Star Wars: Rebellion

Palpatine anger is going to be felt across the Galaxy, maybe even outside this universe can be felt, maybe it can be felt in the Warhammer quest from Voikirium.
Sweet! Death Star's exploded and Vader's redemption got a big headstart :D

Palpy's rage warms my heart :)
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Well, time to abandon Tarris, set up shop more permanently on Russan, and announce to the Galaxy who we are and what is going on.
I wonder, how many more people will he murder, manipulate, or corrupt? I mean, it seems like his strategy is always to double-down and bet it all on red, and then rig the game. So, he's angry, he realizes he's he'll try again, but bigger and more cunning and more vicious.

And in the meantime, hrm...
I wonder, how many more people will he murder, manipulate, or corrupt? I mean, it seems like his strategy is always to double-down and bet it all on red, and then rig the game. So, he's angry, he realizes he's he'll try again, but bigger and more cunning and more vicious.

And in the meantime, hrm...

Maybe he will be working more on that clone project of his? He might realize that he can't beat the new Jedi Order since there are far more than he would have ever suspected.

Luckily the clones are nowhere close to the original power-wise.
Policy On Palpatine
Maybe he will be working more on that clone project of his? He might realize that he can't beat the new Jedi Order since there are far more than he would have ever suspected.

Luckily the clones are nowhere close to the original power-wise.

I've done a lot of stuff I'm not proud of, but motherfucking clones of Palpatine that render the entire point of ROTJ moot is where I draw the line in the sand and swear I will go no further.

I've done a lot of stuff I'm not proud of, but motherfucking clones of Palpatine that render the entire point of ROTJ moot is where I draw the line in the sand and swear I will go no further.

It does make me wonder what the incredibly old man was going to do after he kicked the bucket with a crippled old man (who still was a boy compared to his impossible ancientness) as his only successor. It does seem a rather unstable foundation for a dynasty, so I sorta see where the writers were coming from.

That said, that was still ridiculous.
It does make me wonder what the incredibly old man was going to do after he kicked the bucket with a crippled old man (who still was a boy compared to his impossible ancientness) as his only successor. It does seem a rather unstable foundation for a dynasty, so I sorta see where the writers were coming from.

That said, that was still ridiculous.

Most Sith Lords try to gain immortality so that they can rule forever. That generally doesn't work in most cases or they do achieve it, but it comes with a big weakness.
It does make me wonder what the incredibly old man was going to do after he kicked the bucket with a crippled old man (who still was a boy compared to his impossible ancientness) as his only successor. It does seem a rather unstable foundation for a dynasty, so I sorta see where the writers were coming from.

That said, that was still ridiculous.
"Live forever, or die trying" would be my guess.
Most Sith Lords try to gain immortality so that they can rule forever. That generally doesn't work in most cases or they do achieve it, but it comes with a big weakness.

Still, you wonder what everyone else thought about all of this. I mean, there's an Emperor and...he has heirs, right? Kids or something? Nope!

Now, to be fair, even if Lucas didn't mean it he accidentally created situations that exist in actual dictatorships. Because of the corruption, nepotism and distrust, positions were often vague from the outside, like how Vader's just some guy and his right hand and who gives him the authority and then Tarkin's ordering him around. Plenty of the most powerful people in the Empire, including Xizor (@Voikirium , he might not exist here as a Vader-hater if Vader didn't do an experiment on his homeworld, but if he does, it'd be the perfect bit of politics to flesh out that thing), Vadar, a lot of the Grand Moffs actual powers varied widely, the various crazy Dark-Side orders, Mara Jade...Didn't exist in the hierarchy, or at least not in the way their actual power was.

The very confusion and nepotism and lack of clear lines of command and succession are all emblematic of most 20th century dictatorships, with a few exceptions like, well, North Korea.
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There are no words in the tongue of man or elf to transcribe the amount of RAEG he is feeling at the current moment.

Though if one of you wants to take a crack at it, by all means, try.

(I'll Give it a shot. If I mess something up go ahead and tell me. I'll fix it. I'm writing this totally off the cuff.)

(EDIT: Not Quite Palpatine though the look on his face when this goes live...)

(EDIT2: Fifteen edits Later and I'm no longer Cringing)

(EDIT3: I'm actually rather proud of it now)

The Rebel alliance had carried the day.

Now, following the waning skirmishes and recovery of personnel that have been the highlight of the last week, Rebel High Command and The Order had decided the time to be right to acknowledge the existence of this last hidden alliance.

As a liaison of sorts between the two organizations and Supreme Military Commander of one, the podium is yours from which to make the announcement.

You step up, though still sporting a few Bacta-patches from your own moment in the fighting you stand with all of your usual strength.

After all, You are a Jedi.
You are the Supreme Commander of the Rebel Alliance Armed Forces.
You are Tellus Othello.

And now.

Now is the moment you had promised. Only just a few years ago.

You Stand in parade rest, as robed men and woman stand around you. Men and Woman in Separate Uniforms enter in neat formation. This is the hanger bay of a Mon-Calamari Cruiser. Cavernous as it is, it is packed to capacity. Standing Before and around you stand soldiers of the Alliance Army, It's Pilots and Ship captains of the Navy.

A Camera Droid sweeps around the bay. X-Wings and Y-Wings in neat lines in the background.
You begin speaking as the camera climbs your form.

"I am Tellus Othello, Supreme Commander of the Rebel alliance Military. Around me stand the men and woman of that Military.

We are many.

From Humans made mighty by your New order. Now Made to see our sins.
To the lowliest Slaves, freed from your Tyranny, giving hope to brothers and sisters yet lost.

We are many.

We are Free.

We remain Standing.

We Remain, Now and forever, Unchained.

To the Empire, I say this as a Commander.
I say this with confidence and the backing of all free beings.

This is our declaration made to a Galaxy made fearful of the yoke of Tyrants.
A declaration to the hearts of men made mad.
A declaration of intent, that you might know looking into our eyes.
Not at words on flimsi.

Until the Slaves are Freed.
We stand against you.
Until the needs of all sentients are met.
We stand against you.
Until all voices are heard.
We stand against you.

May our fortunes run dry in pursuit of justice unmet.
May our Blood run full in pursuit of justice unmet.

This is our Vow

Now Palpatine, I speak to you as just a man.

A man who served you.

Who once believed in you.

No Longer.

That spark you long thought snuffed.
It has begun to flare once more.

Those few embers you thought crushed.
They are re-lit

Those Scattered, ailing, cries in the old places of this galaxy.
They are a Choir again."

Here you smile, hand dancing over a light saber hilt. One newly built with the parts you took time to accumulate.

"Palpatine. I tell you as a man. Of the abject failure of your Schemes."

Your Blade ignites, bright in a room that suddenly seems so much dimmer.

"I am Jedi Knight Tellus Othello."

More than two hundred blades all around you light the Hanger Bay still further.

"Of a Reborn and Reformed, Jedi Order."
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