Star Wars: Rebellion

We've got fighters!!! They don't have hyperdrives and we don't have a ship they can fit in, but at least we can use them to protect the base and do some anti-pirating work in-system. In other news, Dat Mortar.
We've got fighters!!! They don't have hyperdrives and we don't have a ship they can fit in, but at least we can use them to protect the base and do some anti-pirating work in-system. In other news, Dat Mortar.

Some Z-95s do have hyperdrives. It remains to be seen what variant we have.

Then you both agree that Hutts being gone is a good thing. Problem solved.

That can only be a good thing. That Crudelia will probably turn them into the worst fur coats in the universe is a bonus.
Nah, the Hutt blubber market is going to crash due to a sudden oversupply.

And I think we screwed up by getting too close to Incom. When the Empire starts conducting their purge of Incom after they sneak the X-Wing blueprints to the Rebellion we run the risk of having our own activities exposed.

Next turn I'd like to try to convert the Twi'lek assigned to keep watch on us to the side of the Rebellion. That could be very useful.
And I think we screwed up by getting too close to Incom. When the Empire starts conducting their purge of Incom after they sneak the X-Wing blueprints to the Rebellion we run the risk of having our own activities exposed.
Because they'll realize that a Lawman on Taris has been developing weapons to be used for fighting pirates and the Hutts?...:???:
Plus, at the moment, there is no Rebellion, and there might not be. I mean, in the same way. With luck we might end up at the front of a very different Rebellion, one even more associated with Jedi than in Canon, and led or at least heavily influenced by us.
Jedi Conclave
The Conclave

Holo-projectors line the room, seats and equipment lining the walls. A good chunk of the Jedi survivors you can contact have agreed to the meeting- all in all, this is the largest gathering of Jedi in thirteen years. Your own master sits to your right, robes you do not recall her wearing before around her, while you wear your armor. At the very head of the council, the Holo-Graphic projection of Shaak Ti sits, eyes closed in meditation. No one speaks, for fear of breaking the silence. You yourself are nervous- these are some of the finest men and women of the Galaxy, and they deigned to listen to you, to come when you called for them.

There is a rather Empire shaped Bantha in the room, one which makes it tense.

[] You will speak first
[] Let Someone else speak first
[X] You will speak first

We called the meeting, we should speak first.
[X] You will speak first
lets hope we can endearingly bumble our way into their hearts.
What Rebellion? Oh, there's little fragmentary groups of malcontents here and there, but surely if there was something more dangerous then Lord Vader would be hunting it instead of going for the last tiny remnants of a dead and decayed cult.

Also, I feel like we can perhaps do a more subtle bag of tricks then "abscond with the latest prototype and the engineers that know how to build it". Like, say, have two versions of the thing - one which has a bit better parameters then existing designs but is a lot more expensive, and one that's top-of-the-line.