Star Wars An Officer and a Traitor (NO SV, you are an Imperial Officer and Traitor)

Who's on your list besides Papa Palps, Tarkin, and Vader?

Currently, it is this.
  1. Palpy
  2. Tarkin
  3. Vader
  4. Ysanne Isard
  5. Orson Krennic
I would have made Thrawn #2, but butterflies have changed that list.

I would give an honorable mention to Borborygmus Gog for Project Starscream, but I don't know how canon that is. That bastard is in some cases worse than the Empire and most of the Sith. Which really says something.
1. The research team (never mentioned someone specific) for Imperial bio weapon project I71A otherwise know as the Blackwing virus.
2. The Emperor
3. Ysanne Isard
4. Tarkin
5. Vader

Nothing scares me more than a bio weapon and the first 3 on my list made some of the worst bio weapons the galaxy has seen. The Blackwing virus is basically a zombie plague. Emperor Palpatine made the Emperor's Plague which kills all humans. And Isard released the Krytos virus on Coruscant which only kills aliens. Bio weapons leave behind legacies of terror and often mutate and develop beyond their intended role. Yes Tarkin destroyed a planet and Vader terrorized the galaxy, but both can be seen unlike a virus.
God it's like reading if unit 731 decided to fuck around and find out.

New mission avalible after mandalore.
Not wrong tbh Tarkin has a bigger butterfly effect than Vader as he's actually part of/ root cause of many of the empires moronic decisions. Vader on the other hand is more of a personal executioner to papa palpatine than anything else.
Honestly. Tarkin could have been made a 'decent' peace commander. Except you had palpatine egging him on, stoking the delicious hatred, and Tarkin simply doesn't have any peers that would be able and willing to have a frank discussion.

Really, it's kinda funny and sad how palpatine twisted Tarkin, in spite of being completely oblivious that Tarkin did indeed have no loyalty to palps, only the 'founding principles of it. As ironic as it may sound.
Now I am not going to make Tarkin a rebel…

Rather he's not going to remain a Papa Palps loyalist.
Now I am not going to make Tarkin a rebel…

Rather he's not going to remain a Papa Palps loyalist.
Yeah. The most critical mistake/master stroke of the emperor related to Tarkin. Was assasinating Tarkin's favorite nephew and making it look like the rebels did it. For that guaranteed the only rebellion he'd be doing was a pure military coup by killing the sympathy he had for the rebels. And of course, pushed Tarkin to become the ultimate saboteur for the rebels, pushing bad policies that pass due to accidentally appealing directly to palp's sithyness.
Factional civil wars tend to be a magoose staple.

I just think it's interesting how quickly things went from Ranulph to Wilhuff. Tarkins are wired different.
Now one question. How have our motly band of commanders been handling this change in life, and suddenly actually being able to meet rather often?

We got Ciaphas Hubert, the poor girl that is now in command of our massive and eclectic ground forces. Whom is probably doing her thing of outwardly projecting calm while freaking out inside as usual.

Talia wondering how things have gotten so pear-shaped, but is doing her best to help out as usual even as she is still grappling with the sheer gulf between wider Imperial and Task Force Shield culture.

Bofor meanwhile, has time to pursue his hobbies, even as he is stuck trying to help fellow members of Rebel Inc, and himself learn and prepare for the new sorts of deployments the sudden career change forced upon them.

Poor Guidon is even more out of her depth, leaning even more so than before on her staff, even as she takes with aplomb the political side of dealing with many factions with conflicting interests.

And Captain Brejor just being himself, with his mysterious overly casual way backed with really good reading of people.

And others such as Pellaeon and Thrawn as well.
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Now one question. How have our motly band of commanders been handling this change in life, and suddenly actually being able to meet rather often?
Let me go down the list.

Because as it turns out, you have made them trust one another... and that has done wonders, to not only their sanity.

