Star Wars: Rebellion

Thank goodness, that guy had some serious potential in surpassing Darth Sidious.
Yeah. But he doesn't possess the drive and lust for revenge that being tortured by the Vong instilled in him as well as a bunch of other events that got butterflied away.

In one Universe, he was the greatest Dark Jedi the galaxy has seen since Sidious. But in this one, he's just a humble Jedi Master.
Ah yes, his weakness to Sith Lightning. Nasty stuff.

Although come to think about it, I remember KOTOR having things like gloves that can protect against Sith Lightning. I wonder if we could research that? It would remove or at least weaken Palpatine's nastiest attack.
There's Force Lightning, which is pretty bad.

Then there's what Palpatine does when he's pissed, which might as well be called "Fuck you and fuck the speeder you rode in on." It's the kind of stuff only the Force can protect against, which no technological terror can combat.
-Revan was an asshole, but he was an asshole who was prepared. You've found that a few of his charts lead to previously unknown worlds, likely to be depots for military tech.

Please, let there be an intact copy of HK-47's factory spec blueprint on one of those world. Having a sane version of the mightiest assassination droid ever created would just be so, SO awesome.
Yeah. But he doesn't possess the drive and lust for revenge that being tortured by the Vong instilled in him as well as a bunch of other events that got butterflied away.

In one Universe, he was the greatest Dark Jedi the galaxy has seen since Sidious. But in this one, he's just a humble Jedi Master.
I don't know if I'd call him humble...;)
Members Of The High Jedi Council
As Of: 5 ABC

Grand Master Shaak Ti
Master Yoda
Master Rahm Kota
Master Jorvak Hull
Master Quinlan Voss
Master Ohai Thar
Master K'Kruhk
Anakin Skywalker
Born 42 BBC


The Chosen One: He will bring balance to the Force. (+3 All Stats. 1 base Stat automatically set at thirty)
Jedi Master Ace: He has returned to Light, and while his title may or may not reflect it, the fact remains that for all intents and purposes Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi Master. (+8 Martial, +8 Piety, +6 Diplomacy, +5 All other Stats)
Ace Pilot: Even without the Force, he would be one of the finest pilots the galaxy ever knew. (+2 Martial)
Duelist: A Master with his lightsaber. (+2 Martial)
Devout: He clings to the Light Side like a drowning man to a lifejacket. (+3 Piety)
Diplomacy: 10+6+3=19- A skilled practitioner of Lightsaber diplomacy.
Martial: 30+3+8+2+2=45- Ain't no one fucking with Anakin Skywalker.
Stewardship: 10+5+3=18- Good at math.
Intrigue: 7+5+3=15- He prefers the loud route.
Piety: 27+8+3+3=41- The Chosen One, who will bring balance to the Force and Destroy the Sith.
Learning: 15+3+5=23- Pretty smart guy. A tinkerer, and master of Droids.
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[X] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)
She is a diplomat.
Anakin Skywalker
Born 42 BBC


The Chosen One: He will bring balance to the Force. (+3 All Stats. 1 base Stat automatically set at thirty)
Jedi Master Ace: He has returned to Light, and while his title may or may not reflect it, the fact remains that for all intents and purposes Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi Master. (+8 Martial, +8 Piety, +6 Diplomacy, +5 All other Stats)
Ace Pilot: Even without the Force, he would be one of the finest pilots the galaxy ever knew. (+2 Martial)
Duelist: A Master with his lightsaber. (+2 Martial)
Devout: He clings to the Light Side like a drowning man to a lifejacket. (+3 Piety)
Diplomacy: 10+6+3=19- A skilled practitioner of Lightsaber diplomacy.
Martial: 30+3+8+2+2=45- Ain't no one fucking with Anakin Skywalker.
Stewardship: 10+5+3=18- Good at math.
Intrigue: 7+5+3=15- He prefers the loud route.
Piety: 27+8+3+3=41- The Chosen One, who will bring balance to the Force and Destroy the Sith.
Learning: 15+3+5=23- Pretty smart guy. A tinkerer, and master of Droids.
Is this even legal? You know what, we should make a sufficient velocity cannon and just launch the Skywalker family at Palpy.
Did you ever take a look at the Beteille family? They are the Skywalker family ++.

There aren't enough pluses for that family.

Now remember people, when we kill Palpatine, we make sure by cutting his head off, and disintegrating the body by throwing it into the Death Star Reactor. Then locate his Force Ghost and make sure the ghosts of his enemies drag him so far down into the force that he'll never resurface.
[X] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)
Faith Well Placed
Faith Well Placed

Wife and the Thul negotiator head to the Temple, you and Thxan your wife's guard while two Stormtroopers, red armored, protect the Emissary. You are stationed at the doors leading to chamber, while the stormtroopers are at the exit. "So, we might be here a while." Reaching into your robe pocket you pull out a deck of cards, and begin to counting them, before turning to the troopers. "You want in on this?" The guards remain stock still, crimson guardians, staffs held at the ready. Sighing, you stick the cards back in your robes, grab a chair, and start meditating.

The thrum of the galaxy beckons you, welcomes you. Life, light, burns in the dark, as a thousand acts of kindess are performed every picosecond across infinite worlds, places so familiar you swear you had walked the streets yourself, others so far apart from everything you've ever conceived of, never mind known, that their existence must surely be one of the Force's great mystery. Tython and Ruusan in particular are strong in the light, blessed souls from Satele Shan to General Hoth having walked their surfaces. The Light grows on the surface of both planets as the Jedi return.

Next you turn towards three little lights, sparks of infinite possibility each. Ajax practices his speech for Master Bors, while Aemilius sleeps and dreams, of mighty warriors, Jedi standing against every Dark warrior. You imagine he will be a Guardian, if the future you feel is any indication, a powerful one at that, and unconsciously he is already moving his letter blocks in his sleep, slightly admittedly, but he is strong in the Force.

Titus is different, however, and that makes him all the more special in your eyes. He is not sensitive to the flowing ebbs of the Force, cannot feel it as his siblings do, or at least will. Yet you feel something special in his destiny all the same. A shield, perhaps, or a black cloak, yet one all the same that stands for justice. His is a path fraught with peril, but for that, it is perhaps all the more worthwhile.

Finally, you turn towards your wife. She is gloriously incandescent in the Force, the pinnacle of the Light's highest ideals- Justice, duty, mercy, that sort of thing. Empathy rolls off her in waves, kindness burns in brilliant eyes. You feel her through the bond that holds you two together, affection and love and hope and ideals.


You blink, and slowly close yourself to the Force, as much as any Jedi may at least, before turning to your wife. "It's done."

"The deal?"

"350,000 Rebel Troopers released from captivity. The siege of Alderaan and Nar Shadda has been lifted."


"Corellia's been freed. Happy birthday, honey." Hugging you as your eyes widen, she hands you a copy of a treaty that's rather favorable to you and the Alliance.

350,000 Rebel Troopers released from prison! Sieges of Alderaan and Nar Shadda lifted! Corellia freed from Empire, Rebel Troops moving in!