Star Wars: Rebellion

He stops laughing when the emerald blade cuts through the other end of the walkway, sending him falling and you with him. Unlike him, however, you have a back up plan in case you could not leap to safety. Extending dozens of feet in a matter of seconds, the grappling hook finds a snug purchase hanging just above the door way you need to get to, and you reel yourself in, the small hangar filled with only one ship, a lambda. You hear the Emperor's death behind you as you race for the ship, and small chunks of the ceiling fall. You swerve to avoid them each time as you pull the shuttle door open, racing in. With a burst of speed like the offspring of lightning and death, you slide into the captain's seat, bringing systems online as you race out of the dying Death Star.

Was anyone else expecting Palpatine to start levitating himself with the Force at this point?