But their rebel ness. They are not alone anymore. And that makes all the difference in the world to some of them.
We got Ciaphas Hubert, the poor girl that is now in command of our massive and eclectic ground forces. Whom is probably doing hr thing of outwardly projecting calm while freaking out inside as usual.
She can actually relax for the first time in years.
Talia wondering how things have gotten so pear-shaped, but is doing her best to help out as usual even as she is still grappling with the sheer gulf between wider Imperial and Task Force Shield culture.
She is actually running the officers club in her spare time, and it really helps her appriciate the many things that has happened.
Bofor meanwhile, has time to pursue his hobbies, even as he is stuck trying to help fellow members of Rebel Inc, and himself learn and prepare for the new sorts of deployments the sudden career change forced upon them.
He's just happy to be recognized by Constatntine.
Poor Guidon is even more out of her depth, leaning even more so than before on his staff, even as she takes with aplomb the political side of dealing with many factions with conflicting interests.
Actaully, its remarkable just how alike they all are once the surface differences are brushed away.
And Captain Brejor just being himself, with his mysterious overly casual way backed with really good reading of people.
His Ventors will soon become very important.
Speaking of.... Tarkin I hate your fleet procurement planning, its shit. we ghot THIRTY FUCKING FIVE ISD I's, and only 3 Venators... where are the Support and Escorts? ISD's may be a good Terror/Battleship one on one vs other Caps, but anything smaller than a Raider can just massacre this fucking fleet, the Venators also lost a large amount of the real use because they are the Venator I/II's of the Imperial style meaning the hanger is probably the smaller one, and the top door doesn't open period anymore.
Speaking of.... Tarkin I hate your fleet procurement planning, its shit. we ghot THIRTY FUCKING FIVE ISD I's, and only 3 Venators... where are the Support and Escorts? ISD's may be a good Terror/Battleship one on one vs other Caps, but anything smaller than a Raider can just massacre this fucking fleet, the Venators also lost a large amount of the real use because they are the Venator I/II's of the Imperial style meaning the hanger is probably the smaller one, and the top door doesn't open period anymore.
Honestly, odds are, the only reason we got the venators is that the crew would've mutinied if separated from Tylor.
Turn 4 Results
Turn 4 Results:

-[X]The Clans of Mandalore: There are many clans within Mandalore, and the System at large, clans that are all unique in politics, and their own situations. You need to meet them before you can do anything else. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet with the Clans. Rolled:D100 => 12+160+49=221
-[X]Political Situation in Mandalorian Space: Gar Saxon is not the only Powerful Mandalorian in the System, or even in Mandalorian Space. You need to meet them as well. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet with Fen Rau and the Mandalorian Protectors. Rolled:D100 => 28+160+49=237
-[X]Legends and Symbols: You need to know just how to win the Mandalorians to your side. Cost 0 Credits: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: you start looking at what makes a Mandalore, a Mandalore. Rolled: D100 => 100+160+6=266

You looked out at the Clans and only narrowed your eyes, furrowed your brow, and say. "Your people have learned nothing in the last three thousand years then."

That got their attention. And made them ready their weapons.


(Continued in: The Gathering of the Clans.)

-[X]The Fleet in Being: The Constantisnst trust you. Time to start asking for their trust, instead of having them put their faith in it. Maybe you can teach them just how wrong this entire government is. Cost 0 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet with the Navy Constantisnst's and try to bring them to the level you are at. To be prepared to Rebel. Rolled:D100 => 6+160+49=215

You looked at the members of Rebel inc, as well as Paellon and Thrawn, as they sat, doing as much of the administration work as they could before you could get your eyes handed on them, and do it yourself. It was almost incredible the atmosphere of the room changed once you arrived.

All stood up before you stopped Thrawn from announcing your presence. "I take it you are trying to find a way to make me sleep tonight?" You chuckled as you walked over and sat down, looking at numerous reports. "Trying to prevent me from working?"

"You haven't slept properly since Corellia sir." Wulfenbach stated as he sat down, and everyone was at ease. "We just wanted to-"

"Assist me, yes, I know." You sighed as you looked at them. "Yet, I see that everyone is working well together. Honestly, I expected some usual office politics, and probably some assassinations at this point, considering how many in this position were governors or high-ranking officials."

