Star Wars: Rebellion

A Friend's Embrace
A Friend's Embrace

"Master Othello, I think you might enjoy this." Pushing the door open, you step into the room, where a huge collection of shattered droids and droid parts surrounds a dais where Yavin IV shines golden, blue lights stream from it to five sectors. Is this-Oh stars.

"Any idea what it might mean?" Galen Marek, from his position to your left, looks at you, as your face goes pale.

"To destroy the Sith Lord Exar Kun, the Jedi hounded him to the Yavin Four, where they destroyed by space bombardment. The planet's surface died for it, however, and so a plan was devised to rebuild the shattered moon's life. A city was built, under the largest continent, where the Jedi could do their work. Eventually, once that work was done, the city was left for unknown, oft theorized reasons. The Masters who had spent so long working there, would scatter to the four winds, heading where they were needed, most of them Watchmen. If I am correct, and I hope to the Force I am, these are where the archives of knowledge from that city are stored, every ounce of data, every historical factoid, everything we lost and more when Palpatine destroyed Coruscant. Naal Fil Avok! These would predate the first Purge, everything lost when Scion, Nihlus, and Traya banded together! It is of paramount importance that we secure them. Someone find me a scrap of paper, so I can write these down!"

Pen and paper in hand, you scribble down the five systems in quick succession. "Bothawui System, System THX 1138, Generis System, Kelvore System and Home System. Right." Looking up, you can feel something stirring in the Force as you hear the sounds of fire die in the Brig. Heading for the second elevator, you punch in the codes. You hear a sound like shattering glass, and rush out of the elevator, to see victory. An aged Mon Calamari Jedi holding a green saber, attending to the wounds of the fallen soldiers, while ten Jedi, carrying uniformly blue sabers, also attend to the wounded on both sides. The Purge survivors start as one. Kanan rushes past, embracing the Mon Cal. "Master Kerrshnek, you survived!"

"Indeed I did. Something tells me you are here for more pressing matters, so if you do not mind, I think we should perhaps focus on doing that, yes?"

Finally, you head for the Armory, thirty-thousand Mon Cal and Quarren Militia men around you, along with the remains of Nova and Spectre, reinforced by the AT-STs and soldiers from Kee-Piru. Your men, it seemed, have managed to secure enough weapons to arm the militia, and more to point, you now outnumber the Stormtroopers at least two-to-one, possibly more. That being said, they have, all of them, moved to reinforce the Infirmary, refusing to leave their comrades-in-arms behind. Each moment you do not attack, is a moment they can reinforce with turrets and entrench themselves, and cost your men lives. You have them besieged, and nothing can get in or out, but this cannot take too long, or reinforcements will arrive.

[] Attempt to convince them to surrender. Enough blood has been shed today.
[] Attack them, move them, now, before they can further entrench.
You know, maybe we should start having our turned Stormtroopers start painting camo on to their armor. We don't have the Tarkin doctrine behind us, and it works better to integrate them into recon and ambush positions without their armor giving them away.
You know, maybe we should start having our turned Stormtroopers start painting camo on to their armor. We don't have the Tarkin doctrine behind us, and it works better to integrate them into recon and ambush positions without their armor giving them away.
I've got a plan for that. You did just crack the schematics for Phase IV armor, after all.
[X] Attempt to convince them to surrender. Enough blood has been shed today.

This is the decent thing to do.
Nice to finally see Galen alive and not a clone this time. I wonder who his master is? Regardless.

[X] Attempt to convince them to surrender. Enough blood has been shed today.

And if they don't, we will pretend like we just contacted Vader to pay them a personal visit.
Nice to finally see Galen alive and not a clone this time. I wonder who his master is? Regardless.

[X] Attempt to convince them to surrender. Enough blood has been shed today.

And if they don't, we will pretend like we just contacted Vader to pay them a personal visit.
Rahm Kota.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
[X] Attempt to convince them to surrender. Enough blood has been shed today.
[Rolls 1 on diplomacy]
[X] Attempt to convince them to surrender. Enough blood has been shed today.

The Healer is a noble and sacred profession, no blood shall be spilt in anger in his halls.
Suffice to say, Yoda is a shit wrecker, destroyer of stormtroopers and enemy of the Dark Side no matter how it may come.

Out of curiosity, how long is he going to be around for this time? Since he died of old age (or something like that) a few years ago in the canonical timeline. Unless Yoda has some "Mission from the Force" he should be dead in a few years if he is pushing himself.
Out of curiosity, how long is he going to be around for this time? Since he died of old age (or something like that) a few years ago in the canonical timeline. Unless Yoda has some "Mission from the Force" he should be dead in a few years if he is pushing himself.
He died in 4 ABY in the canon timeline, which was a year ago, and the way I figure, he wasn't really trying to live by that point, so he's got like, at least two-to-three years, possibly more.
He died in 4 ABY in the canon timeline, which was a year ago, and the way I figure, he wasn't really trying to live by that point, so he's got like, at least two-to-three years, possibly more.
Plus, he knows how to retain his consciousness after death, so even if everything falls apart, he'd still be able to keep the light of hope alive.

Tell that to Palpatine.
I distinctly recall Yoda knocking Palpatine ass-over-head at the start of that fight and nearly winning, so...

Like, of all the Jedi you have right now, the order of "People who can fight Palpatine without getting instagibbed" Goes:

1. Anakin Skywalker
2. Luke Skywlker
3. Yoda
4. Shaak Ti
5. Leia Organa
6. Ahsoka Tano
7. Ferus Olin
8. Galen Marek
9. Tellus Othello
10. (Undecided)