Star Wars: Rebellion

Death To The Death Dealer
Death To The Death Dealer

You are Luke Skywalker, and you are focused. Mara down below has done her deed, you can feel it, meaning you only have so much time left. You cut in a figure eight and Sheev blocks it, the killer of your mother and the destroyer of your father meeting you blade for blade as he fights the finest Jedi of an era, and you. He roars and you feel his apprentice die as well, the old bastard leaking his feelings into the Force. Master leaps over him, stabbing down, and he counter only to be punched by you. Sheev sends lightning your way and you catch it on your saber until your father interrupts him by flinging his saber, forcing Palpatine into a quick block. Galen cuts at him, and grabs the Knight by the throat, flinging him into the wall. You and Shaak Ti push at the same time and he is sent flying over the edge of his throne room. Sheev pulls his arms in and you let yourself be carried with him to the walkway where the three of you land. Immediately you cut at his head while Shaak Ti sends a push at him, one he barely manages to block especially with you in his face. You trade blows for minutes and you tune out his every word, the Dun Moch finding no purchase, your emotions just as stable as your foot work.

You use slow, probing strikes to test the monster's defenses, Shii-Cho the preferred weapon of choice. The smooth swift slashes and strikes mean he is forced to, in essence, over extend. Master Ti cuts at his legs and he leaps over her before punching her. He brings his saber down in a slow slash meant to disembowel her, but is stopped by your father flinging his blue Lightsaber. Anakin roars before leaping down, followed by the rest of the strike team. You switch to the flowing motions of Makashi, the duelist form, precise strike forcing Sheev to focus on you and not your family. His strikes are beginning to lose power, while you have found reserves of strength you did not even know you had. Your power strikes are beginning to send his blade nearer and nearer to cutting his own throat while the Jedi continue to assail him. It is to any eyes not sensitive to the Force nothing more than a blur of lightsabers as red meets green and blue, lightning occasionally bursting out as your sabers clash with his. You feel the station rock and it strikes you that this is taking far, far too long. You search desperately in the Force for something, anything, as you block the strikes sent your way. Finally you feel something you see a connection forming between Palpatine, between this technological terror, and between your self and your family. Finally, it hits you, what you need.

Palpatine sends a Force wave out and your party goes flying as you block it. Your outer robe is shredded but you stand strong, lightsaber in the right position. "Get to the ship, all of you. This monster's mine."

"I'm not leaving you, son."

"You don't have choice." You push them and they fly back, sent into the hall while you push the door shut.

Sheev talks. You ignore him in favor of attacking right under his feet, weakening the walkway. You slice up and he blocks, forcing your saber into the ground, hitting just where it needs to go into the central support beam. You leap over his head, slash at him, cutting quickly. You force him over the line, force him back and back further and further as he bides his time, likely hoping to take you with him. Finally, he's right where you want him and you clash your blades together, red and green sparks flying everywhere. The walkway is groaning now under both your weights as you slip into Djem So, the thousands upon thousands of hours of training allowing you to hold him at bay. Unknown to him you slam the door behind him shut through the Force. Finally, finally, he knocks you back, right where you want to be.

You pull the grappling hook from your belt, while you fling your saber. It goes spinning past him and he laughs.

He stops laughing when the emerald blade cuts through the other end of the walkway, sending him falling and you with him. Unlike him, however, you have a back up plan in case you could not leap to safety. Extending dozens of feet in a matter of seconds, the grappling hook finds a snug purchase hanging just above the door way you need to get to, and you reel yourself in, the small hangar filled with only one ship, a lambda. You hear the Emperor's death behind you as you race for the ship, and small chunks of the ceiling fall. You swerve to avoid them each time as you pull the shuttle door open, racing in. With a burst of speed like the offspring of lightning and death, you slide into the captain's seat, bringing systems online as you race out of the dying Death Star.

