Star Wars An Officer and a Traitor (NO SV, you are an Imperial Officer and Traitor)

Is that all rolls or a total bank to nudge things up or...putting together the numbers feels very different if everything is at +150 vs a total of +150 in our back pocket.
+150 to all rolls at the moment.
Of course, in the context, I suspect that while we made things rougher early on. Once the ISB and Palps feel the need to go the canon path, things would probably go south faster in part due to the very knowledge that helped make the rebel's lives harder. Though Tarkin would be a bit of a wild card considering it was his own preconceptions and lack of knowledge that led to hip hopping onto the escalation train...
We're really going to have some fun times ahead,
We're really going to have some fun times ahead,
While it is extremely unlikely Tarkin would join us in restoring the republic thanks to palp's 'insurance'...

Why do I get the feeling we may have set the seeds for an epic melee a trois, between Tarkin and his Tarkinists, as loyal to the ideas of the empire. Palps and his cult of Personality. And then Constantine and his group of reformists and republic holdouts?
While it is extremely unlikely Tarkin would join us in restoring the republic thanks to palp's 'insurance'...

Why do I get the feeling we may have set the seeds for an epic melee a trois, between Tarkin and his Tarkinists, as loyal to the ideas of the empire. Palps and his cult of Personality. And then Constantine and his group of reformists and republic holdouts?
I mean, yes. While Palp didnt get his prefered doctrine, having there be cliques forming over doctrine causing internal infighting is something a Sith would find absolutely humorous and perfect. Its just so...sithlike.

There might be a wild card in play we haven't seen in action yet.. Darth Vader himself

We kicked up enough of a political shitstorm for Palps it would actually be reasonable to have Vader show as an intimidation tactic..but on the other hand Vader may have its own ambitions.

It's ingrained in Rule of Two of the Sith the apprentice may eventually overthrow the master, and Vader basically straight up says it in the films (offering Luke to rule galaxy as father and son)

Maybe he will be causing his own personal "fiefdom" among the Imperial forces due to all the chaos in pursuit of own ambition?

Best case scenario is still a deal with the devil, but would be an interesting development
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There might be a wild card in play we haven't seen in action yet.. Darth Vader himself

We kicked up enough of a political shitstorm for Palps it would actually be reasonable to have Vader show as an intimidation tactic..but on the other hand Vader may have its own ambitions.

It's ingrained in Rule of Two of the Sith the apprentice may eventually overthrow the master, and Vader basically straight up says it in the films (offering Luke to rule galaxy as father and son)

Maybe he will be causing his own personal "fiefdom" among the Imperial forces due to all the chaos in pursuit of own ambitioon?

Best case scenario is still a deal with the devil, but would be an interesting development
...Philosophically, he kinda aligns closer to tarkinesque currently. Though at the end of the day, him actually going against palps short of lightsaber in the back Sith Promotion style would likely require exceptional circumstances, thanks to his background and Palp's machinations.(He was a slave boy all the way before he even became a jedi. And it's mark never truly left. Something palps probably benefited from.)
So if dice aren't really the limiting factor here, then it's going to have to be funding.

Which means we have six actions and 6000 credits between current coffers and inbound income and we need to leverage the ever-loving-crap out of them while are dice are still this good.

In that case, priorities shift a bit; maximizing our leverage and minimizing consequences is the play.
One more question before I put together a 'plan'. Are Han Solo-based Rebel Actions counted against our 6 actions for the turn or is that a separate category?
They have not met, but the Big V scares the shit out of him.

Mostly because he belives that Vader is a mass-murdering Psychopath, especially since he does not belive the official story of what happened at the temple.
He isn't wrong about the murder part.

But he is indeed far from mentally stable, even if in a completely different direction than Constantine expects.
With nobody else having a plan and the post having no moratorium, let's get the ball rolling.

[X] Plan Momentum
-[X](Rebel Action) Keep Corsec Separate
-[X] Request for leniency
-[X] The Corellian Shipyards
-[X] The Oversight Committee, and Other Nuisances
-[X] Why are there no guardrails?
-[X] Workers Reform, and other signs of Caring
-[X] And The Clones that Remain

Corsec: CorSec is not only iconic, the mechanics absurdly favor this side.
Leniency: We won't have a better chance at this one. "More power over your actions" sounds like access to more or better actions, and pushing back Trust Actions postpones the eventual mandatory "shoot yourself in the foot to display loyalty to the Empire so you don't get Vader'd" one.
Shipyards: Ships take time to build. We demonstrate our Constantine-ist Doctrine of "think for yourself, build it yourself, use local resources and work with the governed instead of thoughtlessly oppressing them for the evulz" and we get access to CEC ships. Yes, yes please, can I get two.
Oversight Committee: Instead of just getting information on them, get leverage and power and information all at once.
Guardrails: I'll admit this is my pet project, but it's also a good thing, and if we can start getting two sets of schematics and builds, one with safeguards for us and one entirely without it for the rest of the Empire? That will kill more Imperials than any number of rebel cells.
Workers Reform: Get the populace on our side and we'll be more able to tolerate the eventual mandatory Imperial foot-shooting. Opens up lots of useful options.
Clones: Somewhat time-sensitive. Even if we use them for trainers etc, there's a lot of institutional knowledge they carry and can pass along.

