Star Wars: Rebellion

Galen Marek
Born:19 BBC

Strong With The Force: The Force is strong in him, stronger than most. (+2 All Stats)
Jedi Guardian: A Jedi Guardian of the Rebellion. (+6 Martial, +5 Diplomacy, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)
Duelist: A quick hand with his blade. (+2 Martial)
Just: The right thing comes easily to him. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning)

Diplomacy: 10+2+5=17- Jedi are not simply lightsaber swinging buffoons, news at eleven.
Martial: 25+6+2+2=35- Very skilled with a lightsaber.
Stewardship: 15+2+4+2=23- Surprisingly apt with math.
Intrigue: 21+4+2=27- in another life, he could have been an assassin or a shadow.
Piety: 27+5+2=34- The Force is strong in him.
Learning: 12+2+1+4=19- Smart.
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Vote tally:
##### 3.19

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Tellus Othello
No. of votes: 4
Alectai, Derek58, D King Hecht, Dutch

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Tellus Othello
[X] Galen Marek
No. of votes: 1

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Galen Marek
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
No. of votes: 2
bdun140, Deathwings

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Galen Marek
No. of votes: 9
Versharl, cccmiller, Cjdavis103, jgalue1, SlyOverlord, Tetsurou, TheHappyVampire, KnightDisciple, Inf0mercial

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Galen Marek
[X] Leia Organa
No. of votes: 1
Nervos Belli

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Galen Marek
[X] Ventress
No. of votes: 1
D.D. Spectator

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Galen Marek
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Leia Organa
No. of votes: 3
Inglorien, Kelenas, jamie96969
Vote tally:
##### 3.19

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Tellus Othello
No. of votes: 4
Alectai, Derek58, D King Hecht, Dutch

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Tellus Othello
[X] Galen Marek
No. of votes: 1

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Galen Marek
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
No. of votes: 2
bdun140, Deathwings

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Galen Marek
No. of votes: 9
Versharl, cccmiller, Cjdavis103, jgalue1, SlyOverlord, Tetsurou, TheHappyVampire, KnightDisciple, Inf0mercial

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Galen Marek
[X] Leia Organa
No. of votes: 1
Nervos Belli

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Galen Marek
[X] Ventress
No. of votes: 1
D.D. Spectator

[X] Anakin Skywalker
[X] Luke Skywalker
[X] Galen Marek
[X] Yoda
[X] Shaak Ti
[X] Leia Organa
No. of votes: 3
Inglorien, Kelenas, jamie96969
Thank you, update will be up today.
Hopefully, Sidious doesn't have third Death Star planned.
There is a functional test model with working engines and a slightly weaker laser. The framework is still full-size. It looks ridiculous.

Edit: I just looked it up. There are over a dozen functional, or built but underpowered, superlasers at this point. There are even two "Habitation Spheres" being built over Coruscant that have indentation marks identical to the focusing lenses on the superlasers.
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Battle Of Tatooine
Battle Of Tatooine

Your upgraded cannons fire twice, and TIE Fighters explode as you bring the Ebon Hawk in to Tatooine's atmosphere. Green bolts slam into the blue veil of your shield and you laugh as the ship rock, T3 sending a few shots at the AA guns as you finally reach your drop off destination. Hovering some fifty feet over the canyon, you thump your hand on the exit ramp. Extending it, you sprint and and leap from it, landing on the ground in the midst of a Stormtrooper platoon. Immediately your hand flies out and the nearest ten are sent flying as as your lightsabers fly to your hands under the will of the Force. You stab and lift two stormtroopers up, and fling them at their comrades. Soaking up the shots, the grenades you primed as you held them aloft go off, weakening the line and killing at least five men each. Your lightsabers fly from your hands and cleave the limbs from another four.

In a flurry of twists and pirroutes you cleave through the remaining twelve, as your lightsabers sing the deep melody of death, removing arms and crashing through face plates on half-a-dozen enemies as you finally destroy the last of your enemies with a wave of your hand, sending him flying into the path of a TIE Fighter that is strafing Saponza's position. It crashes to the ground and explodes as you slice through the locks on the abandoned Republic outpost, before the door finally shatters. Loping for the seat, you punch in the command codes on the Holo-console. Brute Forcing your way through six years of remembered security clearences, you get the generator kicking and activate the AA Towers. They scream bloody murder as enemy TIE-Fighter squadrons are cut from the air, exploding in great balls of fire.

