What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Maybe those Eldar are less dickish than last ones, though honestly Lone Wave are kinda decent neighbors all things considered (not a single problem from them so far, which is nice).

Maybe they could even become good neighbors, in time. Maybe we can learn the HONK melody from them.
One of the better neighbors we have had all things considered. They haven't tried to murder us yet.
Just a reminder, the Harlequins may hate Chaos, but they're all for kicking humans in the balls for the lolz too. Remember the whole kerfuffle with the Dark Space Elfs stealing the Panacea STC for shits and giggles? That was entirely enabled by the Harlequins, who facilitated her scheme and her campaign from the ground up.

They may be enemies of Chaos, but they're still Space Elfs, they care for humans only in so far as they're useful to them, and no further.
God damn it Thules.
Sorry, had to say it.
Anyways, it can't be that hilarious right? (Riffing off the other possible variant that might invoke M*****)
[] No Mercy For Those Who Give None.
(The Lamenters are used to tragedy. It does not mean they are indifferent to the evil that precedes it.)
[] Where Is Your Fury Now?
(A Choir fights. And the Warp croons its approval to their hymns.)
FUCK I forgot to include my work last night for the Psykana discussion. ahhhhh dang it, well we got Lamenters helping out on the frontline now so lets see how this goes.

Like normal Librarians, but with a bent due to the wealth of the Federation's Psykana to draw upon. And ye. :V
Oh, well that makes sense and neat little touch they have the Melodies and insight into it to make use of it.

Trenches crossed the plains like veins snaked through a body, thousands of kilometers dug into the earth with tools and artillery, craters turned into pits turned into muddy holes into nexuses for trenches, with one side sporting the banners of the Eternity, great banners flapping in defiance of the other side, all it stood for, and all it would bring. On the other stood pre-fabricated fortresses and bunkers, fortifications taken or destroyed, with rubble and the ghosts of murdered cities lying just behind the lines of the Valan.

And standing in Section 39-A.3, where a Valan Fortress of the same name had stymied the progress of the Eternity for years, Specialist Merf looked into the skies, his lasgun held loosely in his right hand, and his mouth hung open as he watched the fiery streaks of red fury descend in their hundreds unto the surface, the crackle of the vox-caster upon his back ringing through the caster in his left hand momentarily forgotten, its antennae swaying in the breeze of the battlefield and the trench he stood within, just as every other soldier near him, and likely beyond, stared into the skies.

He had grown up with the stories. They all had, of the Angels of Death, the Hands of the God-Emperor in the Aspect of the Soldier, those lucky few who Knew No Fear as they defended humanity as its shield and sword. But they had all assumed that this would be all they would remain; stories. Hard-kept memories and legends passed through the generations as they slowly rose from the ashes of Sub-Sectors fallen and disunited, risen by the might once shirked and made great by the power of comprehension and deliberation. Merf had never thought, even for a moment, he would see the Angels of Death, not even in a pict, and much less in person.

Yet here they were. Falling in their hundreds, an entire Chapter deployed to the embattled warzones of To-latha, descending with divine fury and fire unto the xenos that had caused them centuries of pain. And as they did, anti-air fire began to rise from the positions of the karking beakers, missiles and munitions racing into the skies with malicious intent.
Ah so they lost the cities or had to fall back with warcrimes done to the population and went into a World War One vibe with the trenches and artillery duels.... along with the Valans having pre-fab forts and bunks made or dropped, that's always a good advantage to have and I see how this was stalemated and hard to take back some land.

