Star Wars: Rebellion

Turn 13 Results
Turn 13

The sounds of battle dominate your environment, the screams of the dead and dying. The Hutt mercenary forces pound at you with artillery, their soldiers rushing to almost certain doom at you. As you watch, one of your men stabs one through the chest with his chainsword and flings him away. Grabbing a blaster, you are soon leading your troops to victory, cutting the foe down. With precision and skill that can be the result of only one thing, you strike at the enemy. You watch them fall before you- before your might- and you smile.

Martial: You feel great. For the first time in ages, you are doing something you can be proud of.

At Your Disposal: There are still plenty of Hutt facilities in the Ojoster Sector. Working with Om to remove them is the easiest way you can think of to get him off your back- but it'll take time, and you'll have to help Imperials.

-By blaster and blade, Denova is cleaned of the Hutt remnants. Led by yourself and Om, the soldiers have broken hutt resistance on the planet.

Extra Training: Strikebreakers are fairly easy to pilot and use- a benefit that you simply could not ignore. However, they are still tanks, and as such, it might benefit you to have some extra training for your men in charge of piloting them. You know a guy or two who can help.

-You set to work on the tankers.

Diplomacy: You've received a few offers from various parties.

Mandalorian Aid: Mandalore has been torn apart by war, and though you have little love lost with the Jedi's second ancestral foe, the fact remains that innocent beings suffer when you- sending some part of your vast credit fortune- could ease their suffering. Something in that equation strikes you as terribly, terribly wrong.

-Work continues.

Merger: The Incom Corporation has made some overtures towards purchasing the rights for your factory and schematics. They have offered some very generous terms for exactly how much bigger than you they are- a good sized cut of the profits, and easy access to their facilities and weapons for your, uh, hobby.
Needed:30 Rolled:60

-It is now complete. Othello Co. Arms and Armor has been merged into Incom Corporation, and you continue to make good amounts of credits- even more than you did before, in point of fact. As a gesture of good faith, they have sent a wing of Z-95s to your facilities. They also promise to keep you in mind for their latest starship when it begins prototype testing about four years from now.
Reward: +1,000 credits, Z-95 Headhunter squad, access to Incom facilities

Stewardship: Work on Ruusan goes well.

A New Base: Given the bastard currently poking around in your affairs, it might be wise to have a new base- a basic one- built somewhere else in the galaxy, for privacy's sake.

-You make very sure to have the same amenities of your current base available on Ruusan.

Better Detection: Your paranoia is currently telling you that you have only a few years before it all goes to hell. You would like to have a bit more advanced sensor network, to ensure you can tell when someone is poking around the area.

-You put up a few rings of sensors, satellites, and sentries over your base. You would like to know when the Empire will be coming.
Reward: +5 To All Imperial Detection Rolls

Learning: You have plenty of things for your science division to work on.

Mortars: Artillery is great. You'd like to have some for yourself, but for obvious reasons you can't exactly rely on being capable of purchasing them. Best to know how to produce your own, yeah?
Needed:30 Rolled: 99+5=104

- "Fire in the hole!" Covering your ears, you watch as a good sized turret emplacement simply...evaporates. You've got a good feeling about this.

Production Model: Right now all you've got is schematics and projections. Getting an actual A-55 built for prototype testing and to ensure you are actually capable of it.
Needed:20 Rolled:40+5=45

-Slow, tough, and lightly armed, the A-55 is certainly not an ace's ship. However, it has a godly amount of cargo and passenger room. It is expensive to make, in all honesty- not ostentatiously so, but pricey- however, you are quite sure it works. You can begin production next year.
Reward: Can produce A-55

Piety: You think you know what the things you found last year are for.

Conclave: You contacted Jedi last year, lots of them. They probably aren't all still alive- thirteen years can't have been good for them- but you imagine that some of them will want to meet.

You need them to meet.
Needed:60 Rolled: 38+25=63

-You nearly burn out the entire grid to get the message through and even afterwards, there are more than a few Jedi who must be persuaded- but persuaded they are. You will have your conclave.
Reward: Jedi Conclave

Taking On Padawans: Entani and Jorek will both need education, if not as much as the term Padawan brings to mind. You could take on one as a Padawan yourself, and have Ahsoka take on the other.

-You are not much one for meditation, being honest. So, you do not meditate. You test and poke and prod and soon have taken Jorek LaForge on as a Padawan, while Ahsoka does much the same with Entani.
Reward: Jorek LaForge taken on as Padawan

Intrigue: You have a few things you still need to do.

Meeting: Allon is a Bandit Gen'dai and contender for King. You would like him on your side- but for various, obvious reasons, you can't exactly just march up and meet with him. This must be both stealthy and fruitful- you'll need time to put it together.
Needed:20 Rolled:79+5=84

-You begin preparation for this meeting, hiding places found and potential sites decided.

Strike From Afar: You have Morningstar snipers, and Evocci who would like to use them. You can have them trained in Marksmanship, and other, less pleasant things. It will take time, though.

-Work begins.

Personal: You feel near a breakthrough.

Please, Listen: Asajj might just be willing to listen, might be willing to turn her back on the dark, given how kind you have been.
Needed:35 Rolled:35+27=66

-You are certainly getting through to her.

Galactic News:

Peace In Our Time?: The Hutts have been invited to send diplomatic representatives to an Imperial Function- the marriage of Moff Walder Frey and "Kindheart" Crudelia LeSaevus.