Star Wars: Rebellion

And considering his reaction when we turned Vader was meh... HOLY SHIT. WE MUST HAVE TURNED LUMIYA!
Turn 26 Results
Turn 26

Hands folded behind your back, you watch as the armies of the Rebellion tear down the Imperial banners. Marching down the streets they bring the flags low and, holding them with distaste, toss them into the growing pile at the center. Finally, you are ready and grabbing an incendiary grenade, you toss it into the lot. Framed by fire, the flags burn, to ashes and cinder, as the galaxy burned, as the Jedi burnt, as the Republic burnt.

Martial: With your victory over the Empire at Mon Calamari, you have a new staging ground with which to strike at your foe.
(Pick 2)

Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance. With a fleet finally perhaps capable of fighting the Imperials and the men to crew it you can hit the supplies currently keeping Palpatine's attack on your men and your allies hard, harder than he can begin to comprehend.
Needed:20 Rolled:91+10=101

-Anakin leads your men on the heist of a century. Using data from half-a-dozen sources and working with Admiral Satsuki he raids and captures five Victory-II class Star Destroyers and some sort of prototype ship, and ransacks the facility of slaves and credits. After that, he leads the fleet on a merry chase through half-a-dozen systems, stealing credits and recruiting men as he goes. By the time he has to stop, he's destroyed thousands of tons of Imperial Materiel, stolen millions, and recruited fifty-thousand men.
Reward: 5 Victory-II Class Star Destroyers, 1 Prototype Star Destroyer, 50,000 Rebel Commandos, 150,000 Credits

Advisers: The native rebels on each invaded world have heart, and strength, but they are not an army. Not yet. Deploy a few hundred troops to each locale, and see if they cannot teach them how to be soldiers, instead of just Rebels.
Needed:50 Rolled:24+30=54

-Soldiers are deployed to the League and Alderaan, and teach the native fighters there the ways of a soldier. The Mandalorians, of course, have little need of educating in war. Already, trained militia units stand toe-to-toe with the enemy, bleeding him. Your foe, already weakened by the Great War and further reduced by his offensive against Dac, Yavin IV, and Corellia is surely weakened further. A new phase of the war has begun. Furthermore, a new opportunity has appeared on Ryloth…
Reward: Rebels Trained on Alderaan and the League, opportunity on Ryloth

Diplomacy: You have victory grand and noble over the foes of the Light.

Corellian Cruelty: The people of Corellia nearly died screaming solely to draw out the Rebellion. They are, naturally, less than thrilled about that. You have ties with the Corellian people, with their leaders and trader guild. You can forge something grander with this, with your will and money.

-Garm Bel Iblis might be a stubborn old coot, but he's a stubborn old coot that can win a war. He, with your funding and soldiers, has driven the Empire farther and farther off of Corellian soil, until they have only one city left to their name on the planet, Kolene. Drive them from there, and Corellia will be yours.
Reward: Empire Massively weakened on Corellia, final push required

Negotiations: You might very well be served greatly by releasing the Imperial Soldiers you captured in exchange for whatever.

-The Empire has sent the smarmiest son of a bitch they could find for these negotiations. Joy.
Reward: Negotiations

Stewardship: Busy, busy, busy.

Base The Third: The more fallback positions the Alliance has, the less worry you have of instant death when the Empire strikes back, which it will. You can think of a few planets off the top of your head, and should be capable of narrowing them down.

-Well, besides blowing up the power grid, the men you sent to Exis station are doing fairly well preparing it.

Hospital Care: Ruusan and Gela could both use dedicated hospital facilities. They'll be expensive, and building them will take time, but the fewer of your soldiers die, the better.

-Bacta and, most shockingly, Kolto, have begun to be smuggled to your hospital facilities.

Learning: You are moving forward with the shields.

Ruins Of The Ancients: You didn't have the wherewithal or credits to spend before, but now that you do you would like to set some soldiers to task of finding the broken remains, shattered hulks, and clues of the ancient weapons and technology of the Jedi. Your own historical skill and knowledge should be most invaluable.

-Revan was an asshole, but he was an asshole who was prepared. You've found that a few of his charts lead to previously unknown worlds, likely to be depots for military tech.

Radiation Release: You have an idea how to power the personal shields, and even now have certain schematics, thoughts of thoughts, that might well serve you. That being said, there is a dangerous amount of radiation currently released by shields in every simulation, which is bad. Might want to work on that.
Needed:55 Rolled:55+10=65

-Well, besides the aforementioned blowing up the power grid thing, progress is good.