Hahaha, the Angels descend and yah given we only heard of the Late Game Threat of the Dutchy mentioning another Space Marine chapter moving through their territory around 500 to 600 years ago now? The lamenters are the only other ones in the Sector or neighboring sector, so the Space marines are just legends or stories and now the stories are real and are coming to help/save them. Not only that but an Entire Chapter deployed in full, Most would consider seeing a lone or a squad as a blessing, a Company as a great sight and morale boosting but an Entire Chapter? After seemingly forever of being abandoned by the Imperium and maybe only ever seeing them in picts if they did exist.... this might just-

"WHAT ARE YOU JIBBERS STANDING AROUND FOR?!" The Lord Commander suddenly shouted, waving his staff around in the air with crackling light atop the same, his other hand pointing at the positions beyond the no-mans land. "AT THEM! FOR THE GOD-EMPEROR, SUPPORT HIS ANGELS!" And with that, he followed his own orders as Merf felt adrenaline course through his body, a sharp intake of breath bringing the smells and sounds of the entire battle into crystal clarity. Sweat, blood, piss, shit, metal, poison, grime, dirt, oils, explosives, and wood assailed his senses as he jumped from the bottom of the trench to its top in one go, feeling every single muscle in his body delight and roar with power, hundreds, thousands all along the lines rising as the order spread, a charge that should have been staggered erupting from the trenches filled with brimstone fury in one unison.

"FOR THE GOD-EMPEROR!" "KILL THEM ALL!" "REMEMBER '54!" The human wave shouted, limbs enhanced with immaterial might pounding against the churned-through mud and soil. Grenades went sailing farther and with greater precision than should be possible for mere humans by the hands of those seeking to suppress the beaks as others merely charged and fired with aim gained by limbs enhanced by sorcerous might. The Valan noticed, and fire shifted from the skies to the thousands of humans charging at them, artillery shells absent from the spontaneous charge and unable to lend their suppressive might, and so their weaponry ripped through the air, tens of thousands of flechettes and rounds thundering against the wall of flesh.

And yet, Merf charged all the same, trusting in the Lord Commander as several dozens fell to the ground...and no more followed; a wave of liquid had been ripped from the ground by the Battle Ritualists as one of their miraculous works intercepted the projectiles sent against them by his command. He charged all the harder for it, knowing it would not last long, maybe another second or two, but then they would have to be next to the beaks, lasguns shoved down their throats, and mags already emptied into their stomachs.
YUP, THAT. Morale boost to the extreme and making everyone give it their all and then some, near fanatic charge as victory is almost ensured and focusing on breaking the enemy, along with sudden tunnel vision purpose on knocking out the guns to support the Space Marines. Props to the Lord Commander holding the Banner and being the first to lead the charge. Its just an awesome sight, QM you captured the feeling of that along with some grounding in the smells and sounds blurring together as Merf was brought back to reality.

I don't know if the starchild is guiding/boosting them but damn they performed well. Ouch Flechettes launched too. Oh shit the Psyker of the Lord of Eternity used the ground as a malleable claylike thing to just absorb or snatch the flechettes launched. or it was more a clay-like golem thing, also their pyskers are called Battle Ritualists, or just the combat ones.

Distantly, he saw that the descending pods had almost reached the ground and jumped feet-first into the trench of the Valan; lasgun sighted on one Xeno gunner, its head swiveling around as his finger pressed onto the trigger.

Explosions of flesh and feathers followed the bright red streaks of superheated light, cooking meat erupting from the change in temperature and bones charring with matchless efficiency as one soul got ripped from its mortal coil by the actions of a man and joined all other souls ripped into the eddies of the Warp that died. One more Xenos dead, billions more to follow, and Merf hit upon the ground with a stumble, the power in his veins exhausted and the price now to be paid.
Now the trench fighting and melee with short range firefights but oh boy that charge took a lot out of some of them. Its a good showing of the motivation and in the moment type of things a baseline human can accomplish. Like normally this would be good they reached the trenches and would be fighting to take over that section and breach the lines. of course-

Just in time for the ground to shake, hundreds of pods crashed against the ground, throwing up plumes of dirt and stone, causing quakes and stumbles in the human soldiers in the trenches and furious squawks by the Valan.

Merf looked up, his lasgun rising as he steadied himself.

Explosions erupted from further into the fortification and trenches.

Lights flashed as he took a single step, screams rising by the micro-second, turning from fury to terror.

He turned a corner in the trenches, looking upon a pit dug into the ground, a pod of the Angels nearby.

Three dozen Valan lay dead within, blown and sliced apart, a single Space Marin in yellow armor walking calmly back to the pod from which he had likely emerged.

