Star Wars: Rebellion

Just read through all the threadmarked posts, and this seems like it would be a pretty good quest. Too bad it seems to be missing about a quarter of it from the index/threadmarks, and I'm not digging through 123 pages for the unmarked/unindexed chapters so I know what the hell's going on in this story.

If you're going to use the threadmarks, use them for all the chapters.
Just read through all the threadmarked posts, and this seems like it would be a pretty good quest. Too bad it seems to be missing about a quarter of it from the index/threadmarks, and I'm not digging through 123 pages for the unmarked/unindexed chapters so I know what the hell's going on in this story.

If you're going to use the threadmarks, use them for all the chapters.

Every turn, event, and interlude is both threadmarked and in the index on the first page, as of 5:57 A.M. Illinois time.
Just read through all the threadmarked posts, and this seems like it would be a pretty good quest. Too bad it seems to be missing about a quarter of it from the index/threadmarks, and I'm not digging through 123 pages for the unmarked/unindexed chapters so I know what the hell's going on in this story.

A few of of the interludes are kind of in media res, or they disclose events we don't have any protagonism in, so they don't necessarily make sense until several updates later when that story thread intersects ours..
A few of of the interludes are kind of in media res, or they disclose events we don't have any protagonism in, so they don't necessarily make sense until several updates later when that story thread intersects ours..
And when you get to those chapters, you don't know why half the stuff is happening, because all the reasons hidden in unmarked interludes, chapters, and snippets.

I really felt like I was only reading half the story when I went through the bookmarks.
And when you get to those chapters, you don't know why half the stuff is happening, because all the reasons hidden in unmarked interludes, chapters, and snippets.

I really felt like I was only reading half the story when I went through the bookmarks.
Voikirium updated both the index and threadmarks seven hours ago.
A Day In The Life (Noon)
A Day In The Life (Noon)

A blue blade flares in the dark, cutting through armor like a knife through paper. The Sandtrooper falls to the ground a crumpled ball, heart pierced by magnetized plasma. Pushing your arm out, the droids that had been menacing the prospective recruits fall over the edge of the massive skywalk that dominates this chunk of Nar Shadda, the recruits putting out blaster fire quicker than you can imagine. You are Jorek Laforge, and you have been busy.

Finally, with the sound of hissing plasma, the Prophet of the Dark Side deigns to meet you in open combat, red against blue, sparks flying from the point of contact, light dominating what was once a dark cavern. Again and again, he attempts to slam his blade into you; however, he lacks grace, precision, or skill even near enough to fight you. You leap over one attack, kicking the Imperial in the knee, ducking under the prophet's follow up flourish with an overhead strike that brings your blades crashing together. "Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side, relic! The Jedi fall once more."

Turning your saber off, his strength becomes his undoing, the Prophet losing his footing with no resistance. Flicking the blade back on, it pierces his robes, cutting his hand off, his lightsaber falling to the ground. The Giant prefers death to surrender, lightning--a pale imitation of Palpatine's--blasting out to be blocked by your lightsaber. You are an unstoppable train, white robes burnt from constant combat. His assault falters slowly but surely as you advance, your prey in your site. "Go to Hell, and take your Empire with you." Flying past his outstretched hand, you burn for seconds, lightning playing across you for long moments, before finally you remove his shoulders from his body.

You stand victorious but smoking, the sound of your holo ringing to life. "Master, there were two."

"Are you alright?"

"Smoky, but fine. Lord Kallig's heir was a no go, led astray by the Prophets. I was forced to eliminate both, but the saber should be safely within our archives soon. I also found a few recruits and made contact with your father."

"Good. I have something I need to show you, Padawan. Get back to Ruusan soon. Tellus out."

Sighing, you clip your holo to your belt, before making the long walk back to your X-Wing. The Cockpit slide open, and you leap in, buckling up for a long flight and setting the pilot to auto, before, mercifully, your eyes drift shut...

The next time they open, you are back on Ruusan, the ship pulling in for a landing. Yawning and stretching, you make the jump from the ship to the ground, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "Made the trip back in one piece, I see." You sigh as you prepare for yet another rant from Entani about how you "needed to grab that breathalyser first", how you "shouldn't just blindly rely on the Force", blah, blah, blah, blah, you'd swear that she doesn't quite get how the Jedi thing works.

Instead, she hands you a a good-sized blaster pistol and accompanying holster. "Hokey religions are all well and good, but nothing quite beats having a blaster at your side."

"Thank you." Brushing past her awkwardly, you knock on the heavy chamber doors thrice. "You wanted to see me, Master?"

