Star Wars: Rebellion


You punch in the Imperial Code on your wrist holo, and a moment later, the High Colonel, wearing battered armor and a broken helmet, responds. "General Othello. I take it you're here to gloat about your 'righteous victory'?"


"Not hardly. I'm here to do a lot of things, actually. Right now, I'm attempting to save your hides, because I don't believe in massacres, unlike 'His Majesty.' A lot of good men, men I served with, men who deserve a better future, will die if I don't. And in case you haven't noticed, commander, I am generally opposed to men dying. So I ask you, not to throw your lives away for a man who will drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle! You are not cattle. You are men. So act like men, and think about what you're doing, instead of just throwing a life, luminous and beautiful in the Force, away, for no gain."

"I...accept. Men, put down your weapons." You hear rifles falling to the floor and carbines clattering as your men rush in, blasters trained on each soldier, securing them, whilst unknown to you, images are transmitted through the planet. And, through the planet, those scattered pockets of resistance falter, fail. Surrender. An image appears on your Holo, a ringing, as you lift your gauntlet up. "Yeah?"

"Tellus, what did you do?"

"Preserve life, as the Code demands. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Well, it went a lot farther than you seem to think." Ahsoka raises her own holo, and you see Imperials herded out of businesses, hotels, skyscrapers. As you watch, the Imperial governor and his toadies slowly slide from their palace, trying to muster a broken dignity. Suddenly a great ringing erupts from the main holo, and wrinkled, dark, and evil's face dominates the center.

"General Othello. I must say, I am impressed. You have become a true foe."

You don't respond, and he tsks once. "Rude. In any case, I must ask what you request?"

"Nothing." It's fairly obvious what he's shooting for, and you're disgusted he'd even imply it. "I'm not going to slaughter them, you murderous old coot, and they'll be released once we've won, or once proper negotiations have concluded. Now get your genocidal ass back to plotting." Cutting the transmission, you look over the sensors just once. Entire flotillas of ships, frigates and freighters, heading for the Rebel presence. The losses were heavy- just looking over preliminary reports, one-in-five of your men will never again draw breathe- but it was a victory. Having taken Mon Calamari, you know you will still have work ahead of you. But, you've won. Conclusively. Here, now, and later, through the galaxy.
Victory On Mon Calamari! Massive Imperial Surrender! 300,000 Imperial Soldiers Captured!

Butcher's bill will be up later.
Are we going to take their equipment/weapons before we let them work?

Cause that is a lot of weapons and armor and stuff that we actually super need.
I'm surprised we didn't get a point or two in diplomacy for that. I wonder if we can convince any of them to join the rebellion (after carefully checking them of course)?

I bet everyone in the Rebellion is surprised at this turn of events. :lol

You punch in the Imperial Code on your wrist holo, and a moment later, the High Colonel, wearing battered armor and a broken helmet, responds. "General Othello. I take it you're here to gloat about your 'righteous victory'?"


"Not hardly. I'm here to do a lot of things, actually. Right now, I'm attempting to save your hides, because I don't believe in massacres, unlike 'His Majesty.' A lot of good men, men I served with, men who deserve a better future, will die if I don't. And in case you haven't noticed, commander, I am generally opposed to men dying. So I ask you, not to throw your lives away for a man who will drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle! You are not cattle. You are men. So act like men, and think about what you're doing, instead of just throwing a life, luminous and beautiful in the Force, away, for no gain."

"I...accept. Men, put down your weapons."
Butcher's bill will be up later.
I see what you did there.
So... is this grounds for advancement to Jedi Master? Because I think we showcased the Jedi Code in its purest form.

I'm tempted to write an omake on the diversity of the Rebellion. Just a cantina scene where a group of rebels try to talk political and concludes with the fact that the only two things they can ultimately agree on is they all want Palpatine dead and they want to keep a galactic military.
So... is this grounds for advancement to Jedi Master? Because I think we showcased the Jedi Code in its purest form.

I'm tempted to write an omake on the diversity of the Rebellion. Just a cantina scene where a group of rebels try to talk political and concludes with the fact that the only two things they can ultimately agree on is they all want Palpatine dead and they want to keep a galactic military.
A Grim Victory
A Grim Victory

You walk solemnly, Rebel uniform pressed and fitted for this occasion. You and the generals, each wearing the appropriate uniform, steps, slowly, surely, before you stand in front of king Lee Char, the Mon Cal wearing his uniform with dignity. You start to kneel, your knee bending. "Friend, stop." His voice is not deep, but it has more authority than you have heard before. "You need never bow to me. No member of the Alliance, from the lowliest technician to the highest general needs to. For, today, you have saved my people from slavery, genocide, and banditry. I, indeed, must bow to you." Slowly his legs bend, as the Humble King slowly takes to his knees, as the crowd cheers. You lost men, lost good soldiers, but was a victory.

Rising back to his knees, Lee Char speaks once more. "The people of Mon Calamari will never forget this. No matter what happens know that your enemies are our enemies, your struggles, our struggles. In the spirit of that camaraderie, I have authorized certain donations to be made and Imperial funds liquidated. Say what you will, you shall find the people of Dac most gracious."

Mon Calamari Liberated!
300m Credits flow into your treasury!
Shipyards of Mon Cal under your control!

Butcher's Bill:
11 Squadrons of TIE Fighters Destroyed
50,800 Alliance Troopers Killed, 51,000 Not capable of combat
2 Units of Strikebreakers destroyed
10,080 Marines dead, 11,000 Wounded
4 Units of AT-ATs Destroyed
8 Units of AT-STs Destroyed
300 Praetorian Forces killed
25 Jedi Dead, 25 Wounded
25 Jensaarai dead, 25 Wounded
12,400 Wookie Warriors dead, 25,000 Wounded
160 Evocci Warriors Dead, none wounded
48,285 Mandalorian Warriors Dead, 50,000 Wounded
122,347 Soldiers Dead/137,000 Wounded (Healed by next turn)

So yeah, shit got real.
We have (assuming Empire at War is part of the canon used for determining forces / factories.) One of the five Capital Ship Producing Planets.

Which is great.
There are 35 Shipyards capable of building Large Warships. That being said, you have ties to four and control two of those four.

Imperial losses?

No wounded Evocci? So he didn't survive.
300,000 captured, an unknown number lost. Estimated at 400,000.

He survived, his injuries just didn't keep him from working. Mostly cause he has Batman's work ethic.