Mandalore 2 (Turn 5):
[X] Captian Gilad Paelleon Rolled:
D100 => 80
It was quiet on the Grave of Sorrows when you looked at the Mustached officer. There was so much going on in the man's head, you could almost read it, as you looked too much at the man's disappointment as he was speaking to the woman over the comms.
In many ways, you had expected much more, but he quickly noticed and he said. "I'm sorry. Give the children my love."
There was a silent nod before the hologram disappeared, and Gilad stood at attention. "My apologies sir. I had not known that you were going to be returning so quickly."
You shook your head and allowed yourself to laugh. "Under most circumstances, I would have to discipline you for that. Using secure military communications for private communication with a civilian would indicate you for a disciplinary hearing."
You then smiled. "One I am electing to ignore because everyone does it."
"Thank you." He responded as you stood next to him. "Captian, A question."
The officer stood at attention and you felt the rigidness of his posture from just seeing him look at you with fear. "What is it that Drives you? Why do you still fight for the Empire, when your oath was to the Republic?"
Gilad was quiet. "Is this an order?" He asked.
"No." You replied. "A Personal question, nothing more."
There was a moment where you could see just how his mind turned. "Perhaps I just wanted to continue with the work. I've been a navy man my entire life, always fighting the good fight, even when that fight sees me doing things I would never order."
He paused. "Maybe it is just because after everything that has happened… I just need to keep on holding onto the things that matter."
"Matter?" You pressed.
"I just want to see all the sacrifices that I have made in my life worth the pain and terror. That I have, and that I have inflicted." He replied.
You found yourself being quiet. But instead, you spoke. "Let me tell you a story Gilad. About a man whom I respected greatly once. He was a young subordinate of mine, named Trajan. Young one too, only 15 when he joined the navy, somehow getting through selection. He always talked about the corruption and politicians and the worsening degrading of the Constitution."
That earned a chuckle. "And you still have black hair?" He asked, joining you.
"Somehow, I think my wife helped with that matter." You paused. "I remembered asking him a simple question as to why he joined. Quite brilliant his answer was."
"I asked him, if the Republic is so corrupt, why fight for it?"
Your face became serious. "Because despite all of the evil it has, I've seen good people in it, trying to make it better. And if they can get help, that's what they will get. And that when Tyranny happens, there must always be the brave ones who fight against it, even if it means those oaths are broken."
You turned towards Gilad. "He died during the Second Battle of Geonosis. What he said always stuck with me, even now."
And you left him alone.
Reward: Gilad is willing to Rebel.
Other officers will shift towards rebellion.
[X] General Ciaphas Hurbett:
D100 => 82
The General was stressing out as she did not even notice you in the room. "You've really done it now Hurbett, telling the emperor that the whole operation was easy as blue milk. The bed of lies you have made will all come crashing down, and you will die, along with everyone else. The Emperor thinks you are the biggest problem solver in the Galaxy. Yet all you do is survive by luck alone!"
She then saw you and nearly squeaked. But she was silent. Petrified at you hearing her rambling.
"Fear, Terror. Weapons of control, but not loyalty." You mused as you smiled. "I do not need that here. It matters little how a job was done, as long as it is done properly. The emperor may have ordered a massacre or reprisals… But you did not carry them out."
"You still have your soul." You were reassuring her, and all you could do was give a smile. "You do not need to fear me, for I am not the Emperor. And I do not want wanton and needless violence."
The General merely saluted. "Thank you sir."
Reward: Your kindness, compassion, and understanding that not everything needs to be… a bloody mess has turned the General to your cause, as you remind her, in your warmth, that being in the Army was meant to help people in danger.
Not to destroy them, acting as nothing more than an instrument of terror.
[X] Captian Thrawn:
D100 => 96
"This empire… is doomed." There was almost a sad realization in his tone as he sat across from you in the empty conference room. It was strange seeing the Chiss seem so… deflated. Yet it also prompted your question.
"How so?"
"An unwieldy instrument that is now… wielded by a man who should be a brilliant politician who understands the needs of his people. One does not destroy a republic with such applause because he has a desire for nothing but destruction. Yet his appetites are so incredibly… clouded by his own success."
He pauses and looks at you. "He rapes words for their resources when the Republic would have safely ignored them because it would not be profitable. Yet he does so gleefully, destroying the lives of billions of sentients… spends trillions of credits on projects that glut and otherwise bloat an already overpaid and corrupt military apparatus. This force that he builds is not fit to secure an empire or to fight an insurgency, it is merely an instrument of terror that has no practical use."
"This empire is not the Republic where it can change, slow as it may be. It is inflexible. Rigid, and will self-destruct."
That caught you off guard. "And yet you still wish to fight for it?"
Thrawn was… conflicted. "Logically… Yes."
