Star Wars: Rebellion

Plus, he knows how to retain his consciousness after death, so even if everything falls apart, he'd still be able to keep the light of hope alive.
And getting off of Dagobah, and that Dark Side infused cave, limiting him usage of the Force to very small things to prevent the Emperor and Vader from sensing him, has undoubtedly done him a world of good.
I distinctly recall Yoda knocking Palpatine ass-over-head at the start of that fight and nearly winning, so...

Like, of all the Jedi you have right now, the order of "People who can fight Palpatine without getting instagibbed" Goes:

1. Anakin Skywalker
2. Luke Skywlker
3. Yoda
4. Shaak Ti
5. Leia Organa
6. Ahsoka Tano
7. Ferus Olin
8. Galen Marek
9. Tellus Othello
10. (Undecided)
When did I say it was going to be a one shot? You completely underestimate Palpatine if you think people like Ferus has a chance in hell against him.
We really need to have Yoda teach other Jedi how to become Force Ghosts while he is still alive. Especially since he probably had more time to learn it compared to everyone else.

Maybe we can have an option where he can do some final teaching before he passes away? He still knows how to use the Force better than most people due to experience alone.
When did I say it was going to be a one shot? You completely underestimate Palpatine if you think people like Ferus has a chance in hell against him.
He was Anakin's rival and one of few known Force sensitives who continued to hone himself for twenty years, and even so, is only in "Not instagibbed", not in the "has a 'good' chance against Palpatine". Those would be the top five of the list, with everyone else still probably slowly doomed, but capable of retreating without death, if they're lucky getting a mutual kill, and if they're crazy lucky managing to win, if at great cost.
I'll grant you rival, but his major asset was his intelligence which I think Palpatine has him beat. But, if you say he has a 1 in a million chance then I am fine with that.
75% To run, just straight up extradite himself from the situation.
50% Chance to run, and maybe possibly hurt the Emperor.
25% To get a mutual kill of some sort.
1%(Functionally on the Die I use) to straight up win, without extenuating circumstances.

Ferus got good over twenty years.
[X] Attempt to convince them to surrender. Enough blood has been shed today.

Leia rate higher then us ? Fuck, we need to grind some more there.
[X] Attempt to convince them to surrender. Enough blood has been shed today.

Leia rate higher then us ? Fuck, we need to grind some more there.
Skywalkers Stronk.

There's also the fact that, for any of the Skywalkers, and a few of the non-Skywalkers, Palpatine is fucking about, attempting to (Re)convert them instead of putting his all into the fight, because he's an arrogant old fuck.
Plus, you also have to keep in mind that Palpatine is out of shape, rusty, and old as hell.
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[X] Attempt to convince them to surrender. Enough blood has been shed today.
-[X] And if they don't, we will pretend like we just contacted Vader to pay them a personal visit.
BBC 40
BBC 40

You hold your son in your arms, feeling him squirm. Tellus has strong arms, is strong, kicking. You are a proud mother, proud and strong, and no one will take that away from you. Putting your son in his crib, you give him a bright smile. "Mommy has to go talk to some people, and she'll be right back. Okay?"

He nods, beginning to nap. Dec will be back long before Tellus will be getting up, you know that for sure, just as much as you know for sure that they will not take your son away from you to be some modern aristocrat, some elitist son-of-a-bitch. Grabbing your sniper and your bag, you pull on the old armor, sheathe yourself again in the old ways. You slip into your speeder, press a few buttons, and the whole thing disappears. You pull the off the beaten paths, as the rain begins to pours. Its soothing to old muscles, soothing to hear your knee pop, as old wounds have finally settled.

Leaping out of the speeder, your grapnel gun fires, and sinks into the wood of the park trees. Embraced in the branches, you pull your sniper and aim. One shot, nothing more, nothing less. That's all you need.

Your heart slows.

You catch a view of what you're aiming for.

You breath deep, inhale.

A bead of sweat drops from your forehead.

Exhale, shoot.

The cap explodes, undetected in the minutes before takeoff.

You head home.

You turn on the Holo. You see the Explorer catch fire in the atmosphere as unprotected fuel lights aflame. You see as the pilots lose control. You see it plunge to the ground, killing five Jedi, and destroying the records that contain Tellus' "Midichlorian Count", whatever trickery that is.

You sleep soundly, knowing your little boy is safe.
So yeah, the Othello family has issues.
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BBC 40

You hold your son in your arms, feeling him squirm. Tellus has strong arms, is strong, kicking. You are a proud mother, proud and strong, and no one will take that away from you. Putting your son in his crib, you give him a bright smile. "Mommy has to go talk to some people, and she'll be right back. Okay?"

He nods, beginning to nap. Dec will be back long before Tellus will be getting up, you know that for sure, just as much as you know for sure that they will not take your son away from you to be some modern aristocrat, some elitist son-of-a-bitch. Grabbing your sniper and your bag, you pull on the old armor, sheathe yourself again in the old ways. You slip into your speeder, press a few buttons, and the whole thing disappears. You pull the off the beaten paths, as the rain begins to pours. Its soothing to old muscles, soothing to hear your knee pop, as old wounds have finally settled.

Leaping out of the speeder, your grapnel gun fires, and sinks into the wood of the park trees. Embraced in the branches, you pull your sniper and aim. One shot, nothing more, nothing less. That's all you need.

Your heart slows.

You catch a view of what you're aiming for.

You breath deep, inhale.

A bead of sweat drops from your forehead.

Exhale, shoot.

The cap explodes, undetected in the minutes before takeoff.

You head home.

You turn on the Holo. You see the Explorer catch fire in the atmosphere as unprotected fuel lights aflame. You see as the pilots lose control. You see it plunge to the ground, killing five Jedi, and destroying the records that contain Tellus' "Midichlorian Count" whatever trickery that is.

You sleep soundly, knowing your little boy is safe.
So yeah, the Othello family has issues.
Was...Was that our Mom, the hell?
I thought you could literally just tell the Jedi "no, I'm not giving you my baby" and they would listen.

That wouldn't mean they wouldn't leave you alone. Or that someone might one day go after your son for being a force sensitive. Thus destroying the record before it ever reaches the Jedi is a nice way to insure that it happens.
Was...Was that our Mom, the hell?
Yep. She was an anti-Jedi, anti-monarchist, Pro-Republic conspiracy theorist who also used to be a bounty hunter/hitman/what have you.

I thought you could literally just tell the Jedi "no, I'm not giving you my baby" and they would listen.
She was a paranoid conspiracy theorist who believed that Jedi kidnapped children, buying into the sort of bullshit that's pretty obviously bullshit to us the viewer and even so is still spouted in our world.

Given the date, pretty likely. That post does explain why Tellus wasn't found by the Jedi (and Palpatine) in the years before the purge.

If a parent knew what they were doing, they could hide someone's Force Sensitivity and avoid losing their child to the Jedi.
Yep. It's brutal, and evil, but it did work, in much the same way flying a house into the sun will "Work" in removing the ants.

That wouldn't mean they wouldn't leave you alone. Or that someone might one day go after your son for being a force sensitive. Thus destroying the record before it ever reaches the Jedi is a nice way to insure that it happens.
I mean, it clearly worked, given that you didn't become a Jedi until you were in your thirties.