Congratulations, general, you now control ten miles of prime Tatooine real estate. Shuttles fly in, protected by Ahsoka, first the Stormwalkers, while Acclamators head for their landing zones. Dismounting from the Lambda shuttles, they enter the base HQ as you contact the other leaders of this assault. Ferus Olin, Mara Jade, and Leia Organa accompanied by General Solo and Calrissian appear, Commandos milling in their own bases.

"Intelligence from the Kupohans suggests that here-" Ferus points to a small, empty homestead "-is a small entrance to the Imperial shield generator, an old smuggling route from Jabba's palace they didn't quite get stoppered up before this. Obviously, that's our best shot to getting there and destroying the Generator. That beings said, general, there are a few ways we can go about getting to it."

"We can, I imagine, try the subtle route- just the soldiers who are going to attack the generators, maybe a few soldiers to guard it while we're doing the deed. That'd be how I'd do it, at least, but it's up to you, sir."

How To Take The Hole?
[] Stealth. Just the assault team, inserted by the Ebon Hawk in position, before moving through the tunnel, popping up in the Shield generator, fight to the main reactor room if necessary, lay a lot of bombs, get out, then set those suckers off.
[] Speed. Mounting the Stormwalkers on speeders along with the strike team, you'll blow your way into the hole, trading stealth for distraction and time.
[] You won't. This has trap written all over it. Instead, you'll go with an offensive, slamming into the Imperials and destroy the shield generator.

Who is part of the Shield Generator Team?
[] Mara Jade
[] Boba Fett
[] Leia Organa
[] Han Solo & Chewbacca
[] Ferus Olin
[] Tellus Othello

The Stormwalkers are a valuable resource, the best of the best. Where should they go?
[] With you, to assist in your attack.
[] Reinforce AT column Aurek in hitting the Imperial Space Port. Air superiority is best superiority.
[] Heavy Corps is hitting the Imperial barracks, pinning down the Stormtroopers before they can reinforce with fresh soldiers. Send the Stormwalkers.
[] Soont is going to hit the anti-infantry turrets they have around the road leading to the shield generator as hard as possible with the Strikebreakers and T1-T4s. Stormwalkers could probably do some damage
[] Shining Knight Corps is facing unexpected resistance, given the fact that you removed Nataasi Dala from play. It might just be they're good, but it might be Lumiya. In either case, they need help. (Note- if Tellus is not chosen for Shield Generator mission, he will deploy here.
[] Ideal Corps is hitting the vehicle bays to keep the Empire from deploying more Walkers. The 336th might just want in on that action.
[X] Stealth

Sneaking a team in sounds good.

[X] Mara Jade
[X] Boba Fett
[X] Leia Organa
[X] Han Solo & Chewbacca

This looks like a solid team for said sneaking.

[X] Shining Knight Corps is facing unexpected resistance, given the fact that you removed Nataasi Dala from play. It might just be they're good, but it might be Lumiya. In either case, they need help.

This looks like the best spot to send them with Tellus.
[X] Stealth. Just the assault team, inserted by the Ebon Hawk in position, before moving through the tunnel, popping up in the Shield generator, fight to the main reactor room if necessary, lay a lot of bombs, get out, then set those suckers off.

[X] Mara Jade
[X] Boba Fett
[X] Leia Organa
[X] Han Solo & Chewbacca

[X] Ideal Corps is hitting the vehicle bays to keep the Empire from deploying more Walkers. The 336th might just want in on that action.

Denying the Empire Walker Support is useful in evening the score. For once let's have the Empire in the same situation as OTL's Rebellion did on Hoth.
[X] Stealth. Just the assault team, inserted by the Ebon Hawk in position, before moving through the tunnel, popping up in the Shield generator, fight to the main reactor room if necessary, lay a lot of bombs, get out, then set those suckers off.