Merf paused, looking upon the scene of carnage, one thought in his mind as other soldiers joined him in this section, either awed by the presence of the living myth walking toward them or stunned by the sheer violence enacted within a few seconds.
Don't need to do that, just distract the Anti-air or take them out. They bought time and attention to let the Lamenters land and holy shit things really do move fast with Space Marines, the old line of 'nothing that big should move that fast' come to mind. then again with over 2000 Lamenters dropping there should be enough to repeat this all over the line and with enough training to make this easy for them. Hah, a single Lamenter and three dozen Valan dead in that short a time.

"Soldiers," came a deep rumble from the Angel as he hefted a large bolter like a mere rifle. "I am Brother Gregorius. What are your orders?"

As one, they all began to kneel in respect. "To kill the Valan, Lord," Merf replied with a voice far too steady for how he currently felt. "And to liberate this world in the name of humanity from their presence. All else flows from there."

"Then rejoice, the Lamenters have arrived." The Space Marine paused for a moment, inclining his head, before he looked back at the assembled soldiers. "The fortress has been taken, only stragglers remain. Contact your superiors to tell them of the news. You will require extensive mechanized reinforcements to support our advance in the coming weeks."

And with that, he turned, walking calmly against the backdrop of Fortress 39-A.3 wrecked and trails of smoke rising from within, the burning banners of the Blood Court fluttering to the ground as they turned to ash, and a new standard fluttered upon its ramparts.

A red bleeding heart upon a white-black checkerboard pattern bounded by a yellow edge.

The Eternity had been in a stalemate against these forts for years.

It had taken the Lamenters four minutes to break through.
they all kneel in the face of the storied Angels and seeing what he can do, and damn they aren't stopping, Lamenters are going to roll up the frontlines and keep on biltzing through so the forces here need mechanized to keep up with them. And it really shows how the Space Marines are/can be in battle and how quickly they can turn things around. Years stalemated there and in four minutes it is broken.

[] No Mercy For Those Who Give None.
(The Lamenters are used to tragedy. It does not mean they are indifferent to the evil that precedes it.)
[] Where Is Your Fury Now?
(A Choir fights. And the Warp croons its approval to their hymns.)
[] Dancers Upon The Stellar Currents
(Did you think the Aeldari would be idle?)
Ohhhh, well we already did the Lamenters so I'd like to see the Choir fight and see how it goes from there... though the damn Eldar in this sub-sector should be looked at considering they were keeping this balance of power up for a long time with proxies and propped up forces. And we intervened here messing up that balance.

Lmao, look at these fucking(literal) mon-keighs! : D
Take their tendons.
oh boy, yah that sounds about right for them and I hope we don't have to deal with them but we might have too... question is how they fuck do we try to prepare for them.

Just a reminder, the Harlequins may hate Chaos, but they're all for kicking humans in the balls for the lolz too. Remember the whole kerfuffle with the Dark Space Elfs stealing the Panacea STC for shits and giggles? That was entirely enabled by the Harlequins, who facilitated her scheme and her campaign from the ground up.

They may be enemies of Chaos, but they're still Space Elfs, they care for humans only in so far as they're useful to them, and no further.
Whelp in that case we better prepare then, we are only one away from Grand Cruiser. So maybe do that and build some more SBG's and then the turn after that make a Grand Cruiser. We don't know what exactly the Eldar are up to in the Sub-sector or how strong they are so its hard to plan around it.
I'm more worried we'll be blindsided by the Eldar then anything else. I feel like we have a pretty good grasp of what everybody around us wants - most of the reasonable people want safety and a higher quality of life, or to be left alone (Mashan) which we can provide. Van Zandt wants to be a good little imperial successor state, and the ravagers want to ravage. We know how to interact with all of those groups.

But the Eldar are goddamn wild cards. They might decide that they liked the stalemate in the sector and don't want us pushing on them and decide to sabotage us. Maybe we can ask our friendly neighborhood Lone Wave to tell them to chill out. We're not the empire.

