending on when exactly they do this they may very well out number and out gun us.

But having said all that, at this point stopping what we're doing after starting to help is explicitly the worst case scenario, so terrible decision as it was we just have to go all in on it now and hope for the best possible outcome.

[X] Plan Save Neumidia and reinforcements
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@HeroCooky regarding the potential eventual Aries Refits, I assume for that we'd need to take the Ship Design action again, but would that action also produce a new-model Aries like it would if we were creating a whole new design?
A new design will always give you a new ship, that is the effect of the trait you chose.
This is confirmed to be a thing we can do, right?
Yes. Using the Move Military Action allows you to move everything without habing to spend multiple Actions per group/front.
Kil'drabi Auxiliary Fleet
Hey ummm...a thought occurs...hhhhhoooooowwwws exactly do you think the planet we are liberating will take us getting reinforcements from xenos?
Mmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaybe we should leave them out? We already got the suicidal planet trying to off themselves because they can't see a light at the end of the tunnel. And tide up for 5 more decades this might cuz an unfortunate situation to be even harder...
Hey ummm...a thought occurs...hhhhhoooooowwwws exactly do you think the planet we are liberating will take us getting reinforcements from xenos?
Keep in mind, the Kil'drabi ship is going to Urbaka so we at least have something in the system and I doubt the people who spent decades being mindbroken chattel slaves would really give a shit about this.

Neumidia will be getting our Corvettes, though how they'll handle that remains to be seen since our design is explicitly not Imperial.
I mean, you can do worse than a bunch of weirdos with a weird branch of Emperor-worship coming in with un-sanctified ships after having been abandoned and coming to help tilt the scales of the void war in your favor.

Our faith for instance doesn't actually immediately grok as Total Heresy so much as a syncretic version of the Cult Mechanicus and the Imperial Faith, which... Well, it's probably heresy but it's hard to pinpoint the exact acts of faith that are Wrong without poking the fault lines of the Imperium and how they politely ignore the other side's affairs, which makes it really awkward in a lot of ways. The whole "You have Psykers that you don't either kill or send to be enslaved to the Golden Throne" bit and the "What the fuck you don't hate and fear anything that looks different than you" bits are far more actionable, but also not relevant at this level of contact.
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Also, its not like we are going to occupy the system. We are going in to beat the orks and then hopefully the people of Neumidia can fix their own planets. So there's enough distance to diminish that initial first contact friction.
If things are stable enough next turn, part of me wants to get Food Production 5 so that we can see what that unlocks. Considering the cool stuff we've gotten for getting Void Industry high, and what Cooky has said, it should be worthwhile; the question is if if that boost or new mechanic will be helpful to us in our current situation.

I'm down with any plan next turn so long as we spend at least one AP on a new Melody, specifically one of the Melodies needed for the Pseudo-navigator Song. So that we can travel to farther systems without fear of losing any of our ships to warp fuckery.

Our faith for instance doesn't actually immediately grok as Total Heresy so much as a syncretic version of the Cult Mechanicus and the Imperial Faith, which... Well, it's probably heresy but it's hard to pinpoint the exact acts of faith that are Wrong without poking the fault lines of the Imperium and how they politely ignore the other side's affairs.

We should be fine at least until people learn we aren't just worshipping Big E, but the Star Child specifically. From what I've read a good portion of the Inquisition believes the Star Child faith is a product of Tzneetch and his followers. There are still at least a small handful who are either fine with it or experiment around and support the Star Child belief ,which happens to quite a lot of Inquisitors when they get a hands on experience with the shit they're supposed to hate (Inquisitiors will screech about vile Xeno tech, but the moment you hand them a cool, shiny green Necron sword that slices through even the thickest armor like paper, suddenly it's chill so long as it's only them that have it).
Yeah, like, we're a risk in the medium term, but short term, we just probably come off as a particularly sophisticated group of outlaws, which... Well, it's better than Orks, and first contact being supporting them against an invasion earns a fair amount of wiggle room.
Hey ummm...a thought occurs...hhhhhoooooowwwws exactly do you think the planet we are liberating will take us getting reinforcements from xenos?
Khara? You have basically raised the sane population on the planet yourself, they are cool.
Corcrat (The planet in Neumidia)? "Uhm, the fuck?" with a side of "We are too desperate to choose our allies now, just keep 'em on a short leash."
Note the "Imperial" before "Humanity" there.