Star Wars: Rebellion

Extra Training: Strikebreakers are fairly easy to pilot and use- a benefit that you simply could not ignore. However, they are still tanks, and as such, it might benefit you to have some extra training for your men in charge of piloting them. You know a guy or two who can help.
Cost: 4000 Credits, 2 years

Reward: Properly trained tankers
I love tanks :)

Merger: The Incom Corporation has made some overtures towards purchasing the rights for your factory and schematics. They have offered some very generous terms for exactly how much bigger than you they are- a good sized cut of the profits, and easy access to their facilities and weapons for your, uh, hobby.
Cost: 2,000 credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Incom corporation merger
Support from Incom in return for our factory and schematics is Big.

Advanced Offences: Bigger turrets, meaner traps, and other "Aggressive Defenses" to supplement your current base will do good things for your ability to fight your foe. You would quite like to have something at least equal to a high quality Pirate base.
Cost: 4,000 credits

Reward: More Killy Base
We've got much better defenses, time for better offenses.

Mortars: Artillery is great. You'd like to have some for yourself, but for obvious reasons you can't exactly rely on being capable of purchasing them. Best to know how to produce your own, yeah?
Cost: 1,000 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Mortars

Production Model: Right now all you've got is schematics and projections. Getting an actual A-55 built for prototype testing and to ensure you are actually capable of it.
Cost: 1,000 Credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: A-55 Produced
I love the smell of arty in the morning. And time to get rolling on the A-55.

Conclave: You contacted Jedi last year, lots of them. They probably aren't all still alive- thirteen years can't have been good for them- but you imagine that some of them will want to meet.

You need them to meet.
Cost: 1,000 Credits

Chance Of Success:40%

Reward: Conclave of the Jedi Survivors

Taking On Padawans: Entani and Jorek will both need education, if not as much as the term Padawan brings to mind. You could take on one as a Padawan yourself, and have Ahsoka take on the other.
Cost: Free

Reward: Jorek and Entani taken on as Padawans by you/Ahsoka
Get in touch with the surviving Jedi and start Jorek and Entani's training.

Meeting: Allon is a Bandit Gen'dai and contender for King. You would like him on your side- but for various, obvious reasons, you can't exactly just march up and meet with him. This must be both stealthy and fruitful- you'll need time to put it together.
Cost: 1,000 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Meeting with Allon (Not A Miniturn)

Strike From Afar: You have Morningstar snipers, and Evocci who would like to use them. You can have them trained in Marksmanship, and other, less pleasant things. It will take time, though.
Cost: 2,000 Credits, 2 years

Reward: Evocci Scouts armed with Morningstar Snipers
Get in touch with Allon and equip our best shots with our fancy new sniper blaster.
[X] Extra Training


[X] Merger


[X] Advanced Offences


[X] Mortars
[X] Production Model


[X] A Minor Thing, Pt. 2
[X] Conclave


[X] Meeting
[X] Strike From Afar
Well, now we know what Vader fucked up. The Negotiator is definitely out of retirement now ^_^

Martial - Raiding Pirates (600 credits)

Let's get some loot and recruits and keep our troops' edges sharp.

Diplomacy - Tanda And The Fair Harbour-Imperial

A nice bit of diversion; after all, if we were anti-Imperial, we wouldn't be turning in individuals they want to... discuss things with.

Proof looks really appealing... but I'm worried it might turn out poorly.

Stewardship - Better Detection (2000 credits)

A no-brainer. We gotta know what's going on.

Learning - Swording, Mortars (5000 credits)

Let's improve our melee weaponry a bit and see about getting mortars. I'm not all that sanguine about tanks; after all, tanks are easier to spot and the Imperials are almost always going to have bigger things then us.

Piety - Conclave, Taking on Padawans (1000 credits)

I think it's time to see about pulling in the surviving Jedi. We're competent enough to be taken seriously and we've got a nice window while Vader deals with his humiliating defeat and/or focuses more intently on searching for Obi-Wan (as opposed to other Jedi).

There's little point in building the praxeum without students. I'd also wait until we move to Ruusan, as I feel we'll find ourselves needing to relocate within a few years.

Intrigue - Strike from Afar, Break the Stalemate (2300 credits)

Snipers, gotta love 'em for dealing with Imperial officers and key figures. And I think it's time for the war to draw to a close.
I'm not so sure. I mean, how do we know that Incom wouldn't, you know, rat us out?
When the staunchly independent company was nationalized by the Galactic Empire around late 1 BBY, much of its design and engineering staff defected. They made four prototypes of a new breed of starfighter available to the Rebel Alliance, and took a course of action to bring the blueprints and production know-how to Alliance facilities.[2]

Yeah, I think we're good.
If we're going with either Proof or Conclave, we need to save the DD for it. That means that picking both in the same turn is a bad idea. The conclave failing can probably be retried next year, but turning Om'Veda can't be attempted twice.
Vote is called, winners are:

Extra Training


Better Detection

Production Model

Taking On Padawans

Strike From Afar

Vote for double down will be called in one hour.