4250 treasury
+3000 income
-1050 expenses
6200 available funds at start of actions
-2000 leniency
-500 shipyards
-1000 oversight
-100 guardrails
-100 workers
-300 clones
-4000 action expenditures
= 2200 Estimated treasury for next turn
TL;DR: started at 4250; net gain roughly 2000, turn spending roughly 4000, net turn cost roughly 2000 credits, leaving our estimated treasury as of next turn at 2200.
...Honestly, The office supplies may be worth getting now. Partly having only 40% chance of success, and the fact having at least bribes for the various groups that will be the ones actually keeping things running may be very worth it long term.
[x] Plan Momentum
- [x] (Rebel Action) Keep Corsec Separate
- [x] Request for leniency
- [x] The Corellian Shipyards
- [x] The Oversight Committee, and Other Nuisances
- [x] Why are there no guardrails?
- [x] Workers Reform, and other signs of Caring
- [x] And The Clones that Remain
...Honestly, The office supplies may be worth getting now. Partly having only 40% chance of success, and the fact having at least bribes for the various groups that will be the ones actually keeping things running may be very worth it long term.
Trouble I see with that is that we need a more solid and loyal cadre around us before we can be sure that "stealing" won't end up coming out of our turn income.
Pelleon was trying his best to noto gag at that.
"not to"

[X]Plan Thank The Force For Omakes!
-[X](Rebel Action) Keep Corsec Separate: You cannot in good conscience, and not only in good sense, federalize and place the Corsec units under Imperial command. Not only would it cause a great inconvenience to your command, but it would create chaos in Corellia. Something you cannot afford yet. (+1 to Rebel Identity. Corsec is not part of the Imperial Forces. Imperial Detection Rolls will be increased by +10 for next turn. Rebel Actions will increase by +10. The Future Rebel Alliance will trust you greatly in the future. Corellia will Love you for this.)
-[X]Meeting the Senators: You seem to have Friends in the Senate it seems, those that wish to hold many of the more… Lines that won't be crossed. Cost 100 Credits Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet with Members of the Senate that are more, conservative. To draw heat away from you.
-[X]Request for leniency: There is a time and place for brutality…but here is not one of them, you and your men are going to clean this shit up your way. And if they do not like your request, you will make them see the benefits of your way of thinking. Cost 2000 Credits: Chance of Success: 20% Reward: You gain more power over your actions, and Trust Actions are suspended for two turns.
-[X]The Corellian Shipyards: You think that the Corellian Shipyards can be invested in, and can see the Empire coffers. And of course, much more than that. Cost 500 Chance of success: 75% Reward: You and the Corellian Shipyards start to make ships for the Empire… and your friends.
-[X]Laundering and other Signs of Morality: It is time to start siphoning small amounts of money to begin preparing. Secret accounts. Secret messages, stashes. You need them all if you are going to do what you plan to do. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You begin a money laundering operation to begin funding rebel activities in the System.
-[X]And The Clones that Remain: There are still many units of clone troopers that remain after their demobilization when the GAR was reorganized into the Imperial Army. But there are some that might see what you have to offer. Some still have nightmares about what they have done against their will. Cost 300 Credits: Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: You learn of Clone Units that are being demobilized. And can possibly save them.
-[X]The Walking Carpet: So... Wookies? He decided to waste valuable... Resources and money, on rescuing Wookies? Can't really fault him for it... Who is that? Cost: 300 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet Solo's new Crew member.


CorSec: Yeah, no. We are not compromising Corellia's independent law-enforcement.

Senators: Mostly going for this because I'm not sure our Omake bonuses reduce the Imperial Detection Roll. If they do, I'll probably swap this out.

Leniency: This is the big one. Avoiding Trust Actions gives us significantly more room to maneuver when it comes to what we can get away with.

Shipyards: What Baron said.

Laundering: Time to start building up funds for when we officially go full Rebel.

Clones: Thankfully, this is still here, but it probably won't stay for much longer. Let's see what we can do.

Chewbacca: Does this even need an explanation?

Total Cost of Plan: 3300

Treasury Next Turn: 2900
Plan Thank The Force For Omakes!
I'm not sure how much longer we're gonna have the biggest baddest omake bonus in the galaxy, so I'm putting off good choices we can do any time for paradigm-shifting options we have now. Our Learning of Haha No will all but remove that category from us once we're no longer riding an omake high and there's some juicy options in there. Laundering and Senators we can do any time. The only thing the detection roll touches is Rebel Actions and because of their relative opacity (Han exists but we don't know what he does or can do so I'm cashing in on things where we mostly know what they do while we've got this position of leverage.)