Reward: Thrawn begins to see that, in the end, the Republic dying has only led to a leviathan of evil taking its place.
One that is not so keen on securing itself and its future.
Current Credit: 51250 Credits
500 Credits (Imperial Funding)
1000 Fleet Maintenance
750 (Troop Payments)
Total Expenditures: 1750
You have 8 Actions
[]Finding A Mandalore: You need to see just who might be a Mandalore. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 85% Reward: You see who can be the next Mandalore.
[]And there is Hope in the Future: Sabine Wren, young Cadet. Brilliant mind. A terrified little girl. She's homesick, terrified, and as you learned, possibly a political hostage. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 85% Reward: you meet Sabine.
[]The Sad Sins of the Imperial Senate: You need to know just how many allies you have in the Senate now… Maybe you will have enough to do wonders. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 65% Reward: Time to find out who your friends really are.
[]Getting Organized: You are in dire need to organize the Fleet into a matter you can control… especially with all the new support ships. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: you organize the fleet again, to make it run better.
[]The ISD's Flaws: You need to know just how badly you are in the red by the ISD's situation, and supply consumption. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 100% Reward: You learn how to make the ship better with limited supplies, and limited engineers.
[]A Terror or Terrorist: You want Answers from Gar Saxon… what is it he finds so disturbing that he is acting as a brutalist to his own people. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 100% Reward: YOu find out what Gar is hiding from you. What he is afraid of?
[]Request Additional Ships: You need more Ships Cost 100 Chance of Success: Various Reward: You get more ships under your command.
[]Request Additional Ground Units: You need More Men. Cost 100 Chance of Success: Various. Reward: You get more men under your command,
[]The Navy Remembers: You still have friends in the Navy. Time to call in some old favors, and see if they can't help you one more time? Cost: 300 Chance of Success: 50% Reward: You call in old friends, and learn just how many friends you have left.
[]The Projects of the Empire: You need to find out just what resources are being funded to the many projects across the Empire. Thankfully, the Oversight committee is willing to help Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: You find out about numerous projects across the Empire.
[]Request more Funds (Imperial): You are going to make a lot of people angry about this, but now was not the time. You needed money. Cost 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You get more money. From The Empire.
[]And the Alliance is Formed: Bail Organa is being hunted. Time to make sure he survives… and find out what has just happened. Cost 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: Rebel Inc, meet the Rebel Alliance.
[]How to Make Things, Disappear: You need to start planning for money and supplies to disappear here. Cost 200 Chance of success: 90% Reward: So, you play a little game. Involving imperial tax law. So predictable.
[]The New Breed: You want to see the next generation of Imperial officers. You want to see just how good they are. Cost 200 Chance of success: 90% Reward: You meet the young ones and see just how they are taking this.
Learning Actions:
[]Those That Reach for Eternity: You need to look into your fighter Corps and Garrison. Perhaps that will make you wonder why the TIE Program is suffering from the doctrine that is now sweeping the Imperial Navy. Cost 0 Credits: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You see your pilots.
[]Finding the Symbol(The Helmet of Mandalore): You are going to find the Helmet of the Mandalore. Cost 0 Credits: Chance of Success: ???% Reward: You find the Helmet
[]Finding the Symbol (The Darksaber): Time to find out where this Darksaber is? Cost 0 Credits: Chance of Success: ???% Reward: You retrieve the Darksaber.
Rebel Actions: Due to Having an Agent (Han Solo) as your man on the Ground, your chance of success will increase. (If you take any of these Actions, you will have an imperial detection roll. If you are detected, they will roll to find your agent, or worse, find a connection. Failing three times will lead to… bad things happening to you.)
[]Fulcrum: You have been contacted by Rebel Spynetwork, Fulcrum. Seems they trust you now. Cost: 500 Chance of success: 80%/??? Reward: You meet Fulcrum
[]The Rebel Palpatine: Luthen Rael, a name you have only heard once. But they are all whispered. And some say he is a part of some rebel cell that has influence all over the Galaxy. Cost 300 Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: You meet the man who many call The great master of the Rebellion.
[]The Walking Carpet: So... Wookies? He decided to waste valuable... Resources and money, on rescuing Wookies? Can't really fault him for it... Who is that? Cost: 300 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet Solo's new Crew member.
[]Finding Rebels (The Core): You need to learn about the Rebels here. And to organize them. Cost: 500 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You meet the Rebels, and learn of their forces.
[]Finding Rebels (Mid Rim): You need to learn about the Rebels here. And to organize them. Cost: 500 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You meet the Rebels, and learn of their forces.
[]Finding Rebels (Outer Rim): You need to learn about the Rebels here. And to organize them. Cost: 500 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You meet the Rebels, and learn of their forces.
AN: Oh boy, things are going to get good!
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