I wonder if we can do diplomacy with the Eldar other than just "yeah we'll leave you alone."
Maybe we can ask our friendly neighborhood Lone Wave to tell them to chill out. We're not the empire.
Not sure how we can. Lone Wave is liable to shoot anything that jumps into the system, so our best bet is to have a Chamleon jump into the system, drop off a probe with all the information, then get the hell out as fast as possible.
Not sure how we can. Lone Wave is liable to shoot anything that jumps into the system, so our best bet is to have a Chamleon jump into the system, drop off a probe with all the information, then get the hell out as fast as possible.
Do they have people in End of the Line we can pass messages through? I assume they wouldn't be very talkative but they presumably would want to keep eyes on the webway gate so we don't touch anything. And when you're cohabiting a system you've got to talk at least a little to avoid crashes if nothing else.
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[X] Where Is Your Fury Now?
Excellent story, it's a lot of fun to read about. We're still planning on an action to send a few SBGs down there to help the Lamenters out, right?
I'll be for it, though I also would like to spend an action fortifying Phantom in case the Duchy try something and to further dissuade them from attack
I don't know if the starchild is guiding/boosting them but damn they performed well
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the Psyker Lords that are doing so.
Cooky what information is available about the orbital habitat on Jak-hal?
It's an ancient orbital habitat from before the Imperium that got looted to the ground by the Admech before getting settled. It is home to around ~48 Billion people.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the Psyker Lords that are doing so.
Can confirm. One buff for speed by the Lord Commander, then one "rip moisture out of ground to stop bullets" ritual by the Ritualists.
I'll be for it, though I also would like to spend an action fortifying Phantom in case the Duchy try something and to further dissuade them from attack
part of the DMZ. no Fleets or defense stations there my dude.

Can confirm. One buff for speed by the Lord Commander, then one "rip moisture out of ground to stop bullets" ritual by the Ritualists.
Oh shit, alright then, damn I want to know about the LoE's pysker set up and use. So the Lord Commander buffed the speed and then others did the stop bullet for the charge to make it across.

1. QM given how we add a new addition to the reverse harem hanger ons ensemble in this, what role or part would the Msk'fa be for the Federation group. HMG or RPG totting Nun, Yeni bringing ammo and tool glove pulling along the Piscarian with Heavy weapons, shirtless and whatever else you mentioned last time, with the Kil'drabi BFF towing the artillery piece, and the Irrita... what are they doing in this? and soon the Moths will join us with their lightsaber Naginatas!
[X] Where Is Your Fury Now?

I'd almost prefer not to give the Eldar more of a stage. Drama queens, the lot of them. Maybe if we ignore them they'll go away and pose for somebody else.

Huh. Idea for a diplomatic action: "Hey Aeldari, is there anything you want us to take care of? We'll do it for a favor." I'm sure we can think of some nice favors from the Eldar - anything from a farseer prophecy to some tech to trading rights. And I'm sure there's a bunch of places they'd love to have a war fleet/bunch of knights soaking casualties for them. And all of them are probably against enemies we'd be happy to fight anyway.

I'll be for it, though I also would like to spend an action fortifying Phantom in case the Duchy try something and to further dissuade them from attack
I'd prefer another two LRADs instead for several reasons.
1. One action of LRADs probably counts for more against the duchy than the same AP worth of battlestation would given their specialization.
2. They're mobile and generally useful in other theaters. As we can see from what's going on with the Lords of Eternity, we're always going to need to project power, and having a solid core of long-ranged ships will really boost up our more conventional SBGs.
3. I think we might actually get away without a war against the Duchy, at least anytime soon. We've avoided offering any provocations and kept half of our diplomats pointed at them, and they genuinely seem to be calming down. Eventually they'll probably squash their other enemies and come after us, but it might be another 30ish turns from now, and I'd prefer to spend the actions building military then instead of now, especially because those actions could be used to get new tech/trairs, as well as integrate nations that'll boost our production capacity. In just a few turns we can switch to the Crusader Doctrine and put Carronades on all of our Andromedas.
4. The LRADs are also good against the Eldar if they decide to stir up shit. I hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does then a face full of lances is a good discouragement them trying to pull shit.
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