You then smiled. "Or am I mistaken?"

All traded glances. Then Thrawn spoke. "You certainly construct an air of trust and cooperation, and confidence within the staff, and that of the general officers' corps, despite your political and even doctrinal beliefs."

That made you nod. "I believe that any project is… without trust, doomed to fail. Especially within a unit like ours." You took a drink, before sighing. "Perhaps that is why much of the imperial navy is cutthroat and disgraced. They have no trust, no idea who to trust."

"I want you to know one thing, and it will be abundantly clear. I trust you, and I hope that I have earned your trust as well." You than stood. "Carry on."

And as you walked away, the air dissipated, into a far more relaxed atmosphere. Good.

Reward: You have put your trust in them. And with that… they believe they can place their trust in you.

Increase in Rebelness within your officers. This will carry over to their ships and units.

But they will not leave the Empire just yet.

-[X]Supply Ships and Other Signs of Hell: Logistics are hell right now, and you need to change that. Cost 500 Chance of success: 50% Reward: You find more supply ships to keep your fleet going. Rolled: D100 => 3+160+43+20=226

You got 50 ships.

"50?" You asked Thrawn, who was in charge of getting them. "What the hells are we supposed to do with 50 supply ships that aren't even fully crewed?"

"Well, that is something we have been able to reallocate crews and resources." He started as he handed over the logistical plans that were there.

It was…

Brilliant. "And we can do it with the tools available?"

"Yes." He had a glint in his eyes. Excitement and a challenge in equal measure.

Reward: You can now turn your ISD's into something you can use for your campaigns.

You have gained 50 random Imperial Support ships.

Your fleet now will no longer be suffering roll maluses if you are in battle.

-[X]Other Forms of Logistics: You cannot rely on the Imperial Factions for your... supply issues, fighters, and ships. Time to start looking for others Cost 1000 Chance of success: 50% Reward: You find another source of supply, of weapons and ships. Rolled: D100 => 16+160+43+20=239

You looked at the INCOM representatives. "I take it you are ready?"

The CEO only smiles at you. "Yes. We will have five squadrons ready, along with the weapons that you may need."

Good, good. "And our friend in the arms industry?" You asked.

"Bail has been… very surprised that the Imperial Navy has wanted so many Alderaanian weapons."

"He needs the cash." You stated. "And tell him that his loyal service will not be unnoticed."

Reward: You will now be phasing out Tie Fighters for X-wings, and replacing the E11's.

Ground troops will be beginning to have significantly increased combat effectiveness.

Your supply situation isn't nearly as untenable. But still dire.

-[X]How to Make Things, Disappear: You need to start planning for money and supplies to disappear here. Cost 200 Chance of success: 90% Reward: So, you play a little game. Involving imperial tax law. So predictable. Rolled: D100 => 2+160+20=182

To think that it is so much you could just… lose.

Oh, you were going to love this.

Reward: -100 Credits every turn.

However, for every turn you invest, you will gain x5 the amount taken, as it joins the Rebellions slush funds.

And also helps the alliance.

The Alliance will be producing and buying far more… now that you have begun investing.

-[X]Operational Security: Now is not the time for Gideon, or Saxon to fuck around with you. Time to make things impossible for them to work with. Cost 0 Chance of success: 90% Reward: You hide your operations for him. And make sure that whatever information he gets is… little to nothing at all. Rolled:D100 => 10+160+20=190

You looked at Paellon and smiled. "Does he know?"

"Know what?" He asked, a laugh from his mustache face released.

"Oh, the joys of paperwork."

Reward: You have drowned Gideon and Saxon are now drowned in Paper work and will be unable to properly roll against you.

(Imperial Detection Roll decreased by -40)

Disaster Roll:D100 => 14

It seems that…

No nothing really happened. Grumblings perhaps, but on Mandalore, you knew precisely what was happening and your enemies did not.

Feels fine and well.
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Tarkin: "Smaller ships? A threat? I have no time for such nonsense."

