Star Wars: Rebellion

Piety: Busy. Always busy.

Freedom?: The Jedi heal where the Sith destroy. Anakin's damage was severe, to his perhaps most of all, but you might be capable of healing it at least somewhat. At the very best, you may even free him from the suit.
-Locked For One More Year-

Freedom?: The Jedi heal where the Sith destroy. Anakin's damage was severe, to his perhaps most of all, but you might be capable of healing it at least somewhat. At the very best, you may even free him from the suit.
-Locked For Three More years-

Intrigue: Your men are on the Death Star's trail. The Emperor can not hide it forever.
(Pick 1)

Freedom?: The Jedi heal where the Sith destroy. Anakin's damage was severe, to his perhaps most of all, but you might be capable of healing it at least somewhat. At the very best, you may even free him from the suit.
-Locked For One More Year-

You have Freedom? repeated three times. Is that a typo?
So does anyone want to exchange the prisoners for something or should we just keep them in jail?

Anyone have an idea on how much 300,000 Clone Troopers be worth in credits or supplies?
It would be nice if I had some form a value to work with. Can anyone under Tellus give us a "value" for each Clone Trooper? An average value at the very least.
Amazingly enough, putting numbers to the values of human life is hard.

That being said, it's a sure thing you can at least get the equivalent numbers of Rebel Troopers for Stormtroopers.
Amazingly enough, putting numbers to the values of human life is hard.

That being said, it's a sure thing you can at least get the equivalent numbers of Rebel Troopers for Stormtroopers.
So, question.

Is there any chance that before we back the soldiers we take all their equipment and weapons and armour and stuff?

Cause, that is a hell of a lot of equipment that we honestly really need, and even if for whatever reason we can't use it will still cost a pretty penny for Palp to replace it all.
So, question.

Is there any chance that before we back the soldiers we take all their equipment and weapons and armour and stuff?

Cause, that is a hell of a lot of equipment that we honestly really need, and even if for whatever reason we can't use it will still cost a pretty penny for Palp to replace it all.
You did the do already. Except for what's used for Restoring Losses, it'll go to the Mon Calamari, to strengthen their militia in case the Empire attacks again.
Amazingly enough, putting numbers to the values of human life is hard.

That being said, it's a sure thing you can at least get the equivalent numbers of Rebel Troopers for Stormtroopers.

So do we actually have 300,000 or more Rebel Troopers behind bars? At the very least, we can exchange 1 Clone Trooper for each captured Rebel Trooper. The rest would probably have to stay in jail unless the Empire promises something nice to trade with.
You did the do already. Except for what's used for Restoring Losses, it'll go to the Mon Calamari, to strengthen their militia in case the Empire attacks again.
Awesome. I figured it was something that was already being done, but I figured I should check just in case cause I didn't see it in any of the updates.
So do we actually have 300,000 or more Rebel Troopers behind bars? At the very least, we can exchange 1 Clone Trooper for each captured Rebel Trooper. The rest would probably have to stay in jail unless the Empire promises something nice to trade with.
There are at least 300,000 Rebel Personnel equivalent to Troopers from each Ministry behind bars, yes.
Really hoping we can go after the Confederate stuff this time. As much as everything else would be nice, having more ships essentially for free would be great. And maybe some of their droids, either for integration into our forces, or - in case of the B1s - as workforce, perhaps.
Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance. With a fleet finally perhaps capable of fighting the Imperials and the men to crew it you can hit the supplies currently keeping Palpatine's attack on your men and your allies hard, harder than he can begin to comprehend.
Cost:500 credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Credits, freed slaves, materiel, help fight off Imperials on invaded worlds

Advisers: The native rebels on each invaded world have heart, and strength, but they are not an army. Not yet. Deploy a few hundred troops to each locale, and see if they cannot teach them how to be soldiers, instead of just Rebels.
Cost: 3,000 Rebel Soldiers

Chance Of Success:50%

Reward: Advisers dispatched to train rebels.
More raiding and sending advisers sounds good.

Negotiations: You might very well be served greatly by releasing the Imperial Soldiers you captured in exchange for whatever.

Reward: Negotiations
Negotiations sounds good.

Radiation Release: You have an idea how to power the personal shields, and even now have certain schematics, thoughts of thoughts, that might well serve you. That being said, there is a dangerous amount of radiation currently released by shields in every simulation, which is bad. Might want to work on that.
Cost: 35,000, 3 years

Chance Of Success:45%

Reward: 2nd Part of Personal Shields
Getting closer to personal shields sounds great.

Kuat Weakness: There's a mole on the inside of Kuat society, friendly to the Rebellion. He has offered his assistance in taking the planet out from under the Empire. First, certain individuals, scum one and all, must be removed from key positions.
Cost: 30,000 Credits, 2 Years

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Imperial hold on Kuat weakened
Getting started on taking over Kuat, one of the major shipyard planets, sounds great!

