Star Wars: Rebellion

Almost done with the update, but the internet just went down.
This is the worst kind of suffering.
The Attack
The Attack

"Thxan, take the 336th and reinforce the Ideal. I'll be heading for Shining Knight and reinforcing Ferus' attack." Your Padawan nods once, armor shining in the twin suns of Tatooine, before leaping onto the transports up above. You, meanwhile, punch a few commands into the interface on the Hawk, before the engines flare, burning in the atmosphere far more sluggishly. The bounty hunter, Jedi, and smuggling duo are strapping power cells into their weapons or finishing their meditation. "We're at your position in one minute. Finish up, then meet me at the exit ramp." The comms shut down, and you stand tall as you stroll through the ship. Finally, the auto-pilot brings you a few feet up from the hut, and you slam the open button. The ramp slides with alacrity and, sprinting, the assault team jumps into the hole, where darkness envelopes them.

Pulling back up, you burn your engines hot, twice flying under TIE Fighters and blasting them out of the sky as their shots bounced off of shields maintained and upgraded obsessively over the millennia. You fly a few feet over the over the dueling armies, shots racing through the air as up above a truly planet shaking explosion damages the Imperial comms for the briefest of moments. Lusankya dies having taken four Star Destroyers with it, impressive for a ship that was sabotaged so expertly by your forces.

Your own guns fire twice, and the AT-AT that had been slaughtering your forces explodes as its long neck evaporates. Landing near the fallen corpse, you leap out of your chair and sprint out of the Hawk, lightsabers igniting. You listen for the nearest explosion then leap towards it over the cliff's edge, wind whistling over you. You land in the midst of an Imperial Batallion, white armored Stormtroopers turning towards you in surprise.

Tellus Othello Being a boss: 69+39=108/60

Your blades trail ephemeral fire, stabbing behind you you pierce the heart of two soldiers. You cleave up, and the stormtrooper's heads are removed from their bodies, your hand flares out and they are sent flying. A screeching sound somewhere behind you assaults your ears and you turn, hand outstretched. You pull an Interceptor from the sky and send it careening into the ground, where it explodes, scattering the Stormtroopers who had so foolishly clumped together. A volley of bolts is sent your way, and a volley of bolts is returned to sender as your lightsabers sings a bloody song of death and fire.

Leaping, you twirl your blades and split white armored foes in two. This is what Palpatine fears, this what he knows will destroy him. Dozens fall as your blades slash and stab and spin and cut and maim, entire squads simply disappearing as they try tactics and strategies you mastered a life time ago, mastered, refined, and countered. Their fear is palpable and they fall back, retreat, in some cases simply throwing their weapons on the ground and refusing to fight. The armored forms of your own troopers finally catch up with you, red and blue markings showing them as Ferus' 101st Flying Falcons, the airborne division dropping in on stolen jetpacks as the plated form of Ferus finally appears, blue saber lit. His eyes are wide as he looks over the carnage, commandos hauling stormtroopers to their feet and slapping cuffs on them as they cart the surrendering soldiers to Saponza's camp, where they will be held prisoner. "Somebody got busy."

"I am incredibly tired of war. And the sooner we end this one, the sooner I can retire from it." You point your head at the Imperial forward base, a prefabricated garrison where the Imperial line holds. "So let's end it."

"Right behind you." Your sabers ignite once more and you mount a speeder bike, racing towards the turrets. Leaping up, you spin, as emerald bolts explode around you. You land, and cut twice. The turrets shake, rumble, and fall, and a moment later you hear the sound of jetpacks firing, before the Flying Falcons land, blasters firing. The Imperials rush out and the air fills with blaster fire as men fall around you, in front of you, behind you. Death fills the air. A thousand tales of heroism and villainy, courage and cowardice, bravery and defeat are written as the rest of Shining Knight Corps files in, blasters blazing red and blue while the Imperials begin to fold in, covering a single building, a huge one, covered with shields and protected by turrets.

Reveal The Truth: 16+27=43/60 Revan Reroll:72+37

It's also a filthy fucking lie. You should know, given you wrote that strategy. There's someone in there, and it isn't the High General. Reaching out with the Force, you look deep, deep into the HQ and you feel HATERAGEFEARDECIETLIESCHOCKING OH GOD.

Lumiya's hiding in there, likely waiting for you. You point out an insignificant seeming hovel located in the base, seemingly built by locals, to a few fire teams. The Demomen point their payload, your own explosive, and it bursts into a galaxy of fire and heat and concussive force, only for the hovel to remain standing, blue shield bursting into life. You nod at Ferus as he looks impressed, the older man rubbing at his chin thoughtfully. "I take it the High General isn't in Fort Stay Out over there, then?"

"Nope. Lumiya. Trying to use my own strategy against me." You shake your head, somewhere between amused and annoyed at the plagiarism. "Youngins, I swear. No imagination." You point to the hangar and send a platoon up that way as you think for a minute or two, Ferus waiting your call.

You could hit both at the same time. Ferus is more than good enough to take the General captive, and you would words with Lumiya. On the other hand, strength in numbers is always a good thing to have, although that runs the risk of the General or Lumiya being forewarned when the other falls. Still, both are workable.

[] You'll pair up to hit Lumiya
[] You'll pair up to hit the General
[] Ferus, hit the general. Lumiya is mine.
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Ouch, losing four SDs to take down the Lusankya hurts, but that's the biggest capital ship down.

[X] Ferus, hit the general. Lumiya is mine.

Rematch~ :)
[X] Ferus, hit the general. Lumiya is mine.

Would it really be Star Wars if the two nemesis' didn't have their final showdown?

While it is unfortunate losses, four Star Destroyers for a Super Star Destroyer seems like a good trade. Good thing we have those new Home One Cruisers building. Maybe we'll need some Aggressor Star Destroyers too.
Does she really count as a nemesis? I mean she made it personal when she killed Tellos's old man but she hasn't been around that long.
Well it's personal between the two of them. That's enough for me.

Speaking of Sith we need to avenge ourselves against, whatever happened to Domina? She kicked Tellos' ass during the assault on the first Death Star and then disappeared.