[X] Mara Jade
[X] Boba Fett
[X] Leia Organa
[X] Han Solo & Chewbacca

[X] Ideal Corps is hitting the vehicle bays to keep the Empire from deploying more Walkers. The 336th might just want in on that action.
Mara Jade
Born:17 BBC

Jedi Sentinel: A Jedi Sentinel, an investigator.(+6 Intrigue, +5 Martial, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)
Hunter: Her prey may be man, but prey it remains. (+2 Martial)
Patient: Fairly patient. (+1 All stats)
Paranoid: "Why would anything good ever happen!" (+2 Intrigue, -1 Diplomacy)

Diplomacy: 11+4+1-1=15
Martial: 23+2+5+1=31
Stewardship: 9+4+1=14
Intrigue: 25+5+1+2=33
Piety: 21+1+5=27
Learning: 15+4+1=20
[X] Ideal Corps is hitting the vehicle bays to keep the Empire from deploying more Walkers. The 336th might just want in on that action.
[X] Stealth. Just the assault team, inserted by the Ebon Hawk in position, before moving through the tunnel, popping up in the Shield generator, fight to the main reactor room if necessary, lay a lot of bombs, get out, then set those suckers off.

[X] Mara Jade
[X] Boba Fett
[X] Leia Organa
[X] Han Solo & Chewbacca

[X] Ideal Corps is hitting the vehicle bays to keep the Empire from deploying more Walkers. The 336th might just want in on that action.
Jedi Vs. Sith
Jedi Vs. Sith

You are Darth Sidious, Sith Lord, Galactic Emperor, and destroyer of the corrupt and arrogant Jedi Order. Your armies are vast, your will absolute, your Empire infinite.

And now? Now all that is threatened by ne'r-do-wells, hooligans, and fools. Your blood runs hot as you think, your perfect order threatened by a fossil who refuses to die. No matter. With this battlestation, you are invicible. You will burn the rebel worlds to ash and wipe them from the cosmos, the full power of the Dark Side at your command.

And even should this fail, an unlikely possibility, your apprentice will succeed. Lumiya is powerful, steeped in the Dark Side, and most of all, loyal. To you, but more importantly, to your ideals.

Oh yes. Your ideals. Strong over weak. Human over alien filth. The Dark Side will feast and feast until it may place its snout into the shattered ribs of the Light and eat. Its. Heart.

A presence you have not felt before, a Jedi disgustingly seeped in weakness. Justice, duty, mercy, love. Things fit for lesser men.

"For Justice!" A boy. They sent a boy to fight you. You rip out with lightning, but he rolls under it and stabs up. Your lightsaber flies to your hand and it springs to life. The boy's blue blade slams into yours and he is sent flying from the shockwave, bits of glass falling while steel bends in all new ways.

"They sent-" Suddenly a new presence makes itself felt as you are sent through the air. Eyes widing again you leap from the floor, twirling like a dart through space. However, a blue lightsaber held in Shaak Ti's palm forces you to cut the attack short as you twist over the weapon, spinning out of her way and landing in the center of your Throne Room.

Your former apprentice brings a brilliant blue blade where your was head just a moment ago. You spin, cut at him horizontally, but he catches it on his saber and forces your own blade into the floor before slamming his elbow into your jaw with a meaty thud. Anakin follows it up with a cut at your ribs which you barely block in time. He looks you in the eyes and you are surprised. For there is not rage there, no hate, no satisfaction, or if there is, it is hidden so deep that it might as well not exist for your strategizing. "This is the end of you, my Master!" Taking one hand from his saber, Vader sends you flying with his palm, shattering defenses that have barely been prepared.

Snarling, you right yourself and send enough lightning to kill any Jedi, any Jedi except the one right in front of you Kriffing hell-

"Surprised, you look, Sidious." Yoda holds his clawed hand out before finally your lightning subsists. You are drained, incapable of a move like that for a very long time.

Somewhere, in the most buried parts of your brain, you must concede that was rather clever.

Your instincts scream and you duck out of the way of one Djem So power strike, the floor cratering from where the green lightsaber slashed into it like an unstoppable force. Sent skidding back, small grooves are torn into the floor where your feet meet it, and you check the exit only to find it has been broken shut, and the doors themselves sealed together tightly, so tightly that to break them apart would take far too much time.

Turning to your foes, you hiss, a guttural hiss, and charge at the little green toad.
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