*cue Tarkin's flagship being blown up by an X-Wing*
Honestly, Tarkin knows full well the risk. The suprise would be more us being resourceful enough to not destroy ourselves trying to wield the ISDs against the enemies of the Empire.
-[X]The Clans of Mandalore: There are many clans within Mandalore, and the System at large, clans that are all unique in politics, and their own situations. You need to meet them before you can do anything else. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet with the Clans. Rolled:D100 => 12+160+49=221
-[X]Political Situation in Mandalorian Space: Gar Saxon is not the only Powerful Mandalorian in the System, or even in Mandalorian Space. You need to meet them as well. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet with Fen Rau and the Mandalorian Protectors. Rolled:D100 => 28+160+49=237
-[X]Legends and Symbols: You need to know just how to win the Mandalorians to your side. Cost 0 Credits: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: you start looking at what makes a Mandalore, a Mandalore. Rolled: D100 => 100+160+6=266

You looked out at the Clans and only narrowed your eyes, furrowed your brow, and say. "Your people have learned nothing in the last three thousand years then."

That got their attention. And made them ready their weapons.


(Continued in: The Gathering of the Clans.)
Ah yes. It always comes down to violence with the clans.
And the 100, of all things, was on culture research.

So, how crazy is this interlude gonna be?
Oh sweet baby Jesus, this turn was nearly a disaster. If we didn't have those omaki boni we would probably be boned for the rest of our last few turns. Like dear god we got a nat 2 the embezzlement and quite a few sub 20's
So basically we "United" Mandalore again. for good or ill, Saxon is about to see his throne on Mandalore broken, we've acquired decent supply both "legally" and "Legally" and we stopped Gideon from finding out what we're doing too soon, Saxon may still find out, but he is busier than hell.
You looked out at the Clans and only narrowed your eyes, furrowed your brow, and say. "Your people have learned nothing in the last three thousand years then."

That got their attention. And made them ready their weapons.

Sadly as much as I love the Mandos they do need repeated strikes outside the head to stay viable as a faction, the problem is mainly finding someone reliable to do said striking.
So basically we "United" Mandalore again. for good or ill, Saxon is about to see his throne on Mandalore broken, we've acquired decent supply both "legally" and "Legally" and we stopped Gideon from finding out what we're doing too soon, Saxon may still find out, but he is busier than hell.
And once again, finding himself wayyyyy outgunned.

Which is NOT GOOD when you are talking about Mandalorian leadership disputes. Even if Gideon starts a no holds barred slug-fest, he'd need to gather like 6 sector fleets to even have a chance at matching our ISD numbers.
and even doctrentirial beliefs."


"50." You asked Thrawn
That period should be a question mark.

the Imperial Navy has wanted so many Aalderani weapons."

Reward: You will not be phasing out Tie Fighters for Xwings, and replacing the E11's.
So we're keeping the TIEs and E-11s?

Reward: You will not be phasing out Tie Fighters for Xwings, and replacing the E11's.
And once again, finding himself wayyyyy outgunned.

Which is NOT GOOD when you are talking about Mandalorian leadership disputes. Even if Gideon starts a no holds barred slug-fest, he'd need to gather like 6 sector fleets to even have a chance at matching our ISD numbers.
6 Sector fleets might be a bit far, if Mandalorians brought their Beskar wielding asses back to Mandalore itself? I'd agree, but even 35 ISD's can barely handle a full Sector Fleet numbering in the 100+ hull range
-[X]Supply Ships and Other Signs of Hell: Logistics are hell right now, and you need to change that. Cost 500 Chance of success: 50% Reward: You find more supply ships to keep your fleet going. Rolled: D100 => 3+160+43=206
-[X]Other Forms of Logistics: You cannot rely on the Imperial Factions for your... supply issues, fighters, and ships. Time to start looking for others Cost 1000 Chance of success: 50% Reward: You find another source of supply, of weapons and ships. Rolled: D100 => 16+160+43=219
Administrator: This person has a knack for accounting and organizing people. Numbers, time management.. (+5 to Stewardship, +2 to Diplomacy, +20 to Stewardship Actions.)
@Magoose, you forgot to apply something.