Star Wars: Rebellion

We really need to have Yoda teach other Jedi how to become Force Ghosts while he is still alive. Especially since he probably had more time to learn it compared to everyone else.

Maybe we can have an option where he can do some final teaching before he passes away? He still knows how to use the Force better than most people due to experience alone.
Assuming Yoda can choose who is allowed to learn how to do that. At best, I'd imagine he'd be able to nominate people for the trials he went through.

Plus, you also have to keep in mind that Palpatine is out of shape, rusty, and old as hell.
Have you read Lords of the Sith? He's really not.
Not quite what I was thinking, but it's getting there.

Lure him onto an enemy ship or otherwise into some action, and then have that ship make the ultimate sacrifice, blowing themselves up (and none of that 'countdown sequence' shit, just boom) with him on it.

He's a fucking badass, but ultimately he's flesh and blood, and people willing to die to kill him might have a chance.
Lure him onto an enemy ship or otherwise into some action, and then have that ship make the ultimate sacrifice, blowing themselves up (and none of that 'countdown sequence' shit, just boom) with him on it.

He's a fucking badass, but ultimately he's flesh and blood, and people willing to die to kill him might have a chance.
A bit of a desperation maneuver, but yes, that Could (Note the Could!) work.
Enough orbital bombardment should do the trick, right? The problem is getting him somewhere we don't mind bombarding.
I actually prefer somehow killing Palpatine with droids. He can't get any "disturbances in the force" from those guys since they don't have a force presence in the first place. Like T7-01 who could fight alongside the Jedi Knight without getting affected by the Dark Side.