"Not just Master, Jorek." Shaak Ti's voice cuts through the dark room, as Lightsaber blades ignite. Master Tellus carries some anonymous blue one, no doubt borrowed from some poor apprentice in the making. "Step forward, young one." The Grandmaster stands properly at the head, the torgruta's blue saber burning with bright intensity, as you kneel. "Jorek LaForge, by the right of the Council." Her saber dips over your right shoulder once, missing it by bare millimeters. "By the Will of the Force." Next her hand dips over your left shoulder, once again. " I do dub thee, a Jedi Knight." Rising up in a sharp salute, her Saber lightens the room, her face barely visible. "Act with wisdom, Sentinel." Your master welcomes you in a warm embrace, as you deliver the results of your last mission as a Padawan, the impressive results of Luke Skywalker's destruction of the Death Star clear in your recruiting: twenty-one-thousand Troopers for the Rebellion, along with interest from many more who found their efforts frustrated by a lack of easy method of recruitment; 2 Interceptor frigates; and an envoy from the CEC, for very obvious reasons looking to support the Alliance.

Gained for turn 19 (Part 1):
Jorek Laforge Gains trait Jedi Sentinel
2 Interceptor Frigates (Dagger and Liberator)
21,000 Rebel Troopers

I'll have your losses for the Death Star up soon, just wanted to get this up today.
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who the moron that gave those guy a lightsaber
it a miracle that he isn't lying on the floor in piece
In the Star Wars first draft Lightsabers were commonplace and used by everybody.
Star War is a pretty high tech setting so it being common is not that hard to believe . . . as long as people learn to use those thing properly, cause giving moron plasma weapon is just begging for accident to happen

it a good thing the creator gave these thing to the Jedi and the Sith or else losing limb would have been a common problem in the setting
I don't want to be that guy but the treadmarks are missing a few posts; like the results of turn 13, the rest of the madalorian meeting, the seige of the space station and the end of the duel to list what I saw not there.

Three sheets of flimsi are held in a plastic file, the reports painstakingly filed by your apprentice. The sounds of a ship full of energy and vitality are silent at this moment, instead a celebration of the victory dominates the hangar bay. You are accompanied by Ackbar and Ahsoka, the torgruta and Mon Calamari in pressed uniforms. The podium that has been set up is fitted with electronic voice amplifiers, your modified uniform pressed and fitted, temporary cane resting against it. There is silence as you clear your throat, celebrations ceasing for the for the first time in twenty-four hours.

"As you are all well aware, nine standard days ago, the Galactic Empire unveiled a weapon unlike any other, the Death Star, by destroying the planet Talus. Three-Point-Two Million individuals died screaming as their planet was destroyed, without reason beyond the thirst for power at any cost. The Empire claims this an act of war against us, but the truth is that they have declared war on life itself with so abominable an act.

One standard day ago, the actions of heroes, sung and unsung, destroyed the Death Star, the heroism of one young man in particular, Luke Skywalker, landing the telling blow on that station, saving the lives of billions on Corellia and throughout the galaxy. With that act, the Rebel Alliance has had its first great victory, and the war has truly begun. It is good that such a victory be celebrated by all, but we have not won the war.

The Empire will strike back, in force. They will burn our homes, if they have not already done as much. They will kill our people, just as they have slaughtered people before us and after us. They will call us traitors, ignoring that they have betrayed the ideals of the Republic which they claim to be descended from. They will call us terrorists, ignoring the terror which they spread. They will call us murderers, as they kill millions of innocents without a second thought, in the name of 'order'. This is the price we pay, one which is gladly payed by all those who fight under the Rebel banner. Yet, that is not the ultimate price.

Two-Hundred-Sixty-Four men and women payed that price. This must seem small for those who simply watch; we have destroyed the Death Star, surely a great thing. But, for the families and friends of those brave souls, this must seem a day of mourning, a day more fit for infamy than for celebration. In recognition of this, I ask you all: remember." Bowing your head, you step down from the podium, allowing Mira to take it, where she delivers yet more news.

-1 Squadron of Y-Wings
-1 Squadron of X-Wings
-1 Squadron Z-95s
-28 Assault Troopers
-200 Evocii Scouts
I personally think we got a bit too lucky here... having such few losses after attacking a Death star+escort seems a bit too unrelasitic to me.
Those are some pretty light loses all told. I think they lost more ships in the OT assault.

I personally think we got a bit too lucky here... having such few losses after attacking a Death star+escort seems a bit unrelasitic to me.

We got a bunch of great rolls. We eliminated most of the escorts with the SD, our own escorts took care of the rest, we had quite a few Jedi Ace's flying to their one, our ships are better, and we had Battle Meditation going.
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Those are some pretty light loses all told. I think they lost more ships in the OT assault.

I think a squadron in Star Wars is around 12-24 fighter craft so we lost at least 36 pilots.

Edit: Then again, I'm basing this off Imperial figures and they have far more pilots and TIEs to throw around than the rebels.

Edit 2: I re-read the update, we lost exactly 36 pilots.
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