Piety: Busy. Always busy.

Freedom?: The Jedi heal where the Sith destroy. Anakin's damage was severe, to his perhaps most of all, but you might be capable of healing it at least somewhat. At the very best, you may even free him from the suit.

-Exit Vader, enter Anakin. While the scars remain, and you doubt he will ever regrow his hair, he has left the suit, extensive rebuilding finally allowing the Chosen One to have a body that matches his strength in the Force.
Reward: Anakin's injuries healed

Clearing The Ruins: The Ruins On Tython are hallowed ground, yet right now they are unusable. Clear, repair, replace, and retake the planet in the name of the Order. This will, of course, take a while.

-Work is slow but quite necessary. Still, the dormitories have been opened. You've already begun moving beds in.

Intrigue: Your men are on the Death Star's trail. The Emperor can not hide it forever.

Another?: Anakin has warned the Alliance leaders of a second Death Star being built- frustratingly, he does not know where. Finding it is of paramount importance, for various reasons.

-The Death Star is being built over Tatooine, the slaughtered Jabba's palace repurposed after years of empty desolation into a shield generator. The Emperor will be there. He will attempt to trap and destroy the Alliance there.

He will fail.
Reward: Intel on the Death Star II, Palpatine's plan.

Kuat Weakness: There's a mole on the inside of Kuat society, friendly to the Rebellion. He has offered his assistance in taking the planet out from under the Empire. First, certain individuals, scum one and all, must be removed from key positions.
Needed:60 Rolled:77+10=87

-You have entrenched your agents into the retinue of certain figures, Imperial bootlickers and the like. Right now, your men are intelligence gathering, but next year, there shall be a reckoning.

Personal: You have mourned, but you doubt it will ever stop hurting.

Personal Unit?: An idea has been suggested to you from a most surprising source, Ahsoka. She knows your penchant for leading from the front, and has suggested that you train a personal legion for yourself- an elite unit, one capable of keeping up with any enemy you may face.

-You've begun weeding out the last left. By next year, you should be capable of finishing the work.

I Stand With: Mira is giving birth once more, to twins this time. You will not let her stand alone. You will be there.

-Welcome to the Galaxy, Aemilius and Titus Othello-Panteer. May it be blessed by your entrance.
Reward: Stood with Wife

Minister Of War: As Minister Of War, you are responsible for the Alliance Military, and have resources dispatched to you and what you scrounge up on your own to get the army of the Alliance ready for battle and to restore Justice to the Galaxy. You can spend more than your budget, but if you do, you can expect to make the difference up yourself out of your own pocket. Your acquisition and subsequent donation of the Nalle Empire's legitimate funds has been reinvested by the Minister of Finance, and borne more fruit. The Raxus Factory and increased morale from Yavin/Vader and just the general victory of last year has caused an enormous amount of credits to flow into your coffers: 1 Million Credits. Force knows you're going to need them. With your new operational capacities, you can now perform one more action per turn, which is good.
Budget: 374.6 Million Credits
213,200 Troopers
49,600 Wookiee Warriors
700 Evocii Scouts
300 Assault Troopers
5 Units of Strikebreaker Anti-Riot Vehicles
96,715 Mandalorian Warriors
1 unit of Kusza heavy mortars
10,000 Clone Troopers
12 Unit AT-AT Walkers
8 Units AT-ST Walkers
1 Unit of Juggernauts
50,400 Marines
250 Field Commanders
600 Praetorian Force Fighters


9 Squadrons Z-95 Headhunters
16 Squadrons Y-Wing Bombers
10 Squadrons X-Wings
10 Squadrons Of X-Wing Chargers
4 Simiyiar Light Freighters
1 A-55 Squadron
10 Dwarf-Star Freighters
5 Skipray Blastboat Squadrons
25 Assault Gunboats
75 Delta Stormtrooper Transports
5 Gamma Class Assault Shuttle
49 TIE Fighter Squadrons

Capital Ships
The Home One
1 Victory II Class Star Destroyer
10 Imperial II Class Star Destroyers
3 Dauntless Class Heavy Cruisers
The Pravda
6 MC80 Liberty Class Mon Cal Cruisers
1 Gladiator Class Star Destroyer
2 Diamond Class Cruisers
4 MC-30 Frigates
2 Lancer Frigates
250 Field Commanders
4 Interceptor Frigates
4 Strike-Class Cruisers
2 Nebulon-B Frigates

Training Camps: Captain Rex and the clone troopers are, to put it bluntly, aged. Fighting no longer suits them as much, though they are still mighty in battle. Perhaps the best use of them would be to train your infantry to a higher standard than they are now.