Finally you leave the hangar, exiting, and aiming for the Rebel Fleet currently heading for Tatooine, you burst into unsafe speeds as you hope fervently to escape.

Finally, finally, you hear the explosion of the mighty machine as your ship is buffeted by forces greater than any you can conceive of but, by the will of the Force, you manage to survive, straightening the ship and heading towards where your Fiancée waits in the shattered remnants of Jabba's palace.
Star Wars: New Republic, coming soon to a Sufficient Velocity near you.
Flawless, Victory.

We did a much more thorough job here than canon, which should hopefully reduce Palpatine's straight up cockroach level of being hard to kill.
A Letter Home
A Letter Home: Explaining The Treasonous

Hey Mum,

Apologises if this took so long to write, we've been moving around a lot lately. It's been busy, even more so than usual. That and I had fears that I'd recieve a reply that spat fire. I know you're angry, but please listen.

By now you've probably had that visit from the ISB goons to search the place. Sorry I didn't warn you, but so many things happened so fast, it was hard to think straight.

Yeah, my defection. It honestly wasn't planned, I think we had this building up over the years. Morale had steadily declined, I mean we did our jobs, we won our fights, but we're one ship patrolling the galaxy. Even though we had victories under our belts, bad news kept flowing. You left one system and it flares up, you put it out and then it's on fire the three months later.

Sith-spit. That what it was. I mean how can you keep peace when the only real solution to making sure it doesn't happen is kill everything?

Seemed like everyday there was another nervous breakdown, battle fatigue they called it, like when a junior officer just locks himself in his cabin and nearly drinks himself to death. Or when one of medics gets the dosages mixed up.

Little mistakes, the tension built and all it took was a spark. Nobody really recalls who threw the first punch, but it got out of hand and just rolled on from there.

I got put in charge on the reasoning that I fired the shot that killed the captain. Thought it was on stun. They called us savages for the venting the air, but more men would have died trying to charge the barricades.

As head of this imprompt mutiny I decided to go all out. I mean if you're going to be charged for treason why not go the whole nine yards.

The rebels aren't that different in terms of command, same scary commanders (Lord Vader looks really weird without his mask), same drills, same crappie equipment that needs a good thumping to work properly.

But, Mum.

I feel better, like I'm doing something worth while. I can look at the aftermath of a fight and see all the civilians we rescued smiling and I can say, "Hey I did that."

Makes it feel like I actually matter.

I've met someone Mum, she's funny and kind and confident. I know you don't like aliens, but I can't see her as an alien. Everyone has feelings and when I'm with her.

If you choose to hate me for what I've done just say so. I'll miss you, but I think I'm ready to move on. No more living in the basement, no more nervous shuffling when Dad comes round, I'm going to make my own choices. That said I hope that we can see each other when this nightmare is over. There are things I can't express through text.

Always and forever,
Your loving son,
Yeah, but he had a habit of "Getting better" thanks to clones and shit.

Hopefully we did a thorough enough job that this doesn't happen.
I know, I know, I'm just thankful that we were thorough enough that he apparently lacks that option!

Also, Sith Lord weak against Falling, this is an eternal truth of Star Wars.
I know, I know, I'm just thankful that we were thorough enough that he apparently lacks that option!

Also, Sith Lord weak against Falling, this is an eternal truth of Star Wars.
It was never an option for him in the first place. Palpatine creating those clones would've meant he had to accept his own mortality and that he could fail, which he was a tiny bit shit at, which is ignoring whether or not the Force could even allow him to do it.
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I've got Plans for it.
Check out faith well placed.

Would this be what you were referring to?

Titus is different, however, and that makes him all the more special in your eyes. He is not sensitive to the flowing ebbs of the Force, cannot feel it as his siblings do, or at least will. Yet you feel something special in his destiny all the same. A shield, perhaps, or a black cloak, yet one all the same that stands for justice. His is a path fraught with peril, but for that, it is perhaps all the more worthwhile.

Titus getting Grandpa's armor?