Armor?: Having cracked the Phase IV armor, your men could distribute it to your soldiers. It will take time and, by sheer numbers, a truly huge number of credits. That having been said, it should be quite worth it, given the sort of atrocious casualty numbers you saw during the war on Mon Cal.
Cost: 50 Million Credits, 2 years

Reward: Phase IV Armor distributed throughout the men

Restoring Losses: You lost a lot of men. To be frank, it is somewhat questionable that you can replaces them all in one year without a large amount of credits being spent and frankly, some of them shouldn't be replaced. That having been said, poking through what is left of the Imperial garrison supplies should keep the biggest cost getting new fighters.
Cost: 15 Million Credits

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Losses replaced, 11 Squads of X-Wings/ or 11 Squads of A-Wings
Fancy armor for everyone and restoring our losses sound good.

Two There Are: You were distracted from finding Lumiya's corpse by your men. She's probably dead, but it never hurts to be on the safe side, right? Send Asajj to find where your foe is.
Cost: 200,000 Credits

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Conformation of Lumiya's death

The Lost: The Kelvore system is where the first part of the lost Archives of the Jedi may be found. Embroiled in civil war, the planet where it is hidden undergoes chaos as the Imperial puppet and his cohorts strike at the legitimate government. A brigade of soldiers under Yut Kand ought be well capable of securing them.
Cost: 30,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 75%

Reward: 1 Part of lost Archive of the Jedi secured
Gotta be sure Lumiya's dead, and get started on finding the Archives.
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The Freedom, Righteous Will, and Liberty tear through Hyperspace, engines burning a brilliant white. Accompanied by the CR-90s they make good time, and pop out into real space behind the cover of an asteroid, a huge one. Power stops as entire segments of the ships go dark, lights dying. An ambush. Not how one would expect, however.

The Imperial Convoy, two Gladiator Star Destroyers and a handful of Nebulon-B frigates slowly tears through the system, engines at only half power. They scan intently, accurately, pouring over electronics created with one purpose: to find the enemy. That said, an asteroid can have odd affects on sensors. Affects like missing the flotilla poised to strike until your back is turned, your senses dulled at the passing threat.

Then, they strike. Blue bolts fly through the dark vacuum of space, the backdrop of a nebula framing each shot as electricity flows over it, through it. With accuracy no mere mortal ever will achieve, the bolts strike home, tearing through the engines of the enemy ship, electrical charge frying delicate circuits, shattering breakers. Mon Calamari artistry battles with Kuat built industrial might for moments, until an explosion destroys the already damaged engines. Smoke begins to pour from Order's and Strength's backsides as they slow to a crawl, turreted cannons finally turning towards their foe, silhouetted by lights against the shadowy asteroid. Like some enraged swarm, small ships, the fighters, begin pouring from the Rebel ships, X-Wings slipping from the hangar like wraiths, vengeance for every lost soul.

In retaliation, the Gladiators spit out their own complement, TIE Fighters. Still Mon Cal Cruiser and Kuat Star Destroyer pound at each other as the ships, piloted by the best of the best trade red and green fire, lances of fire illuminating the stars for seconds at a shot as every bolt from the Chargers finds its target. The Jedi piloting them twist, dive, juke and dodge.

Anakin Skywalker, dark cloak drawn over his features, can feel his son from the bridge of freedom. He lends him strength through their bond, and in turn the scion of Skywalker gives that strength to each of his comrades, power flowing through aching minds as the Force gives sustenance to its children. The TIE Fighters are driven back. Jedi ships smoke, Jedi ships take hits, but for every one that is damaged another two, another three, another ten appear to strike at whatever foe was foolish enough to believe they could fight the Jedi.

In moments, the Jedi have done their dark work. Meanwhile, the Mon Cal cruisers, nothing more than scraped, each fire a volley at the bridge of one Gladiator. A trifecta of damage, each shot impacts somewhere, and the bridges of the Gladiators explode as the Liberty Cruisers turn their dreadful wrath on the Nebulon-B, until now distracted by the lightning quickness of the Blockade Runners. It is not slow work, minutes at most, for each, and then, as though they were never there, the Rebel Flotilla retreats, its work done, back home.
Looking at the military forces section could you organize it by type a bit. It would be a lot easier to read if you had fighters in one section, escorts in a second section and capital ships in a third
Looking at the military forces section could you organize it by type a bit. It would be a lot easier to read if you had fighters in one section, escorts in a second section and capital ships in a third
Sure. I've got some errors in there I needed to fix either way.
Looking at the military forces section could you organize it by type a bit. It would be a lot easier to read if you had fighters in one section, escorts in a second section and capital ships in a third
Did it. That having been said, I split it in two, fighters and Capital Ships, mostly because I have no idea what should be included as Escort.
Vote is called, winners are:

Supply Lines


Radiation Release

Kuat Weakness

Minister Of War:
Restoring Losses

Two There Are
The Lost

Vote for Double Down will be called in two hours.