-Right, a year more work and you should be about finished building the camps and getting your men trained at them.

Armor?: Having cracked the Phase IV armor, your men could distribute it to your soldiers. It will take time and, by sheer numbers, a truly huge number of credits. That having been said, it should be quite worth it, given the sort of atrocious casualty numbers you saw during the war on Mon Cal.
-Orders are sent to the factory on Raxus to pump out the necessary components for the armor in massive batches. That having been said, it could take a while for the armor to be produced and spread throughout the men.

Restoring Losses: You lost a lot of men. To be frank, it is somewhat questionable that you can replaces them all in one year without a large amount of credits being spent and frankly, some of them shouldn't be replaced. That having been said, poking through what is left of the Imperial garrison supplies should keep the biggest cost getting new fighters.
Needed:30 Rolled: 82

Men and materiel flow into your army. Thousands of men are hired, recruited, or otherwise begin to serve the Rebellion. Eleven squads of X-Wings are purchased, former TIE Pilots moved after their ships were destroyed.
Reward: Losses Replaced, 11 Squadrons of X-Wings added to Navy

Rebel Gains: 51,000 Troopers, 1 Acclamator Assault Ship, 74,000 Wookie Warriors, 34,000 Mandalorian Warriors, 1,500 Evocii Scouts

Missions: Your heroes are capable of doing things no lesser man ever could. They are the men who can stand to everything the Emperor throws at them and live. As such, you will be deploying them on missions, in your capacity as a Jedi, Minister Of War, or Rebel Leader to do the things no other man could.

Two There Are: You were distracted from finding Lumiya's corpse by your men. She's probably dead, but it never hurts to be on the safe side, right? Send Asajj to find where your foe is.
Needed:40 Rolled:47+14=61

-Damn it! Lumiya survived. That having been said, her arms and legs were destroyed by the pressure of the ocean, as were her ears, mouth, and lungs. Like her predecessor, Vader, she has been encased in a steel hell, one which allows her to live despite having been so scarred. She oversees the construction of the Death Star over Tatooine.

The Lost: The Kelvore system is where the first part of the lost Archives of the Jedi may be found. Embroiled in civil war, the planet where it is hidden undergoes chaos as the Imperial puppet and his cohorts strike at the legitimate government. A brigade of soldiers under Yut Kand ought be well capable of securing them.
Needed:25 Rolled:44+13=57

-He gets in and out, grabbing the archives data and securing the site for further study.
Reward: Part 1 of the Lost Archives of the Jedi

Jedi Knights/Masters: 236+31=267
Senior Padawans:143+4=147
Jensaarai: 275+20=295
Finally: After over a decade, Entani Typhe has finally proven herself worthy of the tile Knight. Celebrations were conducted for the popular general.

The Hand: Surprisingly it is not Leia Organa and Han Solo who will be marrying first, but Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker. Planned for next year, the couple celebrated in Skywalker-fitting fashion, a party that lasted through the day and night.​
Damn! Good thing Anakin's on our side :D

And yaay, no more suit :)

I knew Lumiya survived! Oh well, we'll just have to kill her alongside Palpatine when we blow up the Second Death Star :cool:

The Imperial ship disembarks, gangplank sliding down from the shuttle. A sneering, thin faced man with a smear of black that he tries to pass off as a mustache, covered in opulent jewels and robes, steps down, guards at his side. "Jedi Master Othello, Lady Mira Panteer-Othello," And the hate stare he shoots at your wife makes you want to slap him, "We thank you for your hospitality."

"The pleasure is all ours, Ambassador Thul. Now if you'll please enter this chamber, our representative will be with you shortly..."

[] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)
[] You'll do it. You are a the one who captured the Stormtroopers, you'll be the one who negotiates their release. (Players control negotiations. Difficulties.)
[] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)
[] You'll do it. You are a the one who captured the Stormtroopers, you'll be the one who negotiates their release. (Players control negotiations. Difficulties.)

This is because how good the rolls were isn't it? :lol