Star Wars: Rebellion

[X] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)
She is a diplomat.
[X] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)
[X] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)
[X] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)

Lets see if her Diplomacy stats and traits are not just for show. Hopefully she can get us a nice bonus out of the deal.
Two There Are: You were distracted from finding Lumiya's corpse by your men. She's probably dead, but it never hurts to be on the safe side, right? Send Asajj to find where your foe is.
Needed:40 Rolled:47+14=61

-Damn it! Lumiya survived. That having been said, her arms and legs were destroyed by the pressure of the ocean, as were her ears, mouth, and lungs. Like her predecessor, Vader, she has been encased in a steel hell, one which allows her to live despite having been so scarred. She oversees the construction of the Death Star over Tatooine.

It's ironic. One apprentice diedon a planet, the next in space. The third in fire, and the fourth under water's grace.

And IMO, being Suited is worse then death.
[X] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)
[X] Let Mira Negotiate. Your wife is the people person here, and honestly, you're not sure you could avoid smacking the Thul silly. (No control, but higher odds of success for all measures)
Exit Vader, Enter Anakin
Exit Vader, Enter Anakin

The Healing Stones Of Fire are placed on your chest, scarred tissue thrumming with life. Your hell has been peeled off in layers, successive parts of the suit fed to the flames. You can breathe already, barely, and around you members of the new council and the Old Guard, the favored. There is a chant in the air as your son lays meditation mats down, as does Leia. Yoda, Luke, Leia, Ferus, and Shaak Ti are at the forefront, while in total ten Jedi sit in deep contemplation. "Anakin, we will be placing you in a deep meditative trance while we finish healing you. You might experience visions, or see old friends. Do not resist them. Let them wash over you."

That having been said, you feel the Force flow in your through you. Your eyes flutter shut, scarred flesh quivers, and you breath.

"Oh, Anakin, what happened to you?" Her. Voice. Nineteen years dead and gone. You can hear lightning, and you know, you know, what must come later. For now, though, you focus on your wife. Aged, as she would have had you not lost her.

Not killed her.

You breath, and your Angel, Padme, brings her forehead to yours. For hours or minutes or moments or days you hold the woman you love close, a gift of the Force allowing you once again to know her, see her, to beg for forgiveness. "I'd say I'm sorry, but...How? How can that be enough?"

"It's not. It is, however, a start. Lost in the Dark, you have returned." She holds you, you, scarred and unworthy to be near her. "Anakin, I promise you, I will never leave you. Never. And I ask you to promise me one thing in return: Watch after Luke and Leia."

"Of course." You can feel her fading away as a second ghost, a second memorial, comes to blue life. Not who you thought however.

"Hello Anakin."

"Master Obi-Wan, I failed."


"So why? Why have all of these people- you, Luke, Padme, Ahsoka... Why do they trust me, appear to me?"

"Because you did not allow that failure to define you forever, Anakin. You have returned, brother, and that is not to be underestimated."

"I am going to have to fight. Soon."


Getting up, you grab the Lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker from your belt. "Then goodbye, my Master." Loping at your own pace, a dramatic pace, you move, stomping over hard ground. The steel clacks under your boots, and you hear the sound of lightning striking a lightsaber. You push open the door, palm spread out, and in some ways are entirely unsurprised and in others, more surprised than any Jedi should be. Leia and Luke, yellow and green saber, stand defiant before Sidious. Lightning smashes into Leia's blade and sparks fly off as your daughter holds her defense strong.

"It is unwise of you to lower your defenses!" Palpatine snarls as he turns, Lightsaber barely activating in time to stop your blade from splitting him in half. There is a harsh tone as your blade slams into his, and you feel more than see the lightning stop. He leaps under your next slash, robe smoking where you barely touched it. Luke brings his saber down, a mighty crash, and the Sith rolls around before attempting to stab Luke, only to be stopped by Leia's blade intercepting his. He shoots volts of lightning at you, but your children's blades block it. Leaping over, you stab up, and pierce Palpatine in his corrupted heart. He falls, coughing, hacking. Whatever he has rustles as it leaves him and he leaves this world in a cloud of inky black smoke.

Luke turns to you. "Father!"


"Father!" You fly up, and already you feel...different. Better. Your lungs expand and contract with ease, air flowing to you. Your mechanical limbs have been further upgraded by your designs, more resistant to lightning and electricity in general. Your eyes can see, you hear, you understand. "Water. Please." Handing it to you, your son sits near you as you shake. You swallow, put the glass on the nearest table. Your son, your daughter... you can see them, whenever. You hug both tight, tighter, tighter than you have ever held anyone, save a single woman.

This is what it is to be Anakin Skywalker, returned from the Dragon's clutches.
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So does Vader get an awesome Trait or a stat upgrade out of this?

There's also some pretty blatant foreshadowing on how one of his major weaknesses was just stoppered.

I am getting some Darth Krayt vibes from this for some reason.
I was referencing either the Revenge of the Sith novelization or a fanfic, one of the two. Or both, I suppose. It's been a while since I read either.
Fortunately the actual Darth Krayt, or the man that would have been Darth Krayt, is a member of the Jedi Counsel.
No...? He works for you, and is your assistant.

Which reminds me, I should probably get a list of the Council down at some point where you guys can see it and not just keep it with my mental notes.

There's also some pretty blatant foreshadowing on how one of his major weaknesses was just stoppered.

Ah yes, his weakness to Sith Lightning. Nasty stuff.

Although come to think about it, I remember KOTOR having things like gloves that can protect against Sith Lightning. I wonder if we could research that? It would remove or at least weaken Palpatine's nastiest attack.